Wild Fire (The Fairy Tale Match Series)

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Wild Fire (The Fairy Tale Match Series) Page 15

by Danielle Rose-West

  Kerry sat up straighter, leaning across the table she hit him in the chest. “Why didn’t you tell me?” she cried. “I’ve been scared to death that you’d marry one of the many fawning women that throw themselves at you. It’s been a nightmare thinking I’d never get the chance I dreamed of with you. And all the time, we could have done something about it. If only you’d given me a sign.”

  “How could I? I thought you hated me. And then there’s Jake. We both know he hates me. Even now, he’d never give his blessing. He could cut you out of his life. I can’t ask that of you.”

  “I won’t give you up Dan,” Kerry said fiercely. “I’ve waited far too long for this. We have to find a way to make things work. We have to fix things with Jake.”

  Dan stared deep into her eyes. “Now that we’ve found each other, I’ll do everything I can to make it up with Jake. For you.”

  “I can’t believe this is happening.” She laughed joyfully.

  “I know. We have a lot to thank a certain person for.” He glanced towards the kitchen where Laura kept peeking out every now and then.

  “We sure do.” Kerry sniffled, wiping her face with a tissue from her bag. “So, what do we do now?”

  “We finish our lunch and we talk. I am not such an idiot that I don’t realise we still have a lot to talk through before we can put the past behind us. Then we can start deciding on our future. What do you say?”

  Kerry smiled brightly. “I say, yes! Yes! Yes!”


  “How do you think its going?” Laura asked Alfie.

  “I’m sure their fine, unlike this steak you’ve almost cremated. I thought that one was my specialty!” Alfie quipped with a laugh.

  Laura stuck her tongue out at him and laughed too. “I can’t help it. I’m dying of curiosity here!” She spied Kerry getting up and heading for the bathroom. Quickly she slipped out of the kitchen and hurried over to Dan, sitting in Kerry’s recently vacated seat.

  “Well?” she demanded slightly out of breath from her mad dash.

  He smiled the most dazzling smile she’d ever seen from him. “How am I ever going to repay you for this?” He grabbed her hand and squeezed it tight. “We talked. Really talked and finally we both know how we feel for each other. I know we still have a rocky road sorting things with Jake, but at least we are together and working things out.”

  Laura gave a squeal of happiness. “I am so happy for you both. You are together then?”

  “We are. Tonight Kerry is coming over to mine for dinner. We’re going to spend an evening getting to know each other again, somewhere we can really talk with no eyes on us.”

  Laura flushed. “I’m sorry. I just couldn’t stop myself!”

  “Don’t be silly. I’m beyond grateful. I just want some time with Kerry to myself.” He grinned broadly at her.

  Laura nodded her understanding. What he said sounded really good and if Kerry was going to be out tonight, maybe she could persuade Bill to be absent as well. A wonderful idea took hold to surprise Jake. She smiled back at Dan as she laid her plans.


  Jake stood outside the diner, unobserved by the couple seated in the window. His blazing eyes took in the details rapidly. Dan fairly glowed with happiness and so horribly did she! Their hands clasped together in an intimate hold. It was quite obvious they’d been having a romantic lunch together. He could see the empty plates on the cosy table for two. He felt sick. His heart shattered into a million pieces.

  How could this be happening to him again? With Dan again? After all he’d told her, all they had shared, she had to ram a knife into his heart and twist it. Pain unlike anything he’d ever felt before surged through him. It was as he’d known it would be; far worse than what he’d experienced with Victoria. He’d really dared to hope he had something special with Laura. What a fool!

  Why hadn’t he listened to his own cautions? He’d been so stupid to place his heart on the line again. All morning he’d been so happy. He’d been whistling as he cleaned out the stables, laughing again with the stable hands like he’d used to before Victoria. He’d felt like he was walking on air, like he could conquer the world.

  He’d been so looking forward to exploring this amazing connection they’d found. He’d begun to dare to believe in his dreams again. So much so, that he’d headed into town to surprise her at the end of her shift in the diner.

