Wild Fire (The Fairy Tale Match Series)

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Wild Fire (The Fairy Tale Match Series) Page 23

by Danielle Rose-West

  Their rapid breathing filled the room as they moved closer and closer to the edge of oblivion. Suddenly, they came together in a blaze of wild fire, their cries of ecstasy echoing around them. Shuddering in each other’s arms, Jake pulled Laura close to him, their hearts beating wildly together. Their breathing slowly steadied as they recovered from their intense loving.

  Jake pulled himself from her body before wrapping her in his arms tightly. He kissed the top of her head as he drew the covers over their nakedness. She nuzzled his neck before resting her head on his shoulder. They lay together for several moments before either one could speak.

  “That was amazing,” Laura whispered, tears of wonderment falling down her cheeks. “I’ve never experienced anything like it before. It was magical Jake.”

  Jake kissed her lips softly, wiping the tears from her face with his thumb. “I’ve never felt anything like it before either. It was perfect.”

  Laura snuggled into his embrace. “I wish we could stay here forever. Leave all the problems outside and not have to deal with them.”

  Jake gripped her chin, bringing her eyes to his. “We don’t have to worry about Victoria. You and I are all that matters. She is the past. You are my future. Just remember that and she can do nothing.”

  Laura let his words fill her heart. She looked into his incredible eyes, so grateful she’d taken a chance and joined that dating agency. She could not have imagined how much her life was going to change in such a short space of time. The glow of love spread through her as she kissed him, full of the promise of the life they had to come……..together. Passion flared between them, the fire of desire igniting within them again.

  The sounds of the crowd and the lively music outside sounded distant in the bubble of love they had created around themselves. Jake and Laura made love again, declaring their commitment to each other in heated kisses and feverish touches. Laura basked in the wonderment of their new found deeper connection. She smiled in bliss as they recovered from their second bout of love making.

  She snuggled into Jake’s arms, feeling safe, loved and cherished. She yawned deeply, tired out from the days long activities and the incredible night they had shared.

  “Do we have to go back outside?” she asked sleepily, hoping he wouldn’t say they had to get back up and dressed again. All she really wanted was to stay right where she was, leaving the world outside and enjoy sleeping in his arms.

  “Hell no!” Jake replied, snuggling deeper into the cocoon he’d made around them with the covers. “I have no intention of either of us leaving this room until morning.”

  She smiled at the determination in his voice. Making herself comfy, she let her body relax as sleep beckoned to her. She knew that she’d have to face Victoria sooner or later, but now she felt confident that she could deal with whatever the woman threw her way. She was certain whatever Victoria tried, she and Jake would be ready for it.


  “Is that the end of the test?” Flo asked as she perched on a tree stump near the dance floor, so she could watch the dancers as they whirled around the floor. Her small feet tapped away in time to the music.

  “Heaven’s no!” Lotta exclaimed. “If only it were that simple. Laura and Jake will be tested heavily. They must show their commitment to each other through much more than this first simple part of the test. They have made a good start. Jake has come a long way from the man that was here when we first came, but Laura has yet to face her greatest challenges. She still has much to learn.”

  “But Laura seems so committed to Jake. She’s proved that Walter can’t turn her from him. What more does she need to prove?” Flo’s forehead wrinkled with her confusion.

  “Walter has never been a challenge for Laura,” Lotta explained. “The person she will find the biggest challenge is herself. It is her own doubts in her that she must overcome. This is what will be challenged. If she can believe that Jake really does love her and not Victoria. That has yet to be seen.”

  “But she did so tonight. Jake explained what happened and she believes him.” Flo conjured a piece of cake, which she sat munching as she watched the activities around them.

  “But her belief is on shaky ground,” Lotta said regretfully. “It will be tested to see if she will fall.”

  “Oh! How annoying. Jake and Laura are so perfect together. Can’t we do something? Maybe I could change Victoria into a toad. She’d make a much nicer toad than a human anyway. And Walter still ought to be a slug!”

