Mr. Forrester: An Alpha Billionaire Romance

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Mr. Forrester: An Alpha Billionaire Romance Page 26

by Lauren Landish

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  I got back to my room at just after nine o'clock, following a drink with the team and a wonderful ninety minute massage and spa treatment. The masseuse, a big boned German girl name Gretl, had worked my back and shoulders until I thought the bones would break, but she released tension and muscular knots I didn't even know I had, some of which I thought might have gone back months or maybe even years. Despite Shannon saying she'd pick up the tab, I gave the girl an extra fifty dollars for great service before changing and making my way upstairs to my room. While in the elevator, I got a text message. How'd it go? If you have some time, give me a Skype call? Julian.

  Intrigued, I turned on my laptop when I got into my room, and pulled up Skype. I was surprised to see that Julian had sent me a friend request, and I clicked add. He was listed as online, so I called. He answered quickly, and I could tell from the background that he was in the living room of the apartment. "So? Did you win?" he asked, smiling.

  God he has a perfect smile. He looks happy, it's amazing, I thought. I'll be honest when I say it caused my heart to skip a beat, and I smiled in return. "Keep it a secret, it's not airing until Thanksgiving, but yes we did. Shannon sprung for a spa treatment for me. I just got back. How was your day?"

  "It's been a monumental couple of days," he said. "Last night I had dinner with Kimberly at her apartment."

  I regret to say I felt a momentary twinge of jealousy, but it died as soon as it flared when I saw the look in his eyes. "How was it?"

  "Kim showed me the truth about my mother...about my dad," Julian said simply. "It.... it changed a lot of things inside me."

  The admission was earth shaking, and I felt my hands clench in my lap. "Julian, I'm sorry. Forgive me for not telling you."

  "No need, I wasn't ready at the time," he replied. "Also, she kind of clued me in on some other things too. Krystal, I think it's time for me to do something with my life, you know?"

  "I think that'd be great Julian," I replied.

  "Krystal, you remember a week ago when you came home late and we watched that video together?" Julian asked, suddenly looking a bit nervous. "At the end, we almost, well, we were going to kiss until I said no and nearly ran out of the room?"

  "I remember," I whispered, "how could I not?"

  "Well, I said no then because I didn't deserve to kiss you. I still don't know if I do, but...I think I'm falling in love with you. And I don't mean like family, but as a man and a woman."

  The silence after he said it was deafening. I could hear something crack, and looked down, realizing I'd popped my knuckles without knowing it, I'd been squeezing my hand so hard. I could feel the blood rushing through my veins, and my heart was loud in my ears as I looked at Julian, so handsome, so open, so vulnerable and yes, even a bit scared as he bore his heart to me. There was only one answer I could think of, and it came out so naturally it didn't even seem to be my voice until I saw him smile.

  "Julian, I think I'm falling in love with you too."



  I hadn't been back to Chicago O'Hare Airport since flying in, but as luck would have it, my cab driver was the exact same guy who'd given me a ride from the airport my first day in Chicago. "Hey, how's it going big man?" he asked as I slide into the back seat of his cab. "How's Chicago treating ya?"

  "Chicago's been great," I replied. "Gotta say, it's a lovely city."

  "You're tellin' me. You get down to Wrigley yet?"

  I shook my head, chuckling. Did this guy have a memory that filed away every conversation with customers, or did he just say the same thing to everyone? "Not yet. I was down in the neighborhood the other day to check out a gym, but the Cubs were on a road trip."

  "Ah, that's a shame. When you get a chance though, you should go. I can tell by your look, you've found yourself a lady. Congratulations."

  I blinked in surprise. "Is it that clear on my face? Damn, people in California say I'm one of those unreadable types."

  The cabbie laughed as we pulled onto the Interstate heading to the airport. "Maybe in other things my friend, but love..... I've been driving a cab for twenty years, and love is one of those things that is easy to see. She's high quality, I take it?"

  "Very. Best in the world, in my opinion. Going to O'Hare to pick her up from a business trip."

