Choice of Submissions

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Choice of Submissions Page 9

by Terri Pray

  “You'll be mine.”

  “No, I won't... ”

  “You'll have no choice, Celeste.” He traced one finger over her cheek. “I will break you to my desires. I did it once before.”

  “No, you didn't. I obeyed long enough to then find a way to escape. I was never broken to you. Ever.” She spat the words out. “And I will not be broken by you now.”

  “Yes, you will.” He grabbed her by the throat, shaking her hard. “You will have no choice, Celeste.”

  Yes, I will have a choice, there is always a choice. She wasn't going to give into him. “They will find us.” She managed to get the words out.

  “Not in time to prevent you from kneeling to me and begging my touch, Celeste.” He tightened his grip a little more. “You were meant to be mine, not Davien's. It's why you came to me.”

  “I didn't come to you!”

  “Yes, you did. You ran right into my arms.”

  “No, I was running and you grabbed me from the streets, that was not me running into your arms!” Was he insane? Or just deluded? “How on earth could you think that was me running into your arms? I didn't even know you were out there. Tearlach, please, stop and think for a minute!” Each word was a struggle to give life to with the way he grasped her throat.

  “You're just denying the truth. You had to know I'd be searching for you. After Davien had shown that he had you I couldn't just leave you with him.” He loosened his grip on her throat and she gasped. “You might not have known I was out there, but you were looking for me. I know you were. It's part of who you are. You need a man who understands you, all of you, not just the small part you let Davien see.”

  Davien. He knew her far better than Tearlach ever would. He didn't even appear to understand that he disgusted her— didn't he? No, not entirely, but enough that she knew that she couldn't be his. He didn't even respect her core desires, and had no respect for the laws of the island he had stepped upon.

  When would he learn?

  Never, that much was obvious. He had no interest in learning. He thought the world revolved around him. No, not just thought it, believed it and couldn't understand why everyone else didn't fall into line around him.

  “Now, I've found a place we can rest. One were they won't find us. There you and I can discuss this further, once I've disciplined you for your actions at the dock. I am displeased with how you disgraced me.”

  Disgraced him? She'd run from him. Staying with him hadn't been an option. Alright, it had been, but not one she had been willing to take.

  He tugged on her arm and returned to walking. She still stumbled along after him, but with the gag gone she no longer had to fight the sickening taste that had flooded through her mouth. She could breathe more easily now, it wasn't an ideal situation, but she could, at least, breathe.

  “Stop falling! Walk, don't stumble.”

  “Tearlach, I can't see where I'm walking, and you're dragging me around. I'd fall less if you removed the blindfold.”

  “An excuse... ”

  “No, it's not. You try walking across uneven ground without seeing where you're going, especially off balance like this.” She growled, her hands clenching. Was he a complete idiot?

  Yes, he was. That much was obvious now. He might like to claim he was intelligent, but he didn't act that way. He just blundered through life and tried to convince people that he was something he wasn't. Why had she ever thought he was anything other than a dangerous liar, and thug, and he would never be anything more.

  “I see.” His words little more than a growl, but he then removed the blindfold from her eyes. “Now, no more excuses, slut.”

  Her jaw clenched. “I'm not a slut, Tearlach.”

  “Yes, you are. You will be trained to be my complete and utter slut, servicing whoever I wish. That's what you need. You need a man strong enough to send you into a bar to serve anyone who takes a fancy to you. A man willing enough to sell you to the highest bidder for the night.”

  “You want to turn me into a whore... ”

  “If that's what it takes, then yes.”

  Her heart turned to stone. Her breath burned in her lungs. She couldn't believe she had let this happen. He had no right to— except the right of strength. And that was all that counted right now. She didn't have the strength to break free from him, and because of that she was helpless.

  “I'm not a whore, Tearlach. I never will be. No matter what you do. You're going to be caught. They'll track you down and you'll face punishment on the island for breaking the laws.” Tears pricked at her eyes as she hurried after him. “I won't be yours, it's not going to happen.”

