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Conquered Shores

Page 4

by Brooklynn Rivers

  A sly grin swept passed his lips. “Take the boy to the slave pin.”

  “No!” she cried, watching a soldier seized Braelin, “Ye cannae do this! Ye filthy barbarian!”

  “I can.” Ravenshield reached out and grabbing her arm. “And I will.”


  With one swipe of a hand, he broke the leather necklace that hugged her neck. “What do we have here?”

  “Give it back!” she snapped.

  Ravenshield studied the Celtic markings closely, running a rough thumb over the embossed designs. He traced the intricate detail—the silver ropes entwined endlessly within each other. This was the work of a great craftsman, he thought.

  “Whoever forged this knew what they were doing. No peasant would possess something so fine.”

  “Let me have it,” she growled, trying to snatch it from his hand.

  “Why, sweeting?” he teased, holding the necklace just out of her reach.

  "It's mine," she growled.

  "You must be quite impressive to earn such a treasure.” He grinned.

  “Ye arrogant…”

  “How much are you willing to sacrifice?” Gunnar asked, tightening his grip, “Is saving one child worth submitting to a Viking?”

  “Ye are evil,” she snapped.

  Ravenshield met her stare and wondered if she had lost her mind. Her courage was impressive, but he couldn’t tolerate her insolence. Did she not realize that he could smite her where she stood? There was something about this woman that ensnared him, lit a flame of desire in his loins. Breaking her spirit would be a challenge that he would enjoy.

  He leaned in and whispered, “You have not given me an answer.”

  “I’ve none to give.” Shannon gritted her teeth.

  “We shall see what you're willing to give.” He swiftly turned to the side and whistled.

  One of his henchmen trampled through the sand and bowed. Ravenshield handed him the key. The soldier dropped to the ground and unlocked the chains that harnessed Shannon’s ankles.

  “What’re ye plannin’ to do with me?” she asked nervously.

  Without answering, he passed her off to the warrior and walked away. Shannon swallowed hard, watching him disappear into the crowd of villagers. Her stomach tightened. What was going to happen her? Suddenly, she felt a pair of hands on her shoulders.

  The Viking led her up the hill overlooking the slave pin. Her stomach lurched. Now she was completely separated from her clan. There was power in numbers, but not anymore. She was alone—vulnerable.

  What did Ravenshield have planned for her? Whatever it was, it could not be good. She trudged along the grassy path, drawing closer to the longhouse. The guard opened the door and motioned for her to enter. The door creaked, sending shivers down her spine.

  It was black as pitch. Damp air spilled out from the inside. She drew in a deep breath and hesitated.

  “Inside,” the soldier ordered, pointing a finger.

  There was no use in protesting. She could not win. To defy him would mean death.

  She entered cautiously, taking a few steps inside. Just when she turned around, the door slammed shut. With a loud click, the bolt was locked. Shannon grabbed the iron handle, trying to force it open. It didn't budge.


  Shannon’s stomach sank deeper into despair. Fear pulsed through her veins as panic flooded her senses. She leaned against the door feeling her heart pound against each rib. Shadows surrounded her. It was difficult to see, incredibly tough to breathe. Anxiety devoured her bit by bit. Nothing could be worse than what she was about to endure.

  Chapter 5

  Sweat dripped from Shannon's palms. Panic crippled every nerve as darkness surrounded her. The humidity was so dense that her clothes melted to her body like a second skin. Any other time she would have welcomed the warmth, but the heaviness in the air was smothering.

  She opened her eyes slowly, giving them time to adjust. The thick mist that hung in the air distorted her vision. Little by little, flickers of light danced around the room. The glimmering torches cast a glow around the room.

  Drip. Drip.

  Where was that noise coming from? It was too dark to tell but it could lead to a way out. She walked toward the torchlight, following the sound.

  As she ambled through the mist, she saw something in the center of the room. What was it? A pit? No. It was more than just a hole in the ground. She had heard heard about bathing pools but never thought she would see one.

  Steam snaked up from the pool and formed a misty cloud. The vapors weaved around each rafter like long fingers stretching across the ceiling. She gazed into the pool and quietly crouched to the floor, gliding her fingers through the water.

