The Watchman's Grace

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The Watchman's Grace Page 43

by Craig Johnson

  “When the heavy news reached Aidan Malloy, he was overcome with inconsolable grief and unbridled anger. Never in their years had the Malloy family tolerated forced evictions. Aidan felt he soiled generations of family honor through one heinous act. One can only imagine he vowed to right this wrong. In any case, he took full responsibility for the affair.

  “From there on he became directly involved with what he viewed as pressing issues in Ireland. The more time went on, the more he distanced Malloys from relations with the Realm. He now sees them as the cause of much discontent across this land. In consequence, Aidan Malloy has devoted substantial resources to the cause of an empowered Ireland.”

  “Major, they say a man on a mission is a formidable opponent to master,” commented Murray. “Aidan Malloy has the advantage of knowing where our strengths lay as a former member of our halls of power. Our task will be daunting if he lends his support to Harvey’s escape.”

  “True Officer Murray, though we have our own powerful tools to apply. We are done here. I want you all to get some hours of solid rest tonight. Mark it well, for there may be a long while before you sleep again in relative comfort.

  “We will gather here tomorrow morning at nine o’clock to move on for Goodhope House. Tardiness will be met with the strictest discipline. That is all.”

  On that note they set off for the night. Meanwhile, Thurston prepared to work even longer, reviewing the balance of collected reports on Malloy surveillances. He wanted full knowledge of his target to guide any decisive actions later on. Thurston and his team were well in it. His London guest made no uncertain terms about the consequences of failure.

  Morning shone brightly over the handsome stone headquarters. Inside, Thurston had managed to snatch a few hours rest before an eventful day ahead. Cramming as much key information as possible from past surveillances, he felt most prepared to conduct a tactical search for Peter Harvey.

  Appearing on schedule, Sergeant Wilson, Officer Murray and Officer Patterson soon joined Thurston inside his office. After reviewing final details, they departed for Aidan Malloy’s grand residence.

  Ornate streetlamps lined their route as Major Thurston entered the quiet quarter of Fitzwilliam Square. In his heart he hoped to find Peter Harvey sipping a brandy in the lush confines of Goodhope House, unaware of their presence. Though his seasoned mind knew their prey was intelligent and resourceful. Only the team’s best efforts would catch Harvey and his allies off guard. Approaching the entrance, Thurston announced his arrival with purposeful knocking.

  Aidan Malloy was not expecting company at this morning hour. Duncan had already arrived with Peter’s essentials and returned to his St. Stephen’s Green area flat. Surprised, he put down the book in which he was engrossed and went to answer this unexpected caller. When the door swung open, his eyes met four gentlemen of whom he had no prior acquaintance.

  “Hello, may I ask your business here?” queried a puzzled Aidan Malloy.

  “Sorry for the intrusion on such a fine morning Mr. Malloy. I am Major Thurston of the British Security Force stationed here in Dublin. These are my identification papers. We have the unfortunate task of locating a wanted suspect.

  “You may have heard about a shooting at a rally which took place here yesterday. An unarmed man was killed instantly by an assailant whom a witness identified as one Peter Harvey.

  “Based on information we gathered through our investigation, he was known to have a long standing friendship with your son Duncan. Therefore we request a search of your premises if we may. Understand Mr. Malloy it is just routine procedure.”

  Instantly Aidan knew he and Samuel’s suspicions were confirmed. The British Security Force had no small part in the events at Wheatstone Fields. Knowing this, he played the situation accordingly, feigning a tone of deft seriousness in reply.

  “That is very disconcerting news! Sorry for wondering aloud, though I understood the Security Force as mostly assisting local police in training and such. Forgive me; of course I will lend my assistance in any way possible. If you wish to search the grounds for any possible clues please do so. Certainly we have no desire to harbor a fugitive in our midst.”

