Billionaire's Playmate

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Billionaire's Playmate Page 14

by Chance Carter

  “So do you think we should tell Marnie straight away?” I ask Ella, as we sit in the back of my limousine on the way to pick her up from her friend’s place.

  “Tell her what?” she replies, with that helpless smile. The one where she’s thinking of something but doesn’t want to say it, causing her cheeks to flush and her eyes to twinkle. It’s adorable.

  “About us, silly,” I say with a silly grin of my own. “I know we didn’t talk about it, but—I don’t know, I suppose I sort of assumed that we, that we might be—uh, oh gosh, I can’t say it.”

  “Of course we are, silly. I wasn’t just using you or anything.” She takes my hands and kisses my cheek, “I’m yours. I promise. I want to be with you.” I smile back at her as the limo pulls up to the home of Marnie’s friend.

  It’s as if fireworks are going off in my head, I am so genuinely happy. As I see Marnie coming out of the house and saying goodbye to her friend, I think to myself that I should treat my girls to something nice. Perhaps a proper day out in the city.

  Ella steps out to meet Marnie, then they both get in and Marnie comes over to hug me.

  “So girls, what would you like to do today? Any plans?”

  Ella giggles a little, and I think she can tell that I’m planning something.

  “No, daddy. Nothing today,” Marnie says.

  “Well then, how would you two like to accompany me on a trip into the city?”

  “Really? I haven’t been there since we moved!” Marnie says, excitedly bouncing on her seat.

  “Exciting right?” I say, “Where do you ladies want to go?”

  * * *

  I haven’t been in this situation for a very long time, and I’m especially grateful for the man chairs.

  As I sit in a reasonably comfy chair in a rather expensive shopping center, I take in the other guys around me. We are all sharing in the experience of waiting for our various female companions to finish trying on the mountains of clothes they have chosen.

  It’d be nice if they could come out and show me, but Marnie said she’d take pictures.

  Ella and Marnie really have bonded over the last month. I mean, they were fast friends to start with, but they’re even closer now. So much so that Marnie is even starting to act more like Ella around the house, always eager to help out. Ella is such a good role model for Marnie. Nothing like her awful mother. I can’t believe I didn’t notice it before, but she was so manipulative and toxic. I don’t want her anywhere near my daughter.

  Just at that moment, Ella exits the changing rooms with Marnie. They are both looking very proud of themselves with a huge basket of items they want to buy.

  “So, everything you picked up you liked, huh?” I ask.

  “Not even slightly,” Ella laughs.

  “We tried on a lot, and we only like about half of it,” Marnie says, “We even got one thing to match!”

  “Well, isn’t that adorable. I bet you girls will look great,” I say. “You can show me pictures later, when we get something to eat.” My stomach is growling and I realize that I haven’t had anything to eat all day.

  Ella giggles and takes Marnie’s hand, “Come on, let’s go and pay for this so we can get lunch.”

  I don’t mind paying for their shopping trip. It’s my treat to them, to show them how special they are to me. And besides, the amount of time it took them to try things on allowed me to sneak off and get a little present for Ella. I’ll show it to her later. I hope it’s not too early to buy her lingerie. I noticed her eyeing it as we walked past, and I couldn’t help imagining her curves filling it. It is a dark blue lacy nighty. I couldn’t help myself. It will look amazing with her eyes.

  When we get to the restaurant, Marnie runs off to the bathroom, allowing Ella and I time to talk while we wait outside for her.

  “This would be a good time to tell Marnie about us,” Ella says.

  “I couldn’t agree more,” I reply.

  “She had a few questions in the changing rooms earlier, so she may have even picked something up,” she says, hiding behind her hair.

  Marnie comes running out of the washroom and we go get a table.

  “Hey there, kiddo,” Ella says, grinning, once we’ve been seated.

  “So, Marnie. Ella and I have something to discuss with you.”

  “Yes? What is it?” Marnie is bouncing up and down on her seat, suddenly very excited to hear what we have to say.

  “Well, your dad and I have decided to start seeing each other,” Ella says.

