The Discreet Cowboy (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 6)

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The Discreet Cowboy (Cowboys of Nirvana Book 6) Page 9

by Rhonda Lee Carver

  He sighed. “I should, but he didn’t lie to me. If he had, I would have had no other choice.”

  She swallowed. But he did lie. To save me. If she told Chase the truth, would he fire Dade? She knew her brother and how he focused on trust and honesty. Would he find Dade’s white lie to be a breach of that trust? If she told the truth, would she only make things worse for Dade? “Nothing happened between Dade and me. He was a perfect gentleman.”

  Chase looked at her and some of the coldness left his features. “No man is a perfect gentleman.”

  She clasped her hands into her lap, tightening her grip. She’d made a promise that none of the hands would ever know that he was a virgin so she couldn’t tell Chase. Although she believed it was nothing to be ashamed of, she understood Dade had a reputation to uphold when it came to the other cowboys. The last thing Dade needed, along with his already bruised ego from the accident, was her telling his secret. “I wanted to have sex with him,” the words just seemed to float from her lips.

  Chase cleared his throat and turned his head to stare out onto the road. “But you didn’t?”

  “No, we didn’t.”

  “Good thing. We have a rule—”

  “Yes, I know. But it’s a little different. I’m not a guest.” She nibbled on her bottom lip.

  “No, you’re my sister. If the tables were turned, I wouldn’t breach his trust by sleeping with his sister.”

  “How do you know that? Have you seen them?”

  He growled. “I’m a married man. They could be supermodels and I wouldn’t care. I’m just saying, pointing out a fact. Men don’t betray each other by messing with the other’s sister.”

  “You know, this is all your fault.”

  “How’s that?” His mouth twisted.

  She shrugged. “It was your idea to have him watch over me. You put us together. That’s an arrogant thing to do to have me treated like a child.”

  “I didn’t think Dade would—”

  “What? Realize that he is being mistreated? How horrible is it that you asked him to babysit me only because he isn’t working the land right now?”

  “That’s wrong, Felicia. I didn’t ask him to keep an eye on you because he is recovering. I asked because I trust him, like a brother. Of all the hands, he’s the one I wouldn’t expect this from.”

  “Do you hear yourself?” She shook her head.

  “What’s the problem, Felicia? I’m busy and I can’t follow you around. Like the last time…”

  “Jace and I didn’t do anything. He, too, can be trusted, believe it or not.”

  “So, did you want to have sex with him too?”

  “I’m a grown up!”

  “These are my workers, Felicia. If I owned a football team and you had a thing for the players, does that mean you could sleep your way through the team?”

  She blinked. “That’s wrong on so many different levels.”

  His face softened. “I’m sorry. That was wrong. But you’re my sister. It’s my job to make sure nothing happens to you.”

  “In some parts of the world they’d label you as crazy.”

  “I did it for your best interest.”

  “You did it because you think I’m still a child. I’m not. I refuse to be privy to this. I don’t need a babysitter.” She crossed her arms over her chest and tilted her head, looking at him through a narrowed gaze. “I’m an adult!”

  “Dade’s not acting as your babysitter.” Chase sighed.

  “Oh, so then having a cowboy follow me to keep me out of trouble is classified as…?” She tapped the toe of her shoe against the floorboard.

  “Well, you didn’t mind too much. You agreed to meet him in town and ended up in a motel room with him.”

  She sniffed loudly. “We had to stay in the room. The bridge was flooded.”

  “Relax, sis. You’re acting as if I’ve done something wrong.”

  “How is it that you fail to understand that I’m an educated, capable woman? You’d think the years of living on my own and the master’s degree would convince you.”

  “You’re still young.”

  “You don’t trust me.”

  “I don’t trust the water,” he said.

  “The water?” She was confused.

  “There’s something about Nirvana…all of my cowboys are getting hitched or getting women pregnant. You don’t need either one.”

  Chuckling, she pulled a strand of hair behind her ear. “Seriously? You honestly believe there’s a mystical power on the ranch that makes people fall in love? That’s about as ridiculous as you thinking I need a bodyguard.”

