Restless On A Road Trip: A Lesbian Romance

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Restless On A Road Trip: A Lesbian Romance Page 10

by Nicolette Dane

  “She’ll know if we go through her stuff,” I said, still feeling a bit anxious about Maggie’s invasion but secretly enjoying it. I especially enjoyed the view of Maggie down on the floor.

  “C’mon,” she said, looking back at me with joy in her face. “We’re on vacation. It’s an adventure.”

  “You’re still in a towel,” I said, arms crossed, slightly looking away. But I kept an eye on Maggie’s wiggling backside, sneaking a peek at her intimacy.

  “I’m feeling frisky,” Maggie mused, sliding out the wicker basket nearest the head of the bed and looking into it. “This chick has nice taste in panties.” Pulling out a pink lacy thong, Maggie held it up to me and smiled.

  “You’re impossible!” I said, unable to suppress my laughter. “Put that away.”

  “Maybe I’ll just wear it!” said Maggie, still holding up the underwear, a plaintive look on her face.

  “Mags!” I protested. “Get off the floor. I don’t know what’s gotten into you.”

  “Oh my,” she remarked, ignoring me, still sorting through the basket. “Here’s the goods.”

  “What?” I said, softening, Maggie’s tone beginning to pique my interest.

  “Behold!” said Maggie, hoisting up her find into the air. It was a dark purple silicone dildo. A nice size. And with curves too. It looked like it had been an expensive purchase.

  “No,” I said, shaking my head. “Maggie, put that away. We need to stop going through this girl’s stuff.” Maggie jumped up from the floor, the toy still in her hand, that incorrigible grin plastered across her face.

  “It looks like fun,” said Maggie in a singsong voice, slowing edging toward me, wagging the piece in my direction.

  “Some other chick’s sex toy?” I replied. “We don’t know where it’s been.”

  “I know exactly where it’s been,” countered Maggie. “In that pretty yoga girl’s snatch!”

  “Ugh!” I groaned, tossing my head back. Maggie laughed at me.

  “Think fast!” said Maggie suddenly. Before I knew it, the purple toy was flying toward me and instinctively I reached out and caught it.


  “Nice catch,” said Maggie. Then, with a swift pull, Maggie undid her towel and yanked it off her body, dropping it to the ground. Her supple, slim body was revealed to me. My eyes moved over her pert breasts, the gentle curve of her slim belly, down to her enticing mound of blonde damp fur. I took a deep breath as I looked upon her. Maggie had this impishness in her eyes, a sultry naughtiness that I couldn’t deny.

  “Okay,” was all I could say.

  “I haven’t even asked you to do anything,” she grinned. Stepping up closer to me, it wasn’t much longer until our lips pressed together and we began a long, luxurious kiss causing me a shortness of breath and the redoubling of my arousal. With the purple toy in one hand, I wrapped my other hand around Maggie and pressed it against the small of her back. I could feel the heat coming from her.

  This thing that was happening between Maggie and I was moving so fast and I was completely engulfed by it. Normally, I wouldn’t have been so quick to become intimate with somebody. But then again, my experiences in the past were all with men and I was never too eager for them. With Maggie, our friendship went so far back and my adoration for her was so deeply ingrained. I had never been aware before how much I cared for her. How genuinely I loved her.

  “Mmm,” moaned Maggie as she slowly pulled her lips back from mine. “Dana,” she murmured against my mouth. “You’ve gotta fuck with me that thing.”

  “I don’t gotta do anything,” I countered in a mimicked whisper.

  “You better fuck with me that thing.”

  I just about lost it right there, my knees feeling weak, my belly feeling queasy. She had me.

  Our kissing went on for a few more minutes, the two of us standing there near the bed, Maggie nude against me while I was feeling heated even in my small amount of clothing. I felt myself growing moist between the legs, my body obviously readying itself, and my mind was swimming in Maggie’s unabashed sensuality.

  Then she pulled back from me and stepped away, pivoting on her heel, and climbing up onto the bed. Like I was under hypnosis, I followed, mounting the bed behind her and watching as Maggie crawled up the blanket. She gently positioned her head into the pillows while remaining up on her knees, rear in the air, presenting her gorgeous underside for my perusal. Slowly, Maggie wiggled her ass back and forth. I couldn’t fight it after that — not that I really wanted to — and the switch in my brain had been flipped.