  “It’s warm,” she whispered.

  “Yes.” A voice rang out in the darkness. “It’s a bath.”

  Shannon jumped to her feet and looked around. “Who’s there?”

  Shannon peered into the haze and saw a woman drifting around the room lighting several more torches. The brown dress she wore hung loosely below the knee. The leather cord around her waist accented her figure. The long braid that cascaded down her back looked like a waterfall of gold.

  “My name is Kiera,” she replied, rounding the basin, “I belong to Gunnar Ravenshield. What do they call you?”

  “Shannon,” she added, “of Bennetraige.”

  “I see that you’re a curious one,” Kiera chuckled, watching Shannon glance down at the pool, “Ravenshield and his fleet plundered many Roman territories before settling in Dublin. He modeled this bathhouse after one he saw in the city of Gaul. Of course, he conquered that city days later.”

  “I’m nae interested in his conquests,” she spat, “He destroyed my village, and I want out of here.”

  “Come now, Shannon,” Kiera drifted closer, “Things are not that bad. You are just tired from your journey.”

  “I want to leave,” Shannon went on, putting her hands on her hips defiantly, "Now."

  “Do not get hasty,” Kiera said calmly, pouring bath oils into the water, “It is wise to think with your head instead of your heart. Ravenshield is a very powerful man, a great warrior who has influence in Dublin. Come. Let me wipe the dirt from your face.”

  “What do ye think yer doin’?” Shannon recoiled.

  “I only want to help you, Shannon,” Kiera said, wiping the mud from her cheek.

  Shannon stood there, feeling the soft cloth caress her face. It felt soothing, calming. Tiny droplets of water trickled down her jaw tickling her chin. It was a welcomed changed to feel clean again.

  "Feel better?" Kiera cooed as she ran a few fingers through Shannon's hair. "You need to calm down. I'm here to help you."

  "Help?" Shannon shot her a wary eye.

  "I know what you’re going through," Kiera said, "I know what you want."

  "Ye don’even know me," she snapped.

  "I know you want your freedom."

  "Anyone can see that."

  "I can help you, but you're going to have to trust me."

  "Why should I?"

  "You have nowhere else to turn, Shannon. I am your only hope."

  The woman’s words unnerved her, but Shannon knew Kiera was right. She didn't have any choice but to trust a stranger. All she wanted was to leave Dublin and find her way back to her clan.

  "Fine, then," Shannon sighed, "Just show me the way out."

  Kiera giggled softly, "That is not the way to handle a man like Gunnar Ravenshield."

  "I don' care."

  "Use your head, Shannon. Ravenshield is a fair man. Perhaps you can reach an agreement."

  An agreement? Shannon thought about it briefly. Maybe they could work out something after Ravenshield realized who she was. Surely, he would let her go once she told him that her uncle was a chieftain. Wouldn’t he? Perhaps she could sweeten the pot, so to speak. A pay-off. Though she wasn’t fond of paying off a band of Vikings, there was no other alternative but for Uncle Neill to open up
his coffers and pay a hefty ransom.

  “Your bath is ready,” Kiera said softly.

  As Shannon peeled the dirty smock from her skin, a cold shiver raced up her spine. She caught Kiera staring at her, watching every move. Goosebumps covered her flesh.

  Do not let anyone see that…your life depends on it.

  Shannon draped her arm across her chest covering the birthmark with her palm.

  “I’d like to bathe alone.”

  “Nonsense,” she replied, “I will wash your hair and get the tangles out while you soak.”

  Shannon shot her a wary glance and knew she wasn’t going to leave anytime soon. Perhaps she had caught a glimpse of the mark or, more than likely, Kiera was afraid that she would try to escape. Nevertheless, it was no use in arguing. Some battles were worth fighting for while others were not.

  She eased into the pool and immersed herself in its soothing warmth. The silky water comforted Shannon as steam formed a protective shield around her. Kiera’s fingers massaged her scalp working up a thick lather—the heady scent calmed her. Water cascaded over her head and shoulders, removing dirt and residue from her body. Kiera was right about one thing, she thought, this was relaxing.

