Zodiac Academy 2: Ruthless Fae: An Academy Bully Romance (Supernatural Bullies and Beasts)

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Zodiac Academy 2: Ruthless Fae: An Academy Bully Romance (Supernatural Bullies and Beasts) Page 17

by Caroline Peckham

  I scowled, hauling it back into place and shoving things back into my drawers. I knelt down and pulled out my nightstand drawer which was remarkably in order except-

  I sucked in air, rummaging through the few items I kept in it, but it wasn't there. Astrum's card was gone.

  My heart thumped heavily in my ears as if I was hearing it under water.

  Francesca knew about it already, why would she or her agents take it?

  Maybe they just need to double check it.

  But then why didn't they tell me?

  Surely I would have been questioned if they thought it was suspicious?

  “Death,” a voice rolled over me which made my spine turn into a pillar of ice. I looked up from where I was kneeling on the floor, finding Seth in the doorway twirling Astrum's card between his fingers. “Do you know what this card means?” he asked slowly as if he was playing with his food. After I'd unleashed my power on Orion and he'd drunk from my source, I wasn't in a position to even attempt to fight Seth off. Crying out for help was pointless and humiliating. So I rose to my feet and faced him, trying not to let my hands shake.

  I didn't answer his question, but he went on anyway.

  “Finality,” he purred. “The end.” He stepped into my room, his aura filling the air with poison. “Do you think it's about us?” He flipped the card over, mock pretending to find Astrum's inscription for the first time. But if he'd stolen it from my room while the commotion went on in the hallway, he sure as hell had had time to read it. “I made a mistake and now my time is up. The Shadow has discovered me and there is no hope for me to escape their wrath. The answers you seek are hidden between Leo and Libra. Don’t trust the flames. Claim your throne.” He spoke the final words like they were a curse on the world. “Tell me who wrote this.”

  His Coercion was powerful and I was completely unprepared to block it. The name tumbled from my lips before I could even attempt to hold it back. “Professor Astrum.”

  Seth mulled that over for a moment. “So this Shadow topped off a teacher? They must be someone very bad.” He stalked closer and I fought the burning instinct to recoil, refusing to let him see me intimidated. “But no one's badder than me,” he said in a wolfish growl that made my heart jolt.

  “What do you want?” I asked in an even voice, reaching for the card but he lifted it above my head out of reach. Bastard.

  He puckered up his lips. “A kiss. That's the price for getting it back.”

  “I'd rather cut my tongue out,” I spat.

  He laughed darkly. “That would be a shame. I was looking forward to feeling it wrapped around mine again.”

  “You're deluded,” I said, swiping for the card once more, but he was so tall that he just flipped his hand up to keep it away from me.

  My hands balled into fists and I tried to figure out a way to get him out of my room and take that card from him in the process.

  “Come on, one little kiss. I'll even give you back your hair.” He twisted his wrist to taunt me with the blue braid latched around it.

  Anger burned through me like acid. “What's your problem?” I snapped. “Why the hell do you want me to kiss you?”

  The hard wall in his eyes lowered a fraction and he dropped his hand, flipping the card between his fingers with expert skill. “Maybe make up sex is what we need to dispel all of this tension,” he said, conjuring a lustful smile.

  I eyed the card, knowing lunging for it was pointless. So I really only had one choice.

  “Get out.” I turned my back on him; it was one of the biggest insults you could offer in Solaria. He growled deeply in his throat, pure wolf.

  Fear gripped my spine. I shut my eyes, willing myself not to move, not to run, not to do anything, even though I'd just offered myself up as an open target.

  “You live in my house, babe. That makes you a part of my pack. And I'm your Alpha.”

  “I'm not a part of any pack. So go alph-uck yourself,” I hissed, my voice shaking a fraction as I pushed out the words that surprised even me.

  He snatched my arm, forcing me around to face him. His eyes glowed with danger and my throat tightened with fear as he glared down at me.

