Imre: Drago Knights MC (Mating Fever)

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Imre: Drago Knights MC (Mating Fever) Page 2

by Saranna Dewylde

  “What, did you expect Swamp People?”

  “Yeah, kind of. I mean, not that there’s anything wrong with that. This was just a surprise.”

  “Pim’s the chapter pres, so we’re going to talk to him before we make camp.”

  “Cool with me.” She grinned and swung her leg off the bike, wincing a bit.

  “Wanna do a thing?”


  He concentrated so that only his wings erupted and he grabbed Aranka and they glided onto the deck of the houseboat.

  She laughed. “I love flying.”

  “Me too.” His boots made a heavy thud on the deck and Pim came topside, an AK-47 at the ready.

  “Shit, man. It’s good to see you. Thanks for coming.” He held open his arms to embrace him as a brother.

  Imre hugged him and slapped his back. “Sorry it had to be this way. What do you got?”

  Pim cast a glance at Aranka.

  “She’s cool. You can talk in front of her. She’s Ondrej’s old lady’s sister.”

  “Oh, respect.” He held his fist over his heart.

  Aranka nodded, but kept silent.

  “Come inside.”

  They stepped through the glass door and into a room that was mostly white and stainless steel. It was utilitarian, but comfortable.

  “We’ve had some troopers on our asses, despite the appropriate payments.”

  Imre nodded. “We’ve got some big players on the field. Bigger than the Headhunters.”

  “I know the guy who was killed. Local meth dealer, no big loss. But my concern was why he’d give two shits about our cargo.”

  “Yeah. We’re sure we know who he’s working for. Just want to double check.”

  “There’s something else, man. Something that I feel crazy saying. I’ve heard things out in the swamp.”

  Imre studied him. “You mean like howling?”

  Pim nodded. “It ain’t right. The whole swamp gets quiet. Not even a frog, or buzzing insect to be heard. The night is so empty, it’s almost like it devours sound. It swallows it up. Then, the howls start and the swamp isn’t safe. Last week two kids disappeared and their bloody Chucks were found hanging in a tree.” He sighed. “How did you know it was howling? What’s in that shit we’re running? It sure as hell isn’t meth, or coke, or…”

  “No, my friend. It’s not. Being chapter president, the last president should’ve explained it to you. What it is.” He lifted his eyes, allowing his dragon to show through. “What we are.”

  “What the fuck?” he half-whispered.

  “I’m disappointed you didn’t know.”

  “That was you? The howling?” He swallowed hard, stank of fear, but still he stood tall.

  “To be able to fight a thing, you must know the thing. No, the howling wasn’t me, but I’m afraid you’re about to deal with some really nasty shit. Wouldn’t you rather know?”

  “Jesus Christ, you’re about to tell me all of my childhood fears are real, aren’t you?”

  “You don’t need me to tell you if you heard it howling.”

  “My granny swears the loup garou walk among us. She says this place is named after them. I chocked it up to an old woman’s stories.”

  “Loup garou do walk among you, but this thing, if I’m right, is not anything natural. He’s evil and he’s building an army.”

  Pim nodded, relief on his face. “I thought I was crazy. I half wanted to be crazy.”

  “How many did we lose when the Headhunters jacked us?”

  “Two and their bodies are missing from the morgue.”

  “Fuck. If you see them again, you’re going to have to put them down.”

  “Christ, I hope I never see them again.” He shook his head. “The Headhunters have a wolf on their patch… are they all…”

  “Nah. We have a dragon on our patch. Are you a dragon?” Imre teased.

  “No, but you are, aren’t you?” Pim was picking up on everything quickly and with minimal freak out. That boded well. It had been a mistake that he hadn’t been told. All the chapter presidents were supposed to know.


  “What about her?” He pointed at Aranka.

  “She’s not your concern.”

  Pim laughed and the tension building in the air dissipated. “Alright, alright, brother. I see you’ve staked your claim.”

  “Call the Headhunters to set the meet. Text me and let me know. Aranka and I are heading out. It’s been a long day.”

  “It would be an honor to have you stay here.”

  “Aranka has her heart set on camping out, but we appreciate your hospitality. It won’t be forgotten.”

  After they were back on the shore, Aranka said, “Way to put your stamp on me.”

  “That’s just how some people need things explained to them. Would you rather he be hassling you?”

  “I’d rather I be able to say hey, not interested and he’d respect that because I’m a person, not property. And old lady? Holy shit, if Krysanthe, Princess Krysanthe heard you referring to her as an old lady—”

  “Whoa, hey. This is a different culture. It’s not your culture.”

  “It’s misogynist.”

  “Look, there is a way the Drago Knights do things, and the way that other clubs do things. Even so, our culture and values has to operate within theirs. Give it a chance. And among us, calling a woman someone’s old lady is a sign of respect and deference.”

  She rolled her eyes. “It’s a good thing you don’t want to have sex with me.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because I’ll punch your dick if you call me your old lady.”

  “That would be your loss then, wouldn’t it? Because if you’re having sex with me, you’re not doing it with anyone else.”

