Wild Fire (The Fairy Tale Match Series)

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Wild Fire (The Fairy Tale Match Series) Page 4

by Danielle Rose-West

  Laura nodded. “Home-made apple pie and cream.”

  “I love this woman already!” Bill announced. He turned to look at Jake. “What’s wrong with you boy? Women that cook like this don’t come along every day. We should be tying her up and keeping her, not sending her home.”

  Jake swallowed his mouthful before piercing Bill with an icy look. “There’s no point in her staying since there’s no romance taking place, which is why she came here in case you forgot!”

  Laura’s face flushed bright red at the reminder and she squirmed uncomfortably in her chair, not looking anyone in the eyes.

  “Actually, that was something I wanted to talk to you about,” Kerry piped up. Jake felt his heart plummet into his stomach as he glanced up at her serene face. He looked at Bill. Their innocent looking expressions didn’t fool him one bit. Something had been cooked up behind his back; he could feel it!

  “And what’s that exactly?” he asked in a soft but deadly tone.

  “Well, as it turns out, Laura came here for more than just romance. She was actually born in the US and was looking to maybe move here. This was her chance to see if she could make a new life for herself in this country and I feel we should let her stay the agreed three weeks to try it out. Also, if she stays, we would both get our fees back from the agency when nothing comes of your meeting. What do you think?”

  “No,” Jake answered shortly. The very idea of having to see Laura on a daily basis for three whole weeks scared the crap out of him.

  “Why not?” Kerry pushed. “Give me one good reason?”

  “I don’t have to. The answer is no!” Jake insisted.

  “This is my house too and I want to make up for what I did and let her stay.” Kerry’s voice began to rise with her temper.

  “Now, now Kerry,” Bill interjected with a wicked gleam in his eyes. “We can’t make Jake agree to let Laura stay here when her presence obviously bothers your brother.”

  “She doesn’t bother me!” Jake gritted out. Some days he could cheerfully throttle that man. “This isn’t some hotel or guest house. This is our private home. You know I hate people invading our home. Find her somewhere else to stay. Maybe in town if that’s where she’s thinking of living.”

  “But Laura isn’t just anyone and I refuse to dump her just because it suits you,” Kerry persisted. “She’s become my friend, the only real female friend I have around here…..”

  “Don’t be ridiculous!” Jake interrupted, becoming more and more desperate to change his sister’s stubborn mind. Why couldn’t she just let it go? “You’ve only just met her. You know nothing about her!” He waved his hand in Laura’s general direction, keeping his eyes on Kerry. “She could be a complete lunatic for all we know.”

  “Now who’s being ridiculous?” Kerry hit back, anger flowing through her hot and strong. She’d had enough of Jake and this attitude of his to last a lifetime. She threw her fork on the table with a satisfying thud. “You just don’t want her here because she was sent by a dating agency for you. Her presence obviously bothers you because she might actually get under that barrier you have up and make you feel again. Heaven forbid you should actually turn back into a human being with feelings that don’t revolve around large amounts of anger! I honestly think you like being like this, the way you hold on to it…..”

  “So that’s what you think of me? You think I enjoy feeling like this?” Jake snapped at her, his lips thinned in his fury. He refused to let her see how much she’d hurt him or how close to the mark she’d hit. He didn’t enjoy what he felt but he did refuse to let go. He never wanted to forget what he’d been through and he never wanted to give another human that power over him ever again. He didn’t think he’d survive a second betrayal.

  “What else can I think?” Kerry snapped back. “You have made no effort to change things in all this time. You hang on and hang on to the past, making everyone else’s life a misery. Victoria is still here, poisoning our lives and you keep her here. You still haven’t spoken to Dan…”

  “Don’t mention that man’s name to me!” Jake thundered. “How dare you bring him up after everything he did!” He slammed down his cutlery and stood up so fast, his chair fell back to the floor with a thud.

  “But he’s tried to talk to you, to apologise and you just keep knocking him back. It’s not right, Jake. He was like a brother to you until she got in the way…..” Kerry leapt to her feet, leaning over the table to get her brother to hear her.