  I sat up behind Maggie and tenderly moved my hand between her thighs, pressing it upwards against the downiness of her soft sex, feeling immediately its wetness and suppleness. Moving my hand back and forth against her slit, I couldn’t help but stare into her privacy. The gentle hair covering her was pale and light, her rear offered a small pink little folded knot, and the lips of her pussy were full and prone and revealing the pinkness of her inner life with a glistening sheen.

  The toy fell out of my hand and onto the bed as I closed in on Maggie’s wonderful behind. I placed a hand on her rump to steady myself as I increased the fervor of my petting. I could tell she loved it from the vocal pleasure coming from her mouth.

  “Yeah,” she oozed, her chest heaving as it took in a long deep breath. Maggie nuzzled harder into the pillows and sheets, butt still slowly wiggling at me but not so much for me to lose my focus. She was getting wetter moment by moment and I saw a few beads of sweat roll from the small of her back up toward her shoulders.

  I leaned my face down and placed a soft kiss on one of her cheeks. This made Maggie offer back a deeply contented sigh.

  “Here,” Maggie said. Then, reaching her arm back, she wrapped her fingers around my wrist and guided my hand. She moved me closer to the split of her rear, letting me loose as my thumb landed between her cheeks. “I like my ass played with.”

  “Yeah?” I softly whispered with a bit of surprised.

  “Mm hmm.”

  And I obliged. Pressing my thumb gingerly against her knot, I slowly caressed it in a concentric circle while my opposing hand ran back and forth over her heated pinkness. With each pass, I gave her lips a loving squeeze, offering some firm pressure both up front and in back.

  “Oh God,” Maggie moaned, her hips squirming slightly side to side. “That’s nice.”

  Although I was inexperienced with giving anybody attention to their ass, I have to admit I was transfixed by it. My heart was racing impossibly fast and I couldn’t take my eyes off of my own slow movements. I could feel the gentle creases of Maggie’s backside, the tiny folds, the subtle gap that would ever slightly open and close with Maggie’s increasingly laborious breaths. I was feeling incredibly aroused, like I was buzzing, like my stomach was tying itself in knots. I loved it.

  Then, almost as though they had a mind of their own, my middle and ring fingers pressed together and entered Maggie’s wet blossom. She groaned loud and clenched her stomach as I began my thrusts. The musky scent of sex wafted up into my nose, inspiring me increase the speed of my steady penetrations. Meanwhile, my thumb pushed against her rear dot, as though it were some amazing button that would increase the volume of her lusty exhales. I was eager to hear her moans.

  “Mm hmm, “Maggie affirmed. “I like that.”

  Maggie’s underside was flush and glimmering, her lips parting to either side as I pushed my fingers inside of her, her wonderful sex absorbing my digits with the faintest squishing sounds. Starring down at her, admiring her, my heart feeling full, I realized how much I loved doing this. This felt perfect. This felt like what I was supposed to be doing.

  “Toy,” she groaned out in a breathy exhale. “Mmm!”

  “Okay,” I said, nodding slowly, looking around to find where I had laid the purple totem. I slowly eased my fingers from Maggie, my fingers coated by her wet love, and reached for the dildo. Hoisting it up, I gazed upon it and a smile crept over my face. Before I h
ad protested it because I’d felt weird about it. But now, in this lust-drunk state, I was excited to please.

  I pointed the toy at Maggie’s slit and slowly pressed against her lips. Her pussy wantonly accepted the silicone, lips parting, opening up, allowing it to slip into her. And as it entered, pressuring her insides all around, Maggie released a deep moan, almost a gurgle, as her back arched and her head craned up.

  “Oh fuck,” she said very slowly.

  “Oh my God,” I mused as I started to pull the dildo out, press it back in, and pull it out again. Maggie’s juices coated the toy easily, globules of white creaminess sticking to it each time I retrieved it, a single tacky string of unbroken essence held between Maggie’s achy lips and the shaft, elastic and viscid.