  “YES!” Marnie cheers, jumping up to hug Ella. “Now you can stay forever! Are you guys in love? Are you going to get married?”

  “Whoa, sweetie, calm down, we’re just a little more serious than before, don’t get too carried away.” Ella raises her eyebrow at her and Marnie nods excitedly in response.

  The waitress comes over to our table, breaking my concentration.

  “Good afternoon, sir. What can I get you?” she asks.

  “I think I’ll have your soup of the day,” I say, handing her my menu.

  “Excellent choice, sir,” she says turning to Ella, “And for your wife?”

  Ella chokes on her drink a little, “I’m sorry?”

  “Oh, gosh I’m so sorry! I mean, uh—what can I get you?” the waitress looks terrified as she takes Ella and Marnie’s orders. Ella looks thoroughly embarrassed, very red in the cheeks and I can barely see her face behind her hair.

  The waitress leaves after apologizing profusely, and Ella looks like she wishes it hadn’t been such a big issue.

  “I’m going to go to the ladies’ room,” Ella says, getting up and leaving the table.

  “Marnie, I should ask you to follow her to make sure she comes back,” I say, chuckling to myself.

  Marnie goes to get up from her seat.

  “No, wait, I didn’t mean for real.” I stop her, saying, “Just wait here, she’ll be okay.”

  Marnie sighs and rolls her eyes at me, “I just wanted to make sure she wasn’t upset.”

  “Well, if she doesn’t come back in the next five minutes you can go. Okay?”

  “Okay,” Marnie narrows her eyes at me, “You better not ruin this.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “I like Ella. And I want someone to look after you. I would, but it’s getting tiring. I need a break.”

  I stare at my daughter, wide eyed and blank faced, “Where did this come from?”

  “Don’t scare her away, okay Daddy? I want you to be happy!”

  “Yes, Marnie. I won’t scare her away, I know how much you like her.” I roll my eyes, wondering when my daughter became so aware of everything that was happening around her.

  Ella comes back from the bathroom and takes her seat.

  “What did I miss? You look a little shaken. Did someone think I was your daughter?” she laughs awkwardly.

  “No, God no,” I laugh awkwardly.

  “You would be such a cool big sister!” Marnie says excitedly, hugging Ella again. She looks over at me and shrugs, laughing sweetly, “Uh, but you’re Daddy’s girlfriend now, so that’s cool enough!” Marnie giggles as she goes back to her seat, then flashes me a stern look before smiling again, hoping Ella didn’t notice.

  Maybe she knows I’m likely to tell Ella how I feel before she’s ready to hear it.

  “Joe, are you okay?” Ella asks, and she and Marnie are laughing at my staring off into space.

  “Uh, dessert right?” I stutter, trying to cover my inattention.

  “Well, we’ve got to get lunch first, but I’m sure they’ll have a chocolate cake or something.” Ella laughs.

  I’m being a little crazy. But Marnie’s lecture did make me feel a little more certain about timing. I need to wait until I’m sure, then wait a little longer, until I find the perfect moment. I want it to be special for Ella when I tell her how I feel.

  * * *

  “I had so much fun today.” Ella says, smiling at me as we stand outside her door, “I think Marnie
did too.”

  “I’m glad.” There’s an awkward pause, and I know I should address the issue. “I’m really sorry about before, with that waitress. I should have corrected her.”

  “No, really its fine, just a little embarrassing,” she blushes, “It was kind of cute actually.”

  “Oh, okay. That’s good, I would never want you to be uncomfortable,” I smile.

  We stand for a moment, and laugh awkwardly. I walk over to my door and she doesn’t follow me.

  “You coming?” I ask, grinning slightly.

  “No, that’s okay. I’ll sleep in my room tonight,” she grins back at me, almost suggestively.

  What’s she playing?

  “Alone?” I ask, raising my eyebrow.

  “Yeah. I mean, we had a date right? It was like our second kiss and I stayed over,” she blushes a little more, “What kind of girl would I be if I stayed the next day as well?”

  “I don’t know what you mean?” I reply.

