Reluctant Hearts: A Clean Regency Romance (Faithful love Book 1)

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Reluctant Hearts: A Clean Regency Romance (Faithful love Book 1) Page 1

by Skye Kelrose

  Author's Note

  Thank you everyone who has chosen to read this book!

  I hope that you enjoy it as much I enjoyed writing it!

  As a brief warning, not everything in this story is 'historically correct'.

  But that's the beauty of fiction! You can do anything you imagine! :)



  Thank you to all of my friends and family who encouraged me to keep writing!

  And a specially thanks to my Mom for everything.

  And my boss, for being so patient with me, even when I seemed like a lost cause.


  The evening air was cool and blissful as it swept over the lush, blooming gardens. The sinking sun cast its rays across the horizon, creating looming shadows but also a golden glow.

  The silence of the evening was suddenly interrupted as a baby’s cry drifted into the air. A second later, a young woman stepped up to the child’s crib and smiled as she lifted the infant out. “Shh. There’s no need for that now is there?” When the child didn’t quiet down, the mother simply smiled and sang softly; “Hush now, please don’t cry, My Love,

  Let me calm your fears

  Let me take away your cares

  Let me dry your tears

  Just close your eyes while I sing to you

  And whisper words of love so true

  Til all your worries and fears have ceased

  While I hold you close to me.”

  The child’s cries had stopped by then and he just smiled happily up at her.

  “See? It’s not so bad now, is it?”

  “Not when you’re here.”

  She turned at the voice, her smile growing as her husband, the young Duke of Havendale,

  stepped to her side. “Hi.”

  He smiled and pressed a kiss into her cheek. “Hello.” He wrapped an arm around her and placed one hand beneath the infant’s head. “How is he?”

  “He’s perfect,” She answered quietly, looking up at him. “He looks like you.”

  “But he has your eyes.” He tucked a loose strand of blond hair behind her ear then allowed his hand to rest on her cheek. “I love you. Never forget that.”

  She closed her eyes and leaned into his touch as moisture built up behind her eyes. “How could I ever?” She slowly opened her eyes to meet his gaze. “I have you. And I have our son. That’s all the love I’ll ever need. And I love you too.”

  “Excuse me, Sir, My Lady,” The stable master said as he hurried up to them. “Everything’s

  ready for your departure.”

  “Thank you, Hans,” The young Duke smiled. “I believe we are ready.”

  The young couple hurried around to the front of the castle where a horse and carriage was

  waiting to take them down to the docks, from where they would set sail to go visit some close relatives who had made them promise to stop by once the baby was old enough to travel.

  For the first two days of sailing, everything was smooth. The waters lapped softly against the boat and the sky was clear. But, on the night of the third day, all of that changed.

  A storm struck so suddenly that no one was expecting it. The waves beat against the side of the ship and across the desk, knocking crew off their feet and sending supplies flying over the railing.

  She stayed below, singing softly to the baby in attempt to calm her own heart as well as his. But, when she thought she heard someone shout her dear husband’s name, her heart stopped cold.

  “Duke Channon!” The panicked cry came again.

  Placing the child in its crib, she ran for the steps that led to the deck, slightly slipping on the soaking wet stairs. She burst out into the open, and closed the door behind her as she scanned desperately for one face. One man. It took her a few seconds, but she finally did see him on his knees by the mast. He was dripping wet like everyone else who was being forced to face the wild elements that surrounded them, but she felt a wave of relief wash over her as she started in his direction.

  He looked up just then, his face paling when he spotted her right before his gaze flicked to somewhere behind her. He scrambled to get back to his feet, to reach her. But his feet just continued to slip on wet wood. “Olivia!” He shouted, panic evident in his voice. “Look out!”

  She didn’t have time to register the warning, let alone react before the biggest wave that any of them had ever seem slammed into the ship.

  “Adrian!” He heard her cry, milliseconds before the wave washed over the deck, covering

  everyone and everything in several feet of water for several seconds. When the water drifted back out to the ocean, he looked up desperately and panic instantly seized his heart as he saw the place where his wife had been standing. The place where she no longer was. His gaze swept of the deck urgently searching for her. For any sign of her. But there was none.

  “No… No! Olivia!” He jumped to his feet and ran towards the railing, but another monstrous

  waved struck the hull and knocked him down. He felt someone grab his arm as more water swept over them, but he didn’t care. He tried to pull free. Tried to go find his wife, but the man held him strong.

  “No, Sire,” He said in a gentle yet firm voice. “Or you’ll get swept away too!”

  He felt every part of him whither. Every muscle in his body weakened as broken sobs began to wrack his body. He had lost her. In just a few short seconds, she’d been yanked away from him. In that moment, he felt a large piece of his heart break away and die And he knew that there would never be a way to fix it.

  Chapter 1

  “I was thinking if we subdivided the land-” A member of the province’s council, said, only to be interrupted.

  “Are the owners in agreement with this?” Adrian asked, already sensing the answer.

  “Well,” The man responded slowly. “We thought we’d get an order from you before we spoke

  with them.”

