Figure Eight (Celtic Knot Book 2)

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Figure Eight (Celtic Knot Book 2) Page 20

by Cassy Roop

  We drove the remainder of the way to Kelly’s apartment in silence; neither one of us wanting to talk about how two women had managed to upheave and take over our entire world. Kelly’s car wasn’t parked in front of the apartment when we arrived, but Knox went to knock on the door anyway. When no one answered, we got back in the car and headed for Knox’s apartment.

  I couldn’t stand the silence anymore so I said the only thing I could that may help get Knox’s mind off of that fact that his girl had gone AWOL.

  “Ashley’s fucking pregnant.”

  “I’m sorry? I beg your fucking pardon?” Knox asked as he spewed water all over the dashboard after he had just taken a swig of his bottled water that sat in the console.

  “She’s pregnant.”

  Knox’s mouth hung open a few seconds before he closed it again. The gesture was repeated several times before he was finally able to speak.


  “Yeah,” I replied, letting out a rush of frustrated air.

  “What are you going to do?” he asked as he looked out the window of the car into the people walking down the street. It took me a second to register his question, but then I was confused by it.

  “What do you mean what am I going to do?” Knox whipped his head around to look at me. His face held a what the fuck expression.

  “I mean what are you going to do about the baby? Your relationship with her?”

  “Nothing. It’s none of my business. It hurt like a mother fucker to see her with that douchebag, but I’ll get over it eventually I guess,” I said shrugging my shoulders like getting over Ashley was a nonchalant thought that would be easy.

  “Nic, you aren’t getting what I am saying. The baby could be yours.”

  The car swerved and I had to yank the steering wheel back to be able to keep from veering into traffic. Knox’s words hit me like a hammer to the heart.

  The baby could be yours.

  I was too focused on the fact that she was pregnant and that it was Rownan’s child since she has been with him since the incident, that I didn’t even think about the possibilities that the baby could be mine.

  Holy fuck!

  The baby could be mine, and I treated her so harshly at the courthouse. She had tried to get my attention. Was she trying to tell me that the baby was mine earlier before I tried to make her jealous by hanging on to Victoria?

  I needed to find out.

  “Why are you doing this?” Kelly asked as she sat tied to the chair in my living room. The chick was getting on my nerves and if Drake didn’t get back soon to take over watch on her, I was going to knock the bitch into next week.

  “Simple. I get what I want. I want Dominic and I need that little slut Ashley out of the picture. But now I have gotten some really disturbing news. She’s pregnant. What I need to know is if it is Nic’s or Rownan’s?

  “Got to hell. Like I will ever tell you. Do you actually think making Ashley do all of this stuff is going to get Dominic to stop loving her? News flash, Vic, have you seen the way he looks at her still? The way he pines for her even after all the vile things you have made her do? He will never stop loving her, sweetheart. And he will never love you.”

  Gritting my teeth, I raised my hand and backhanded Kelly right across the cheek with such force. Tears formed in her eyes and I knew the blow hurt from the way the back of my hand stung.

  “You have no idea what I am capable of, little girl. I had Dominic. We could have been something finally after all these years, until you and that tramp walked into my club.”

  “I hate to be the one to remind you of this, but Dominic and Knox own the club, not you,” Kelly spat at me.

  I reared back to strike her once again and she flinched. She was scared, just how I had wanted her.

  “What does all of this have to do with me? You know that once Dominic and Knox find out, you are over and done with. You won’t set foot back into The Celtic Knot again and your ass will be in jail.”

  I chuckled as my chest bounced with laughter.

  “He won’t. And you, doll, are the reason he won’t. Ashley is going to testify on that stand tomorrow and say that she lied about everything. She will be the one in jail for falsifying evidence and I will be free to be with Dominic. You are the reason why she will be testifying tomorrow,” I said.

  “And just how is that?” Kelly asked in a mocking tone. My patience was wearing thin. If Drake didn’t hurry his ass up, I was going to just go ahead and fucking kill her and get it over with.