  “You need one and you’ll have one while you’re here. That’s final.”

  “You’re not my boss.”

  “Well, not your boss, but I have to watch out for you.”

  “I’ll go back home and I’ll never come back. This is no way to treat family.”

  He sighed. “You can’t go home. It’d certainly solve my problem, but Kaycee would kill me. She said if you left Nirvana because of my overbearing attitude, she’d never forgive me.”

  “Then that makes me leaving even tastier.”

  “You would see it that way. But stay.”

  “Why should I?”

  “To save your brother’s neck.”

  “And be a target of your high handed ways. Hell no.”

  “I can’t change overnight.”

  “Okay, we’ll make a deal. I’ll stay on two conditions.” She shifted her body so that she was facing him. She saw a wide open window and decided to use it to her benefit.

  He looked at her out of the corner of his eye. “Be careful, sis. Before you know it, I could have mom out here too.”

  “Are you going to listen?” He nodded and she sighed. “One, you don’t do anything to Dade. He’s loyal to you. Don’t let this change your mind about where his loyalty lies.”

  “Fine.” Chase’s eyes narrowed.

  “Secondly, do not stick another hand on my heels while I’m at Nirvana. Not only is it degrading, but it’s embarrassing. How many people do you know that are my age and still being treated like they’re ten?”

  He slowed the truck, pulled over to the side of the road and unclipped his seatbelt so that he could turn to face her. He squeezed the area between his brows. “I’ve been lectured by Kaycee on this subject enough. I realize maybe I was going a little too far when I asked Dade to watch you. He screwed up anyway.”

  She smiled. “Are you actually admitting that you’re wrong?”

  “Don’t push it. On that, yes, but I have my own conditions. While at Nirvana, no watchful eyes, but if you want to leave Nirvana, let someone know. Plain and simple request.”

  “Do I need to bring Dade with me?”

  His eyes crinkled and he swept his palm down his face. “Look, sis, Dade’s a great guy, but he’s been through a lot. And not only that, but he’s not at all like the other hands. Tough as nails, that he is, but he also tends to be led by his emotions.”

  “Yeah, I realize that. I’m not planning to tear his heart out of his chest and eat it for dinner.”

  Chase thrummed his fingers on the steering wheel. “He’s not the man for you.”

  “You really care for him, don’t you?”

  Chase lifted a shoulder and let it drop. “Maybe because he reminds me of myself at that age. He’s a good kid, wants a career here at Nirvana.” He turned, shifted the truck into drive and pulled back out onto the road. “He wouldn’t make you happy.”

  “Sheesh, thanks. The good guy isn’t right for the bad sister.”

  “Sis, don’t make this difficult.”

  “Why do you think that’s my intention?”

  “Just sayin’.”

  When they pulled into Nirvana Ranch, Chase continued on the lane toward his house while Dade turned toward the administrative offices. She shifted and watched until she could no longer see the truck in the distance. What was the nagging feeling deep in her chest? Fact was, she
missed him. That had never happened before. She barely knew him—although she’d nearly had sex with him and almost took his virginity. Oh shit! What was happening to her? Chase was totally right. She needed to be careful. Needed to treat this as more than her filling a cowboy craving.

  She was still debating her emotions when she slipped from the truck and saw Kaycee standing on the steps to the porch of their lovely two-story house, holding baby Isabella in her arms. Felicia’s heart warmed when she saw how Chase kissed his wife, then nuzzled his baby daughter’s cheek. She had her issues with him, but she was so glad that he was happy. He deserved it.

  “I’ve been hoping you two would arrive safely. I didn’t know who’d be more likely to kill the other.” Kaycee looked at her husband with a smirk. “Chase, why don’t you take Isabella upstairs and lay her down for a nap while Felicia and I catch up on some girl chat?”

  Felicia noticed that every muscle in her brother’s face softened. Although he’d always been too overbearing and protective, she did need to keep in mind that there was a gap in their age and he felt it was his obligation to take care of her.