  Shannon closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, savoring the intense aroma of bath oils that soaked into her pores. Intoxicated by the fragrance, she vaguely felt a comb gliding through her hair. She took a deep breath and heard the sound of water pouring into the pool.

  “I’ll return with fresh dressings,” Kiera whispered, gathering up the sod-covered smock.

  She’s gone, Shannon thought. There was no one around to stop her from escaping. Damn, she cursed. Kiera had taken all of her clothes. She certainly could not sneak out of the bathhouse naked. There had to be a towel or wrap lying around somewhere. The only way to find out was to go and look.

  She started to ease out of the water when the door creaked open.

  “Enjoying your bath?”

  Shannon looked over her shoulder and saw Ravenshield standing at the rim of the pool. Her stomach rippled in fear. She submerged herself deeper into the water.

  “Get out of here,” Shannon commanded, wading to the other side.

  “Why should I leave when this is my private bathing quarters? You are the outsider here,” he replied, peeling off his shirt.

  “Outsider?” she huffed, “I’m here against my will. Get out.”

  “Who are you to make such demands? Feel free to take your leave whenever you wish.”

  “Me? Demands?” Shannon huffed, “I’ll leave when Kiera brings my clothes.”

  “Why should you wait until then?” Ravenshield teased as he stripped off his trews.

  Her eyes fluttered, trying to focus on something other than him. But like a moth drawn to a flame, she could not help but look. A faint mist enveloped his form and accented every muscle. The firelight played on his skin, teasing her. His body glistened with a mix of sweat and steam, each corded limb swelled with masculinity. Light brown hair peppered his chest—the same brown shadow trailed down to his nether region. He was more handsome than what she cared to admit.

  She cleared her throat, realizing that she studied him too closely. Heat rose in her cheeks as her heart thudded against her ribcage. It was so hot, so incredibly humid. Pressure built within as tensions grew.

  His eyes filled with lust. It was obvious what he wanted—it was written all over his face. Apprehension poured over her as she pressed against the side of the basin. She sucked in a breath and felt the rough stone scrape against her back.

  “Just stay away,” she whispered.

  “Why are you troubled?” he asked, stepping into the bath, “You should feel privileged that I’m giving you a chance to stay in Dublin.”

  “Giving? Ye and yer barbarians raided my village and kidnapped me,” she huffed, “Yer kind certainly didnae give me anythin’.”

  With one swift plunge, he disappeared under the fragrant water. Her stomach tingled in anticipation. Sweat trickled down her forehead as tiny droplets fell into the pool. Where did he go? She watched the light play on the tiny ripples splashing against the edge and wondered where he was going to surface.

  Without warning, he burst from the water in front of Shannon with such powerful force that it almost knocked her back. She gasped loudly and shrunk into the water.

  There he was, towering over her, hair slicked back and chest shimmering with oil. She gazed up at him and watched his skin glow in the torchlight. Th water droplets that gathered on his thick arms slid downward as he flexed each muscle. His broad shoulders glistened with every move.

  Something carnal stirred within her, but she refused to give in. Kiera must have put something in the water to dull her senses, she thought. Her head felt heavy—it was difficult to focus. Whatever happens, she would not submit willingly—that’s what he wanted. She could not give in to temptation no matter how powerful it was.

  “Did I startle you?” he asked as a sly grin curled his lips.

  “No,” she whispered, dropping her eyes, watching the tiny waves lap against the sides of the basin.

  “Why won’t you look at me?” he asked, reaching out to rub an auburn lock of hair between his thumb and forefinger.

  Dear God, she prayed as her pulse quickened. This was going to more difficult than she imagined. She had never been this close to a man before—stark naked and vulnerable. Sensing his intentions, she caught her breath. Every muscle in her body froze—she was paralyzed, unable to move.

  “Your face is flushed,” he said, showing a row of pearly-white teeth, “Are you well?”


  “I should fetch you something to drink.” He got out of the tub and exposed more of his body.