  "That's the only opinion that counts, ain't it?" the cabbie said. "Well, congratulations. I'll get you to the airport as quick as I can."

  The cab driver was true to his word, and I was outside the terminal a half hour before Krystal's flight was supposed to come in. I stood at the curb, not sure what to do, when suddenly it hit me. I turned to the driver, who was waiting for his next fare. "Hey man, does O'Hare have a flower shop or anything like that?"

  "Yeah, Terminal 1, there's a Hudson's right before the security gate. They might have what you're looking for. How much time do you have?"

  "Half hour. Hey, thanks for the help. You mind another tip?" I asked, taking out my wallet.

  The cab driver waved it off. "If I'm still here when your lady friend comes out, you just catch a ride home with me, okay? That'll be tip enough."

  I nodded my thanks and ran across from Terminal 2 down the concrete walkways to Terminal 1. I found the Hudson's, which was your basic airport convenience store and gift shop. There wasn't a lot in there, and I didn't think Krystal would need a coffee mug that said "I love Chicago," but near the back there was a tiny little refrigerated section with flowers. I found a white rose that looked perfect, and I picked it out, paying and hurrying back to Terminal 2. I waited right outside the Delta baggage carousels nervously, almost hopping from side to side. I'd dressed up even, wearing a button down shirt and slacks that I'd bought just that morning as soon as the stores were open. I figured picking her up in a t-shirt and jeans wasn't going to work.

  With each buzz of the baggage carousel, I felt my nerves increase, until I was almost hopping from foot to foot in a panic. I controlled myself a bit when a couple of airport cops walked by, but I could still feel nervous sweat trickle down the small of my back.

  Even with all my nervousness, I didn't see Krystal until she already had her bag and was leaving the area, heading for the doors. She was talking happily with two other people, one of whom I'd seen at Alinea the night I visited. I assumed it was her co-workers. "Krystal!"

  She turned, and like a scene from a movie, we ran to each other, embracing and holding each other in the middle of the sea of people. I could feel the thorns from the rose I'd gotten her bite deep into my palm, but I didn't care, as finally she was in my arms, and I didn't feel guilty about it at all. "I missed you," I said, my voice muffled slightly by the curve of her neck.

  "I missed you too," she said. I set her down, and let her go. I handed her the rose, only then noticing that I was bleeding from the thorns. "You're hurt."

  "It's nothing," I replied. "I just.... I wanted to give you something, but like an idiot I forgot until I was already here."

  "It's lovely," she said, taking the rose and smelling it. In that instant, with her dark eyes and slightly tanned skin contrasted by the pure white of the rose, I knew that I wasn't just falling in love with her, I was in love with her. Her long, dark eyelashes framed her face perfectly, and the lush bow of her lips twitched in a smile as she inhaled the flower's scent. "Thank you."

  I took her hand and held it, looking into her eyes as we came closer and closer. There was no pause, no hesitation as our lips touched for the first time, and her arms came around my neck. I lifted her up slightly, and we were transported to a place without time, a place where the only thing in the universe was the feeling of her body pressed against me, and her lips against mine. I'd never felt like so much was right with the world before, and knew that it didn't matter what else happened, I wanted her in my life.

  "Julian," she said once our kiss broke. "Julian....."

  "I know," I whispered back. "Let's go home."

the cab driver was still waiting for me, a smile on his face. "So this is the lucky lady, big man?"

  "Julian, who is this?" Krystal asked, a grin on her face.

  "Krystal, this is one of the wisest men in Chicago, and the best cab driver for sure. Unfortunately," I started, before the cab driver interrupted me.

  "Frank Burzynski," the cabbie filled in for me. "It's a pleasure."

  "Frank, we'd be honored to get a ride home in your cab," I replied, opening the door for Krystal. "And if you can get us home in under a half hour, I'll be even more honored."

  "Thirty minutes? My friend, I've done that shot in twenty, just don't tell the cops," Frank said with a laugh as he went around to his door. Krystal got in, and I slid in next to her, our hands coming together to hold one another naturally. I looked over at Krystal, and thought to myself again how much she looked like she should be royalty. Well, if that was the case, then I'd do my best to treat her like a princess.

