Rescued By The Alien: A Sci-fi Alien Romance (Intergalactic Mates Book 1)

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Rescued By The Alien: A Sci-fi Alien Romance (Intergalactic Mates Book 1) Page 6

by Isla Monroe

  “I didn’t know the full story until I got clearance. The human race wouldn’t be able to handle it. We have a tendency to lash out at things we don’t understand.” This was the same theory I had observed from personal experience.

  “I have seen how your people react to aliens in the movies and television.”

  I was concerned about the insects, but they were more curious than prone to violence.

  “There were plenty of stories about aliens in the Las Vegas desert. The townspeople in the area of Roswell depend on the curious to come in droves.” Gemini skimmed her hand along the water and I saw the way the water molded around her hand before dripping back to the source.

  “I would be very careful doing that. It’s been known to become quite addictive. It’s basically the living embodiment of our planet’s ecosystem. I’ve been known to indulge.” She was removing her clothes with no visible shame not even caring that I was standing there watching.

  “This is an alien world with wonders we have barely scratched the surface of. I don’t want to be here, but I should make the best of this opportunity. This water makes me feel the need to shed some layers.” Her bare back and the way that her spine tapered over her bubble butt had my undivided attention.

  “I do find myself interested in knowing how you are going to react submerged. A human has never been on this planet. Come to think of it, it’s possible someone of your kind has been here and the rest of us didn’t know it.” I was getting angry and the only thing bringing my temperature down was watching her wade naked into the water.

  “It feels like something crawling over my skin. It’s almost lifelike.” It did have properties to mimic something living and breathing, but it was a chemical reaction to her physiology.

  “You look like you are in your element. I didn’t bring you here to have fun. The machines may seem dormant, but they are still there. We have to continue away from technology. It will make it difficult, but I know somebody who has a few methods which don’t involve technology.” She was lying on the pillow of the water cradling her body.

  “You could join me, but I’m not sure it’s a good idea. This feeling is strong enough to be sexual. Those times I have been with someone from the opposite sex never satisfied all of my senses. The sensation of euphoria doesn’t seem to want to go away. I have a scientific curiosity to know how touching you would prolong that feeling.” The water was considered an intoxicating drug and was somewhat responsible for the rift between both factions.

  “I find myself having the same thoughts. It is tempting.” I moved a few inches closer to the water until I could see the insects skirting the shore.

  “This substance ignites certain parts of my brain. The pleasure center is at the epicenter. It’s like I am connected to a very intense aphrodisiac. I would hate to waste this feeling. Call it scientific research.” The insects parted to allow me to pass through.

  I took off the white shirt and dropped the same color pants to my ankles. She wasn’t even looking at me with her face a painting of blissful obliviousness. I felt like I might be taking advantage of her. It didn’t stop me from letting this body feel the effects of the water.

  I immediately stopped with the water up to my waist. The sexual endorphins blazed out of control between my legs. The periscope of my excitement was easily seen bobbing on top of the surface.

  “This far exceeds what I felt before. This body cries out for instant gratification. The water is doing most of the work.” I could see the skin of my shaft moving in the liquid grasp of the water.

  “It should be illegal to feel this way. We have drugs that can mimic the same thing. People lose themselves in those substances to find some sense of peace in their lives. There is no stress and I don’t worry about what is going to happen tomorrow.” She was on her feet coming toward me one step at a time.

  “This has been a subject of contention between the factions. This world can be enjoyed fully in a flesh and blood form. We thought we overcame any such desire. It only took one for the word to spread. Those of my kind are given a choice at an early age. They can either become evolved in light form or hold onto their flesh and blood counterpart.” I was fortunate to have the scientific license to explore both sides and report back my findings.

  She put her hand on my bare chest and threw back her head from what she received. Her fingernails kneaded my flesh eliciting a reaction below the surface of the water. The sexual component was hard to resist.

  “One taste is never going to be enough. Leven, I am feeling a 21 gun salute going off in my lower extremities. Why in the world would you not be doing this all the time?” The answer was hard to convey to those of limited capacity to understand.

  “The best way to explain is by using a human saying. Too much of a good thing can be dangerous.” I didn’t want outside forces to make her succumb to her natural urges.

  “I can see how that can be true. The one thing I have noticed is that these things inside of me are no longer rebelling. This substance is being absorbed into every pore of my body. They have stopped moving and I feel no discomfort.” The lasting effects would be minimal, but it was good to know I had options.

  There was a ripple and the water began to churn around us bubbling with insistence. We were in the midst of a Whirlpool. I sighed deeply with a certain part of my anatomy standing tall and proud.

