LEARNING: How to Learn Faster, Become a Genius And Remember Anything (Accelerated Learning - Brain Training - Memory Improvement - Learning Techniques - Study Skills)

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LEARNING: How to Learn Faster, Become a Genius And Remember Anything (Accelerated Learning - Brain Training - Memory Improvement - Learning Techniques - Study Skills) Page 3

by Alex Right

  4. Once you see the number 1, just slowly and carefully keeping your sight in the central point, locate number 2. Proceed until you reach 25. After finding the next number you do not need to call it either out loud or to yourself just fix on it and move on to the presence of the following one.


  Do not rush - the rate for you is not important now. The first day of work with the table can take several minutes. But do not let that bother you - a few days of training, and you will significantly improve your score!

  If you cannot keep looking at one point in the first week of classes, you can allow yourself to slowly slide view in rows from top to bottom. It also only uses peripheral vision. But in any case, do not move the eyes to the right or to the left.

  If you have started to make the horizontal motion of the eyes, for a moment break away from the table, turn your view on a remote object and get some rest. After this, re-start the performance of the exercises from the very beginning, no matter what stage you left off.

  On average, working on a single table takes 25-30. As training the search is being phased out, and some people reduced to 11-12, and in some cases - to 7-8.

  In a healthy person, and rested on each table takes about the same time. Increased time to retrieving the numbers in the last table may be a sign of fatigue. As the training speed of finding the numbers gradually increases.

  It is interesting to trace the behavior of the eye movements when working with tables.

  The picture shows a recorded eye movements of a man with no instructions about the rules for working with tables. The total search time of all the figures – are 60. As can be seen from the figure, it looks like brute force as he passes from digit to digit.

  The following figure registered a more advanced search technology figures. The student seeks to keep in view the central field of the table, fixing the peripheral vision all the other numbers. Hours tables in this case are 15-20 seconds.

  Finally, the figure below - an example of the search for numbers from 8-11. Here sight is actually still capturing the central part of the table.

  Of course, you may not be able to cover the entire eye chart.

  In the initial stage of training you need, when you look at the table, to easily see the central figure and the figures that are located at the corners of a square.

  Once you learn it, the retina begins the active stimulation of the peripheral zones of the formation of so-called "neural ensembles." This subset of interconnected neurons enable qualitative "read" and process the information that lies in the reserve areas of the field of view.

  At that moment, when you look at the table so the eye, as it were photographed it all completely and sends the image into a matrix memory of the brain for further processing. Then you have, in fact, to not look for the place where the figure necessary to you, and remember its position on this "photo."

  Everything you wanted to know about the sessions with intelligence exercise

  What do I need to work with the trainer on the basis of the Schulte tables?

  ● Tables Schulte (given below).

  ● Stopwatch (available in any mobile phone).

  ● Pencil or pen to record the results.

  ● A piece of paper to record results.

  How to train with Schulte tables?

  Each workout consists of three approaches; during each you master the 4 tables. Between approaches make a break for 5-10 seconds, try at this time to not get distracted, just sit with your eyes closed.

  For greater efficiency before each workout is necessary to conduct a special feeling to work with a trainer (see. The following section "Internal configured to work tables ") depending on the purpose and objectives of the exercise

  How many times a day do I need to exercise?

  For best results it is desirable to do 1-2 training sessions a day.

  We can restrict ourselves, and one daily training, then to achieve maximum results, you will spend a little more time.

  You yourself determine the amount of training, according to your capacity, well-being and status. If you understand that you are tired or in a hurry, in employment - follow it to the next day.

  How many tables for the one training do I need to do?

  For the one training it’s necessary to attempt not less than 12 tables.

  For a time I was given to work on a single table?

  In the beginning training time spent on one table is determined by your individual characteristics and fitness. Your task - to learn how to pass a table in no more than 30 seconds, the most important task - no more than 15-20 seconds.

  If you calmly go through the table for 20 seconds and quickly, it means that the restructuring of your brain has already begun.

  How long do I have to train to get the first results?

  If you spend two training sessions per day, the first results can be felt after the basic course in five days. At one training session per day (or if you do not regularly), the results appear after 10-12 days of work.

  After a basic course (5 days) have to make a break for your brain to adapt to the regime of his new work. In the future, it is desirable to carry out a training of 2-3 days in order to maintain the health of the brain to a new level. Believe me, when you are involved in the process, it will be easy!

  Possible difficulty while working with tables Schulte

  When working with tables, you may encounter the following events.

  1. You cannot for a long time to find a figure in the table, and you might even think that it is missing.

  In fact it is not. The tables present all the numbers from 1 to 25.

  This phenomenon is due to the uneven pace of our mental activity, and usually happens when you go from single digits to double-digits.