  “I told her that if she didn’t, I would...dispose of you.”

  Kelly’s gasp echoed off the apartment walls. Her astonishment surprised me. Could she not tell by now that I would do anything to get what I wanted? I reached over to pull the switchblade knife off of the table next to her. I had her feet and hands were bound securely, thanks to Dominic’s knot lessons, so she was completely at my mercy. Just how I liked my subs. Clicking open the blade, I rotated the knife around in front of me like I was inspecting it. Kelly’s eyes grew wide as she watched me with intent. It was an intimidating move, meant to scare her even more. I stalked my way toward her with stealthiness before I placed the tip of the razor sharp blade against her flesh at her neck. A tiny pin prick into her skin caused a trickle of blood to fall down the curve of her neck to rest on her collarbone. She remained stark still, knowing that one swift move could drive the blade into her neck.

  “Now, I’m going to ask you one final time. Whose baby is Ashley carrying?” She tried not to move, forcing to hold back the swallow I know she wanted to do. Her eyes traveled down to where I was holding the blade against her before looking back up at me.

  I relented a little, pulling the blade back only a fraction of an inch, but still kept it pointed at her.

  “Dominic, it’s Dominic’s baby.”

  The front door of my apartment opened and Drake came him holding a bag of supplies. He quickly made his way over to us glancing at where I held the knife toward Kelly.

  “Damn, Vic. Did you actually have to cut her? I thought this was all to scare Ashley?” Drake questioned.

  “It is you twit, but it’s more than a threat, it’s a fucking promise. I will do as I please and you will not question me, is that clear?”

  “Crystal, Madam.”

  “Next time, I will punish you for that. You know how I dislike insubordination.”

  “Yes, Madam.”

  “Good boy,” I said as I reached down and stroked his cock through his pants. Making Drake my sub was the best thing I had ever done. He worships the ground I walk on and will do anything I say. I have trained him well and am now reaping the benefits from it. His cock twitched against my hand and I gave it a firm squeeze, watching his eyes roll back in his head with pleasure.

  “Oh, God. I think I’m going to be sick,” Kelly butted in sarcastically.

  “Shut up, you bitch.” I said raising my knife to her face once more. Maybe I should give her a show. Let her watch just how in control of a man I could be.

  “Drake?” I said still looking at Kelly.

  “Yes, Madam,” he answered.

  “I want to provide our guest here with some...entertainment. Be a good boy and take off your clothes and kneel before me.”

  Without hesitation, Drake bid my request. I loved that this young kid would do my every whim. He wasn’t a bad fuck either and could eat pussy for hours. I used him whenever I needed a fix. I needed the high of the orgasm to sustain me through the day. It had become more frequent with Ashley’s presence in Dominic’s life. Reaching down, I lifted his chin to look up at me.

  “Be a good boy, and I’ll let you fuck her mouth,” I said as I nodded toward Kelly. I noticed the sparkle in his eye when I offered him the gift. He nodded his head in understanding.

  “No! Victoria, please...don’t do this,” Kelly’s desperate cries filled the room as she struggled against her restraints. Pulling so hard, she nearly toppled the chair over. I walked over to the bag that Drake brou
ght in and pulled out the roll of duct tape. Pulling a strip off of the roll, I placed it on her mouth as Kelly thrashed her head side to side, trying to deflect me.

  “There. Now I don’t have to put up with hearing your annoyingly shrill voice while I get to have an orgasm.”

  I ignored Kelly’s mumbled pleading through the duct tape that held her mouth hostage as I walked back over to Drake who was still kneeling on the floor. I stripped myself of my skinny jeans and panties before lifting one foot and placing it on Drake’s shoulder exposing my pussy to him. Hunger in Drake’s eyes fueled my need to climax and I grabbed him by the dark hair on his head and yanked his head down to my pussy.