  “I’ll be back in a moment,” Kaycee said as she went inside with Chase.

  Once she sat in the rocking chair on the porch, Felicia looked out over the fields graced with purple wildflowers and a group of deer grazing along the edge of the woods. She felt an instant drop in her blood pressure. This place was amazing. The views were spectacular.

  “You’re on his side, aren’t you?” Felicia asked after Kaycee came back with mason jars of iced sweet tea for them.

  “I’m on no one’s side. I love my husband and can see his point, and I love you and I see where you’re coming from. So, I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands, let’s just say to keep the peace. I hope you don’t mind, but after Chase left to go find you, I took the liberty of packing your things and moving them to one of the treehouses. Slow Man’s Hand. I think you’ll love the view and the charm of the place.”

  Felicia sighed. “You mean I actually get a place of my own and won’t be expected to stay here, in your house, behind lock and key?” She settled her gaze on the tea.

  “Now, now. No more arguing,” Kaycee said gently.

  “I’m sorry, Kaycee. I appreciate your kindness, but will Chase approve? He told me there were no available places.”

  Kaycee leaned in. “I don’t keep secrets from him, but let’s just say that I know just as much about this place as he does, and I’m better at working magic than he is.”

  Felicia laid her hand on her sister-in-law’s and chuckled. “You certainly are a match for Chase.”

  “I’m not saying I know all there is to know about him, but we’re learning each other better.”

  “This is a temporary fix, but I don’t see Chase ever seeing me as an adult.”

  “Give him some time. I truly want you to enjoy yourself while you’re at Nirvana. No stressing over Chase, or the idea that you’ve graduated and are ready to find a job. Just relax and take in the serenity people find here. I think you’ll be surprised at what you might find.”

  They sat together for a while longer until Chase came out, appearing relaxed and refreshed. “Delores is with the baby, sweetheart. I just got a call. The door to the massage room is broken so I’m going to go fix it. I wonder how that happened.” He slipped a quick glance toward Felicia.

  She swallowed, but hoped her expression wasn’t a dead giveaway of her guilt. “That’s very odd.” She was also glad her voice was steady.

  Once Chase was far enough that he was out of earshot, Kaycee asked, “Does this have something to do with last night and you and Dade ending up together?”

  “As you said before, you and Chase don’t keep secrets so I think it’s best I don’t admit to anything.”

  Kaycee sighed and stood up. “That is for the best. I’m going to let Delores know that I’m taking you to the treehouse.”

  “I’m glad to see he isn’t overbearing with you like he is with me,” Felicia said when Kaycee joined her in the Gator.

  “Protective is the word that I like to use, and he is certainly that way with me. It’s in his nature.” Kaycee started the cart and pulled out onto the gravel lane.

  “It’s not fair that he asked Dade to watch over me.”

  “I agree. I don’t think you need an escort. I know it must seem horrible, but I assure you, Dade has only been asked out of Chase’s love for you. However, Dade shouldn’t have been asked to follow you around. Instead, he should be taking you on a tour of this lovely place. That’s the courtesy we offer all guests, and you’re a special one so you’ll get extra special treatment.”

  “Wait, you want Dade to hang out with me while I’m here?”

  She nodded. “Who else? He’s quite handsome, isn’t he?”

  Felicia shrugged. She didn’t bother answering.

  “Anyway, I’ll speak to Dade after I drop you off.”

  “That is unless Chase puts a stop to it.”

  “In my husband’s defense, he does know you have a ‘thing’ for cowboys. You’ve not only admitted it many times, but you’ve used it to ruffle Chase’s feathers. And what happened between you and Jace when you visited last?”

  Felicia chuckled. “I won’t deny that it did cross my mind, but Chase has filled his hands with the fear of God. Jace treated me like I was the plague.”

  “Good thing. Jace would have lost his job.” Kaycee turned the cart toward another narrow lane marked, ‘Treehouses’.