  “Well, I’ve got to leave you alone a little to make sure you miss me enough to see me again.”

  “What are you talking about?” I laugh. I don’t understand women at all.

  “Come on. I didn’t get to do the whole dating thing. Let me have my fun.” She walks over to me and puts her hands on my waist, pulling me close to her for a tender kiss.

  Oh please! Come on, you can’t do that and then kiss me like this!

  “Goodnight, Joe,” she says, in a soft sultry voice, “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Goodnight, Ella.” I smile at her, watching her go to her bedroom.

  She blows me a kiss which I catch, before she closes her door. Part of me wants to go after her, finish that kiss and tell her how I feel, but I shouldn’t. If she wants to take it slow and revel in the moment, I can’t take that from her.

  I walk back into my room and drop face first onto my bed.

  The morning is so far away.

  Chapter 22


  Coffee, check… bacon and eggs? Is that good enough? Oh, the toast, I almost forgot. I run over to the toaster and grab the two slices I made, quickly buttering and slicing them before arranging them on the plate.

  Yes, it looks perfect! I’m such a great girlfriend, I giggle to myself. Gosh, I haven’t been able to say that about myself for a while. I am happy for the first time in a very long time. I’m happy with a guy.

  Right, I’ll just grab the coffee and take this up to him. He’ll be so surprised!

  As I head up the stairs, I can hear that he’s in the shower. I hope he doesn’t take too long, I don’t want this to get cold!

  I quietly enter his room and sit on the bed with the tray in my lap. I hear the shower turn off and Joe steps out, mumbling. He always forgets to put towels in the bathroom so I’m guessing that is the problem. Silly boy.

  Joe steps out of the bathroom and my eyes widen, I mean, it’s nothing I haven’t seen before, but I still can’t help biting my lip at it, all out there for me to see, dripping wet and glistening. Calm down, hot stuff.

  “Ella! Good morning,” he says, standing a little still, is he flexing?

  I laugh.“Forget the towels again?” I ask.

  “Maybe,” he says, leaning over to grab one from the top of his dresser. He dries his hair and looks down at me, then to the breakfast, “Looks good, did you come here for breakfast and a show?” he said, looking down between his legs.

  I stare for a moment, it looks so much different this way… soft… and smaller and it kind of hangs to the right a little. It’s kind of cute and I can’t help giggling.

  “Uh—I made this, for you!” I snap out of my staring, “You were supposed to still be in bed when I gave it to you.”

  He wraps the towel around his waist and takes the mug of coffee from me, “Well, isn’t that sweet of you.” he grins, “Not just trying to catch me in the shower then?”

  “Well, if I wanted to do that, I would have just joined you.” I flutter my eyelashes at him.

  “Oh damn. I feel bad that I’ve showered now.”

  “I haven’t yet,” I grin. I know he gets up earlier than me, so I had to rush to make breakfast.

  His eyes widen as he sips the coffee.

  “Well, that’s an offer I can’t refuse. Especially since you made me this coffee. I’ve been to France and had coffee that wasn’t as good as this. How do you do it?”

  I shrug and poke my tongue out at him, “It’s a secret.”

  “Well, if your breakfast is even half as good as your coffee, I’m going to start questioning what I did to deserve someone as great as you.”

  “Aw… shush.” I blush as he kisses my forehead before taking the plate off of me and tucking in.

  My mom always told me that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, so the days I spent practicing to make simple meals is paying off.

  Just as he finishes eating, his phone buzzes on the bedside table. I try to take the plate from him but he stops me, “No I insist. I’ll wash this up for you,” he smiles.

  “Okay.” I smile and I feel my phone going off in my pocket as well. What a coincidence.

  “Oh my God,” Joe says, flicking through his messages.

  “What’s wrong?” I open my message from Cameron.

  Mark just told me everything! Why didn’t you tell us?

  I text her back, I don’t know how Mark could know. I mean, did Joe brag? I should just ask her.

  What are you talking about? How does Mark know Joe and I slept together?

  “I just got a message from Michael,” he sits with his head in his hands.

  “Oh gosh, what?” I say, sitting down next to him.