  “I should’ve known that any form of happiness is short lived. It’s not like I didn’t expect them. It would’ve been nice for them to wait a little longer.” In the distance, I could see flashes of different lights getting closer by the second.

  “How long do we have?” She had both hands massaging my pectorals with her nipples on high beams.

  “I would say no more than a few minutes. I covet any time that I can spend with you. This has been enlightening in more ways than one. I’m going to have to bottle this and keep some on hand in case the machines decide to act up. For the moment, I would really like to refrain from telling my people of your unusual condition. It would only panic them.” I had purposely introduced two different species with the huge possibility of being chastised for it.

  “I want to do more and I think you know exactly what I’m talking about. I’m fighting the fire inside to float aimlessly in the seduction of your words. It’s not easy. I see a part of you is flying free patriotically. I salute the flag of your excitement.” I began to blush not really embarrassed but affected by how she was within easy reach.

  “I’m right there with you. I’ve never been the least bit interested in being physical with your species. You changed all that. It’s a blessing and a curse. My analytical brain is being overrun by feelings of throwing caution to the wind.” My two hands were tracing the contour of her cleavage avoiding the thick erasers of her endowment.

  I was confounded by those overwhelming feelings. She was a shining star burning brightly in front of my eyes. I had no regrets. I did have this need to do more than touch her. It was fascinating and terrifying at the same time.

  I heard the crack of thunder and knew that the Lighten emissaries were being called into duty. They could’ve asked for an audience, but they were prone to act offensively. I wasn’t going to be given a choice. Protecting her from their wrath was going to become my main reason for living.

  “I get this feeling I’m not going to be immune to their questions. You’re going to have to translate for me what they say. I know it might sound trite, but tell them that I’m here in peace. I wasn’t consulted about coming here. I’m glad I did it for nothing else than to feel this sexually infused water surrounding me.” The landscape was shaken to its foundation.

  The societal status of those lights was of the first responders. They were the first line of defense. They followed the orders of the light force. It wasn’t their place to question or hesitate in their duties. They were not known for their patience. I knew they were upset by how they had joined forces in a formation of defense.

  “It looks like you’r
e going to have a chance to plead your case.” The purple light of the guards swirled around us and held us hostage in its grip. There was no escape.

  It was my fervent hope that they would listen without creating a hostile environment. I wasn’t holding my breath. I had a job and coming here prematurely made me look like I had been influenced by an alien race. I wasn’t going to let them know how true that was.

  Chapter nine


  It was like a cold slap of water to my face. Being wrenched free by bodily force from the pleasing effect of the water was shocking. The landscape changed until we were in the presence of those same spires I had seen in his thoughts. They were standing in judgment with the light of their disapproval blinding me literally and figuratively.

  “I want you to let me do the talking. Don’t say anything unless you are addressed. I will try to make this appear above their heads. They don’t like false platitudes. The facts are what matters. I have to make them believe this was unavoidable.” I could feel the stirring of the machines as if they were waking up from a long slumber.

  I covered my shame with a white pair of pants and shirt that was mysteriously present. I no longer felt the freedom to express myself. My leadership qualities came back stronger than ever. I would follow his lead until I had something to say in my own defense.

  “Will I be able to hear them?” He wasn’t the one who answered my query.

  “Leven, you have some explaining to do. You were not supposed to come back for another year. It concerns us the reason for your impromptu visit. Bringing a human with you is a breach of our rules. We cannot condone this insubordination. You have one chance to defend yourself.” The voice was inside my head and I fell to my knees with the pain radiating throughout my body.

  “I came back to help. Humans have a capacity to survive any calamity. Their numbers dwindle, but they always rise from the ashes. 911 was a testament to their fortitude and strength of character. They were attacked with no provocation. Strangers became friends to lend a hand when the human race was at its lowest point. This is a lesson we need to learn.” His statement was a fact and not fiction.

  “We can see this event unfolding in her eyes. Their capacity to self-destruct is baffling. What makes you think that we can learn anything from them?” I was holding my ears and could feel something wet seeping through my fingers.

  “Gemini has a willful spirit and desire to do what is right. I haven’t been able to measure with any degree of success how they do that. They’re born and their parents give them the tools to know the difference between right and wrong. I brought her here to teach us about values. It’s not a secret that we have lost our way.” He was stringing a tale together and taking his cue from their reactions.

  “You should’ve gone through proper channels. Why would you bring her here to risk being crucified? The Life Force is screaming at me to punish you. Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t. You were going far until you committed this course of action.” My head was exploding and those machines inside me cowered in fear.

