Wild Fire (The Fairy Tale Match Series)

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Wild Fire (The Fairy Tale Match Series) Page 21

by Danielle Rose-West

  “Funny, for me it isn’t long enough,” Jake’s tone was icy. Victoria didn’t seemed in the slightest bit phased by his coldness.

  “I understand you haven’t forgiven me yet Jake,” her eyes glittered with unshed tears. Laura wondered if the woman could cry on demand, the speed in which they came to her eyes. “That’s one of the reasons I’ve come back. I want to work things out. Make a clean start. I’ve had a lot of time to think these past two years. I know I made a lot of mistakes, but I believe we can work past them. I was very confused at the time, but not anymore. I know what we had was special. It’s worth salvaging, if we can.”

  “It’s a bit late for that don’t you think?” Jake snarled, his whole body shook with rage. Laura placed her hand on his arm to silently let him feel her support. Victoria noticed the gesture. For the first time, she took note of Laura. Her golden eyes swept over her in a dismissive fashion, narrowing in on her hand on Jake’s arm. She turned back to Jake.

  “Some things never change it seems,” she purred. “You’re still making sure all the ladies have had a dance. It is so sweet that you never leave a wall flower to go without being asked.” Laura gasped at the snide remark. “You can let go of him now sugar. One dance doesn’t give you ownership you know.”

  “For your information Victoria, Laura and I are together,” Jake said firmly, putting his arm around Laura’s shoulder and pulling her closer. She took comfort in his warmth as Victoria’s eyes narrowed to thin slits. She regarded Jake and Laura for a few moments then she threw back her head and laughed.

  “Oh Jake. That is priceless. You don’t have to make out your seeing her to make me jealous. Although if you were going to try, you should pick someone a little more……..well, attractive. I already told you, I’m back to make things up to you. To sort out the past and see about making a future for us.”

  “Too bad,” Jake told her in a deadly voice. “I’m not interested in anything you have to offer or say. I want you to leave. You are not welcome here.”

  “And that gives me all the answer I need,” Victoria smiled softly, looking for all the world like he hadn’t just told her to get out, but to move in. “If you didn’t still have strong feelings for me, you wouldn’t want me to go.” She leaned in close, her perfume swirling round them. “Isn’t that the reason you want me to leave; because you don’t trust yourself around me?”

  Jake gritted his teeth, his jaw clenched in anger. He’d forgotten how damn manipulative she could be. No matter what he ever said, she knew how to twist it round to suit her. He’d never been able to win an argument with her in all the time they’d been together.

  “You know damn well that isn’t the case. Stop twisting everything like you always do.” He ran his hand through his hair again in frustration.

  Victoria laughed in delight. “It is so good to know I still get under your skin. I was afraid we’d have no spark after all this time, but it’s wonderful to see that’s not the case.”

  Laura had had enough. She stepped in front of Jake, her hands flying to her hips. “He’s already told you he’s not interested. Why don’t you just leave?”

  Victoria patted her arm in a patronising way. “I’m not surprised you want me to leave. It can’t be nice for you to have the woman Jake loves turn up again right when you thought you’d bagged him for yourself. I would feel the same.” She gave an insincere sympathetic smile.

  “Laura has nothing to worry about,” Jake growled at her. “She knows how things stand between us.”

  “Does she indeed?” Victoria questioned softly. “I wonder…..” She trailed off, her eyes issuing a challenge to Jake. Laura’s gaze shot to his face. She didn’t like the way Victoria was talking. As if there was something she knew that Laura didn’t. Jake avoided her gaze, making her heart flutter in panic.

  “What the hell is she doing here?” Kerry flew up to them, her face a mask of fury. Dan trailed behind her, his face white with shock.

  “How lovely to see you again Kerry.” Victoria ignored Kerry’s seething countenance. She turned to Dan. “And you of course Dan. It’s been so long.”

  “How dare you come back after everything you did!” Kerry seethed. “What could possibly have made you turn up here? You must know that you aren’t wanted. Why don’t you just turn around and head back to whatever rock you crawled out from?”