  “Eat,” I demanded and his mouth ascended to my mound. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes imagining Dominic’s tongue circling my clit. Tingles ran up my spine as Drake’s pointed tongue flicked rapidly over my clit at the hefty pace he knew I loved. No slow shit for me, I wanted it fast. I loved coming hard and fast. Heat pooled in my belly as I continued to imagine Nic kneeled before me. I exploded into a white hot, soul shattering orgasm when the picture of Ashley having to sit back and watch as Dominic brought me to orgasm filled my thoughts. I rocked my now drenched pussy over Drakes mouth, coating his face with my desire.

  I pulled his hair and lifted his face away from my body.

  “Well done. Now you get your treat.”

  Kelly frantically started to thrash around in the chair trying to escape, but I knew it was no use. My excellent use of knots would guarantee she would stay put. Drake rose to his feet and walked over to Kelly with his steel erection firmly in hand like a dog that had just been thrown a bone.

  I ripped the duct tape off of Kelly’s face and she screamed out in pain.

  “No, no please,” she begged as tears angrily poured down her face. I picked the knife up off of the side table where I had laid it and held it up to Kelly’s face.

  “Open wide, sweetheart. And after you give my pet here his present, you are going to make a phone call.”

  I sat with my hands placed protectively over my belly in the dark of Kelly’s apartment and mine as tears streamed down my face. Before I left, the prosecutor told me that he was calling me up on the stand tomorrow to give my testimony. My life was officially going to come to an end tomorrow. Rownan tried to offer me encouragement when I told him that I was going to be called on the stand. He didn’t know what I was going to have to do or why I was doing it. I didn’t need anyone else involved in Victoria’s sick and fucking twisted game that she was playing.

  As I sat in the dark, I tried to come to the realization that I was going to be pregnant and behind bars for God knew how long. It hurt my heart to think that I would have to subject my unborn child to those kinds of conditions, but maybe I would luck out and not get treated as badly since I was expecting. Maybe, there would be a way to get out of all of it, but it was going to be risky. I needed to help Kelly.

  I needed to find a way to talk to Dominic tomorrow before the trial started again. I needed him to know, one final time, how much I loved him. I needed him to understand that this baby was his, not Rownan’s. I knew he probably wouldn’t believe me, but I had no choice. I also needed to warn him about Victoria, but without tipping her off. It would be hard since the two of them had been going everywhere together. It killed me when she cuddled up to Dominic yesterday in front of me in the hall. He had no clue just how deceitful and disgusting of a human being she was. He thought the world of her, while she tried to sink her claws into him through blackmail.

  “I promise that no matter what happens, I will be a good mommy to you. I will look after you, love you and protect you with every fiber of my being,” I said to the growing life inside of me.

  And I meant every word.

  I scrubbed my hands over the stubble on my face as I sat in the Aston Martin outside of the courthouse. My heart thundered in my chest as I tried to prepare myself for today. Who knew how long the trial would last, and I had no clue by the judge’s expressions which way he was leaning after evidence was presented yesterday.

  Toby came by the apartment last night and tried to explain to us what was going to happen today in court. Ashley was being called up to give her testimony. I knew before it even happened that it was going to gut me having to listen to her lie on the stand about our relationship and the operations that went on at my club.

  Knox was a nervous wreck most of the meeting with Toby, not really paying attention while his mind was on Kelly. Things finally changed when she called him and said that there was a family emergency and that she was back home with them in Colorado. Knox seemed to perk up after that as we went over what our testimonies would consist of if and when we were called up to the stand tomorrow.

  Knox and Victoria agreed to meet me at the courthouse when I told them that I was going for a drive around the city beforehand. Who knew when the last time I would get to see the streets of Chicago would be and I wanted to make the best of the time I had. What I didn’t expect was to find myself sitting outside of Ashley’s apartment for hours this morning. I was relieved to see that Rownan’s car was not there, but Ashley’s was. I stared at the darkened window of her apartment until the sun came up, before heading over to the courthouse.