  Major Thurston stepped forward. “We appreciate your cooperation Mr. Malloy. You are correct in your assumption, though we do lend assistance on the rare occasion we are approached directly. This must be an awkward situation for you, knowing Duncan was such a close confidant of the suspect. Rest assured, our team will not take too long.”

  Thurston entered the Malloy’s comfortable home with his officers in tow. From room to room, starting on the main floor of Goodhope House and working upwards, they conducted a thorough sweep of every square inch of habitable space.

  Later, many precious minutes passed while their efforts wanted for lack of discovery. Thurston cursed himself for coming to Goodhope House so quickly, even though there was little room to do otherwise. As he prepared to descend the stairs, Sergeant Wilson strode to his side.

  “We’ve concluded our search of every room in Goodhope House sir. Other than a few books gifted to the family, there is nothing to show Peter Harvey was here.”

  “What about the other matter I asked you all to focus upon?” Thurston thrust back.

  “You know the difficulties there Major Thurston. To the best of our efforts, there was no sign of it.”

  Thurston nodded in agreement. “Very well Seargent Wilson. If the Malloys are harboring Harvey they are now on alert. Any element of surprise has been forfeited. My goodness, he could be holed up in any of their property interests in this capital area!

  “Best gather Patterson and Murray for heading back to headquarters. I will meet you outside after thanking Malloy for his cooperation, damn it!”

  Thurston wound his way down the smooth dark railing to the main floor. From there he approached the main study, where he knew Aidan Malloy was waiting patiently.

  “Hello again Mr. Malloy, and thank you for your patience. I must say you have a lovely residence indeed. My men are already outside. We will be in touch if there is any further need.”

  As he turned away from Malloy his attention was drawn to a place above the mantelpiece. He casually walked towards the fireplace and stopped directly in front of it. Looking upwards, he managed a thin smile of recognition.

  “Mr. Malloy, I did not see this correctly when I first searched the study. You have quite the eye for subtleties I should say.”

  Aidan’s heart pounded faster. “May I ask what you are referring to?”

  Major Thurston kept his focus while responding. “I’m sorry, but the last time I had seen a landscape painting by Robert Carver was in London a few years back. Was your family a patron in the past?”

  Malloy was quietly surprised at Thurston’s knowledge of art. “No, I heard it was some other fine family, though the name escapes me. I feel proud to have a native born Irishman in the family’s collection. As you have seen, there is a preponderance of Continental artists throughout Goodhope.”

  “Well then, I shall not keep you any longer. Good day Mr. Malloy.” Major Thurston joined his colleagues before returning to headquarters.

  Aidan Malloy heaved a monumental sigh of relief once Thurston left the residence. In a stunned trance he stared at the burnished oak clad wall to the side of his grand fireplace. After closing the study door he pressed halfway down the right side panel adjacent to its mantle. Magically it swung open to reveal a hidden passageway. He moved swiftly down the steps to a side room where Peter lay in wait.

  “Sorry to disturb you Peter, but we had unexpected guests just now at Goodhope House. None other than the British Security Force claim to have a witness who can identify you at Wheatstone Fields as a suspect.”

  Peter had known it could be only a matter of time before someone came forward. Yet to hear they were already on his trail was a complete shock.

  “Aidan, we al
l harbored a slight sense of foreboding upon suspecting their possible involvement. Usually local murders do not attract such interest. So now I see my time here is well enough finished.”

  “Yes Peter, that was too close for comfort. In fact, their major stood barely a few feet from unintentionally triggering the entrance to this hidden passageway! They are moving hard and fast on you. Now is the time for your farewells.

  “As a result I will hasten your escape. In a few hours you will have monies for your travel, along with details of the first safe house keeper to receive you. Guard this with your life!

  “When you arrive at the first destination, destroy this paper. They will furnish you with a fresh set of information on your safe arrival. This pattern will continue until you leave Ireland. Be aware that many lives rest on your complete discretion. Do everything possible not to get caught.”