  “I see your disposition hasn’t improved with age,” Victoria sniffed, her expression hurt. She looked at Jake. “Are you going to let her talk to me like that?”

  “Yep! She can kick your butt off our ranch if she wants to as well. I won’t stop her.”

  “Bit hard to do that, since I’m paid up to stay right here in one of your guest cabins,” Victoria smiled. “I wanted to be sure to be close to you, so we could talk and spend time like we used to.” She gave him a heated glance.

  “How the hell did you get a reservation? We’ve been booked up for months.” Jake was incredulous.

  “A friend booked me in after a last minute cancellation came through.” She told him evasively, staring off into the crowd.

  “What friend?” Jake demanded.

  “Does it really matter,” Victoria hedged. Jake gritted his teeth, knowing he’d never get an answer out of her unless she wanted to give it.

  “I’ll give you a refund. Just leave tonight.” Jake desperately wanted her gone. He had no doubt she would stir up as much trouble for him and Laura as she could. He could already see the light of worry and suspicion in Laura’s eyes from the brief conversation they’d had.

  “No, I don’t believe I will. I have every right to stay here, Jake.” She turned to Laura. “Doesn’t it worry you that he wants rid of me so quickly?”

  “Why should it?” Laura folded her arms over her chest, wishing Victoria would stop talking. Everything out of her mouth worried Laura, but she’d be damned if she was going to show it.

  “Because it’s almost as if he wants temptation out of harm’s way. Wouldn’t you say?” Her eyes glittered with determination. “If he wasn’t bothered about me, why would it matter if I’m staying here?”

  Laura shot a glance at Jake, remembering all too well how he’d wanted to get her out of the house when she’d first arrived. She could still remember Bill saying something about her bothering Jake. Was this the reason he wanted Victoria gone? Because he did still have feelings for her?

  “Don’t let her mess with your head. You know I love you. I only want her gone because she’s trouble.” Jake grasped her shoulders, staring into her eyes to get her to believe him. She looked so vulnerable it broke his heart in two.

  “What trouble could I possibly be if you really are over me as you seem to want me to believe?” Victoria challenged.

  Jake cursed. He felt backed into a corner. He wanted her gone, but he could see she was getting to Laura. The last thing he wanted was for her to believe he still had feelings for Victoria. He knew how delicate her belief was in herself and her own beauty. He couldn’t let her think he couldn’t resist the woman he’d nearly married.

  “Fine, stay. It makes no difference to me what you do,” Jake snapped.

  “Jake no!” Kerry wailed. “Don’t let that woman push you into this.”

  Jake didn’t reply. He took Laura’s hand and walked her away from Victoria. Kerry glared at the poisonous witch, promising retribution.

  Victoria merely smiled in triumph.


  “No Flo!” Lotta cried, knocking the little fairy godmothers arm as she pointed her wand at Victoria. The spell Flo had unleashed flew across the room and hit a poor hapless man square on. He immediately fell over his own feet and dumped his drink down the front of the woman standing next to him. She squealed with fury and shock as the cold drink soaked the front of her dress, staining it.

  “Gerald, look what you’ve done!” She proceeded to scold him heavily, much to his embarrassment and the amusement of those around them.

  “Now look what you made me do!” Flo huffed.
“I wanted Victoria to land on her silly face, not that poor soul.”

  “I wasn’t sure what you were going to do,” Lotta defended.

  “You just don’t trust me enough,” Flo sniffed. “It was a great plan. Maybe I should put a wart on the end of her nose. Or one on her cheek. Or both!” Flo began to glow in her excitement. “She wouldn’t look nearly so good with warts all over her face!”

  “No Flo. It would seem our couple have to face the big test.” Lotta shuddered in dread. She had wondered if this might come up for Laura and Jake and unfortunately it had.

  Flo wrinkled her forehead in concentration. “I don’t recall ever having one of my charges receive the big test.”