  “Why are you pushing me on this? First you bring some woman into our home and now it’s Dan you bring up? What are you really up to here Kerry?” Jake hit back, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. “It seems less and less about my wellbeing and more and more about yours, since you obviously think I am making your life a misery. Is that what this sudden need to fix me is really about? You?”

  “Jake! Kerry!” Bill interjected his voice cracking over the room like a whip. “That is enough!” They broke off, each gasping in their fury. Kerry felt the fight suddenly drain out of her. She couldn’t believe she’d let things get so out of hand and horribly, Jake was right. Her actions were fuelled by her desire to have a chance with Dan, even though Jake didn’t know that. She was just as guilty of a selfish motive as he was. He was afraid of opening himself up to hurt again. She knew that, but she was pushing him because she so desperately didn’t want to lose her chance with Dan forever and time was marching on.

  She looked at Jake. He barely glanced at her. His body was so rigid, it looked like it was carved from stone. His face was drawn and haunted. She felt her heart twist. She shouldn’t have said the things she’d said. She’d well and truly stuck her foot in her big mouth. She knew what he’d been through, but in her anger at his stubbornness, she’d let her tongue run away with her instead of sticking to the plan she and Laura had decided on. Laura!

  Kerry felt her face heat with shame at their behaviour. She glanced at Laura, embarrassed that they had had such a raw open row in front of her, but Laura had fallen asleep at her seat, her jet lag finally catching up with her. Not even their shouting had disturbed her. She sat in her chair, her head resting on her hand, propped up by the wall. Soft little puffs of breath escaped through her slightly parted lips, stirring the strand of hair that had fallen out of her pony and across her face.

  “Well, thank goodness that poor girl fell asleep before witnessing your row,” Bill said to them both, disappointment clear in his expression. “Though how she slept through your shouts I’ll never know. Can you imagine how she would have felt listening to you both argue that way over her staying here? She’s feeling bad enough about the whole thing, without you both making her feel worse. I am truly ashamed of both your behaviours here tonight.”

  Bill rarely spoke this way to the siblings and both felt uneasy under his stony gaze. “Jake, swallow that stubborn pride of yours and realise that under the circumstances, it is the right thing to do to let Laura stay here, as she was promised by your sister. None of this sorry affair is her fault, not the dating agency and not the past. If you can’t agree to this, I’ll be forced to phone your mother. I don’t want to have to drag her into this, she has enough to deal with, but if you force my hand, I’ll call her. Just see if I don’t!”

  Jake nodded curtly, far from happy. His mother would skin him alive if she heard about his conduct. Kerry would get an ear bashing, but he’d come off worse, he was sure. His mother would probably agree with Kerry about fixing him up with someone anyway. She’d been on at him about moving on and finding someone new before she’d left to take care of their grandmother after her fall. She probably put the idea for this little scheme in her daughters head!

  “Fine, she can stay, but don’t expect me to have anything to do with her. And she’s only staying the three weeks, not a moment more. Agreed?”

  Kerry nodded. Jake stomped out of the room, leaving Kerry and Bill to deal with the sleeping beauty at their table.


  Lotta slumped a
gainst the wall, breathing a deep sigh of relief. She’d managed to avert disaster and Laura would be staying. Flo stood next to her, looking slightly put out.

  “How is it you can use the old favourites and I can’t?” she grumbled.

  “I only sent her to sleep,” Lotta huffed. “She was half way there already and besides, they thought she dropped off from jet lag. It all blended in rather nicely. Unlike your idea!”

  “I could have handled it,” Flo countered, her lip poking out in a childlike pout, her wand waving around rather dangerously. “And my idea was a brilliant one. Really inspired until you undid it.”

  “There was no need to turn her into a flower,” Lotta rebuked, annoyed.

  “Well, flowers don’t have ears,” Flo defended. “She still wouldn’t have heard any of the argument and wouldn’t have felt the need to leave. It was a perfectly good idea.”

