Undead Have Bunnies, Too [A Tail Like No Other: Book Four] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Undead Have Bunnies, Too [A Tail Like No Other: Book Four] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 10

by Scarlet Hyacinth

  I did manage a small whimper, and Vlad wasn’t left unaffected. In spite of the less than perfect angle of sight, I could see his cock twitched at the sound I made. And even if I hadn’t noticed that, I felt his arousal through our bond. It made me a little drunk, like the time I’d run away from my warren and accidentally fallen in a bush of love herb. My friends had eventually found me, and to this day, Larue teased me mercilessly about it.

  But not even those distant memories could distract me from my mate and what he was doing. Much to my dismay, he seemed to be picking up his clothes. If he changed his mind now, I’d surely expire out of frustrated need.

  “Sorry,” Vlad told me, this time out loud. “I have no plans to hold back this time around.”

  He threw a glance my way, and he flashed a hint of fang at me. As I stared in rapt fascination at him, he grabbed some of the scraps of material that were left over from his shirt. Grinning, he wrapped them around his fists and climbed back onto the bed.

  Something in his demeanor was, for lack of a better word, predatory. I realized it all too well, because I was a predator, too. Kind of. Really, right now, I’d completely turned into prey, and I couldn’t wait to be devoured by Vlad.

  He crawled on top of me, scanning me from top to bottom while licking his lips. I would have loved to keep track of what he wanted to do to me, but there were so many images flashing through his mind that I couldn’t really tell. Before I could figure it out, he wrapped one of the scraps around the base of my dick and my testicles. I gasped, but that only gave Vlad the opening he needed to stuff another piece of material in my mouth. A third one became a blindfold, and I wanted to whine at being deprived of the beauty that was Vlad in bed. However, I also had to admit that no longer being able to use one of my most reliable senses had more appeal than I’d have expected. And when Vlad used the rest of the cloth to bind my arms against the headboard, I was utterly and completely at his mercy. Not that I hadn’t been so before, but now, it was clearer than ever before.

  As I lay there, Vlad released a contented rumble that sounded very much like he was some sort of large animal, not a vampire. “You look beautiful, my sweet,” he said, flicking his thumb over my nipple and rubbing lightly. Just that light touch had me writhing under him. When I whimpered and arched into his caress, he rewarded me by changing his target to the spot I wanted to be touched most. His hand engulfed my prick, jacking me slowly. Pleasure rushed over my spine, lighting my every nerve ending on fire.

  I could have probably come just from that, but Vlad had other plans. Then again, of course he did. After my brief stint into the world of sex toys—at the hands of his half brother, no less—my mate seemed intent on thrusting me into a practical demonstration. Sadly, that entailed him stopping his ministrations, presumably because he didn’t have what he needed here.

  He said nothing as he abandoned the bed once more, but I got bits and pieces of information through our mate bond. My heat was making me more incoherent than I’d have normally been, so his plans didn’t fully process—which only contributed to my sensual despair.

  The wait seemed to take forever. Although my mate couldn’t have been gone for long, I felt every second of his absence acutely. It made me even more aware of how much I wanted him, of how empty I felt without him inside me.

  By the time he returned, I was hanging to my sanity by a very thin thread. I wanted to tear the bindings keeping me immobilized and hunt him down, but my strongest instinct was to obey him, and it kept me rooted in the bed.

  He was pleased by my choice, though, and that made it all worthwhile. When he joined me on the bed again, his hand caressed my thigh seductively, a clear promise of more to come. “You’re doing very well, my sweet,” he purred.

  I couldn’t see him because of the blindfold, but I could imagine him, remembering how he had looked when he’d watched me, how much passion I’d noticed in his eyes. It was almost painful that he kept it from me now, but it was a sweet pain, because it had me anticipating his touch all the more.

  He squeezed my hip and gestured for me to spread my legs. I instantly complied, hoping that I’d finally get what I wanted most. Sure, foreplay was nice, but in the end, it was the pure act of copulation that I craved.