  “You’re lucky,” Lotta stated grimly. She’d had three couples go through this test and two of them had turned out badly. “It is tough to watch and impossible to predict what will happen. We must proceed with caution. Not all couples have to face something this big, but if Jake and Laura are going to really make it, they will have to overcome it. Our magic will be very limited as the test begins.”

  Flo grumbled under her breath, her small feet tapping unhappily on the floor. “What if Victoria doesn’t play fair?”

  “Then we’ll help even the odds if we can and are permitted.” Lotta told her firmly. “But chances are anything she does will be part of the test. They have come a long way. Now they have to have the strength and courage to see it through.”

  Flo didn’t look too happy with the news. Lotta knew it would be hard on her to resist poking her magic in where she wasn’t supposed to. She trailed nearer to Victoria. Lotta followed her quickly, determined to intercede should Flo still decide that warts were the way to go.

  It seemed the big test was to be done with Laura and Jake. Every fairy godmother dreaded it coming up for their charges. It was often tough and painful, but if a couple could pass it, they had a love beyond time and totally unbreakable. It was a rare love that sprang from such tests. She only hoped they were up to it, for it often happened that couples failed the test and their love fell apart. Lotta dearly hoped this wouldn’t happen to Jake and Laura.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Is there something you haven’t told me?” Laura asked Jake as he pulled her away from Victoria.

  “What on earth makes you ask me that?” Laura wasn’t reassured since he hadn’t just said no. She stopped short, pulling her hand from his. He stopped walking and turned to look at her.

  “I’m asking because Victoria sounded like she was trying to imply something back there and she seems awfully confident that she’s going to get you back. So, is there something you haven’t told me? Have you been in contact with her or something?”

  “Hell no! I’ve not seen her since she left here over two years ago. I promise you that.” Jake pulled her to him, hugging her stiff unyielding body to his side. He gripped her chin and forced her eyes to meet his, seeing the shine of unshed tears in their big green orbs. “I promise you that I love you, not her. What I feel for you is real and true and deep. What I had with Victoria was something else. It wasn’t love, you’ve shown me that. Please don’t worry about her. She’ll be out of our lives as soon as I prove to her that she holds no part of me anymore. Okay?”

  Laura blinked back her tears. Jake looked completely sincere, she saw no trace of deceit in his expression. A tiny voice at the back of her mind whispered that she’d never seen Brad’s betrayal either until it was too late, but she brushed it aside. Jake wasn’t Brad and she didn’t want to make the mistake of tarring him with the same brush.

  “Okay,” she whispered, pulling him close into a tight embrace. Her breath shuddered through her as she tried to hold back the force of emotion sweeping through her. She couldn’t bear the thought of losing Jake. He’d become as necessary to her as her heartbeat and her breath. If she lost him, she really didn’t know how she would cope. She felt his arms tighten around her, feeling his kiss on her head and she squeezed her eyes shut against the fear coursing through her. She would trust in him; in them.

  Pulling back, she kissed him deeply, putting every ounce of the love that she felt for him into her kiss. Her hands gently cradled his face, loving the texture of his skin under her fingertips. He groaned deeply, his tongue dipping into her mouth to tangle with her own. Passion flared up between them, their hearts blending into a perfect union with each other.

  Aware they were out in the open with an audience all around them, Jake pulled back before they could get too carried away. Both of them were breathing heavily, as they stared into each other’s eyes.

  “Everything will be fine,” he assured her again. She nodded, biting her lip as she tried to bury her anxiety. Something told her Victoria wouldn’t be giving up without a fight. Laura hoped it was true that she no longer held a strong grip on Jake’s heart. Because if she did still have a foothold on his feelings, Laura wasn’t sure she could hold him. That thought terrified her.

  “Let’s forget all about her and concentrate on us and having a good time,” Jake suggested. “Now do you want something to drink?”

  She dearly wanted to forget Victoria even existed. Deciding he was right and they should just enjoy the evening, Laura realised her throat was feeling somewhat dry. She hadn’t had a chance to drink anything for the last couple of hours. “Oh, yes please. Something refreshing, but not alcoholic.”