  “You don't choose the pack, the pack chooses you. And so long as you're in these walls and I say you’re in my pack, you adhere to my wolf hierarchy. Which, if you hadn't realised, you are at the bottom of, babe. So if your Alpha says howl, you ask how loud.”

  I yanked my hand free and in the same movement, snatched the card from his grip. I tucked it straight down the back of my skirt and his eyebrow cocked.

  “Is that an invitation?” He smirked and I raised my hands warily, fear dripping through me.

  “If you touch me I'll blast every ounce of energy I have at you,” I whispered, my voice lost to fear.

  Please don't touch me, I don't have much power left.

  His brows knitted sharply together. “I'm only joking, Darcy.” He surveyed my expression and took a step back, his features skewing.

  “I don't know what you and your vile friends are capable of.” I pointed at the door. “Get. Out.”

  He backed up again. “What does the riddle refer to? What answers are you looking for?”

  “That's none of your business.”

  “I could just Coerce you again,” he said, though it didn't sound like he was keen on the idea.

  I ground my teeth, not wanting to be forced, but volunteering the information equated to the same thing. “We have a thousand questions since we arrived in Solaria,” I said, my tone accusing. Because he knew we were clueless in this world, and he and his friends had still tried to destroy us over a throne we didn't want. “Astrum could have been referring to anything.”

  “Leo and Libra,” he murmured, running a hand into his hair. “Well if Astrum was referring to Darius and Orion you're gonna be in the dark forever. The day they answer your questions is the day hell freezes over.”

  I frowned, momentarily distracted from the fact that there was a hungry wolf in my room. “Orion is my Liaison, he has to tell me about my past.”

  “Pfft,” he laughed coldly. “Do you actually think he tells you everything?” He leaned closer, lowering his voice. “Even I don't know what shit he and Darius get up to. Their lies run so deep even their friends get kept in the dark.” He released a low, doggish whimper, rubbing the back of his neck like that fact deeply upset him. I was surprised when he kept talking and wondered if he was actually trying to offload on me right now.

  Arrogant jerk.

  “I mean don't get me wrong, I love Darius. But I know he lies straight to my face sometimes. Whatever he and Orion are up to, it's pure sin.”


  He looked to me, smiling as if we were best friends and I wanted to rip his face off for it. “Yes, babe?”

  “Get the hell out of my room. And don't ever come back here again.”

  He pressed his tongue into his cheek, moving to the door and stroking the band of blue hair around his wrist. I hated him so viscerally it hurt. He was wearing my wound, brandishing it for the entire school to see. It wasn't like I could ever reattach it, but I still wanted it back.

  “See you soon, weakling.” He headed away and a ragged breath left my lungs as the fear inside me finally gave way to relief. I leaned against the wall for a moment, catching my breath, replaying the conversation in my mind. Perhaps I hadn't won, but I hadn't lost either.

  When I felt strong enough to move, I shut the door and headed to the bathroom. I showered quickly then changed into my uniform, tugging on a black rain coat over the top of my navy blazer. I pulled on my boots and headed to the door, my fingers hovering above the handle.

  He's not out there, just move.

  I lifted my chin and stepped outside, walking to Diego's room and knocking. He answered a second later and some of his dreary music carried to me from his Atlas. He turned it off, seeming depressed as he stepped into the hall after me.

  Breakfast would be ready at The Orb by n
ow and I wanted to meet Tory there to tell her about the crazy couple of hours I'd had. And I seriously wanted to discuss new theories on this Tarot card. It didn't seem right that Astrum would point us toward Darius and Orion for answers. He'd openly stated how much he disliked the two of them.

  My mind spun as Diego and I headed out of the tower into a sheet of rain. I pulled up my hood and Diego did the same, following me along in silence as I led the way towards Mars Laboratories.

  Rain splashed up from the stone path and when we reached the track that cut through The Wailing Wood, we found it had turned into a muddy bog. I tip-toed along the edges of it while Diego slogged through, his hands stuffed in his pockets and his eyes on the ground.

  “Are you alright?” I called to him, using the jutting roots of trees to make a careful path over the mud. My foot slipped more than once but miraculously I didn't fall on my ass.