  “Do you remember that guy, from the restaurant?” he asks, his eye twitching a little. It’s still quite badly bruised.

  “Yeah, unfortunately I do.” I take his hand and gently kiss his knuckles where the bruises are.

  “Well, he was the owner of that tower,” he says. Oh shoot, I’d forgotten about that.

  My phone buzzes again, I try to discreetly check it while Joe is talking. One is from Kat and one is from Cameron.

  He was talking about the fight! Why didn’t you tell me THAT?


  “Apparently there are some trashy articles in the media about me assaulting the owner over a girl, and everyone is going a little crazy, trying to find out who you are,” Joe says, “Oh God, this is going to make me look so bad.”

  “Oh, honey, I’m sorry.” I can’t believe I got him into this mess.

  He looks up at me, “Oh no, Ella. No, no, no, no. This wasn’t your fault, not at all! I promise,” he says, kissing my hands before holding me close to him.

  “I’m going to have to start talking about you, to bring us into the public eye just to explain.”

  “You are? Are you sure?” I don’t know if I’m ready for all of this. Me, in public eye? People knowing who I am, what I do, and what Joe and I do?

  “Oh, gosh. I didn’t think. I’m sorry. That would be asking so much of you. I couldn’t do that,” he says, obviously confused and feeling a bit of panic.

  “But… would it make it easier for you?” That’s what I really want to know. I mean, if I want this to work as a relationship I need to be a grown up. An actual grown up who deals with grown up problems. Accepting that dating a minor celebrity will put you in the public eye is just how life works. And I want this to work.

  “Yeah, it would make it a lot easier.”

  “Then do it,” I say.

  “Are you sure?” he asks.

  “Yes. I don’t want you to worry about this, okay? We can sort it all out later. Now I think I’ll try something else to make things easier for you, ok?” I say, a suggestive smile on my face.

  “What? What are you talking about?” he asks, looking completely stressed out.

  “Aw… poor honey… all this stress and pressure on you,” I say in a cutesy voice, leaning over him and pushin
g him back onto the bed, “Maybe I could relieve some of that for you?” I slowly move my hand down to his crotch, gently stroking his cock through the towel still around his waist.

  “Oh, oh! Right!” he says, suddenly realizing what I mean, “Well, relieve away, princess,” he says, relaxing back onto his bed.

  “Don’t be so smug!” I laugh, kissing him and wrapping my free arm around his shoulders.

  He runs his hands down over my hips and I feel him getting hard beneath me.

  “I’m not! I’m just… hmm, relaxing,” he says, closing his eyes.

  I’m going to make him pay for this. I slowly move down his body, kissing his chest and his stomach before I get to his legs. I remove his towel and get a good look at his hard cock… I can’t believe that even fits inside me!

  I gently kiss his inner thigh and along his hip bones and he moans. I guess he likes that. I drag my finger nail along his hip bone and he moans again. Interesting. Discovering his body will be very, very fun.

  I grasp his cock with my hand and slowly lick up the shaft all the way to the tip, causing him to shiver in anticipation. I gently kiss the tip and run my tongue around it before putting it in my mouth.

  Joe moans again, arching his back. I move my mouth up and down, taking in a little more each time, until I’m as deep as I can get without choking.

  “Faster!” he begs. I supposed he’s earned it. I speed up my movements, sliding his cock in and out of my mouth as fast as I can, while playing special attention to the tip when I reach it. I’m surprising myself. I didn’t know I could fit this much in!

  “Fuck, I’m going to cum if you keep going,” he says, trying to pull away, but I want to do this all the way.

  I shake my head and speed up my rhythm, meaning that I plan to keep going, and he seems to get the message.

  “Are, are you sure?” he pants, like he’s trying to hold himself back. I try to nod while not upsetting my rhythm.

  He starts to shake and grits his teeth, moaning for me.

  “Aw, I’m going to cum!” he cries out, sitting up, grabbing the back of my head, and locking his fingers in my hair. I hold his shaft tightly and I jump a little when he releases his load into my mouth and all the way to the back of my throat.


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