Total Temptation

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Total Temptation Page 3

by Alice Gaines

  “Let’s do this right.” He climbed out of the tub and retrieved a basket of sponges, soaps, and creams from the tiles nearby. He set it on a corner of the tub and removed a tube, which he handed to her. “Mint. You’ll like the taste of it.”

  So he definitely expected her to put her mouth on him. She’d done that with Howard, although Howard had never presented so much of a challenge. As Bobby sat on the edge of the tub, she squeezed some of the oil into her hand and smoothed it between her palms to warm it. After putting the tube aside where she could reach it easily if she needed to, she grasped his cock and worked the oil into his flesh.

  “Oh, man, I forgot what that stuff feels like,” he said.

  “Does it hurt?”

  “Hell, no. It tingles a bit.” He groaned. “Just enough to make me fucking nuts.”

  “You like it?”

  “This is not going to take long.”

  Sure enough, his cock had turned a livid color. She’d never actually watched Howard’s penis as he’d approached orgasm. He’d always been inside her when he came. But she’d read descriptions of the man’s response, and now she could see it for herself. She continued stroking him, all the way from the base to the tip.

  His breathing grew harsh, punctuated by soft grunts of approval. He really had immersed himself in the moment, allowing himself to take pleasure from her touch. He’d surrendered, much as she had to his touch earlier. She owed him the same careful treatment he’d given her. She’d give him as good an orgasm as he’d given her.

  After all his hints, it wasn’t hard figuring out the best way to do that, so she circled the head of his cock with her tongue. The oil did have an astringent quality to it, warming her lips as she took him into her mouth. Overall, a pleasant sensation, and her sex clenched as she imagined taking this large instrument inside her.

  He sucked in a breath between clenched teeth. “You’re going to make me come, princess.”

  She removed her mouth from him but gripped his shaft in her fist. “Not right now.”

  “Soon. I won’t have any choice if you keep sucking on me.”

  Such filthy talk. Nothing she would have remotely believed sexy. Coming from him—a man who could take her apart with his fingers—the words were erotic as all hell. Yes, she’d suck on him. She’d do it until he couldn’t take any more and he’d have to come. After grabbing a washcloth from the basket, she went back to work, this time swallowing as much of him as she could and stroking the rest with her hands. The vein on the underside of his cock throbbed beneath her fingertips as she bobbed her head.

  “That feels like a pussy all around me,” he said. “I’m going to make you hot and wet like that and then give you everything you need.”

  He wouldn’t have to do much to arouse her. He’d already awakened her clitoris, and the images of lowering herself onto his erection was accomplishing the rest. Her sex throbbed, begging to be filled. She’d have that. For now, the anticipation would make the final coupling all the more intense.

  “Can you taste me, princess?” he said.

  A tang of salt mingled in with the mint. A sure sign he’d approached the end of his control. Sure enough, when she pulled back, he released another tiny droplet from the tip of his cock. She lapped it up and then nibbled ever so gently on the head.

  “Stop. Oh, shit . . . I’m coming,” he said. “Now!”

  She worked him using a firm stroke, pumping along his entire length. With a shout, he threw his head back, and in a moment, his cock sent a spray of semen, which she caught with the cloth. Another followed right on the first, as his body remained rigid. Finally after a third, he finished, slumping over with his head down, eyes closed, and his fists gripping the side of the tub.

  “Good?” she said as she tossed the cloth over the side of the tub.

  “Princess, you have no idea.” He slipped into the water and reached for her without opening his eyes. Sliding into his embrace, she placed the side of her face against his and listened to his breathing become soft. What a revelation he was. All brash and full of foul language, but now gentle as he held her. No doubt the bad boy would return and give her plenty of reasons to celebrate his hard angles. Right now, she could share the post-orgasm glow with him and bask in the feminine power he’d handed to her.

  With a satisfied sigh, he opened his eyes. This time his wicked grin warmed her. She was in on the joke now. The seduction went both ways. Knowledge blossomed inside her. She could take control, even over a master of sin like Bobby.