  “Yeah,” he said glumly.

  “You sure?” I pressed, giving him a hopeful look to see if he might open up.

  He huffed heavily. “It's that Vampire,” he growled. “Screw Orion, who does he think he is?”

  My heart twisted weirdly in my chest and I looked up at the canopy above, blinking as raindrops dotted my cheeks. “He's not all bad.”

  “Are you serious?” he snapped.

  “I mean, he's a total dick but like...I think it's his teaching style.”

  “Darcy Vega please tell me you're not standing up for the guy who just broke mi abuela's carved trinket box.” He blinked and for a moment I was sure tears were swimming in his eyes.

  “Oh Diego, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that.” I balanced precariously on a root as he came to a halt ankle deep in mud at the heart of the path.

  He sniffed heavily and I gave up on keeping my boots clean, dropping off of the root into the mud and squelching my way toward him.

  He sniffed again. “Your shoes are getting ruined,” he murmured.

  “It's okay,” I said. “You can buy me a new pair,” I teased and he snorted a laugh.

  “You really are becoming Fae, chica.” He pushed my shoulder and I released a small laugh.

  “Tell me about your er, abuela? Was she the woman in the photo?”

  He nodded. “My grandmother,” he said thickly. “She was the only person in the world who ever really cared about me, you know?”

  I frowned, rubbing his arm as the rain cascaded down on us through the canopy, the scent of the damp rising in the air.

  “Was?” I asked gently.

  “She died last year,” he choked out. “Now I'm all alone.”

  “I thought you had family,” I said, gazing into his soft, pale eyes.

  “I do, they're just not that proud of me. They sent me here to prove my worth. And I feel like I'm failing them.”

  “You're not,” I promised. “We've only been here a few weeks, what more can you do?”

  “I don't even have my Order yet,” he muttered.

  “Neither do I.” I prodded his shoulder and he cracked a smile.

  “Guess you're as useless as me then, huh?” he teased. “But from the way you knocked Orion on his ass earlier, I'd say you're gonna be just fine in this place. You belong here. I'm just...a misfit.”

  “We're all misfits,” I said as we started walking again, trudging along in the puddles. “Every freshmen in this place is just trying to make it through in their own way. You've got a good heart, Diego. That doesn't mean you don't fit in here. In my opinion, this place could use a few good hearts.”

  Diego took hold of my hand and my mouth opened and closed. I didn't know what to do so I just left it there, my icy fingers cupped in the warmth of his.

  Okay this is weird.

  As we exited the trees, I pulled my hand free, pretending to adjust my hood. An awkward silence descended as we closed in on Mars Laboratories, but the closer we got, the more my mind swung to the task at hand.

  Students were darting into the shelter of The Orb as the rain beat down harder and I quickened my pace towards the labs, keeping my head low as I ducked into the red brick building.

  The walls were painted a murky blood-orange and murals of the planet Mars were splashed across them. I quickly realised I had no idea where exactly I was supposed to locate these ingredients and I only really had one way of finding out.

  I took my Atlas from my satchel as Diego started admiring the artwork on the walls. I navigated my way to the private email service and tapped out a message to Orion.


  Quick question...I'm in Mars Labs.

  Could you give me a little clue as to where I might find a certain set of ingredients?

  I went to put my Atlas away, wondering if we'd have to head to The Orb for a while until he replied, but before it even touched my bag, a notification flashed up on it.

  A stupid grin bit into my cheeks as I found a message waiting from Orion. AKA Lance. Which I simply could not imagine ever calling him.


  Floor 3

  Lab 306


  Will the ends still be blue?

  I reread the last line several times, unsure why the hell he would ask me that and why on earth he cared. I didn't have time to answer so I stuffed the Atlas in my bag and jogged over to Diego, grabbing his arm and drawing him into a stairway.

  We headed up to level three and I checked that the coast was clear through a window in the door.

  “Right, you keep watch. Text me if anyone heads this way,” I said. “If anyone asks why you're here just say you're waiting for someone.”