  “Really Flo, you know you’re not allowed to.” Lotta wagged her finger in front of Flo’s face, her expression exasperated. “We must let this play out. It will be best for them both in the long run. I am sure they will overcome this test.” She put a solid conviction into her voice and was pleased to see Flo settle down.

  She only wished she felt it in herself. She already knew it wouldn’t be long before Laura was severely tested. She could feel it in the air and in the very ground she walked on. She sent a gentle spell of courage to the sleeping woman in the house not far away. She only hoped it would be enough.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jake began to stir as the first rays of sun started to filter in through the window. He woke to find Laura in his arms, their bodies tangled tightly together and her head on his chest. He smiled softly as memories of their night flitted through his mind. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so happy and joyful. He ran his fingers gently through her soft hair, careful not to wake her. It had been the most amazing night of his entire life. He had thought he was in love before, but he realised now he hadn’t even been close.

  He closed his eyes as Victoria’s face flew through his mind’s eye. She was a problem he wished he didn’t have to face. He didn’t trust her at all. He wondered how he could have ever thought he loved that woman. He wished he had listened to his mother when he’d first met Victoria. She’d told him that she wasn’t for him. His mother had tried to show him that what he felt for Victoria wasn’t love, but he’d ignored her thinking he knew better. He could see now how right she’d been.

  Victoria had been a mad passion. She was like a drug. He’d been addicted to her and she’d been anything but good for him. He couldn’t believe how close he’d come to marrying her. It would have been the biggest mistake of his life. He would have been forever miserable with someone of her disposition.

  He would always be grateful for Laura coming into his life. What would he have done if he hadn’t met her and Victoria had come back? He was very much afraid he would have fallen into her clutches again had that happened. Until Laura, he’d been so sure Victoria had been his big love. What a fool he’d been.

  Glancing at the clock, Jake quickly switched off the alarm before it could go off. He wished he could stay where he was, but he knew there was a ton of things to be taken care of after yesterday’s event. As much as he wanted to, he couldn’t just shirk his duty. He took a few more moments to savour holding Laura before he carefully extricated himself from the bed, gently lowering her head onto a pillow. She moaned softly in her sleep, rolled over and promptly dropped off again.

  He smiled as he gathered his clothes for the day, slipped out and went to take his shower. He found himself whistling a merry tune as he washed and dressed, a silly smile on his face the whole time. He wandered down the stairs to the kitchen, still whistling. He came to a halt in the kitchen doorway at the expression on both Bill and Kerry’s faces. They were both seated at the kitchen table, mugs of coffee in front of them. They had obviously been talking.

  Kerry folded her arms across her chest, her face serious and angry. “I don’t know what you have to be so happy about,” she snapped, her eyes spitting sparks at him. “Did you forget to whom you gave the green light to stay here? Did that just slip your mind overnight?”

  Bill looked just as grim as he added his piece. “I couldn’t believe it when Kerry told me this morning who showed up last night. Are you nuts letting her stay in one of our cabins? You need to
kick her out boy. The faster the better.”

  Jake held up his hands at their tirade. “Look, none of us wanted to land in this position. I am just as unhappy about it as you….”

  “It really sounds like it,” Kerry snarled, interrupting him.

  “I had no choice. Didn’t you see the way she was affecting Laura? I couldn’t let Laura think I still have feelings for Victoria. I had to let her stay.” Jake hated that he was defending himself against their accusing attitudes. “I don’t want her here anymore than you do.”

  “Then get rid of her!” Kerry all but shouted, slapping the kitchen table with the flat of her hand to emphasize the point. “You can’t possibly think that having her around is a good idea. Laura may have worried for a while, but you could have talked her round, reassured her. It will be worse Victoria being here dripping poison in her ear the whole time. And what about me? Did you even think how I’d feel? Dan and I are only just together. She’ll ruin everything.”

  Jake felt at a loss for what to say. “I did what I felt best at the time.”