  “You'll have no choice, the sooner you accept that, the better.”

  * * * *

  How long they had been walking she didn't know, but it had been easily over an hour from the way her legs now hurt. She'd once been used to walking long distances, but her time as a slave had made her soft in that respect. Just where was he taking her? He'd said somewhere on the Island that they would be alone, but where that was she didn't know.

  The island wasn't that big, but it wasn't minuscule either. It would take a normal man a day to ride from one end to the other and so it was large enough to have a couple of places to hide. A cave. A hollow. Perhaps within the trees.

  Wherever he was taking her she didn't know the island well enough to...

  How the hell had he learned about the island if he hadn't been here before? He hadn't had time to explore, not to this extent. Which meant he had to have had help of some sort. But from who?

  “It should be around here somewhere.” He muttered and tugged her down a slope. “He said this way, and there's the rock outcrop. Damnit.”

  “Who said?”

  “One of the guards. Not something you need to be worried about.” He snapped at her. “No one who could help you now.”

  “You paid him for the information?”

  “Yes, and you'll be earning that money back for me.”

  She had a good idea how he expected her to earn it. Not something she was pleased to even think about. If he sold Tearlach the information about this place, who's to say he wouldn't sell the knowledge to another? It was a hope and one she now clung to as he dragged her down the slope.

  “There. The cave. Small entrance just like he said.”

  Small was one word for it, but as they approached it she began to realize that half the entrance was covered by brush and it wasn't as small as she'd first believed it to be. She had to duck as he pulled her into it, but the cave opened up into the side of the slope as they moved further into it, stopping only long enough for Tearlach to make a simple torch and light it with his flint.

  The orange and yellow flames of the torch flickered into life, sending shadows dancing across the cave walls. Moss had grown over some of the rocks and she could hear water in the back of the cave, one of the many small sources of fresh water on the island, perhaps? Anything was possible.

  “Sit down, there.” He shoved her to the floor of the cave and she sat down hard. “Don't move. I'm through with playing games with you, woman.”

  Playing games? That was one way of describing what had been going on, but not one she'd have used. Danger. Pain. Insanity? An insane adventure across an island with man who wouldn't accept reality and then blamed everyone else around him when things went wrong? Yes, that would be closer to the truth.

  “They won't be looking for you just yet, they'll assume you went back to your room.” He settled down next to her. “Which buys us time.”

  Her jaw clenched, fear rippled through her body. What if he was right? No, Davien would have been watching for me. For that time after I'd eaten. He'd want to take advantage of my better mood. Wouldn't he?

  Yes, she had to hold onto that idea. She wouldn't be alone for long. Davien wouldn't permit it.

  Hold on, I'm expecting Davien to come and find me? Save me? What sort of twisted dream is this?

  One she wanted him to be the hero of?
r />   No, that was just wrong, he wasn't a hero, he was a villain, a dark knight, the danger in the darkness— and the man she needed.

  “No one is coming to save you, Celeste. You don't even want to be saved. So stop looking at the entrance. You need this time with me. It's where you belong and you know it.”

  “He won't let you do this.”



  “He doesn't rule here.”

  “No, but he plays within the rules, and I don't think Jamezen will appreciate what you've done.” God, please let me be right on this. “He'll not give up.”

  “He'll have other things to keep him occupied, Celeste. He won't be coming for you.”

  Chapter Twelve

  No, this isn't possible. He wouldn't just turn his back on me, what could have him so occupied that he'd not notice the fact I'm missing? A slave? A woman? No, he had to be joking. Nothing would distract Davien.

  Not unless he was hurt, or locked up.

  Could he have placed the blame on Davien somehow? Anything was possible. No, Tearlach would have to be a lot smarter than this, and he wasn't smart. Not by a long shot.

  “What's happened to him?”