  “Okay,” Diego agreed, looking miles happier than he had when we'd left Aer Tower. “Good luck.”

  I nodded, my heart pounding madly as I stepped into the long corridor and walked along it at a casual pace. My coat was still dripping wet, leaving a puddle behind me as I went so I hurriedly unzipped it, stuffing it in my bag as I closed in on room 306.

  Will I dye the ends of my hair blue again?

  I hadn't thought beyond regrowing it, let alone ordering dye to the school to return the colour to my hair. I'd had it that way to remind me of the past. To never trust anyone again. But did I really need the reminder these days?

  I found the lab which was split into rows of long worktops. The door was unlocked, but the second I stepped inside, I spotted a professor at his desk. I froze, waiting for him to rebuke me, before realising he was asleep. His head was craned back as he dozed in his chair and his moustache fluttered as he released a snore.

  My gaze locked on the metal door behind him.

  I could run, bolt. But I'd come this far already.

  Screw it.

  I plucked up my nerve and moved as quietly as I could across the room. I stepped past the desk, adrenaline pumping as I approached the door. It was locked by a keycode and I silently thanked Orion as I took out my Atlas and tapped in the number he'd given me.

  A low beeeeeep sounded it opening and I glanced over my shoulder in a panic.

  The professor snored loudly and I breathed a sigh, hurrying into the room. Shelves and shelves of ingredients, potions and magical items stretched out ahead of me, but luckily for me they were alphabetised with labels under each row.

  I moved into the first aisle, finding several jars of Aquarius Moonstones starting off the As. They glittered like diamonds and my heart leapt with excitement at finding exactly what I needed to implement the first stage of my revenge against Seth Capella. I grabbed one of the stones, pocketing it with a wide grin on my face. After my run-in with him this morning I was doubly ready to exact a bit of vengeance on him.

  I checked my list and hunted for the first item: three flakes of Dried Pepper Bark.

  It wasn't long before I located it. The bark came in a little tub and I carefully wrapped a few of the flakes in a tissue before tucking them into my satchel. A thrill danced through me as I moved down a few aisles, searching for Mother of Pearl. I found tiny pots of it alongside large mollusc shells where the scrapings
had come from. I bagged one of the pots and moved on to the next aisle, hunting for my final item: a two inch yellow crystal.

  I searched the Y section and the C, but couldn't see any sign of it. When I was on the verge of giving up, a glint caught my eye. I headed to the far end of the room where a window overlooked a dark room, but something seemed to glitter within it.

  A red switch beside me was labelled lights so I flicked it and my mouth parted at the beautiful sight unfolding before me. A long, tubular room swept out ahead and on rows of long tables, seemingly growing from various tubs, jars and glass tubes were hundreds and hundreds of crystals. Every colour under the sun twinkled back at me, segregated by their unique hue.

  Excitement sped through me as I opened the heavy door and stepped inside. An icy gust swept over me and my breath puffed out as I walked down one of the aisles, hurrying toward the section of glittering yellow crystals. They were all in jars, some in clusters and others so big they'd been segmented into huge glass vats of their own.

  A measuring rod lay at the end of the row so I snatched it up and sought out a two inch crystal amongst the cluster of yellows. When I found one, I plucked it from its jar and turned it over in my palm, admiring its beauty.

  My Atlas pinged loudly and my gut clenched sharply. I snatched it out, expecting to find a warning from Diego but instead it was another message from Orion.


  Maybe green this time? Although 'Green' as a nickname isn't quite so catchy.

  The suspense is killing me.

  A laugh escaped me as I tucked my tablet away with the crystal. I put the measuring rod back and hurried to the end of the room. I headed out of the door, shutting it behind me and switching off the light.

  I strode toward the next door with a skip in my step but before I reached it, it swung open. My heart lurched wildly and I dove behind it as the Professor walked into the room. He yawned broadly, moving down an aisle and humming to himself. I caught the door before it swung closed, adrenaline surging as I rushed out of it then broke into a run through the lab.


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