  Because of my bindings, I couldn’t support my legs, but I lifted them nevertheless, exposing my nether regions to my mate. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to. I could feel his excitement soar, which only fueled mine. It should have been an impossible feat, given that I was already on the verge of a total meltdown, but as it turned out, nothing appeared to be impossible when Vlad was involved.

  My lover brushed his fingers over my testicles and then over my clenching hole. I trembled and clung to the bindings, feeling like any moment now, I would lose my mind out of sheer arousal. He prodded my opening with his talented digits, rubbing and teasing without actually sliding them inside me. “Mmm,” he hummed thoughtfully. “Look at you. Your body is so hungry for me. But then, your people are very voracious, right?”

  Huh? I had no idea what he meant by that. In fact, if he could still utter words like “voracious,” we were worlds apart in terms of coherence.

  Mercifully, he didn’t seem to actually expect an answer. “You know, I’m told that in that world Kirril visited, your people enjoy a different diet,” he said in an almost conversational tone. “One of their favorite meals is a vegetable—a carrot. Have you ever eaten carrots?”

  I hadn’t, because I was strictly a meat-eater. The word itself sounded familiar, and I could only guess I must have heard it from Dini once. But what did it matter? We weren’t about to stop having sex to grab a snack. Right? Even as Vlad spoke, he never ceased touching me, rubbing his thumb over my anus. Any moment now, he’d abandon this torture and slide inside me, where he belonged.

  When this thought passed through my mind, Vlad stopped teasing. “Yes,” he said as he supported my legs and held them aloft. “I belong with you, and you belong to me.”

  I noticed the difference in phrasing, and maybe I’d have wondered about it, but instinctively, I understood it. His dark nature had fully emerged by now, and was manifesting itself in the desire to own me. That was more than fine by me, because I just now realized that I wanted to be owned by a man who could handle me, who could take my desires in stride and master them, just like Vlad did.

  It was then that something thick nudged at my opening. I couldn’t identify it at first, outside the fact that it wasn’t his dick. And then, an image slid into my mind, coming through my bond with Vlad. I could actually see myself, bound to the bed, my legs spread, an orange vegetable disappearing into my channel as Vlad pushed it in. It was a carrot. The object he was slowly inserting inside me was a carrot. It seemed to be slick with some sort of substance, oil perhaps.

  I should have been shocked or embarrassed. Well, someone else might have been, because, as kinks went, this was pretty weird. Or so I thought. I wasn’t all that well versed in such play just yet. But in the end, I didn’t really care. The damn carrot filled me up nicely, even if it couldn’t compare to Vlad’s dick. I found myself moaning and arching my back, trying to push back against the vegetable.

  Vlad controlled my every motion, though, preventing me from seeking full satisfaction. Even if one of his hands was busy with the impromptu toy he held, he also managed to grip my hips and keep me in place. At the same time, he shoved the carrot over and over inside my clenching channel, expertly drawing out the entire process to increase my sexual need. For every three strokes, only one of them hit my special spot, making stars burst behind my eyelids. With the other two, he deliberately avoided the spongy gland, adding another ingredient to the cocktail of frustrated pleasure already whirling inside me.

  I was so close to coming now I could almost taste it, but much to my dismay, Vlad didn’t seem to have any intention to grant me release anytime soon. In fact, he’d only just begun. That became apparent when, as I was trying to wrap my head around the bliss he was
already drawing out of me, he suddenly lowered his mouth over my dick and took it all the way into his throat. I could not see any of this because of the blindfold, but distantly, I had to guess it wasn’t exactly easy to do given that he was still fucking me with the carrot and supporting my legs. Nevertheless, he somehow managed, and was very successful at it. I couldn’t even process the mechanics of it, because I was too lost in the rapture to really understand anything more complex than, “Yes,” “Please,” “More,” and of course, “Vlad”—and variations of these four concepts. I was particularly proud when I actually managed to utter, “Yes, Vlad, please!” That was an amazing effort, in my humble opinion.