  Only it was him that had got the surprise. Betrayal sizzled through his body, turning him to ice. Rage cemented itself in his very heartbeat. Nothing remained in his heart but a searing white hot anger. With unseeing eyes, he turned and stalked back to his truck. He wasn’t ready to face her just yet.


  Laura’s heart beat increased as she looked at the clock. It wasn’t long now before Jake would come home. She straightened the silver wear on the table, running her fingers over the cream coloured cloth to smooth out imaginary creases, trying to still her nerves. She fussed with the flowers she’d placed in a vase in the middle of the table and refolded the napkins. She wanted everything to be perfect.

  She’d managed to talk Bill into having an early dinner, so she could have the house for just her and Jake. She’d cooked a very special meal and chilled a bottle of wine. The table was set; all that was left was the two candles that she would light when he arrived.

  Her heart fluttered again. She hoped he would be okay with this. She was slightly worried he might think she was pushing too fast. Still, he hadn’t seemed to freak out at her declaration of love, so she hoped dinner wouldn’t inspire a meltdown.

  She smoothed her hands over her little black dress as she quickly checked her appearance. She’d left her hair loose, knowing how Jake always liked to run his hands through it when they were intimate. She felt her breath catch in her throat at the memory of their encounter in the stable. She very much wanted to repeat that and more.

  The kitchen door flew open. Laura turned with a happy smile on her face as she reached for the candle lighter to light the candles.

  “Surprise!” Her smile died at the look on Jake’s face, her fingers dropping the lighter from suddenly nerveless fingers. His eyes were so dark with rage, they looked almost black in the dim light. He took in her dress, her hair and the table. If possible, he looked even more deadly. “What’s wrong?” she whispered, suddenly afraid. “Did I go too far? It’s only dinner…...no pressure.” She broke off at his deathly quiet.

  He moved towards her. “Who is this for?” he asked, his tone like brittle ice. “Me? Or Dan?”

  “Dan?” she repeated bewildered. “Jake, what are you talking about?”

  “I saw you today. All cosy and friendly at the diner with your intimate lunch for two. He looked so happy at something that you said. What was it? Did you tell him you loved him too?” Jake seized her by the shoulders and shook her.

  Laura pushed him away, hurt tears filling her eyes. “Why do you always have to think the worst? I haven’t done anything wrong. Dan was having lunch with someone else. I only stopped to talk to him for a few moments when she went into the ladies room.”

  “You expect me to believe that? I saw him taking your hand. You didn’t exactly push away.” He stalked her, like an angry panther getting ready to strike.

  Laura felt her own anger boil to the surface. “What is this really about Jake? You can’t honestly think I would tell you I love you one day and run into the arms of another man the next. Is this really because we got so close yesterday? Is it easier for you to accuse me of something so you can back away again?”

  “How dare you try and turn this around on me!” Jake stormed at her. “I’m not the one having secret meetings with someone else. Especially someone you know I never want anything to do with again.”

  “He is only a friend.” She insisted, wishing he’d listen to her, believe in her. “It wasn’t a secret and it certainly wasn’t a romantic meeting between me and him. Why would I sit in the window for heaven’s sake, if I was trying to hide somet
hing? And seriously, I was working Jake! Think about it! How can I possibly take time for a romantic interlude when I was meant to be cooking for customers? You are being ridiculous!”

  “Really?” he sneered. “You didn’t expect me to come into town today. Stupid foolish me, I was coming to be with you. To spend time with you. And what do I find instead? You with HIM!”

  His shout of rage terrified Laura. She screamed and backed away as Jake got hold of the table and flipped the contents onto the floor. Plates and glasses smashed, her flowers scattered into all corners of the room and the wine ran like a river, spreading rapidly across the floor. Laura stood frozen, her heart beating so fast she thought she might faint.

  “You are a very cruel woman,” he rasped at her. “To give hope to a man, only to pull it away. What is it with women like you? Do you get some perverse kick out of leading someone on? Drawing someone into your web?”