  2. Time to work with each table increases when you «solve» multiple tables in a row.

  This is only due to your tiredness. In a healthy and rested person while working on each table is about the same. Therefore, in this case it is necessary to interrupt the training and to start it after a rest.

  3. During the lessons the tables hurt your eyes.

  Chances are you have the wrong table in front of you. Once again, read the instructions carefully, check the distance and position of the table in front of the eyes.

  It is also the reason may be that you are actively seeking translate opinion digits. You should try not to move your eyes, otherwise you reach the desired effect.

  Work on the maintenance of intellectual form and blitz training

  These training necessary to start after you've passed the main course. They are intended to ensure that the result achieved by you on the disclosure of your intellectual potential remains at the proper level.

  Maintaining intellectual form using the exercise

  to maintain a form of intellectual enough to train 2-3 times a week, at any convenient for you day and time. You can use for the same set of tables, as in the main course.

  Work tables may be the same as in the basic course, and can be modified to work with them, for example, in one workout the problem table is to locate the numbers 1-25, and the other - in the opposite order.

  Blitz workout with intelligence exercise based on the Schulte tables

  Blitz workout designed for instant activation of intelligence and memory in case you need to put yourself in excellent shape to an important intellectual event. Just five minutes of training with tables Schulte, and you are ready for an important conversation, making a serious decision, you collected and confident!

  For blitz training you can use any number of tables, to activate the intellectual capacity and memory needed for problem solving it should not be less than three. Keep always at hand this book, because it is your indispensable assistant to act competently and effectively in any situation.

  Recommendations for blitz training

  1. Try to rest, there is nothing to distract you from your workout.

  2. Sit down so that you feel comfortable.

/>   3. Gain the spirit to enter the training.

  4. Open any number of tables.

  5. For three approaches solve all the tables in the series.

  6. Take a break at 30-40.

  7. Open your eyes and again solve table, but are now looking for the numbers in reverse order (25 to 1).

  8. Spend the mood for a way out of the training.

  Now you are ready to succeed in any business!

  Get ready to work with tables

  Before you start working on the intelligence exercise, it is important to hold the right attitude to work with tables. The mood before training puts you in a state similar to meditative. It most fully reflects your intellectual potential and intuition (which is especially important for the blitz training), and the results of studies conducted in this state, fixed for a long time.

  For the main courses and maintain intellectual form is the same attitude. The same attitude you use to blitz workout. After the blitz workout you need a different mindset. It aims to prepare you to act decisively and to fix a state winner.

  The mood before the main courses, the maintenance of intellectual form and prompt exercise

  Sit comfortably, close your eyes, take a deep breath and tune in to a wave of relaxation.

  Think about how all the muscles relax your body - from head to toe. Feel how well your body as you are comfortable. You do not have to worry; you can breathe a sigh of relief and let yourself relax. Breathing…

  Balance your breath, feel its rhythm. Listen to the sounds around you. All these sounds are not important, ignore them, they do not need to pay attention. Everything you hear on, allowing you to relax even more and more fully.

  Exhale, release the tension from every cell, the particles of your body, mind or thoughts. Allow it to stress disappear. Feel the flow of your disturbing thoughts slowly begins to dry out, disappear, he disappears, and you relax.

  Relax all the muscles of the face, especially the jaw. Relax your jaw, open them so that between the teeth was a small distance; relax the facial area. It is going to stress and fatigue, so make sure that your jaw is relaxed.

  Feel like the spirit flows through you like a stream in pleasant relaxation. Relax your muscles in the temporal part of the head; think about how your muscles relax. Feel how relaxed they are, and the more you relax, the easier you will float and sink deeper and deeper into a state of total relaxation.

  You go to relax. Now bring in the relaxed state of the muscles of the forehead. Feel what they are smooth, smooth, relaxed. Give your eyes a rest, too. Imagine how comfortable your eyelids, they are poured by gravity, they are heavy and relaxed. Now let all the muscles in your neck and shoulders relax. Feel with them falls heavy, very heavy load, you feel a great relief, you easily and you relax even more.

  All your muscles relax the neck and shoulders; Feel the flow of soothing relaxation. Feel like it is coming down on your back, lower and lower into the lower part of your body.

  All the muscles relax, feel with each breath your body slides down, lower and lower, into a state of complete rest. Give your muscles relax, relax them even stronger. Let all the muscles of the shoulders and arms relax, let your hand relax to the fingertips.

  Feel the weight of your hands swell, become heavy, very heavy, heavy and relaxed, your hands is very convenient. You may feel a tingling in the fingertips. It is very good. If you feel that your hands are warmer, it is also a good sign. Feel that you are barely able to pick them up, your hands are so relaxed, and they are very heavy, heavy and relaxed.