  “You worked hard,” he said. “You deserve a reward.”

  “And you’re just the guy to give it to me.”

  He laughed. “I am human. It is going to take me a few minutes to get back up to speed. But I can think of things to do in the meantime.”

  “Can you?”

  “Yup. Wait here.” He climbed out of the tub and padded across the tiles into the bedroom of the suite, leaving behind small puddles. He’d probably get the carpet wet. Who cared?

  She rested back against the tub and stared up into the cloudless sky. The fog would return at night, but for now San Francisco was nothing but sunshine. It warmed her face and shoulders as the hot water lapped at her breasts. So decadent and she could stay here in this place with this man for as long as she wanted. She might want to for a really long time.

  Bobby returned after a moment, still naked, carrying a tray and an ice bucket. The neck of a bottle sticking out promised champagne. He put both on a table and dragged the whole thing to the side of the tub. Next to two fluted glasses stood a fondue pot filled with—

  “Chocolate,” she declared.

  “You didn’t seem the fish egg type.” He filled the glasses and handed one to her.

  “You mean caviar?”

  He climbed into the tub and touched the rim of his glass to hers. “Fish eggs.”

  “Technically, that’s what it is,” she said. “But it’s really quite rare and . . . um—”

  “Fishy. Don’t tell me you like the stuff.”

  “Well, of course.” As Howard’s wife, she’d had every luxury. They’d dined in the finest restaurants here and abroad. Such delicacies, the latest in adventurous cuisines. Truffles and the rarest of wild mushrooms. She’d even eaten flavor-infused foams. Luckily, the portions in most upscale dining rooms came in sizes small and smaller, so she hadn’t had to worry about gaining weight.

  “Don’t you ever get hungry for macaroni and cheese, pot roast, that kind of food?” he asked. “Fried chicken and waffles?”

  “Waffles?” she repeated. “With fried chicken?”

  “Or barbecue. Ribs with sauce that runs down your fingers and onto your hands.”

  “It sounds messy.”

  “It is. Life’s messy,” he said. “Especially sex.”

  She took a sip of her champagne, the tiny bubbles popping under her nose. It tasted like sunlight.

  “Good sex is definitely messy,” he said. “Do you want to have messy sex with me?”

  “Yes,” she said. “Sure.”

  “That sounded convincing. Kind of like an engraved invitation.” He held up his fingers in air quotes. “Mrs. Cassandra Whatzhername requests your presence at her deflowering.”

  She swatted his shoulder. “I am not a virgin.”

  “You might as well be.” He took a long drink of his champagne. “Here we’ve been at it for almost an hour, and you haven’t taken my boner for a real ride yet. We’re sitting here talking about fish eggs instead.”

  “I put my mouth on your penis,” she said.

  “You gave me a blow job. You might as well use the right term.”

  “You’re being tedious.”

  “Tedious, huh?” He set aside his glass and climbed out of the tub. “I’ll show you tedious.”

  He might make fun of the word, but it described him perfectly. A reverse snob of the worst kind. He’d put her down for her manners and her vocabulary. Maybe he’d prefer she belch and scratch her belly. Maybe he�
��d rather have beer—bad supermarket beer. He could be a jerk, if he wanted. She’d use his body and be on her way, and next time she’d choose someone with a little more class.

  Her stomach sank at the thought. She wouldn’t get the same wild ride with anyone else. And although put-downs stung, the dirty talk and outrageous approach to sex turned her on like crazy. Maybe she should try to prove herself to him. Convince him she could get just as coarse as he could and enjoy it. If she’d given him a blow job, she’d call it that.

  From behind her came the sound of a switch being thrown, and before she could realize what was happening, the bamboo curtains surrounding the terrace folded back, opening up the view. They retreated completely, leaving nothing but panes of glass separating them from public observation.