  “Human beings don’t just suddenly turn into a plant, Flo. Thank the stardust they were all too occupied to see what you did. Laura shouldn’t remember anything and if she does, she’ll probably think it was a dream. You really need to think things through before you use that wand. You’re like a lethal weapon with that thing!” Lotta was already tired out from working her assignment and keeping Flo out of trouble.

  Flo ignored Lotta as she began to think, tapping her wand against her plump arm, her eyes beginning to glow with suppressed excitement. “What are you cooking up now?” asked Lotta worried.

  “Well, we have to think of something to throw them both together. You heard Jake. He wants nothing to do with her. We have to find a way to change his mind and I think I have a few ideas!” Flo announced bobbing up and down on her small feet in her enthusiasm.

  “I think you should leave that to me!” Lotta insisted. But she may as well have been talking to the wall, for Flo was already planning and didn’t even hear her.

  Chapter Three

  Laura tossed and turned in her rumpled bed. She’d been awake for quite a while, her body being used to the time in England. For her, she should be up and about her day, but it was only 4am by the clock on her bedside table. She still felt tired, her head was slightly woozy and her eyes felt gritty, but her body refused to sleep and her mind just kept ticking over the day before.

  She felt her face heat up with the thought that she’d actually fallen asleep during dinner last night. She’d been listening to the conversation with Kerry and Jake one moment and the next she dreamt she was a flower. It had been a very vivid dream. She’d actually been able to feel petals round her face and her roots in the earth. She’d had an overwhelming desire for water. She must have been really dehydrated without realising it.

  The next thing she knew, Bill had gently been shaking her awake and telling her to go to bed. Kerry had been standing behind him looking strained and she wondered what she’d missed. She’d apologised profusely, but he’d waved it away, telling her she had nothing to be sorry for. He also told her that Jake had agreed to let her stay. She was happy not to have to find somewhere else to stay, but felt awkward not knowing how things had gone when she’d fallen asleep. The last thing she remembered was Jake saying no to her staying. She had no idea what changed his mind and that bothered her.

  Sighing deeply, she decided to get up. Laying around wasn’t getting her to sleep so she may as well face the day. It couldn’t be worse than yesterday! She stuck her arms through her robe and headed for the bathroom. After taking care of her immediate needs, she washed her hands and looked in the mirror over the sink. A small shriek escaped her lips and she closed her eyes in horror. She opened them again slowly, praying she hadn’t seen right. But no, it was still there!

  She had flour all over her face and in her hair! She looked a fright! Her face went flaming red when she realised she must have been sitting at the dinner table in this state. Jake had sat there seeing her like this! Why hadn’t Kerry told her? Deep humiliation flowed through her. What must he have thought? She took a deep breath, trying to slow her thundering heart. It didn’t matter what he thought, she assured herself. He hadn’t asked her here and didn’t want to get to know her romantically. It was fine!

  But it wasn’t. For whatever reason she’d ended up here, Laura was deeply attracted to Jake. She wished it wasn’t the case. She could handle things so much better if the man didn’t send her senses reeling whenever he was in the room, especially when she knew he didn’t feel the same way about her. It was far too dangerous to let herself get involved with her feelings. She needed to stick her attraction down deep and not let it show.

  Today would be a fresh start, where hopefully she could build some fences with the very angry Jake. She couldn’t entirely blame the man. She wouldn’t have been any happier if someone had signed her up to the dating agency without her knowledge and then had someone she didn’t know or want living in her home for three weeks. No wonder he was so put out. She was determined to make amends with him and decided that cooking breakfast would be a good start.

  She tried to bury the small traitorous thought that tried to surface, but didn’t quite hold it down. Kerry’s face swam in front of her mind’s eye as she told Laura that the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach. Laura squashed it down ruthlessly. She wasn’t making breakfast to get Jake to fall in love with her, but to thank him for letting her stay. And she’d stick to that story under torture!