  All the while, he kept thrusting the carrot in and out of me as his mouth tortured my aching prick. He practically devoured me, grunts and groans of enjoyment escaping him and sending torturously delicious vibrations through my dick. With every second that passed, I seriously thought that it couldn’t get any better, but he proved me wrong every single time.

  I didn’t know how long he kept me soaring on those heights of unimaginable sensual tension, but finally, he took mercy on me. He pulled off the bit of material tied at the base of my dick, while still lavishing the swollen shaft with attention. He shoved the carrot one more time inside me, straight against my prostate. Through our bond, a clear command invaded my mind, “Come for me, my sweet!”

  Instantly, I found my peak, clinging to the bindings that still held me immobilized in a desperate attempt to find some sort of anchor. At the last moment, my mate pulled away. Wet heat splashed over my chest and even my cheek as my dick spurted its offering. Some of it must have landed on Vlad, because he groaned. Or maybe it was just my orgasm causing him the pleasure I could feel within him. Either way, he was very close to coming, but unlike me, he managed to hold himself in check. Apparently, he had other plans when it came to using that monster between his legs.

  And I was going to witness them firsthand, through all of my senses. Vlad removed my blindfold, but I almost didn’t realize it in the beginning. I was still lost in the throes of my climax, my body trying to absorb all the pleasure that he had given me while my heat stubbornly insisted I needed more.

  As I convulsed through it all, Vlad pulled out the carrot and positioned his cock against my opening. My vision cleared just in time to meet his gaze when he impaled me in one, single smooth thrust. My flesh yielded to him easily, no, greedily. Even if I’d just come, I was as hard as a rock again, ablaze with the lust we shared.

  I felt so full of him, in every possible way. His hard prick fit inside me perfectly, completing me, both soothing and feeding my heat. That strange emptiness that I hadn’t really wanted to acknowledge finally started to disappear, replaced by pure rightness and the certainty of being protected, cherished, needed.

  In the end, that was the crux of our relationship. Oh, no doubt about it, he mastered me in bed, and I loved every second of it. But he’d been searching for someone who could handle everything he dished out, and I was that person. In that moment, I could only thank the Goddess for it, that She had allowed us to meet.

  All thoughts of anyone else—the Goddess included—vanished from my mind as Vlad started to thrust. He was so hot now, branding me from the inside out with it. Really, it should have been surprising, since his skin tended to be cool when he didn’t feed enough.

  “It’s you,” he whispered through our bond. “You heat me up.”

  I would have loved to provide a reply, but this time, he wasn’t playing around. With every motion of his pelvis, his cock unerringly brushed my prostate no, struck it. Because my mate had set an almost punishing pace, fucking me with abandon, claiming everything I was and would ever be. I had trouble breathing, let alone thinking. But that was all right. Breathing was highly overrated anyway. Coupling with one’s mate meant so much more.

  For once, my lover was right there with me, just as lost in our union. A small snarl twisted his lips, like he was angry, or in pain. I could tell he wanted to get deeper inside me, always deeper. I craved the same thing, to have him buried to the hilt, to never be separated from him. It wasn’t just because of my heat either. Like my mate had said once, that instinct largely depended on pheromones and nothing else. But in our time together, our relationship had become far more profound. I had fallen in love with him. And this, what we were doing right now, was a culmination of that love. Our uncertainties had stood in our way for a long time, and while they hadn’t separated us, they could have if we’d let them.

  But now, we had surpassed all that. That knowledge, accompanied by the nearly brutal sexuality of our coupling, soon brought me on the edge of yet another orgasm.

  There was only one more thing missing, but we were rapidly approaching that point, the true moment when he would claim me. Already eager for it, I tilted my head, needing him to take what was his in this final way, to feed off my blood like I knew he wanted to.

  With a low growl, my mate struck. Sharp fangs embedded themselves in my flesh and white-hot pleasure-pain exploded through me. At the same time, Vlad’s voice trickled into my mind, much like it had before. “Come for me, my sweet. Come on my cock.”