  Chapter Fourteen


  There comes a time in life when everyone has to start anew

  Peter accepted the folly of fate with much misgiving. A lifetime of roots established within Ireland would be torn asunder by one afternoon’s events at Wheatstone Fields. Irony played its spiteful hand once again, for the life he saved would mean a cherished relationship lost.

  Aidan reminded him Maggie would be returning today. In addition, he had sent someone to fetch Duncan at his flat for return to Goodhope House immediately. Here would be the most somber of occasions, where once such a gathering held joyous comfort. These harsh terms were of circumstance’s own making, void of any accommodation. It was all he could do to summon a semblance of strong character.

  Maggie arrived at Goodhope House refreshed from her visit in the north. Although when she met Aidan at the main entrance, she could sense a turn in mood. Her strong sense of intuition prepared Maggie for the possibility of adverse news.

  “Maggie, welcome back to Dublin,” greeted her father in the firmest of embraces. “It looks as though a spell in Belfast has truly agreed with you. I trust our cousins remain in good spirits?”

  “Yes father, they send their well wishes to everyone. So what have I missed in my absence here?”

  Aidan purposely delayed answering her innocent query. “Please Maggie, come inside and relax in the main study with me. Give your tired body some rest after your long journey home.”

  Aidan followed a curious Maggie into the study where they sat in adjoining chairs. He instinctively placed her left hand in the cusp of his caring palms. Aidan did not have perfect words to tell his daughter, only the desperate reality of Peter’s situation.

  “Maggie, most of the time while you were gone was quite enjoyable. Having Duncan and Peter here again renewed the lasting bonds of our shared convictions. Also, the Men of Goodhope decided to culminate this astounding progress of our Common Man Movement with a massive rally at Wheatstone Fields. All three of us held the highest of prospects for this event.

  “I do not wish to touch on every detail since time is very dear at present. The event exceeded our fondest hopes of achievement, for which we are ever grateful. Sadly, an enormous price was paid for the pinnacle of achievement. Maggie, a man was mortally wounded at that event. Our Peter is the prime suspect.”

  Maggie went limp in overwhelming disbelief. Aidan quickly rose to help his daughter gain her senses.

  She was not one of frail constitution. Truth told, Peter adored her strength of independent will. Despite this quality, she just heard her only beloved was a murderer. Nothing in the context of their shared experience would reconcile this allegation with anything she knew of Peter Harvey. Recovering slowly, she responded to Aidan’s swift account.

  “Father, I seen your lips move but those words do not ring true! Peter Harvey would never commit to the senseless taking of another man’s life. In the rare chance he did, can you be sure there was not the strongest of provocations? Is there any merit to this accusation?”

  Aidan slowly nodded in the affirmative. “Hard as it may be to acknowledge, the claim is not folly. Peter himself came here to confess. And yes, there was the greatest motivation for his actions. Duncan was targeted for an assassin’s bullet; Peter spotted the attempt and without hesitation downed him with a single shot. Duncan owes his life to Peter, and possibly much more. But the heavy price is Peter’s liberty in Ireland.”

  Maggie’s heart was still in the hard clutches of denial, while her sharp intellect comprehended dire consequences. “Father, you must appreciate hearing such news is the furthest possibility you may have broached today. Where is Peter? I need to see him as soon as possible!”

  “I had the distinct feeling you would. He is at Goodhope House, though his location is concealed in the interests of everyone involved. We received a visit this morning from the British Security Force, looking for his whereabouts.”

  “Trust me when I say Peter’s safety is my utmost concern,” confirmed Maggie. “They will not find out anything from my lips. I am sacrificing too much already to give vexed fate further reward!”

  “Follow me then and mind your step.” Maggie followed Aidan behind the oak clad panel and down its hidden passageway. When they came to Peter’s room, Aidan looked into Maggie’s eyes with a look of sincere apology.

  “Oh Maggie, can you find it in your gentle heart to ever forgive me? I am burdened with unyielding guilt for destroying two of my children’s greatest companion. Every hour my mind relives the moment I gave Peter the gun for protection’s sake, never figuring it would ever be used.