  Now, inhale and relax your chest muscles. Exhale, relax all the muscles of the abdomen, and let them relax all the muscles of the legs. Feel relaxed all the muscles in your feet, you feel on your feet relax all the muscles are relaxed completely, to the fingertips. Feel good and comfortable to your body, it floats, feel how your body floats, it is weakened more and more, your body is completely relaxed.

  Stay in a state of relaxation for 1-2 minutes. Then take a deep breath, open your eyes start to work on the exercise.

  The mood after the blitz workout

  Five times take a deep breath, and then exhale.

  Mentally tell:

  1. I am calm...

  2. My forces have recovered...

  3. In the whole body I feel energized...

  4. Thoughts crisp, clear...

  5. I am ready to act ... I took like a refreshing shower...

  6. Around the body runs a pleasant chill and coolness...

  7. I take a deep breath ... blow ... Cool ...

  8. I lift my head (or wake up) ... I opened my eyes ...

  every sentence must be repeated 5-10 times.

  Business, career, professional activity

  For example, you have an important meeting, during which what will be addressed are important to you. Naturally, you worry how it will go? Will you be able to competently explain the interlocutors their arguments, clearly describe the situation, to justify their requests? How not to lose, showing the calculations, graphs and charts? How to keep in mind the columns of numbers and do not mix them up?

  You will be much easier to cope with the excitement and all the tasks before the speech if you are just a few minutes to work out intellectual exercises based on the Schulte tables. This will be enough for you to feel the clarity of mind: your intelligence will be most focused on solving the problems, memory and attention extremely activated.

  You will amaze results - meeting will take place without a hitch, you'll enjoy navigate the sea of numbers and words, and your arguments are compelling.

  Study, exams

  Intelligence exercises based on the Schulte tables suit perfectly, those who are still learning - pupils and students as well as adults who need to learn new knowledge.

  Before you reveal textbooks and overlaid lecture notes, to devote a few minutes of training to exercises. Then immediately proceed to the study of the material, and you immediately feel the difference. You will be surprised how easily you will "catch" the essence of the texts, instantly memorizing formulas. They will fit into your mind in orderly rows, and you will not be a problem, if necessary, remove them from there.

  You will greatly enhance the speed of reading and notably increase your short-term memory -Similarly, remembering, focused on more long-term, will be more profound: in the months and years you will remember not only the overall scheme of study, but also a lot of details.

  Health healing practices

  If you want to maintain your health for years to come, you need to give him enough attention. To keep the body in good shape, he needs constant exercise. You pick and choose what suits you best - swimming, running, aerobics, Chinese gymnastics...

  But even more important to maintain their mental health, and are come to the aid quieter techniques - meditation and auditory training. These techniques are, incidentally, help to maintain fitness and well act on the psyche.

  But all this combine, how to find time for classes in our world, life at breakneck speed?

  It's very simple. A few minutes of training of brain training based on the Schulte tables before the session anger management - and your mind open for the adoption of new information. It will literally soak up every word affirmations, slamming him into the deepest layers and programming you success and good luck.

  Improving the efficiency of any Business:

  Before you begin to study new material, or a repetition of the old, be sure to work out some brain exercises based on the Schulte tables.

  You put a task to master the technique of speed reading? Excellent! Psychologists claim that intelligence exercises based on the Schulte tables - are the best assistant in this. Why? The answer is simple.

  Before the start of classes you perceive the text as well as all people - moving look at the lines. This visual acuity is greatest in the central region of the retina (by the way, this area even has an appropriate name - "zone of clear vision"). Everything that is outside the borders of this zone is perceived peripheral vi
sion blurred, indistinct.

  Classes on intelligence exercises based on the Schulte tables allow expanding the field of view, and thus significantly increasing the amount of information that you can perceive in the same time.

  In order to increase the speed read fundamentally important two things: the ability to simultaneously capture the text look more space and the ability to read characters are not sequentially, one after the other, and to perceive and recognize their "parallel."

  Both of these skills great coaches work with tables Schulte. Regular exercises for a few minutes a day significantly increase the angle of your view. As a result, you will not perceive the text line by line, and paragraphs and even pages.


  The more you do the mental activity, the more you need to sleep to dream the brain could recycle the resulting information for the day and recover the spent energy. If you regularly do not get enough sleep, your intellectual capacity will be reduced.

  It is advisable to sleep at least eight hours a day, and if for some reason is not possible, then at least once a week you need to sleep - that is sleep as much as you want, let though it will be ten to twelve hours. Need to sleep in a well ventilated area, as the brain for the rest and recuperation need oxygen, and if it is not enough, you will feel sleepy, no matter how much you slept

  Chapter 4 - The everyday program of training your brain with Kelly's intellectual exercises.


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