  “That feels just fucking wonderful,” Maggie said, her head shaking back and forth. With my patterned thrusting, Maggie’s backside and hips mimicked the movements, moving back when I pulled out and forward when I pressed in. Each breath that left her lips was audible, hot and steamy, and I watched as she brought a hand up and readjusted a large bundle of her blonde hair that had gotten into her face.

  I was tingling. I felt like I was watching myself in a movie. Like I was on autopilot somehow, just doing whatever naturally came to me in order to please my lover. I wanted to touch her all over. I wanted to feel her sticky flesh against mine, her hot breath against my neck. But most of all, I wanted her to come. That was the most prominent thought in my brain as my wrist flicked and the toy slipped inside of her. I wanted Maggie to scream out in delight.

  Remembering her admitted desires from earlier, I once more pressed my thumb against her rear and gave her more sustained pressure this time. Maggie cried out in passion and wriggled. She looked back at me and our eyes met. Frantic with lust, Maggie nodded her head quickly. I could see the humid glistening of sweat on her face. She was desperate for it.

  By now the crevice between her legs was moistened from our love, and I started kneaded my thumb against her ass, back and forth, up and down, as she grinded back against me and the impaling purple staff. I could tell she was short of breath. I could tell she was restless and longing for it. God, was she beautiful. As Maggie rode against my motions, quicker now, I saw the backs of her thighs start to quiver. This only made me increase the speed of my wrist and pet her rear even firmer still.

  “Mm hmm,” Maggie confirmed steadily, head bobbing. “Mm hmm, mm hmm!”

  I could feel her backside clench, her pussy gripped tightly onto the toy and squeezed, her rear contracted. At first Maggie’s hips squirmed slowly in some sort of haphazard figure eight. Then the pace of her movements exponentially quickened, her butt jerking and twisting uncontrollably. She was panting, crying out, whining. Her legs pumped, thighs juddering, under she exploded in a loud gasp and her entire backside fell down to the bed where she spasmed like she was having a seizure. The dildo had slid out of her when she crumpled down, but I just continued holding it in my hand as I watched her shakily journey through orgasmic bliss.

  I loved her. I mean, I know that’s a sudden revelation. But I’d also felt close to her, always loved her as a close friend, but sharing this intimacy with her made me only want to do it again and again. I wanted these brilliant moments always. I wanted her to want the same for me. I wanted us both to just be happy. That’s love in my mind. That’s what it’s all about. Do whatever you can to make one another happy.

  “Oh fuck,” cooed Maggie, smacking her hand on the bed. She then slithered that same hand between her legs and tenderly caressed herself. “Dana, I think I put a huge wet spot on this blanket.”

  “That’s okay,” I said gently with a smile on my face. I dropped my free hand to her rump and ran it over her pale skin. “I’m still holding the dildo. I don’t know why.”

  “Just set it down,” said Maggie through a laugh. Having regained control of her figure post-orgasm, Maggie rolled over onto her back, propping herself up with the pillows, and grinned at me. I assayed her small body, my eyes caught on the matted and moist blonde fur between her thighs.

  “Okay,” I said, letting the dildo fall down onto the bed.

  “And c’mere,” said Maggie, beckoning me toward her with a single finger.

  I crawled up next to her and the two of us wrapped around each other in a contented embrace. I could feel Maggie’s stabilizing breath against me. Absentmindedly, my hand fell down to her mound and delicately played with her damp hair.

  “Mmm,” she intoned through a smile, her butt grinding down into the sheets. “Thank you.”

  “That made me really happy,” I said. “To give you an orgasm. I was so happy to do it.”

  “I will accept an orgasm from you, dear, anytime you want to give it,” Maggie sung.

  “We’ve got a week here all alone,” I said, happiness overtaking me as I spoke. “We don’t even have to leave this condo.” Maggie giggled.

  “That is a really wonderful idea,” she said. “Though I would feel bad coming all this way and not exploring the city.”

  “I guess we could do both,” I teased.

  Maggie hummed a little noise of delight. Then, after a few beats, she spoke up again.

  “Dana,” she said. “You’re the best.” I felt her arms wrap tighter around me.