  Feeling a little happier, she showered, washed her hair and dressed quickly in light blue trousers and a soft pink summer top, with thin straps and a heart shaped neckline. Small white flowers covered the material, giving it a very fresh feeling. She tied her hair up into a loose bun at the back of her head, leaving a few shorter strands of hair to frame her face, softening the look. Since she was staying inside, she left her feet bare. Laura loved to walk around on bare feet and always did so at home. Somehow she could never stand slippers or socks. Her mother had always told her off for it, but she simply couldn’t and wouldn’t change.

  Pattering quietly down the stairs, so as not to disturb anyone else in the house, Laura made her way to the kitchen. She nearly jumped out of her skin to find Jake already there, filling the coffee maker with coffee grounds. Her breath caught and her heart did an annoying little tumble in her chest. She gritted her teeth.

  ‘He’s not interested’, she reminded herself sternly. ‘Get a grip or he’s going to think your some bunny boiler. Remember, today is about putting him at ease. You can pretend you’re not attracted like crazy to the guy. It can’t be that hard!’

  Hesitating for a moment, she wondered if she should just sneak off before he saw her then decided not to be such a coward. Summoning up her courage, she said brightly “Good morning.”

  Jake spun round, scattering coffee in all directions, his face looking less than happy to see her. “Morning,” he replied gruffly, after several minutes of glaring at her.

  “I wasn’t expecting anyone up so early. I thought I’d be the first one. I just couldn’t sleep past a certain time. This would be daytime for me normally. I do want to apologise for falling asleep on you all last night. I don’t usually do that, but I guess the jet lag really got to me. I hope you all managed to eat the apple pie I left for you,” Laura stopped herself from saying anymore, aware she was beginning to babble.

  “Do you always talk this much?” Jake asked in an exasperated voice.

  Laura laughed softly. “Only when I’m nervous,” she admitted twisting her hands together in front of her. “Would you like some breakfast? I’d be happy to cook some for you. It’s why I came down, to surprise everyone as a small thank you for letting me stay.”

  “That’s fine. I can get my own food thanks,” Jake muttered, turning his back on her.

  Laura could feel the suspicion rolling off him. She sighed softly. This would be three very awkward weeks if she couldn’t get him to relax around her. Determined to break the tension, Laura walked slowly over to Jake and tapped him gently on the shoulder. Anyone would have thought she’d shot hi
m the way he jumped and backed away from her, hitting his hip on the worktop next to him. He winced, rubbing the afflicted area.

  “It’s just breakfast, Jake,” she told him gently, trying not to laugh at his uneasy expression. “It’s not a marriage proposal.”

  He grimaced, looking uncomfortable. “Look,” Laura said, deciding enough was enough. “I know the circumstances of my being here are awkward. Believe me; it’s worse for me knowing I joined a dating agency than for you. Talk about embarrassing when the person you are meant to be meeting actually doesn’t know you exist,” she shook her head ruefully, her face heating up with her discomfort. “But I can assure you that just because I joined one in the hope of meeting someone special, it doesn’t make me desperate. And it doesn’t mean that I will be following you around or jumping on you trying to get you to marry me or something. Could we please start again as if I am just a friend of Kerry’s staying here in the hopes of relocating and starting a new life?” She held out her hand, holding her breath.

  Jake looked at Laura and had to admire her courage and her honesty. She looked stunning this morning, even though she must still be feeling the effects of the time difference. Her fresh clean scent teased him, washing over his awareness and making him feel short of breath. Slowly, he took the hand she offered and shook it. It was small and soft in his calloused palm, sending tiny shocks of awareness up his arm like small bolts of lightning.

  “I guess it wouldn’t hurt to start again,” he agreed, wondering where that statement had come from. This woman was turning his whole world upside down and she’d not even been there a full day. He’d been so committed this morning when he’d got up to ignore her and pretend she didn’t exist. How had she managed to turn that conviction on its head in less time than it took to make it?

  She smiled at him and it was like the sun coming out, bathing him in its radiant warmth He felt its impact all through him, almost making him shudder. Yep, he was in big trouble.


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