  “He's busy with the guards, seems they think he spirited you away.” He smirked and cracked his knuckles. “There's no chance he will find you, he might even be dead. Get used to being with me, slave. This is your life now. Perhaps they'll even reward me for finding you again. Yes, I can see it now. You all soft and willing at my feet, Jamezen rewarding me, and it will all be over for you.”

  Over? God no. She couldn't be with him for the rest of her life. He was cruel. Evil. He could never be the man she loved...

  Loved? No, she couldn't think that way. Love and Davien did not fit together. He wasn't the loving kind. No, he was— was dangerous...

  He was more than just dangerous. He'd all but destroyed her once all ready and now she had nothing left but how he was in danger and because of her. No, not because of me, because of Tearlach. Yes, Tearlach, not her, she hadn't laid a trap, she hadn't destroyed anything, she'd just attempted to find a time to be happy on the island, then it had all gone wrong.

  Tearlach and his ways, he had to be stopped once and for all, but right now she didn't have the power to stop things, to force him to leave her alone.

  “You're a slave again, Celeste.” He cupped her chin and turned her face to look at her. “You'll become used to this in time. It's where you belong.”

  “No, I don't belong with you.”

  “Did you submit easily to your Davien?”

  “No.” She shook her head, there was no point in denying it. She'd fought him, struggled, tried to find a way to break free of him. Now she was trapped with a man far worse than Davien. At least Davien had taken care of her after the rough times. “I fought him. Struggled against him, but that was different as I had been new to this.”

  “And now you are experienced and ready to be mine again.” His fingers tightened on her jaw. “You writhed well for me. Don't you remember that?”

  “Yes, I remember.” How could she forget, she'd been left with no choice but to try and please him. “I was reacting to Davien's training. Not your touch.”

  “Then you will react to that again and eventually become mine.” He leaned in closer, touching her lips softly with his own.

  Celeste shivered beneath the gentle kiss. How could he touch her like this? Gentle, soft, as if he actually cared? Her eyes drifted closed. She found herself leaning into his touch before the reality of it all hit her hard and fast. She growled and tried to move away from his kiss.

  His fingers tightened on her chin, refusing to let her go. The kiss lost its soft touch. His tongue forced between her lips, giving her no choice but to accept his caress. She couldn't even strike at him with the way she was bound. He growled into her mouth, nipping at her bottom lip, dueling with her tongue until she moaned and gave up her struggle against the kiss.

  “You're mine, accept it. Davien will be under arrest for your abduction and perhaps he'll even be dead by now.”

  “No, he won't be dead.” No, of course he won't be. There's something he's forgetting. How could Davien be responsible for my abduction and yet be in the fortress without me?

  “Yes, I think he will be, or he'll be well on the way to that by now. Breaking the laws of the island carry a heavy penalty as I'm sure he's about to find out.” Tearlach laughed, shaking his head as he let go of her chin. “I just wish I was there to see it.”

  It wasn't going to happen. Davien would be well. He would find her. Even now he'd be looking for her. She had to believe that.

  “You're mine and I intend to prove it.” Tearlach took hold of her and shifted her onto her belly, her hands still bound behind her back.

  She tensed, hearing him draw something from a sheath and then grip her dress. A moment later she felt it, the touch of cold steel against her flesh as her dress was sliced up the back to her waist, baring her legs and buttocks to his view. “No! Don't!”

  “I will do as I wish with you.” He brushed one hand over her left leg, then traced down across her buttocks. “You are mine, Celeste. Once I have the chance I will mark you as such so that no man or woman who will ever see you will doubt who you belong to. A carving, or a brand, I can see it now, how it will mark you on your thigh and claim you as mine eternally.”

  Fear lanced through her soul at the words. He couldn't mean it. Oh, God. He does. He'd mark her, like an animal. Leaving her no way to escape this.