  “I’m afraid you’ll have to speak with them before I give my consent to anything.” The man started to argue, but Adrian held up his hand. “Good day, Sir.” He released a tremendous breath of air as the man left. “It’s amazing how many times you have to repeat yourself.”

  A light rap on the door caught his attention right before his four year old son came toddling into the room, a huge grin on his face.

  Adrian smile and stood from his chair to go kneel in front of the boy. “What brings you here, Sterling?”

  “I had fruit for lunch,” The boy answered, his dark eyes sparkling. “I ate a whole orange!”

  “Wow. I guess that means you’re growing.”

  “I am! I’m a big boy now!”

  “Sure you are.” Adrian cuffed the child’s chin fondly. “Where’s Mrs. Applegate?”

  “Um… I don’t know.” Sterling shrugged. “She was behind me.”

  As if on cue, the elderly woman walked into the room chuckling. “I say, child! I can’t keep up with you when you run like that!”


  “Oh, it’s fine. I’m just old.” She laughed softly and faced Adrian. “Hello, Dear.”

  “Mrs. Applegate.” He sent her a nod as his son ran over to look out through the balcony doors.

  “They grow up so fast.”

  “They do at that,” She agreed quietly. “He looks so much like his mother, doesn’t he?” A long moment of silence followed the statement and she looked up at the young man confused. “Adrian?”

  He sighed and closed his eyes for a long moment. “I… don’t know.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t�
�� I can’t…”

  She rubbed the side of her face. “I see. Well, I’ll get this little rascal out of your way so you can work.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Applegate.”

  She nodded and herded the child towards the door, but her mind drifted. Her heart went out to the young father. His whole world had been torn apart so early in life. All that kept him going was his little boy. She didn’t know, or even want to imagine, what would have happened if Sterling had never been born, or if he’d died on the ship with his mother. She shook her head slowly. She still remembered the events that followed that fateful event. Adrian had been so driven to grief that he’d locked himself away from the world for six months. He barely ate and he spoke to no one, save his son.

  She’s heard of people being so heartbroken that they forgot things. Seemingly important things.

  Like, what their lost love looked like. What she sounded like. Or even her name. Is was like the person just became a figment that everyone knew existed once, but was completely unreachable. And seeing the young Duke had fallen into the same state only broke her heart further.

  During his six months of solitude, the only demands he had given was that every picture in the castle was to be taken to the attic and left there. They had done his bidding, so there were no reminders of Olivia Channon anywhere in castle. But she remembered. Even if Adrian didn’t, she did. And she knew that someday, Sterling was going to ask about his Mama, and she had determined that she would tell him everything.

  “Mrs. Applegate,” Adrian called after her. When she stopped and looked back at him, he

  continued, “I’ve sent for applicants to be Sterling’s new nanny, as you requested. I would like you to personally interview them. Is that alright?”

  Mrs. Applegate nodded, a bright smile coming to her face. “I would love nothing more than to handpick the one that will be taking over my little charge. Thank you.”

  He nodded. “Tell Sterling that I’ll see him at dinner. When you find him, of course.”

  Mrs. Applegate spun around to see that her small charge had disappeared. “Oh my! I am too old for this!” Then, with a laugh, she hurried to find the child.

  Adrian sank into his seat, a long sigh escaping him. “If only…”

  ~*~*~*Reluctant Hearts*~*~*~

  “Paige!” A voice called from the small country home. “Lunch is ready!”

  Paige hurried from the barn, her long blond hair whipping across her face as she carried two pails of milk into the kitchen and sat them down by the stove. “Good afternoon.”

  Olena Halden, an older woman with a pile of gray curls atop her head, smiled. “There you are.

  You were already gone when I woke up this morning.”

  Paige smiled. “I couldn’t sleep, so I thought I’d take a walk to clear my head.”

  “Are you still going to leave us?” Old Jacob Halden asked as he entered the room. “I was

  secretly hoping you’d decide to stay.”

  “Now Jacob!” Olena scolded as Paige chuckled. “Don’t try to discourage her from pursuing

  what she feels she must!”

  “It’s alright, Olena,” Paige said gently. “But yes, I’m heading out tomorrow morning.”

  “Have you decided where you’re going yet?” Jacob asked as his wife sat a plate down in front of him.


  “Ah. Beautiful place,” Olena agreed. “And I’ve heard nothing but good things about the Duke who resides there. I’m sure you can find happiness, Paige.” She placed her hand over the young lady’s hand and smiled. “And don’t forget, if things don’t turn out, you can always come back here. You’re like a daughter to us.”

  Paige smiled tearfully and she nodded. “I’ll come back to visit you regardless. This place is home to me. And it always will be.” She hugged the old couple tightly. “I wouldn’t even leave if I didn’t feel such a pull towards Havendale. But I have to go.”

  “We know, Dear.” Olena patted her hand gently. “Go. Find what’s calling you. Then, you can

  tell us everything when we meet again.”

  Chapter 2

  Mrs. Applegate shook her head as another applicant stormed from the room. “What a shame.”

  Little Sterling shook his head too, his chocolate brown hair swishing back and forth as he did.

  “What a shame indeed.”