  “Wait right here. I won’t be long.” Jake gave her a quick kiss before he wondered off through the crowd. Laura battled to push aside her doubts and worries. She could hardly believe Victoria had suddenly just showed up. A part of her wondered why she’d come now. Fear whispered through her. The woman was so incredibly beautiful. Laura hardly compared, a fact Victoria had been all too happy to pick up on. Jake had planned on marrying her. Would he really choose Laura over her? She wished she could believe it.

  “It won’t last you know,” a voice behind Laura pronounced. Gasping in fright, Laura spun round to see Walter step from the shadows. She blushed, wondering how long he’d been standing there. Had he been eavesdropping on her conversation with Jake?

  “What won’t last?” she asked confused.

  “His commitment to you. I heard Victoria is back. It won’t be long before she has him under her spell again. You’ll see.” His eyes glittered with some odd expression. Laura almost thought she could see a hint of satisfaction in his gaze. The next moment it was gone, leaving her sure she’d only imagined it as his face became full of concern. “You really should step back, Laura. I am worried he is going to break your heart. He has had such a thing for Victoria that he hasn’t been right for over two years. How can you compete with that? His feelings are still too caught up with her. Surely you can see that now that you’ve seen them together.”

  “You’re wrong,” Laura stated with far more conviction than she felt. “Jake is over her. He’s told me that and I believe him.”

  “Just like that, after all this time of brooding over her? I wouldn’t be so sure if it was me in your situation.” Walter shook his head mournfully. “Don’t do this to yourself. Don’t let him do this to you.”

  “He hasn’t done anything Walter.” She hated the fear that grew with his words. She wanted to tell him to shut up and leave her alone, but couldn’t find the courage to do so.

  “Really. What do you call dumping you at the first opportunity to go and see her?” Walter raised an eyebrow in challenge.

  “He hasn’t done that. He’s gone to get us a drink.”

  “Oldest excuse in the book.” Walter leaned in close to her, whispering in her ear. “Why don’t you go find him and see for yourself? Bet you anything you like, he’s with her right now!”

  Laura felt the blood drain from her face. “You’re wrong.” Her voice was so faint, she wasn’t sure he could hear her, but she somehow couldn’t seem to get any strength in it.

  “Am I? Are you really so sure? Why don’t you find out? Unless you can live with the uncertainty.” He walked away, turning round before he
disappeared in the crowd. “You know where to find me if you need me. And I’m pretty sure you will.”

  Laura didn’t want to rise to his challenge, but a small part of her couldn’t help but think Jake had left her side awfully quickly after seeing Victoria. ‘Oldest excuse in the book’ Walter had said. Could Jake really have dumped her somewhere, only to meet up with Victoria behind her back? She didn’t want to believe it, but she couldn’t get the niggling worry out of her mind. Her feet carried her forward through the crowd almost without her making the decision. Her body trembled as she approached the area that the bar had been set up in. Her heart slammed so loudly in her chest, its pounding made her feel faint.

  She worked her way forward until the bar finally came into view. Jake wasn’t in the cue. Her blood turned to ice, as she searched the area. Finally, she caught sight of him standing a short distance away from the bar. Standing close to him, gazing up into his face with her finger trailing suggestively down his arm, was Victoria. Laura felt sick, her stomach threatening to throw up her food. A sob worked its way up her throat. Laura didn’t want to see any more, too afraid she’d see him kiss that woman the way he kissed her. She turned on her heel and fled towards the ranch house, wanting more than anything the sanctity of her room.


  Jake had been on his way to the bar to order some drinks when he’d heard his name breathed softly in his ear and a gentle tap on his arm. Turning, he was annoyed to find Victoria walking behind him, pressing her body far too close to his for his liking.

  “What do you want?” he snapped, stopping abruptly. Victoria moved in closer, Jake stepped back in an effort to keep some distance between them.

  She pouted prettily. “I only wanted the chance to talk to you without your new girlfriend clinging to your side.”

  “You think I want to talk with you, especially after that stunt you pulled with Laura!” He was incensed at the way she’d been messing with Laura. It was typical Victoria. She didn’t like to lose at anything.


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