  “Please, you can't mean to do this. Not mark me. Please. It— it will hurt. You'll be saying I'm nothing more than an animal... ”

  “And you'll be my pretty little bitch so it will suit you well enough. I can see what he did to you now. The welts. Look's like a belt. You enjoy it? Did you come for him? Yes, I know you did. You can't help it. It's what you are. You're a sexual animal. A little whore to be used and touched. You need to be marked as one.” He traced a curvaceous design on her left thigh. “Just there... ”

  “No, please no!” Not marked, not like that. She wasn't an animal. Not a bitch or anything else for that matter. “Don't do this to me Tearlach, I'm begging you.”

  He laughed and brought his hand down hard and fast against her bare buttocks. She arched, crying out in pain. Heat rippled through her buttocks. She tensed, sucking in a breath, trying to stop herself from screaming again. It didn't work. Tearlach's hand slashed through the hair landing time and again on her bare bottom. How many times he slapped her ass she neither knew nor cared.

  All she knew was the pain he was putting her through.

  Bound. Half naked. Helpless. She couldn't stop him from doing whatever she wanted. She could only try to find a way to survive it. A way to pull through whatever he had in mind.

  You know what he wants. Yes, she did. She knew and could live through it, she was stronger than he would ever be, she just had to find a way to prove that. Not to him, but to herself.

  He slipped one hand between her thighs, forcing them fully apart until she had no choice but to let him ease one knee between them. She couldn't close her legs. She wanted to, she couldn't though, not with him in control like this. Calm, focus, relax and don't struggle any more than I have to, it's the only way he'll drop his guard. Drop his guard and I can escape. He thinks this is what I want, why don't I play into that and increase his belief?

  “You need a man in your life, Celeste.”

  “Yes,” she spoke softly, trembling, letting some of her reactions show through, the very ones Davien had trained into her.

  “Good, that's it Celeste, let the walls down for me.”

  “Please, don't hurt me.” She whimpered as he pushed her thighs a little further apart. “I don't want to be hurt again.”

  “Yes, you do.” He growled against her back as he opened his trousers. “You need the pain as much as you need this.”

  She wanted to deny it, but Davien had taught her to embrace the pain as wel

  He slipped one had up along her back, sliding it into her hair, holding her tight, her back arched. She couldn't move and now she was held in a tight bow as he forced himself fully between her spread thighs.

  “I've forgotten how sweet you can be, Celeste.”

  Sweet? Ah, he meant submissive. What else could he mean? Don't think about it, just give him what he wants.

  “I'm going to enjoy every minute of this.”

  Don't they always.

  The head of his cock slipped between her thighs. She tensed at the touch. He was going to use her, bury his cock between her walls, claim her, ride her, make her scream. If she fought it then it would only be all the worse for her. She had to accept him. Accept this. Come through all the stronger for it.

  She could live through this.

  The head of his cock pressed between her lower lips, sliding deep between them in one easy stroke. She groaned. Her inner walls clenched tightly on the head of his cock. Slick heat coated her inner walls, it came without warning, leaving her no choice but to respond to him now.

  “God, yes!” He growled behind her, twisting his grip into her hair until she sobbed in pain. “Sweet, tight little fuck.”

  Tears slipped down her cheeks. That's all she'd ever be to Tearlach, a sweet, tight, little fuck. Not a woman. Not a creature to be loved and taught, just a thing to fuck. She swallowed hard and tried to rock back against him to bring this to an end as quickly as she could. If she could please him. If she could help him reach that moment that he needed then it would be over. She could pretend, smile, simper if he needed it and he'd be none the wiser.

  “Please me, give it to me, give yourself to me. It's what you want to do. You know it don't you. It's what you want to do. It's what you need. It's what you've always needed.”

  She closed her eyes, shutting out his words as her body took over. Her body craved the use. She couldn't, and wouldn't deny that. It would be shutting out who she truly was. Her hips rolled as he slid deeper into her core. His hands now gripping both of her hips, leaving her hair alone, giving her a chance to breathe fully and relax a little more.


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