  “Now here we are, as if we too suffered a mortal loss at Wheatstone Fields. I shall never have the same zest as before. Duncan’s best friend, someone I looked upon as my son and your future husband, all lost in the ignorant bravado of high-handed paternalism!

  “Be kind as always with him. My stomach turns with sickening bile at the indignity he will suffer! Peter is one of the most righteous individuals I have ever encountered. Be brave with him, for he has only our faith of confidence from which to draw resolution. And never, ever doubt his feelings for you. If heart shapes the man, woman perfects it through love.”

  Aidan gave a kiss on Maggie’s soft cheek, wet with the streak of a solitary tear. Turning away, he ascended the stone steps back to his main study. Maggie summoned all the unselfish concern she could muster before announcing her presence with a soft tap on the door.

  Peter opened welcoming arms to receive his beloved Maggie. Holding each other in a bond of mutual affection, no words were spoken of the reality they both knew too well. Weeks apart and adoration together met an abrupt conclusion on this most unforgiving afternoon. When they released their tender embrace, Peter broke the silence.

  “Dearest Maggie, look at the sight of you! The north has added even more radiance to your beauty. How I missed the caring glow which only you could give to polish my spirits. Having you here is my beacon in this enveloping fog of uncertainty.”

  Maggie took his hand in the smooth of her palms. “Peter, I already spoke with Aidan. You did what Duncan’s truest friend could only have submitted; for that my family can never show enough gratitude. As a consequence, we will all experience a loss of unfathomable proportion. I will bear a lifetime without the man meant to share my future.

  “I will never forget the scent of you, the thought of you, and the hope of you. I am forever within you. Peter, I will remain the best dream that you always had of me.”

  Peter made every effort to stay resolute in the company of Maggie. He wanted desperately for a way to keep her at his side. However, he acknowledged even before their last encounter reality could foster no such ending.

  “I shall never recover from my malady Maggie. Do you know how many days my tired heart strained under the stress of ever finding someone like you? Maggie Malloy, you are the incarnation of all my aspirations of an ideal woman. I will always remain betrothed to your closest memory. And if my crisis were to pass, we sha
ll have a union for all Ireland to behold!

  “This country may have taught me the essence of sweet liberation, though the heart of liberation is within the soul. Mine has been intertwined with yours since we first met. I remember hearing once that true love takes as its handmaiden deep pain. Now it is with us.”

  Peter felt compelled to exorcise his deep seated feelings further. “There was a time when I thought perhaps my chance for true romance had passed me by. Now I know all this time I was preparing to have you share my life.”

  Maggie turned away in a determined swirl. This was not the joyous conclusion she had envisioned in her mind’s eye before today. No words of kind solace and remembrances treasured could erase the bitter tidings. No parting words, however dipped in the sweet honey of a bountiful yesterday, could mask the lasting taste of a poisoned tomorrow. Turning back to face Peter, she released her grievances with an unjust reality.

  “You give me these confessions and leave nothing to live out their consequences. I want you Peter Harvey, not the memory of you! If only I could give something to have you near me always.

  “You talk of this, the Emerald Country and its beauty. Yet all I feel is ransomed. Eire asks so much of all who love her. And we give, giving until we bleed! And just when a little payback for all that toil is about to be returned, Eire asks for even more. True to form, Eire takes the good promise we could have had and pushes you away when spent of you. Damn Her! What makes Eire so hard, so bold and so dear to please?”

  Peter drank in the soft visage of this woman whom took his heart to places he never imagined. She gave him every confidence, so he never doubted the pure fidelity of her unconditional affection. He needed above all to let Maggie know she was everything he desired for so long. Yet he knew then and there no words could describe what she meant to him.

  “Since I first laid eyes upon you Maggie, I knew there was no other that could capture this guarded heart so freely. My feelings for you overtook all quiet senses of longing and replaced them with an uplifting chorus, whose sweet melody I will always remember.


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