  “No!” she exclaimed, catching a glimpse of his manhood. “Stay. Och, I mean, go.”

  He turned and grinned. “Your requests change like the wind. First you demand I leave, then you wish for me to stay. What will it be?”

  “I want to be left alone,” she whispered, looking away.

  Silence blanketed the room. If only she could evaporate like the mist rising up through the rafters, then she think clearer. The pressure was too much to handle—he was toying with her, seducing her slowly. She prayed that the bottom of the pool would open up and swallow her….

  “Look at me.”

  Shannon glanced down at the rippling waters that splashed against her flesh. Do not do it, she thought. Whatever may happen, she had to stand strong and resist temptation.

  “My lady,” he whispered, cupping her face, “Look at me.”

  She hesitated then succumbed to his command—his eyes blazed with savage passion. His features grew darker as he caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. She shivered in spite of his burning touch.

  “You’re trembling.”

  She caught her breath and looked away. “I know what ye want.”

  “So you will submit,” he said, grinning from ear-to-ear.


  “Would you rather be sold to the highest bidder?” he asked, drawing closer.

  “No,” she whispered.

  “Then what are you willing to sacrifice, my lady?”

  She felt something hard graze against her thigh. She recoiled and said nervously, “So, this is the way ye negotiate.”

  “I’m certain we can come to some sort of agreement.” He tenderly traced a faint bruise left behind from the yoke, “What’s your name?”

  “Shannon.” She swallowed hard as her stomach began to tingle.

  “Shannon of Bennetraige,” his voice deepened with desire, “Will you submit to a Viking?”

  Do what ye must, Shannon. Just make sure ye don’ leave Dublin.

  She closed her eyes and inhaled the sweet aroma. “You leave me no other choice.”

  Shannon felt his lips plunder hers tenderly, teasing her one lick at a time. He unlocked her mouth with his tongue and glided the tip across her teeth, tasting her, claiming her as his. Heat rose wi
thin her body. Passion simmered inside her core. His subtle seduction quickly melted away her defenses.

  “That’s it,” he whispered, massaging one of her breasts, teasing the nipple until it was taut, “You will submit to me freely.”

  “Never,” Shannon murmured, trying to fight the carnal hunger that grew inside.

  “Your body tells me something different, Shannon.”

  “Ye know nothin’ of my body,” Shannon groaned, feeling his hot breath tease her neck.

  “Give me time,” he growled.

  Shannon slowly surrendered to his touch in spite of the contempt she had for him. The temptation was just too strong to resist. Gooseflesh peppered her skin as he ran his forefinger alongside the small of her back. She arched her neck as he gently licked the moisture from her throat. Before she could stop herself, one word escaped from her lips.


  “That’s better,” Ravenshield whispered, delighting in her response. This woman held so much passion inside her, and she didn’t even know it yet. He wanted to awaken her desire. It would not be long before she totally surrendered. And he was the one wielding the sensual weapon that would throw her over the edge, “I will show you such pleasure.”

  Shannon gasped when he lifted her from out of the water, cradling her in his arms. She instinctively wrapped her legs around him and looked into his eyes. He met her gaze as his tongue brushed against the pink bud crowning one of her breasts. Flames of passion exploded in her core with each pull of his lips.

  He set her down at the side of the pool and kissed her once more, nibbling his way down her neck. His mouth ignited a ring of fire that trailed to her stomach, then to her naval. The rough tip of his tongue darted in and out of the tiny cavern, lapping up the droplets that had gathered inside.

  “Lie down,” he whispered, pushing her gently.

  Shannon complied and eased back, making no attempt to fight him when he parted her legs, leaving her vulnerable to his will. A faint breeze tickled her intimate flesh as she drew in her knees. He peppered the inside of her thigh with soft kisses as she gazed down, watching him draw closer to the dark curls that veiled her sex.

  Oh God, she thought. Is he actually going to kiss her? There? She felt his hot breath scorch her tender flesh as he gently parted her lips. Then, with one slow lick, he slid the tip of his tongue between her folds and flicked the bundle of nerves crowning her desire.


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