  “For who, exactly?” Kerry demanded. “It sure wasn’t me. You say it’s for Laura, but I can’t see how this is going to help her, having the woman you almost married right here in spitting distance. So tell me, who’s it benefiting except Victoria?”

  “She’s right boy. You best fix this situation and fast, before Victoria does what she does best. Ruins lives.” Bill got up from the table. “Now, I’ve said my piece, so I’d best be off to check on the horses. We’ve got more than enough trouble trying to track down who poisoned Charger. Don’t forget that.”

  “Like I can!” Jake yelled at Bill’s retreating back. He glared at Kerry, who sat stony faced at the kitchen table, not backing down an inch. “You are both really naive if you think Victoria will just leave if I kick her off the ranch. There will be nothing stopping her from staying in town. She won’t just go home and you know it. Do you really want her that much closer to where Dan lives?”

  “That’s a low blow Jake,” Kerry hissed. “You know full well I don’t want her anywhere near Dan. I know she may choose to stay somewhere else close by, but at least if she isn’t here we won’t risk bumping into her so much. Then there’s the fact that to her this is a green light that she can just swan around here like she used to. Trust me, you leaving her here is like saying you still want her.” She eyed him suspiciously. “You don’t, do you?”

  “How can you ask me that?” Jake was truly shocked. “I am with Laura. I love Laura. I have no feelings for Victoria. I don’t think I ever really did. Laura and I committed to each other last night. I am just trying to do whatever it takes to make sure she knows I want her.”

  Kerry softened. “I get that Jake, but this isn’t the way. Give Victoria her marching orders as soon as possible. Please.”

  Jake nodded, running his hand through his hair and taking a deep breath. “I’ll get it sorted out.”

  “Thank you.” Kerry got up, throwing the remains of her coffee in the sink and washing her mug out. She walked to the back door, turning round before she left, she smiled gently at Jake. “I just don’t want to see you make the same mistakes with that woman. She can’t be trusted.”

  “I know that,” Jake assured her. She nodded and left. Jake poured himself a coffee, taking a couple of pieces of toast that Kerry had left in the holder. He munched on his breakfast as his thoughts spun round what they’d said. He knew he’d probably made a mistake caving in to Victoria’s manipulations the night before, but he’d really not known what else to do at the time. He didn’t relish seeing her today. He decided to speak to the manager for the guest cabins and get her to speak to Victoria for him. The less he saw of her the better.

  Finishing his food, he cleared up after himself and headed out the door. There was a lot of clearing up to do from the event. Jake decided to put Victoria out of his mind for the time being. He didn’t think she could manage any damage for a short while, at least he hoped not.


  Laura drove into Willow Creek, singing along to the radio. She’d woken up late and had to hurry to get herself ready for work on time. Somehow nothing that morning seemed to faze her. She was simply too happy. Thinking on the night before had a rosy blush staining her cheeks. She couldn’t wait to see Jake again. She’d been somewhat disappointed to miss him that morning. She’d wanted to wake up in his arms and to greet the morning with a kiss. Still, she’d understood there would be a lot to do after the previous night. She felt slightly guilty about not being on hand to help with the clean-up.

  She parked up her car and more or less floated into the diner. Martha looked up with a broad smile when she saw her. “Someone sure seems happy this morning,” she laughed.

  Laura blushed, but couldn’t help smiling back. “It was a good night last night, all things considered.”

  “I was slightly worried how you’d be this morning, what with certain events last night and all.” Martha glanced at her face as if trying to see how she was really doing.

  Laura felt her smile slip slightly. She’d completely forgotten the arrival of Victoria in the euphoria of her night with Jake. “You mean Victoria showing up,” she stated more than asked.

  “It can’t have been easy seeing the woman Jake nearly married. By all accounts she’s on a mission to win him back.”

  “Well, she won’t succeed,” Laura said fiercely. “Jake and I have made a commitment to each other and nothing she can do will change it.”