  * * *


  We didn't say much on the cab ride home. There wasn't much to say, really. We both knew what we wanted, and we both knew what was going to happen. After that, there might be words, but until then, why spoil the moment?

  Julian took my bag and slung it over his shoulder when we got back to the apartment, Frank the cab driver not needing directions at all. Julian paid him with a hundred dollar bill, and left without even trying to get change. We held hands like young lovers as we went into the lobby and took the elevator up to the apartment, where Julian unlocked the door and held it open for me. Once inside, he set my bag down next to the coffee table while I took off the light jacket I'd been wearing. Airplanes are invariably cold for me.

  When Julian turned around, I leapt into his arms, covering his face in kisses and wrapping my legs around his waist. "Take me to bed," I whispered at him. "If you love me, then show me."

  Julian carried me into my bedroom, where I noticed he had changed the sheets and made the bed while I was gone. I chuckled under my breath, considering what we were about to do, but the hint of homeliness touched me deeply. Setting me on the crisply made cover, he lay down next to me, his blue eyes filled with emotion. "Krystal, I....." he began, his voice cracking.

  I silenced him with a kiss, just a peck on the lips. "I know," I replied. "The past is the past. This is now, and this is what we both want and need."

  Julian nodded and we kissed again, this time our tongues entwining around one another. I ran my hands down his chest, feeling the taut muscles and arousing curves, finding the buttons on his shirt and freeing them one by one. At the same time, I could feel Julian tugging the hem of my top free from my pants and running his hand up my back, the touch of his fingers setting my body on fire. He stroked and massaged my skin as I got the rest of his shirt open, and we both sat up to take off our tops.

  I've never been one to feel nervous about my body. I mean, after all, I do jiu-jitsu, where I spend half my time rolling around on a mat with other men and women either between my legs or in some other close contact position. Without a heavy gi top on, I'm wearing just a little bit more cloth than your average swimsuit, and hands go in lots of different places during a sparring session or a match. But kneeling there, next to Julian while he watched me, I suddenly felt shy and a bit worried. I wanted him to find me sexy, and I wanted him to desire me. I pulled my top off, letting the light blue cotton and Lycra blend fall to the side. I was wearing one of my more comfortable bras, a Victoria's Secret with padded underwire to support my breasts, and I was glad. It's not my sexiest bra, but it was a whole lot better than the sports bras I wear for work.

  I should never have doubted that Julian would like what he saw. "You.... you're even more beautiful than I imagined," he said, his eyes repeating the sentiment. His hands rested lightly on his thighs, before his right hand came up to stroke my shoulder. "Perfect, just like I imagined."

  I reached forward with my hands to push his shirt off his shoulders, pulling back only enough to let me get his shirt off his hand that was still resting on my shoulder. If Julian thought I was beautiful, the only word I could use to describe him was breathtaking. I knew he was fit, I'd seen the ripples of muscle in his arms plenty of times, but seeing the defined muscles of his chest and six pack abs was even more impressive. He was powerful and ripped, and I could feel my heart, which was already beating fast, speed up even more.

  Julian was sat still as I explored the contours and feel of his skin, tracing the tattoo over his right pectoral. While I didn't normally like too many tattoos, his were good, no flaming skulls or other stupid things. His designs were a blend of Celtic and islander, and highlighted his body even more. When I reached his nipple he gasped when I scratched him lightly.

  "Oh, you like that?" I teased, leaning forward and licking the light brown nub. Julian gasped again, and I kissed across the wide expanse of his chest to the other side, biting and kissing the left side as well. Finally, he could take it no more, and pushed me back, until I was laying on my back, my hair splayed around me. He fell on top of me, his hungry lips devouring mine as his hands roamed over my chest and body. His fingers pushed up under the right cup of my bra, and I moaned into our kiss as he found my already aroused nipple and returned the tweak I'd given him moments before.