  “No?” she taunted and followed him deeper into the swamp. “You don’t want to have a ménage? I thought every guy wanted to watch two chicks doing it. And what’s good for the gander, sir, is definitely good for the goose.”

  “I’m a one partner kind of guy.”

  “Boring.” She snorted. “I mean, I guess you were right. That’s why we won’t work out. I still want to try all the things and you’ve already done all the things.”

  That hit a particularly strange place inside of him. He could understand that she wanted to explore. Taking someone to mate didn’t change curiosity. Did it?

  “So have you given this serious thought?”

  “What do you mean? Having a ménage? Yes.” She grabbed his sleeve so he stopped and turned to look at her. “I think life should be an adventure all the time, right? I don’t want to have to miss out on experiences because of old school ideas about love.”

  “So you don’t think people or supes can be faithful to one partner?”

  “Having a ménage isn’t being unfaithful. Of course there’s nothing wrong with being with one person forever, or sharing everything. I’m on board for that. But I think there are new ways to define what a relationship is. I know with dragons it’s all about the one true mate and that’s cool. But can’t one true mates try everything together? Even exploring new definitions of sexuality?”

  “I never thought of it like that.”

  “I guess it’s not for everyone.”

  “Would you want to have a ménage with another woman or another man?” He didn’t mean to picture it, he only wanted to understand her thinking.

  But now he was imagining her in every position a woman could possibly be into with all sorts of people. His cock was rock hard.

  “Why? Would that change what you think of me?”

  “No, of course not. I’m just trying to understand you.”

  “See? That’s why I wanted you to be my first. You don’t judge me. You want to know me the way I am.”

  “Aranka, I think you underestimate how intimidating you can be. You’re a wild thing, elemental.”

  “Like a flower.” She laughed, teasing.

  “No, like a hurricane.”

  She paused and seemed to consider. “Okay, maybe you’re right.”

  They walked for a little ways more before they came to a wooden dock lined with small boats and pontoons.

  “Do you think the gators will bother us?” she asked.

  “Nah, they don’t like how I smell. They give me a wide berth.”

  “I like how you smell.”

  He found the pontoon he expected would be waiting and helped her board. “That’s good, since you’ll be sleeping next to me tonight.”

  “I’m so tired. I’m ready to sleep for ten hours.” She settled into one of the overstuffed lounger seats in the front. Good thing it was a double.

  “Probably more like six. Sorry.”

  “As long as there’s breakfast. There’ll be breakfast, right?”

  “There’s always breakfast.”

  “Will you catch me fish?” she asked.

  “I’ll even char it for you. Blackened fish is a thing you should eat in Louisiana.”

  She laughed. “I think it’s supposed to be black from the pepper, not the flames shooting out of your face.”

  “Whatever.” He winked at her. “Close enough.”

  He started up the pontoon and headed toward more open water. Somewhere neither supe nor man could surprise them.

  When he stopped, she said, “This is really beautiful. So peaceful. Thanks for bringing me here.”

  In that moment, he found he couldn’t give a single damn about anything going on around them. The only beautiful thing was her.

  “You know, when you say it’s going to be okay, I believe you.”

  For a moment, the human side of him thought that was indeed a heavy weight to bear, but his dragon, his dragon was so proud. So honored.

  “Especially out here like this.”

  He slid into the lounger next to her and she came to his arms easily. Nothing had ever felt so right.

  Suddenly, his erection wasn’t a mild inconvenience. It was as if every single touch receptor had been relocated to his cock, but at the same time, his whole body was on fire.

  Mine, the voice in his head said.



  Mating Fever.

  “You’re so warm, Imre.” She snuggled in closer.

  “I… I have to go.”

  “What? Where?” She sat up. “What’s wrong?”

  “I need to cool off.” He started stripping off his clothes.

  “Oh, is that what we’re doing?” She followed suit.

  “No, I’m going for a swim. You’re staying right here.”

  “Is that wise?”

  “The gators don’t like me. You, however, are probably a delectable snack.”

  “Unless you rub your scent on me.”

  Did she mean to sound sex kitten when she said that or was it the Fever turning his brain into scrambled eggs? Fuck, it didn’t matter. He just had to get away from her and cool down.

  “Come on, if you’re going swimming in the swamp, I want to.”

  “No, you don’t.”

  “I think I know what I do and don’t want to do, Imre. If you’re going in, I am too.”

  He couldn’t resist her allure as he raised his eyes, drinking in her golden skin in the pale light of the moon. “If you come in the water with me, you’ll be my mate.”

  “Haven’t you ever wanted to do something just to do it?”

  “Of course,” he said through gritted teeth. “More often than I should.”

  “Don’t you want to know what it’s like with a gold nymph? I definitely want to know what it’s like with a dragon.” Then her expression softened. “I want to know what it’s like with you.”

  Chapter 3

  Operation Humiliate Herself was in full swing.

  He’d jumped into the dark waters of the swamp rather than have sex with her.

  He even had Mating Fever and still denied her. What was she doing wrong?

  Then it hit her. He didn’t want to be tied to someone who was only looking for something temporary. That made total sense.

  But really, she wasn’t going to stand for this denying of the Mating Fever. She liked him. He liked her. She’d decided he was the one and by gods, he would be the one.