  “I am not Victoria!” Laura said quietly her hand at her throat. “I have never led you on. I told you yesterday that I love you and I meant it!” Tears poured from her eyes, falling onto her dress and soaking though the material. “I am not interested in Dan. Nor will I ever be. I only want you.”

  “Liar!” he shouted breathing deeply, his body ridged with rage. “Don’t you lie to me!”

  “I am not!” she shouted back.

  “Then why, why were you with him today? Is it the only time you’ve spent with him? Tell me?”

  “No. I spoke with him the day after we got trapped in the barn. I wanted to know his side of things.” She shook at the rage she saw barely controlled in him.

  “Why? What is so important about him that you have to get involved with him? If it isn’t that you’re interested in him, why? Explain it to me?”

  Laura felt torn. More than anything she wanted to explain but she was afraid of dropping Kerry in it. In his current mood she wasn’t sure how he’d take the news of his sisters feelings for the man he’d come to hate.

  “It’s complicated,” she finally said. “It has nothing to do with me having feelings for him. I just wanted to help you fix a friendship that I feel is sad that you both lost.”

  He snorted. “You’ll have to come up with a much better story than that if you wanted me to believe you.” He moved towards her, backing her against the wall, his face inches from hers. “Any hope you had of snaring me in your trap is gone. I feel nothing for you!”

  He turned and slammed out the back door.

  Laura stood frozen to the spot. Her heart shattered in her chest. She couldn’t understand how he could think such terrible things of her. She knew Victoria had damaged him, she’d just refused to realise how much. She finally saw that she may never reach the man underneath the enormous wall of hurt that surrounded him. She wasn’t sure he ever wanted to come out and it killed her to know that her love might never be returned.

  She sank down onto the floor, her mind reeling with what had happened. She drew her knees up to her chest and sobbed her heart out, the pain so bad she wasn’t sure she could stand it.


  Walter observed Jake stomping from the house, a small smile of satisfaction spreading across his face. His patience had been rewarded and fortune was certainly smiling on him. He’d known something was seriously wrong when Jake had returned from town. He’d left laughing and smiling in the most sickening way that morning but when he returned from town he was like a demon possessed. Walter had decided to keep a watch on things. Now he had his chance. He’d heard most of the argument, as Jake hadn’t bothered to lower his voice.

  Making his way rapidly to the kitchen door, he knocked on it briefly before letting himself in. Laura glanced up from her position on the floor. She saw Walter heading her way and wished he’d just disappear. She didn’t feel like talking to anyone.

  “Laura are you okay?” he asked, his face full of concern. “I heard shouting. Jake left here in such a rage, I was worried.” He glanced around at the mess all over the floor. “I see I was right to be. Did he hurt you? If he did, I’ll kill him.”

  “No, I’m fine.” Laura felt exhausted. All she wanted to do was go to bed and nurse her wounds.

  Walter knelt on the floor at her side. He took her hand in his, putting his other arm around her shoulders. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you don’t look it.” He gave her a charming smile, taking the sting from his words.

  She laughed shakily. “I must look quite a fright.”

  “No Laura. You look beautiful as always,” Walter breathed. He dipped his head to kiss her, but Laura pulled away from him.

  “Walter please don’t start that again. I need a friend right now. Nothing else.” Tears slid down her face like an unending river. “I couldn’t get involved with anyone else right now. I already told you and you promised we’d just be friends.”

  “I’m here for you Laura. When you’re ready, I’ll be waiting,” Walter promised.

  “Please don’t say things like that. I don’t know that I’ll ever want to be more than friends.” She wished he would give up his useless pursuit of her. Even though things hadn’t worked out with Jake, it didn’t mean she now wanted to start something with Walter. Why couldn’t he understand that?

  Something flashed behind his eyes so fast Laura couldn’t make out what it was. For a moment he’d had a strange intensity about him and it made her uneasy. Then his smile flashed out and she felt silly at her discomfort. “Then we’ll simply be the best of friends. Whatever you want dear Laura.”