  “What in hell are you doing?” She ducked her head as far below the side of the hot tub as she could without submerging her nose. Holy shit. She could be discovered here, and the evidence would show up in court for the judge to stare at. More “proof” of the depravity that had supposedly led her to drug her husband and get him to sign a bogus will. What was Bobby thinking?

  He strolled over to the tub and leaned against the side. “Still tedious? I wouldn’t want to bore you.”

  “Idiot. I came here for privacy.”

  “Idiot?” He laughed. “Why don’t you tell me what you really think?”

  “I’m not going to stay here mincing words with you,” she said. “I’m going to call the management and complain.”

  “Poor service, huh?” He leaned over the edge of the tub, nearly putting his face into hers. “Problem is, you’d have to get out of the tub and go inside to use the phone.”


  “That’s better, princess.”

  “You don’t understand. I can’t be seen here.”

  “Oh, I understand. It’d be horrible if someone saw you here with a naked man,” he said. “A naked and aroused man.”

  Before her better sense kicked in, she lifted her head enough to glance over the edge of the tub at him. Sure enough, he had another very impressive erection. Great, just fucking great. If Howard’s sons got wind of this, they’d be sure to take pictures and present them in court.

  “I have enemies who’d use my presence here against me,” she said.

  “Who’s going to see you way up here?”

  “You’ve never heard of binoculars and telescopes?”

  “Someone wants to get you that much?” he asked.

  “I’m not going to tell you my life’s story,” she said. “Now close those panels.”

  “Not necessary.” He shrugged. “That’s one-way glass. We can look out, but no one can see in.”

  “It is?”

  “What other purpose could there be for glass panes there?”

  That made sense, more or less. The club needed complete secrecy to operate. They’d want to hide what went on even if their patrons didn’t care.

  “If you don’t trust me, you can trust Madeline,” he said. “So come out, come out, little princess.”

  “The term asshole doesn’t do you justice.”

  He grinned. “Why not try prick?”

  “I’m not sure that’s good enough, either.” But she did sit back up in the tub and discovered that she’d submerged her glass of champagne in her panic.

  He took the flute from her. “Let me rinse this out, and we can start over.”

  He left, and she did her best to relax. Her heart still raced, but her fear changed into excitement as she gazed around her. She had a glorious view of the city, all the way down California Street toward the bay. When Bobby came back, she could make him pay for his little joke. She could work him good and hard, and she could gaze out over San Francisco while she did it.

  He returned, poured her some fresh champagne, and got back into the tub. “Now then, chocolate.”

  Reaching to the nearby table, he took a fork, stabbed a piece of pound cake, and swirled it in the melted chocolate in the fondue pot. With his free hand underneath to catch drips, he brought the treat to her lips. It was sweet and warm, lush against her tongue. As she chewed, some of the chocolate escaped to the corner of her mouth. Bobby bent to remove it with a kiss.

  Then he moved to cover her lips with his own, and in a moment, their arms were wrapped around each other as they tasted each other. Slowly and methodically, he drew her into the embrace as a cloud of sexual awareness coalesced around them.

  Her lips parted on a moan, and he took the invitation to slide his tongue into her mouth. When it touched hers, a current of desire washed through her. Damn, but the man could kiss. As sweet and hot as the chocolate and far more intoxicating than the champagne.

  Gently, he took the glass from her hand and put it on the table along with the fork. When he turned back to her, the fire in his eyes made her breath catch. This was a man comfortable with his own appetites and not shy to let his partner see his hunger. Sex was his business, and he reveled in it. And he was getting ready to show her how much.

  He reached toward the fondue pot and dipped his fingers into the chocolate.

  “Isn’t that hot?’ she said.

  “Not too.” He blew on his fingers, cooling the chocolate. “Ah, just right.”

  With his other arm, he lifted her far enough out of the water to expose her breasts. Then he smeared the chocolate all around one nipple. He’d cooled it enough that it felt like a caress, and when he’d finished with his finger-painting, he licked it off. Already hard, the peak stiffened as he sucked it into his mouth. The gentle tugging made her heart speed up. Heat pooled in the place between her legs, her hot button coming to life again.