  “You are,” I countered. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” I said. “Any of this.”

  “I can’t believe things are working out like this,” said Maggie. “But I don’t want any of it to end.” I felt her kiss the side of my head and nuzzle her nose against my hair.

  “Me neither,” I agreed. “This is… wonderful.”

  “Did you hear that?” said Maggie suspiciously, looking around through the trees and brush alongside the thin worn trail underneath our shoes. “Was that a rattlesnake?”

  “Maybe,” I said, looking side to side to see if I could spot it. The trail we were on, called Diamond Fork, was nestled into the desert mountains of Utah about an hour outside of Salt Lake City. According to Maggie’s pre-trip research, the hot springs at the end of this trail were not to be missed. But the stick in her spokes was that Maggie was not too fond of snakes and Diamond Fork was known for its rattlers.

  “My heart’s racing,” she said. “That couple who passed us said they saw one.”

  “If we do see one,” I said. “We just need to stay out of its way and let it slither by.”

  “If we see one, I’m probably just going to run the other way,” said Maggie with nervous laughter.

  “C’mon,” I said, lifting my brow and smiling at her. I took Maggie by the arm and hurried her along.

  There were some treacherous spots on the path, spots in which we had to walk single file just to get across, else we might slide down into the river below to the right of us. Although we were indeed in a desert climate, the trail was lined with trees sticking out of the browned earth. I admired Maggie’s cuteness for our hike. She was dressed in patterned blue running shorts, pretty short I might add, a white tank, and a worn pair of running shoes. But the cutest thing of all was that she had knitted her hair into two big chunky braids hanging from the back of her head and over her shoulders. Both of us had swimsuits on under our hiking clothes as we were intent on jumping into the hot springs and messing around.

  “Wouldn’t it be cool if there was this kind of nature back in Chicago?” asked Maggie, watching each step she took in case she stumbled upon a snake. I could tell she was nervous.

  “Well, there’s Starved Rock,” I said. “That’s a nice hike.”

  “It is,” Maggie affirmed. “But c’mon.” She motioned to the tranquil mountain beauty surrounding us. Steep craggy slopes surrounded us, a gurgling river ran to our side, the landscape off in the distance was dotted with firs.

  “Yeah,” I replied. “It’s nothing like this.”

  “Maybe we should move out here!” Maggie beamed. “Move to Boulder or something. I’m still feeling enchanted by that place.”

  “It just seems so ex
pensive,” I countered. “Even more so than Chicago.”

  “Yeah,” said Maggie in agreement. “It’s just so pretty out in this part of the country.”

  “Stop,” I said suddenly, taking one more step in from of Maggie and sticking my arm out to block her.


  “Don’t move,” I said.

  About ten feet ahead of us a very large snake in desert brown with darker brown diamonds on its back began to slither across the path. I took a deep breath and watched. I could feel Maggie shake through my arm as I continued to block her. Her hand slipped around my waist and held onto me. Even through the sound of the river, we could hear the telltale clamor of the creature’s imposing rattle.

  “That snake,” said Maggie slowly. “Is fucking huge.”

  “Um, yeah,” I said. “That’s a big snake.”

  “I think I just peed a little bit,” said Maggie. I couldn’t help but laugh. “You think that’s funny?”

  “I do,” I said, still snickering. “You didn’t pee.”

  “Just a little!” she protested, reaching down and feeling herself through her shorts. “I’m just glad I’m in a swimsuit.”

  “Stop it,” I said, trying to stifle my smile, shaking my head. “Look, he’s almost gone.” The snake had just about finished crossing our path, making it’s way through the brush toward the steep descent that lead down to the river.

  “Thank God,” said Maggie. “Let’s just wait a little longer and let him do his thing.”

  As we waited, we lovingly held on to one another. And after a moment, we both looked at each other and smiled.

  “Let’s get moving,” I said.

  There weren’t many other people on the trail, one of the benefits to coming on this hike at Diamond Fork during the week. We did see other hikers sporadically, though, and at one point an entire troupe of kids walked by us in the opposite direction. It was as though they were on some sort of class trip, though school must have been out for the summer already. Maybe it was a summer camp thing.


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