  “You know,” she said to the empty air, “I don’t feel safe alone.”

  Something bumped into the boat, shaking it.

  “Nope, if you’re down there and I’m up here, I’m still alone. You couldn’t see super werewolf coming after me while you’re swimming.”

  The boat shuddered again and she laughed. “Still afraid.”

  He burst up out of the water, wings spread and in his dragon form, sweeping up to the sky and then he took human form, just before he landed, dripping wet on the pontoon.

  “You play dirty, Aranka.”

  “You bet I do. I told you that I want you, Imre. You want me, too. So why shouldn’t we?”

  “Because I’ll want forever.”

  “I can’t promise you that, but it could be an adventure. I don’t know how people can ever promise each other forever when they don’t know what’s around the next corner. I’ll promise to go with you as long as we’re on the same journey. That I can give you.”

  “It’s better to let it pass. To let it fade.”

  “For who?” she asked. “Not me. Not you.”

  “Have you thought this through? We don’t have protection.”

  “I do. In my bag. Just in case.” She smiled.

  He was very naked and his cock was very hard and for the first time, she felt a little bit intimidated by the prospect of having that inside of her.

  “Then come here.”

  She took a deep breath and walked over to him slowly, as naked as he was, but feeling so much more vulnerable.

  That’s when a lone howl split the night, and it was no natural sound.

  “What the hell was that?” Aranka peered out into the darkness, not really needing an answer, but hoping against hope he’d tell her it was some kind of bird. That it was anything, but what she knew it was.

  A werewolf.

  If this was the hunter turned wolf Peter Breslin, there was nothing to do but run. He was immune to silver.

  “I’ll see if I can find him. Do not move from this spot, Aranka. This is one of those times I need to know exactly where you are.”

  “I’m not going anywhere, I swear.”

  He took to the skies and the night was deathly quiet, just as Pim had described.

  Aranka gathered her clothes quickly and slipped them on, every rustle of fabric echoed in her ears like a canon. She held out her hands and searched for any veins of gold that could offer them an avenue of escape. She wasn’t sure if she could drag Imre with her in dragon form, but in his bipedal form, she could.

  Just in case his wings weren’t an option.

  It felt like he was gone forever, but she knew it was only seconds. She heard the howl again, but it wasn’t alone. Two more joined in the unholy chorus.

  Was it a whole pack?

  She schooled her breathing and tried to calm down. Aranka knew she’d be spraying pheromones everywhere and they could smell it.

  Breathing deeply, she reminded herself of the werewolves she knew who were good people. Who were her friends. Just because they were out gallivanting in the swamp didn’t mean they were trying to hurt people.

  The Big Scary they’d been talking about, he’d be out alone. Right?


  She breathed out.

  Except, Pim had been talking about disappearing children. Bloody—nope, not going to think about that now.

  The silence was deafening, and her heartbeat continued to thud in her ears.

  Imre returned, still in his dragon form and he slipped down into the water next to the pontoon. Perking his head up above the water, he looked a little bit like the gators they’d been talking so much about.

  If she hadn’t been terrified out of her mind, she’d have giggled.

more than one pack on the loose. The swamp is crawling with them. The howls you heard were fighting. I don’t want to risk engaging them until we know more about what’s going on here. So we need to make our exit,” he whispered.

  She knew exactly what he was about to suggest. They’d have to leave the pontoon behind; the sound of the engine would draw all the attention they didn’t want.

  “You can ride on my back. Keep your hands and feet out of the water and we’ll be fine.”

  Fuck it. It would be an adventure. The swamp was beautiful and she’d a tour like no other.

  Aranka nodded and climbed over the side, easing down onto his back, holding on to his neck. He spread his wings and they began to drift.

  They moved almost silently through the water and when the howls sounded again, they were much farther away. She saw movement around them, the gators fleeing Imre. She leaned over to get a closer look.

  A light flickered a few feet from them, then another, and another until it was almost a swarm. They weren’t lightning bugs, they were something else.

  “Don’t look at them.” He huffed a puff of smoke at them and they scattered.

  “What are they?”

  “Will-O-the-Wisps. Or fairy lights. They’ll lead you to your doom and then they feed on your soul.”

  “Yay for avoiding our demise? I wonder if they led others to the werewolves? Do you think we could catch one?”

  “And do what with it?”

  “I don’t know. Threaten to dress it up like Tinkerbell until it talks?”

  “I don’t think they can talk. They dance and flicker. That’s about it.”

  “They know enough to be afraid of you.”

  “Shh. They could still hear us. Five minutes, Aranka.”

  She settled and watched the scenery go by and tried to enjoy the moment, ignoring the fact they were fleeing from werewolves. This wasn’t an experience she was likely to forget.

  Her limbs were suddenly heavy, but somehow electric, too. Gold veins ran through this swamp. She hadn’t felt them before, but now… they were huge.

  Aranka opened her mouth to speak, but remembered she was supposed to be quiet for five minutes.

  Being quiet was hard. Practically torture.

  Especially when she felt the presence of the gold veins again. There was something about them, something familiar.


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