  She thought it was best she left the conversation as it was. Although she trusted Kaycee and felt like they could talk about anything, being that she and Chase were still in their honeymoon stage, she knew Kaycee still had that idea that couples share everything. It was possible that one day Felicia would feel the same, but the last thing Dade needed was for her to make things harder on him. He already had so many high expectations for himself and he didn’t need the stress of Chase breathing down his neck because of Felicia.

  After a long, hot shower in her new accommodations, she felt better, more in control. She’d decided that it was best for everyone, and safer, that she kept the relationship between her and Dade strictly acquaintances. His job would be safe, and her already suffering relationship with her brother would not grow thorns. She pulled on a pair of cut off jean shorts, dragged on a T-shirt, her brown, soft as butter, cowgirl boots, and took off toward staff row. She had to deliver Dade’s clothes and boots back to him, and to tell him thank you for what he’d done for her.

  Ten minutes later, the door came open to his cabin and the object of her most recent fantasy popped into her view. He looked utterly delicious in a black T-shirt, worn jeans, and his bare feet sticking out from the frayed hems.

  “Hi, Dade.”

  “Hi.” He dropped his hand to his side and pushed the door open wider. “Want to come in, or is that a big no-no?”

  “I brought your things.” She stepped past him, handed over her load, and scanned the room. It was clean, organized, and smelled of leather and his citrusy aftershave. Remember why you’re here. No getting sidetracked. “Chase has agreed to not treat me as a prisoner while I’m here.”

  He pushed the door closed, laid the bundle of clothing on a chair and stepped to the middle of the room, pushing his hands deep into his front pockets. “How did you manage that?”

  “Oh, it wasn’t easy, considering you lied to him.”

  “Yeah, about that…”

  “Why? You could have gotten yourself fired.”

  He leaned against the countertop in the small kitchen and tucked his ankles. “And would the truth have been better?”

  “I can handle my brother.”

  “I had your back,” he replied so easily.

  Her eyes misted, but she blinked away the emotion. “He knows about the broken door.”

  Dade sighed. “I planned to fix it, but how would I explain what happened?”

  “True. We can’t tell Chase the truth now. He’
ll definitely fire you if he thinks you lied to him.”

  Dade nodded. “I’m glad you’re still at Nirvana. I half expected that you and Chase would have argued, causing you to pack and leave.”

  “It crossed my mind, but I do really want to stay and enjoy the land. At least now I have my own treehouse while I’m here. Thanks to Kaycee.”

  He smiled. “Great. You’ll have more privacy.”

  “Did she have a chance to speak to you? You know, about being my tour guide?”

  “Yeah, she did.”


  “I think you didn’t tell her what we did back in the room.”

  She sighed. “No, I didn’t.” A reminder popped into her head. She needed to speak to him about just being friends, but her tongue wouldn’t work.

  “Felicia, every day at this time I take one of the horses for a ride. Staying upright in the saddle is great therapy. Would you like to ride with me?”

  She should tell him no. Stick to her plan and run along, but when she opened her mouth, what came out were her true feelings. “Sure. I’d like to.”

  “I have a few errands to run first, but how about meeting me at the north side trail in thirty minutes?”


  “When you said ‘ride with me’ you actually meant, ‘ride with me in the same saddle’?”

  Dade looked down at Felicia and smiled. “Are you afraid of being close to me now, here at Nirvana?”

  She squinted. “Aren’t we breaking rules?”

  He couldn’t keep a straight face. “Yes, a bit. If you really want your own horse, I’ll go back and saddle you one up.”

  “Just be honest. Is this your way of getting closer to me?”

  “Yup.” There was no hesitation.

  “What will we say to anyone who sees us?”

  He shrugged. “We won’t cross anyone else. I promise. Where we’re going, no guests are allowed and the hands are in a staff meeting.”

  “Shouldn’t you be in the meeting too?”

  “Not today. I thought it was best not to be in Chase’s line of vision right now. And, I’d rather be right here, doing what I’ve been asked to do. Taking you for a ride.”


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