  “Coven, you were an idealistic scientist looking to give his people hope for a new day. We lost sight of what made our society whole. This rift is a ticking time bomb ready to go off. We need to come together and unite. Fighting each other is counterproductive. We sit on the sidelines, but this wasn’t always the case.” He had his hand on my shoulder and it lessened the pain to a manageable level.

  “It was inevitable for you to find out we were not always content with living in obscurity. The earthlings greeted us with kindness, but we saw the festering underbelly. They killed each other and it was appalling. We gave them a gift and they fought over what country would have the control over it. It was the reason we left and never came back.” I was physically and mentally exhausted from their words echoing in my head.

  “You sent me there to find out if anything changed. This proves to me that you saw a potential for them to rise above their hatred and mistrust of each other.” It did make a bit of sense for them to keep an eye on who they might consider an ally.

  “Did you find anything to indicate that they do have some redeeming qualities? I was one of the last holdouts to keep them on the list of candidates. I hope your next statement will prove me right.” I didn’t know how I knew, but they were split down the middle on their opinion when it came to earthlings.

  “I won’t lie for them. They still fight amongst themselves. Their capacity to forgive gives me hope that one day there will be a lasting peace stretching across the planet. She’s here to help us to achieve the same goal as a neutral party.” It was quite something to see him adapt and come up with a plausible excuse for my presence.

  “I’m still not entirely convinced. It has been agreed you will be given one chance to bring both parties to the table to negotiate. I don’t envy her position. There is staunch opposition on both sides. It can’t be settled with kind words and a gesture of good faith.” They were on the brink of civil unrest and I could read between the lines like a good leader trained to negotiate.

  “She will have a better chance of appealing to the other faction. We have to start somewhere before things boil over. I can feel there’s going to be a breaking point.” The animosity was felt in the air and some didn’t see any other way than war.

  “Leven, politics have never been your strong suit. Getting involved is going to put you on the front line. Are you sure you really want to depend on a human?” He was disgusted by the very notion of outside influence on matters of government.

  They didn’t have to say the words for me to know how they felt about the human race. They couldn’t hide from my experience in diplomacy. I had been in the position of negotiating peace treaties with warring territories. I was very good at finding a compromise in a chaotic environment.

  “I haven’t been here for a few years, but I was instantly connected when I arrived. We claim to be an evolved species but we judge them for something that we are guilty of as well. We are no better than them in many regards. We need them to breach the gap between the factions before it’s too late.” There was a deathly silence and it was almost more painful than their words making my ears bleed.

  There was this hum and I knew this was their way of communicating with one another. I felt like I was on trial for the human race. They needed to trust somebody to make sense of the mess they made of their own community. I couldn’t promise anything, but I was willing to roll up my sleeves and get dirty.

  “I can hear everything they are saying. The decision can go either way.” I tried to take his hand, but he wasn’t allowing me to show him any form of physical comfort.

  “You are walking a tightrope without a net.” The waiting game was interminable, but I was thankful the debate was a lengthy one.

  “This is not the place to talk about this. It’s better for you to be seen and not heard at this moment. I’m the one they needed to hear from. There won’t be any place we can hide if they decide to detain us for further questioning.” It felt like he was defeated, but he was standing strong waiting for the verdict.

  The machines were disorganized. I could feel them moving around underneath my skin. I could equate their confusion to someone being under the influence of too much alcohol. They were bumping into each other. They couldn’t seem to get out of each other’s way. That wasn’t going to last forever. They were re-initializing and it wasn’t going to be long before they wanted to retaliate.

  “Does it usually take this long for them to come to a consensus? I don’t mean to cast aspersions, but this system is flawed. There are too many moving parts. They need one voice to speak above the din of the others. It might be time to overhaul the political landscape.” We had one leader, but there was always more whispering in his ear.

  “You can’t tell me the fallout from your government getting involved in matters that don’t concern them is the right thing. They sometimes do more harm than good.” I couldn’t argue with his reasoning.

“I want to attempt here what can’t be done in my world. Breaking down the barriers is a good place to begin. I need to know the underlying reason for the rift between the factions. To see things from both points of view will give me a better understanding.” I didn’t fear the reaper, but I did feel the frightening effects of what could happen to us.

  “My speech wasn’t meant as a rallying cry for help. I don’t know if anybody can unravel what has become a chasm to overcome. I commend you for wanting to try.” We weren’t on the same page.

  He was trying to trick them by appealing to their need to find a peaceful solution to explain my presence. I was dead set on making a conscious effort to bring them together. This was where we differed in our opinion.

  “We have discussed this and have come to a unanimous decision. The human will be given access to the archives of the past. She will have the opportunity to speak for both sides. The one thing we did agree on was that you cannot interact with the human in a physical capacity.” They must’ve seen something to give them the idea we were closer than it appeared.


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