  “Just watch your step with that one honey. She’s a real viper and no mistake,” Martha warned, her face serious.

  “Thanks, but I don’t need the warning. All I needed to know is that Jake is over her and he is. So I have nothing to worry about.” Martha didn’t look entirely convinced, which rattled Laura’s own conviction somewhat.

  Ignoring her worries, she got to work helping Alfie prepare for breakfast service. The day sped by, with both breakfast and lunch being packed out. The barn raising had really done the trick. Laura could barely keep up with the orders that were flying into the kitchen. She had no time to think on anything as she worked like mad to keep up.

  By the end of her shift, she was sweaty and tired out. Martha stopped her before she could leave the diner, handing Laura an envelope.

  “Here’s your first wages honey. I’m sorry it took so long to start paying you, but from now on I want to make sure you receive your pay.”

  “Are you sure Martha? Don’t you still have bills to pay? I didn’t think you were clear just yet,” Laura asked with concern.

  “I’m just fine. I’ve managed to take care of most of the pressing things and I can certainly afford to pay you considering I wouldn’t even be in this position without you.” She pressed the money into Laura’s hands. “And I will be paying you back for the food you spent out for the barn raising.”

  Laura gasped. “How did you know about that?”

  Martha gave her a stern look, but the twinkle in her eye ruined the effect. “Did you really think Henry Blankton wouldn’t say anything?” she laughed. “He couldn’t wait to complain to me. I also heard he offered you a very well paid job that you turned down……….for me. I don’t forget things like that.”

  Laura felt speechless for a few moments; then she hugged Martha tightly. “I have never been so happy in a job in my entire life. You and Alfie feel more like my family than just my boss and my co-worker. I couldn’t ever turn my back on you both.”

  Martha hugged her back. “You feel like family to us too honey. Just remember we’re here for you if you ever need us.”

  “I won’t. And the same goes for you both too. If you ever need me……” She let the sentence hang, both women feeling the connection between them. Nothing more needed to be said.

  Laura tucked her money into her bag as she stepped out onto the street. She wandered slowly along, looking into shop windows as she went, feeling content.

  “Well, fancy bumping into you this morning.” Laura di
dn’t want to turn round, but a hand clamped onto her arm, digging in almost painfully. Biting back a groan, Laura turned to see Victoria behind her, looking very different out of her period costume.

  She wore a pair of skin tight jeans with a low cut top, a necklace dangling between her breasts, drawing the eye to her assets that were pushed up by a sexy push-up bra. Her hair was down, the auburn curls gone, replaced by a sleek layered style that framed her perfect face. Laura concluded she must have been wearing hair extensions the previous evening.

  She smiled, her lips a deep blood red colour, but the smile didn’t reach her golden eyes. Laura felt dowdy and unattractive, all too aware she was sweaty from working all morning, her hair was coming loose and her make-up had probably run from the intense heat in the kitchen. She hadn’t seen herself in the mirror and wasn’t sure she wanted to. It rankled that this woman in particular had caught her at her worst.

  “I work here in town,” she said simply in reply to Victoria’s comment.

  “Oh, yes. I believe someone said you work as a cook.” The way she said the word made it sound common and low. Laura gritted her teeth.

  “Yes. I work in Martha’s diner.” She wouldn’t let this woman get to her. She wouldn’t!

  “How nice.” Victoria ran her eyes over Laura, her expression radiating judgemental criticism. “It still amazes me that you and Jake are together. I never would have pictured a woman like you with him. He’s so masculine, vital, and handsome and well…….you’re so ordinary.” She laughed softly. “Of course I don’t mean that as a bad thing. I’m sure there are plenty of men out there that want someone like you. But Jake……..I just can’t see you both being happy together.”

  “Whereas he’d be so much better off with you, I suppose?” Laura asked sarcastically, fury rippling through her at the woman’s vicious comments.

  “We get each other, Jake and I. We always have. You really can’t compete with our history,” Victoria purred.


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