  "Julian," I sighed, a word that meant so much to me as he kissed his way down my body, pausing just long enough to let me lift my back and undo my bra. Freed from the bra, my breasts lay heavy on my chest to be kissed and nibbled, Julian's sensuous lips leaving me breathless and my head shaking from side to side. I couldn't take any more, but pulled him in tighter, needing him and wanting him. "Oh my God."

  Julian's mumbled reply didn't make any sense to me, but he kept kissing and licking, his hands going lower to pull at my pants. I raised my hips and he slid them off, leaving me in just my already damp cotton panties. Julian raised his head from my breasts to look down at them in surprise. "White cotton?"

  "I'm a good girl," I shyly said, feeling myself blush. "Is that bad?"

  "Not at all," Julian said, looking up into my eyes. "You're an angel to me."

  A line of song came to me, and I smiled in reply. "I'm not an angel, but at least I'm a girl."

  Julian's wide grin told me he caught the reference, and he kissed my stomach, working his way down until his nose hung over the damp patch of cotton. He inhaled deeply, like he was smelling fine perfume, then looked up at me and I knew what was coming.

  My mind exploded with images and fantasies of the past week, and I could barely contain myself. I lifted my hips while he eased the cotton down, clinging to my aroused lips from the sticky wetness. He set them aside and looked down at me, his eyes wide and unreadable, the blue of his eyes looking darker.

  "I love you Krystal," he said simply, looking up at me. He lowered his mouth and blew lightly over my labia, sending shivers up my body. My fantasies paled in comparison to the real thing as he kissed my clit softly, nearly sending me into an orgasm with a single touch of his lips. His tongue came out to caress me, licking around my outer lips until I was squirming on the mattress, needing him deeper inside me. I looked down and saw he was looking up at me, a small happy smile on his face.

  He let his tongue slip in between my labia, finding the aching inner folds of my body, and I lost control. I threw my head back and swallowed deep gulps of air as lightning shot from my pussy to my heart and my brain, and colors flashed over my vision. Julian kept up his loving lash, licking me to the point I could barely breathe before going back to the relatively tame sensation of his lips on my outer lips, nuzzling against me. "Not yet," he warned me. "Not finished yet."

  I looked down nervously, biting my lip. I'd never felt such pleasure before in my life, and I knew what he had in mind. Still, I could tell from the look in his eyes he promised me untold joy and happiness, and that he would never let me come to harm. I nodded slightly. "I trust you."

  Julian's eyes glittered in the light coming through the window like two sapp
hires as he reached forward with his almost impossibly long tongue and licked my clit, my heart freezing in my chest painfully before the warmth exploded upward from his tongue to my clit to the rest of my body. I lost all sense of time as he licked me over and over, his tongue circling and flicking until I felt like every cell of my body was connected to the small nub between my legs. With a soft sucking sound he slurped on my clit, until I was poised on the precipice higher than I'd ever been before.

  If this is what making love with Julian was going to be like, I'd die of an orgasm induced brain aneurysm before I turned thirty and not give a damn. His tongue licked me one more time, a long, slow drag from the base to the very tip, drawing me up, and then with the last flick of his tongue, sending me crashing over the edge into my climax. I felt tears coursing down my cheeks while I thrashed and cried out, Julian holding me tenderly as I rode out the orgasm.

  Once I was able to think or to breathe again, I realized that Julian had gotten up from the bed, and was standing next to it. His hands were at the waistband of his pants, unzipping the fly and pushing them down along with his underpants. I had to blink as his cock came into view. His semi-hard cock dangled between his, so long and thick. "That's.... Julian, what are you?" I asked softly, scooting over and letting him lay back down next to me. "What are you going to do to me?"

  "Love you," Julian said, leaning in and kissing me. We stayed like that, our naked bodies pressed against each other while we let our skin explore each other. Our kisses were slow and passionate, his hands running through my hair and pulling me on top of him. From there I could feel his cock growing long and hard, pressing against my thighs as we continued our exploration. Soon, I was feeling ready, and I wanted to feel him and join with him more than ever.


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