  I needed to talk to her. I needed confirmation as to whether the baby she was carrying was Kleinfield’s or mine. It wouldn’t be a lie if I said I wasn’t a little hopeful that the baby was mine. I had never envisioned myself as a father, hell I never envisioned myself in a real relationship with someone before Ashley came along.

  Methodically, I turned the ignition off in the car and opened the door to make my way inside the courthouse. It was early, at least an hour and a half before court was set to begin, but I didn’t care. The Chicago courthouse was surrounded by other tall buildings, but had a nice lawn in the front, so I decided to go for a walk to try to clear my head and focus on exactly what I was going to say to Ashley. I needed to have a level head when I talked to her, but I also needed to make sure that she wasn’t near Kleinfield. The last thing I needed was to have another confrontation with him and right on the lawn of the courthouse.

  On my second lap around the building, I spotted Ashley walking up the step to enter the courthouse.


  I knew this could be my only chance to confront her and quickened my pace to catch up to her. When I entered the building, I caught a glimpse of blonde hair going into the women’s restroom. Making my way to get to her, I entered the ladies room praying that she was the only one in there. I held the door with my hands, letting it close slowly as to not alert her of my presence. I then flipped the lock closed, when I determined that we were the only two in the room.

  I waited as patiently as I could for her to finish her business as I stood with my backside against the sink and my arms crossed over my chest. When she finally emerged from the stall, I was once again struck with how strikingly beautiful she was as our eyes collided. Time seemed to stop for what only felt like a few moments as I watched her tuck a stray strand of her golden blonde hair behind her ear. Her green eyes sparkled with both shock and what looked like fear. Once upon a time, those eyes gazed upon me with want and desire, just as mine did her. It was torture to have to live my life every day, not being able to see her. I felt like I had been skating through a void that was a result of the distance between us. The beauty of what was between us had been destroyed, and the only piece that could possibly have survived it was the life that was growing inside of her.

  “Dominic…” she said in a breathless whisper. The sound of her sweet voice caressed my ears and absorbed into my system.

  “I’m not here to fight with you, Ashley. I’m not here to ask you to stop this nonsense. I just need to know one thing, and I am begging you to tell me the honest to God truth. Please.”

  “I...I wish…” she started

  “Is the baby mine?” I blurted out not giving her a chance to say that she wouldn’t tell me the truth. I couldn’t co
ntain the ferocious behavior of my heart as it beat hard and heavy in my chest while I anticipated her answer. Her eyes started to glisten with unshed tears and she walked completely out of the stall to come stand directly in front of me. She was so close, that I could have reached out and touched her without making an effort, yet there was this large invisible wall erected between us that felt impenetrable.

  Not a flinch, not a flicker or movement of her eyes came as she kept them strongly connected to mine.


  It felt like a two-ton boulder had been lifted from my shoulders. I felt so light that if gravity hadn’t tethered me to the ground beneath my feet, I could have floated away from the enlightened feeling.

  The tears that had been pooled in her eyes rolled down the porcelain skin of her cheek, and I couldn’t stop myself from reaching up to wipe it away. Her skin felt like smooth velvet as the pad of my thumb rubbed across her cheek and my other four fingers cupped the back of her head. Closing her eyes, she leaned into my hand as if it were the comfort she had been desperately seeking.

  She reached up and held onto my wrist and forearm, holding it in place out of fear that I would remove my touch from her.

  “I’m sorry. I tried to tell you yesterday but-”

  “I was an asshole and wouldn’t let you.” She chuckled ever so slightly as she opened her gorgeous green eyes to look at me.

  “I wasn’t going to say that, but yes,” she replied as a small smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. It was a beautiful thing to see her smile, something that I hadn’t seen in months now.

  She slowly let go of my hand as if realizing what she was doing and I allowed my hand to regretfully leave her face.

  “The baby truly is mine?” I asked her once again just to be sure that I had heard her answer correctly.


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