  His permission propelled me into a dizzying orgasm. I would have never thought that I could have experienced something better than our first time together, or the most recent climax he had drawn out of me. But this…This was completely different. I couldn’t have explained it to save my life, but the bliss that flowed over me seemed to know no boundaries. Clearly, it stemmed from one very simple thing.

  Vlad didn’t pull away. The suction against my neck continued, and every pull of his mouth seemed directly connected to my dick. His dick pulsed inside me, and he shuddered as he came as well, pumping my channel full of his seed. But even as we tumbled together into the abyss of rapture, he kept feeding on me, drinking my blood, feasting on me like he had wanted, like he had needed.

  Our connection flared to brilliant life. A million colors exploded in my visions, while a million flavors assaulted my taste buds. As a carnivore, I was well acquainted with blood, but tasting it had never brought me such pleasure. Because I experienced every single emotion that coursed through Vlad, his thirst for me and the absolute satisfaction he felt at finally drinking his fill and claiming me at the same time.

  There were no more doubts or fears, no more holding back. I was completely and utterly Vlad’s. My thoughts and memories belonged to him, just like I did—but he repaid me by feeding his own recollections and feelings into our connection.

  It might not have even been a conscious thing, but it didn’t really matter. There was one thing that came through loud and clear, and a very conscious choice on his part. “I love you, my Vesper,” he said.

  I didn’t miss the fact that, once again, he had claimed me as his. Impossibly, it made me even happier than I already was. “I love you too, Vlad,” I murmured back.

  Finally, my heat settled down in a pleasurable contentment. He released his hold on my throat, having drunk enough of my blood. As he did so, he also slid out of my body and then released me from my bindings. Now that I had my arms free, I took advantage of it to wrap them around my lover’s body. He was so warm now, a testament of our bond, of what I had managed to give him, in spite of everything his family had said.

  He held me close to him, so very close, for the longest time. We were both just as reluctant to break the peace we had found, even to clean up the evidence of our spent passion.

  Soon, though, I finally realized something was different about Vlad. I could hear the steady thud-thud of his heart. His skin was warm under my palm, and it didn’t grow cool as time passed.

  “My powers are back,” Vlad said, obviously overhearing the thought.

  I knew what that meant. It was time to abandon the coven. Not that I enjoyed our brief stay here all that much, but it had guided us to a better understanding of our relationship, or at the very least, had helped us along the way. A part of me was reluctant to return to before.
I would have much preferred to remain in this room, with Vlad, for the rest of eternity.

  Still, I couldn’t help but sober when I recalled my friends’ predicament. They had come to rescue me from the witch. I couldn’t let them down now, not because of my selfishness.

  “We’ll go soon,” Vlad promised me. He released me from his embrace and slid out of the bed. “Close your eyes and get some sleep. I’ll say our good-byes and get some clothes for us.”

  I didn’t really want to be separated from him for even a second, but something had changed between us during our lovemaking. I found myself instinctually obeying him. My eyes drifted shut, and I surrendered to my exhaustion and to restless dreams and desires.

  Chapter Eight:

  In Which Time Flies When You’re Having Fun

  Claiming Vesper had been everything I could have ever wanted and more. I had thoroughly enjoyed the first time we’d made—well, no, enjoyment was a small word for what I experienced then. And still, when I had allowed myself to relax and trust Vesper’s ability to handle my true needs, it had been so much better.

  Even now, the strength of his blood burned through my veins, mending what the fight with the witch had broken. I felt powerful, more powerful than ever before, ready to take on the world.

  Of course, I didn’t really want to do that. In fact, I would have much preferred to just retire to my castle with my mate and emerge out of our quarters only to hunt meals for Vesper. Naturally, I would be snacking on him. Yes, the thought appealed very much, but I couldn’t be selfish right now. I had to think about the people we’d left behind—my sisters, Vesper’s friends and family.

  For this reason, I went to the adjoining bath chamber and quickly cleaned up. After that, I returned to the other room, bringing a wet washcloth with me. Paying close heed so as not to wake my mate, I carefully cleaned him up.


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