  “These are beautiful, princess,” he murmured as he moved to the other breast.

  “They’re small.”

  “Soft, round, perfect.”

  He was paid to seduce women, and so he had to say things like that. Still, for the next few minutes, she could let herself believe him. She could be a complete woman, confident in her appeal and secure with knowing she deserved every pleasure he could give her. She could come into full female sexuality and never turn back.

  He released her nipple and set a trail of kisses upward along her neck to her ear. “I want you.”

  His breath slipped into her ear, igniting nerve endings she hadn’t known existed. She slipped farther from reality and into a world of sensation. Nothing mattered but the way he could make her feel. She floated in his embrace, letting him take control. From now on, she’d trust him with her body. Fear and shyness had no place here. She didn’t have to worry about what was right or what was awkward. She could demand, and he’d satisfy her. How utterly sinful and delicious.

  “Why don’t we make the most of this view?” he said as he turned her to face the one-way glass and the cityscape below. As she leaned against the rim of the hot tub, he spread her legs. He took his place behind her, but instead of driving his erection into her aching sex, one hand cupped a breast, and the second covered her mound. While he teased her nipple, the fingers of his other hand dug into the curling hairs to find her nether lips. He stroked her there slowly, back and forth.

  All the air went out of her, and she had to struggle for breath. He touched her as if he’d studied her body for hours to find just the right spots. Her arousal simmered, hovering below the level where orgasm would take her. He kept her there, now sliding a finger into her and probing. Not enough. She had to have all of him. That hard cock she’d sucked on and watched as it turned crimson and released his lust. It would do all of that inside her, and she’d go with him into madness.

  “Look at the world out there,” he said. “Imagine all of them walking around, driving their cars, and I have my fingers in your pussy.”

  She did. She watched the pedestrians below them and the cars going up and down the hill. Stopping at red lights and starting up again at green. All those people doing all those mundane things while Bobby drove her crazy with wanting him.

  “Wicked, i
sn’t it?” he said. “Almost like fucking in public.”

  “Yes.” For a moment, she pictured someone coming onto the terrace while Bobby had his cock buried inside her. One of her stepsons—maybe Howard Junior, the bastard—his mouth hanging open in shock as Bobby moved. Laughter bubbled up inside her.

  “You think that’s funny?” he said.

  “Just something that came to mind.”

  “Then you’ll probably find this hysterical.” He moved his finger to her clitoris, and she nearly flew apart. Her whole body shuddered. This was so much like what he’d done to her before but also so much more powerful. This time, she was naked and ready for him, posed at the right angle for him to take her from behind. This time, when she came, she’d have all that glorious hardness inside her.

  “You’re not laughing, princess,” he said.

  “It feels so good.”

  He kept up the pressure against her clitoris, rubbing and pressing until her vision blurred. She was ready—past ready—for him. “Now. Please.”

  “I don’t know. This feels pretty good. I could do it all day.”

  “I can’t, damn you. Fuck me.”

  “Such language.” He continued with the infuriating flick, flick on her most sensitive flesh. He’d make her come this way, and she’d miss out on the feeling of fullness he could give her. Howard hadn’t managed that. As much time and effort as he’d put into seeing to her pleasure, he hadn’t had the endowments to really fuck her the way she needed. Bobby was everything she needed in that department, but he insisted on playing with her.

  “Please, Bobby,” she said. “God, I need you.”

  “This?” Another flutter of his finger over her clitoris.

  “No, you.”

  “I don’t know what you mean,” he said.

  “You do!” This was torture. Utter torture.

  “Say it. Tell me what you want.”

  “Your cock,” she answered. “I need your cock.”

  “Well, all right, then.” From behind her came the unmistakable sound of one of the packets being torn open. Then he fumbled for a few seconds, and she could picture him unfurling the condom over his beautiful erection. When the head pressed between her pussy lips, she almost wept with relief. And then he was pushing inside. So thick and gloriously hard, penetrating inch by inch until he’d filled her.


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