  She sniffed. “Thank you. And thanks too for not saying I told you so.”

  “I could never do that to you when you’re hurting this much. I am so sorry that I turned out to be right.”

  Laura eased her way out of his hold. “I’m sorry Walter, but I really need to go to bed right now. Can we talk another time?”

  “Of course. Do you want me to clean up in here?”

  “No, leave it. I’ll do it in the morning.” She got wearily to her feet, heading out of the kitchen.

  “Laura!” Walter called. She turned back towards him. “Let me take you to the barn raising. Show Jake what he’s missing out on eh. What do you think?” He threw her a wink. She hesitated, not wanting to lead him on. “I mean as friends,” he clarified.

  “I’ll think about it. Thanks again Walter.”

  “No problem.”

  Laura headed up to her room and Walter let himself out of the house. He whistled as he went down the steps. He thought that went rather well, even if he did say so himself!


  Bill followed the loud banging sound, wondering who on earth was out at this time making such a racket. He rounded the bend to see Jake pounding away at the fences. Bill knew they were in bad need of fixing, but he didn’t think Jake was really fixing them the way he was acting. They would be lucky if any fences were still standing by morning.

  Bill couldn’t imagine what had Jake in such a mood. He’d seen the effort Laura was making for dinner for the two of them before he’d left the house. She’d looked beautiful too. Jake should be holed up with her right now, enjoying a romantic meal. Instead he was committing murder to their ranch. The last time he’d acted like this was after Victoria, on the day that was supposed to be their wedding. Something was seriously wrong.

  “What the hell are you doing boy?” he shouted to be heard over Jake’s incessant noise.

  Jake stopped, turning his violent stare on Bill, who unfortunately for him, wasn’t intimidated. “I am not talking, so don’t even bother with the singing threat. I am not in the mood!”

  “Fine. Then I’ll call your mother.”

  Jake swore. He should have seen that one coming. The last thing he wanted was to have to talk to his mother. He could always put the phone down, but then she’d be on the next plane home and she’d make him feel like hell for her having to leave his grandmother. Somehow no matter how old he got, she could still reduce him to a small boy.

  “I mean it Jake. You talk or I’l
l call her. I can’t understand what has you so worked up. Didn’t you like the dinner Laura prepared? She worked so hard this afternoon.”

  “That’s not all she worked this afternoon,” Jake said bitterly.

  “What the hell does that mean?” Bill asked confused.

  “I caught her out. She was with Dan this lunchtime, having a cosy romantic meal for two. Sat right in the window for all to see what a damn fool I’ve been for the second time.” Jake turned to start pounding on the fences again.

  Bill grabbed the hammer from Jake’s hand. “What is wrong with you boy? You got rocks in your head instead of brains? That girl in there loves you, although right now I can’t figure out why. Anyone can see it. She would never betray you the way Victoria did.”

  “Didn’t you hear me? I. Saw. Her!” Jake went to grab the hammer back, but Bill pulled it away.

  “Then you saw wrong. Did you ask her about it?” he demanded. Jake nodded. “Well, what did she say?”

  “Some stupid story about Dan having dinner with another woman and she just happened to sit down for a few moments with him when the woman went to the bathroom.” Jake snorted his disbelief. “Can you believe that?”

  Bill nodded his head. “Actually, I can.” He knew all too well what was going on here. He’d seen Kerry leaving the house earlier, all done up and walking on air. He’d known for years that she held a torch for Dan. It seemed Laura did too and if he didn’t miss his guess, Kerry had been the one having lunch at the diner with Dan, not Laura. He’d thought something odd was going on that morning, when Laura purposely left money for Martha on the table. She had obviously set Kerry up and was too loyal to drop Kerry in it by telling Jake what had really happened. He had no such scruples in pointing the thick headed Jake in the right direction.

  Jake gave a disgusted look at Bill. “Don’t you look at me like that, boy! I’m not the one with rocks in his head. You’re an idiot and if you keep on going the way you are, you’re going to lose the best thing that has ever happened to you.”


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