  She chuckled softly. “Don’t worry, Dear. I’m sure we’ll find the perfect nanny for you.”

  He crossed his arms and pooched out his bottom lip. “Why can’t you still be my nanny? I like you!”

  “Because, Dear, I am getting old and slow. You need someone who can keep up with you.”

  “I can keep up with myself.”

  “I have no doubt.” She looked out the window and sighed. “Well, are you ready to meet the next applicant?”

  Sterling sighed and sat down in his small chair before nodding his head. “Send her in.”

  Mrs. Applegate couldn’t hold in the chuckle at the young child’s theatrics as she reached for the doorknob. “Please be better.”

  ~*~*~*Reluctant Hearts*~*~*~

  Paige stepped into the town of Havendale and looked around, a bright smile coming to her face.

  Now all I have to do is find somewhere to stay and a job. Her stomach suddenly growled, reminding her that she hadn’t eaten since late the previous night. And find something to eat.

  It didn’t take her long to locate a small bakery. The smell of fresh bread tickled her nose as she approached, making her feel even hungrier.

  “Good morning!” The baker greeted as he wiped his floured hands off on his apron. “What can I get you? I don’t remember seeing you before. Are you new to the area?”

  Paige smiled at the list of questions. “I’ll take a cinnamon roll, please. And, yes, I’m new here.”

  She turned to look around the small bakery. “In fact, I’m looking for somewhere to stay and a job.

  Would you happen to know of any?”

  He nodded as he dropped a fresh hot cinnamon roll into a bag and handed it to her. “Well, I’ve heard that Duke Channon is looking for a new, younger nanny for his four-year-old son. It pays well and includes food and board.”

  She blinked a couple of times. “A job? At the Duke’s castle?”

  “Yes Ma’am. It’s right up there. You can see it from here.” He pointed in the direction. “I hear the young lad is quite active. If you think you’d be interested in something like that, I’d try it. It’s not every day a position like this introduces itself.”

  “A job at the castle,” She mused quietly before she answered the man, “Thank you very much, I think I might.”

  ~*~*~*Reluctant Hearts*~*~*~

  “What an attitude!” Mrs. Applegate declared. “That woman knew nothing about children!”

  “And that att-it-tude!” Sterling exclaimed, then he shook his head. “Such a shame.” He sighed and laid his head down on his knees. “I am finished for the day. Send my con-doll-lience-ses to the others.”

  Mrs. Applegate glanced out the window. “How about one more?”

  “Just one?”

  “Just one.”

  The young boy released a tremendous sigh then straightened. “Okay.”

  She waved to one of the servants to was walking past. “Could you usher in one more of the

  young ladies outside.” When the servant went to do as instructed, she called out. “And bring her from the back! Just to mix things up a little bit.”

  Sterling clapped his hands. “Mix them up, Ole’ girl!” Applegate looked back at him with a

  raised eyebrow and he grinned sheepishly. “Too much?”

  “A little bit.”

  ~*~*~*Reluctant Hearts*~*~*~

  Paige spun around as someone tapped her on the shoulder. “Yes?”

  The young man bowed. “Will you come with me, please?”

  She nodded and followed him up past the line of waiting ladies, most of who were primping and
trying to make sure that they looked perfect. Then she was taking into the castle and ushered towards a room.

  “Go right in there,” He instructed.

  “Thank you.” She entered the indicated room where an older lady was waiting.

  She was rather short and pleasantly plump. Her gray hair was hidden beneath a cap and her blue eyes sparkled with joy. Paige liked her instantly.

  As Mrs. Applegate turned to face her, a strange look passed over her face and her eyes


  Paige glanced down at her simple dress, mentally wishing she had something better to wear.

  “Do I know you?” The older woman asked slowly, her eyes scanning the girl. “You look very familiar to me.”

  Paige slowly shook her head. “I’m afraid not, Madam, I only just got her this morning.”

  “Huh.” She shook her head quickly and smiled. “I am Ada Applegate. And you are?”


  “Paige.” Mrs. Applegate nodded slowly. “Tell me, do you have any experience with children?”

  “I’m afraid not.”

  Honest. That’s a good start. “Have you met the Duke or seen him before?”

  Paige laughed softly. “No Ma’am. I’ve never laid eyes on the man or spoken with him.”

  Mrs. Applegate smiled. “Well, I think you may work out here. I like your honesty. It’s a rare trait at times, it seems.” She glanced over her shoulder. “Now, to see if you meet the young lad’s approval.”

  The moment the child stepped into view, Paige felt something in her heart turn over. His brown hair was ruffled and slightly messy and his bright blue eyes sparkled with mischief and fun.

  Mrs. Applegate stood back as the boy approached the stranger and Paige sat on her heels in front of him. She let out a silent gasp as she two came face to face. How… odd.

  “Hi,” Paige said, smiling at the child.

  He stared at her for a long moment as if her could look into the very being of her soul. After a moment he clapped his hands together. “She will do,” He declared. “She will do nicely.”

  Paige laughed quietly. “Why, thank you, Your Grace.”

  He grinned then, causing dimples to appear in his little chubby cheek and the corners of his eyes and the bridge of his nose to wrinkle.


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