Luna Princess (Alyssa Grey Book 1)

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Luna Princess (Alyssa Grey Book 1) Page 1

by Wylow Moon

  Luna Princess By Wylow Moon

  Copyright © 2017 By Wylow Moon

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Printed in the United States of America

  First Printing, 2017

  Chapter 1

  The lights bounced and bobbed through the trees, illuminating the moss and mushrooms along the woods floor. Every step I took towards them, they seemed to move farther away. It was all right, though, I knew this place, I knew where they were leading me. I paused and took a breath smelling the heady scent of moist soil and plant life. The light's bobbed and bounced in front of me as if telling me to hurry along. Stepping over a decaying log I heard and felt a branch crack beneath my bare foot. The sound seeming to echo in the silent woods. A few more steps and I came to my destination.

  The clearing stood in the center of the woods, a little haven hidden by the surrounding trees. The lights I had been following had disappeared and now the only light was from the stars and moon. A light breeze blew my hair into my face and I moved to tuck it behind my ears. I heard a wolf howl in the distance and I knew it wouldn't be long before he found me. There was nowhere to hide. He already had my sent. I sat down on the grass and looked up into the night sky. Finding me would be inevitable. Besides, I didn't want to run.

  I heard the foliage behind me and stiffened. Any moment now and he would be here. I wasn't a very patient person and he was taking forever. When I thought, I could no longer take the wait he appeared. On the right of me, I spied his glowing blue eyes in the darkness of the trees. He stepped out and I felt my chest catch.

  He was beautiful. His coat was as dark as midnight and his eyes shown bright. I could see his muscles restrict and contract with every step he took towards me. He was beautiful and yet so very deadly. The wolf's muzzle lifted as he sniffed the air.

  My heart was beating fast and loud and I wondered if he could hear it. The wolf stopped a foot from me and I looked up into his face. His head was a good 2 feet above mine. As he sat on his haunches, I reached out my hand towards his chest. His coat slipping through my fingers soft as silk.

  I exhaled a slow breath has I felt a soft rumble come from his chest. He laid his muzzle on my shoulder with his wet nose pressed against my neck.

  "I have been waiting for you" I spoke softly to him. He snorted through his nose in agreement and then lifted his massive head and looked at the moon. I whimper escaped his throat and he howled. It was a howl filled with loneliness and longing. With one last look at me and gentle nudge against the side of my face he took off.

  'Soon' was spoken as if a voice in my head before he left my sight entirely.

  I lay there and watched the stars twinkle brightly above me. It was a beautiful night with a small breeze rustling the willow tree I lay beside. I reveled in feeling the fresh grass caress my skin. As I watched a star shoot across the sky, I wondered about the dream that has been a constant recurrence for the last three years. Every night it was the same thing.

  I dreamt of a black wolf running through the woods. I always met him in a clearing, and I always knew I had no reason to be afraid of him. We would sit together and I would stroke his fur, feeling the soft hair running through my fingers. He would nuzzle my neck and then look up at the full moon. I would hear him howl and feel a tug in my chest. Like he was calling for me. Like I was supposed to be somewhere. I don't know what the dream is meant to say but I do know that it is meant to mean, well something.

  I raised my hand and traced the markings on the palm of my hand. I had no idea what they were or why they were there. They had been there for as long as I could remember. The lines made a crescent moon with a shiny Northstar kind of shape in the center of the crescent moon. The markings were bold, almost a bluish black color and smooth against my skin; as if I were born with them, which as far as I knew, I was. On nights like this when I felt so lost I felt like those marks called to me like my dreams did.

  Crazy though right? I was a wasn't precisely a nobody, but I was not Miss Popularity either.. I had plain brown eyes and hair dyed purple because I couldn't stand the color of my natural hair. It was a dirty blonde. Not the pretty dirty blonde either. It was the kind that no matter what you did with it, it looked dirty. I am a bit on the short side reaching a whopping five foot two inches and far from skinny. I had some pudge on me that no matter what I tried wouldn't come off. Like I said, just another face in the crowd. The unique thing about me was the mark on my hand, and the fact that I had no family. That's right not even an excommunicated Aunt Tilly out there somewhere. I was utterly alone.

  "Alyssa! Get your butt in here before you catch a cold!"

  Ok, maybe not entirely alone.

  "I'm coming, Maggie!"

  Maggie River was my foster mom. She kind of reminded me of Molly from the Harry Potter books. But only because of her mothering nature and her need to love any child that walked through her door. She looked nothing like Molly either. She had jet black hair that hung down to the middle of her back with gray wisps here and there and the most beautiful hazel eyes I had ever seen. She was taller than me too, but I think everyone and their mother is taller than me.

  I got up from my spot and started heading back up to the house. It was a beautiful two-story house that was built in the 1920's. It had a front porch with a porch swing and tons of potted hanging plants. The top floor had a room with a bay window that stuck out to cover half of the porch. And lucky me, that room was mine. Maggie let me stay in that room even though she could have kicked me out as soon as I turned 18. But, being the lovable and caring woman she was, she let me stay until I could get onto my feet.

  I walked in the back door attached to the kitchen and took a cookie off the cooling rack she had filled up. Mmm mmm, I loved her cookies.

  "Alyssa dear, you had some mail come for you today. It's over there on the counter" Maggie said as she wiped her just washed hands and pointed to the bar. I walked over and looked at the envelope. It was pretty thick and the return address said it was sent from Montana. Who the heck would I know from Montana? The sender was some attorney. Did I do something wrong? I have never been in trouble with the police.

  "Maggie, do you know why I would be getting mail from an attorney in Montana?"

  Maggie shook her head as her eyebrow creased in thought.

  "I really don't know sweetheart. Maybe they Finally found something? Don't get your hopes up though dear. I don't want to see you upset like last time." Maggie was talking about a few year's ago when the state thought they had found my mother. Turns out it was some drunk just wanting a kid.

  "I was left on the doorstep of a police station Maggie; I am sure there wasn't much to find. I have pretty much given up on them finding anything anyway. Besides, I have you don't I? What more could I ask for?" I said as I smiled at her to reassure her.

  "Oh, sweety, you’re the best daughter a mother could have , if not a little rebellious." She chuckled ruffling my hair. I frowned and patted it back down as she turned to get the last batch of cookies out of the oven.

  "Don't give up on your real mother, though. She still might be out there somewhere. There is still a chance to get answers. Besides, you still have the letter she left you."

  I thought about the letter I had read so many times that the folds were starting to come apart. It was written by my mother. At least, the person claimed to be my mother. I don't know why I bothered reading it. I have had it memorized since I was 13.

  "My Dear Alyssa,

  It tears at my heart to be writing this to yo
u. And I hope someday you will understand why I had to do this. I had expected to watch you grow up, been there for all your firsts. But sometimes when you love someone the best thing for them is to let them go. I know you won't understand why, but I am doing this for your safety. Sometimes life gives you two different paths to take, and though you may want to take the path that looks prettier, it doesn't mean it is easier or safer. Just remember that I will always love you. You will always be my Luna Princess.

  Love you always,


  Luna princess? It was a weird nickname for me. But maybe I was born on the full moon or something. I shrugged off my thoughts and I looked at the envelope. I was not sure if I wanted to open it. I had no clue what could be inside but figured there was only one way to find out. And hey how bad could it be? I looked up at Maggie to see what she thought about It.

  "Go ahead dear, I am sure it will all be alright." She nodded for me to open it. Her not leaving me to do it alone gave me comfort, so with a shaky breath and shaky hands I tore open the envelope and unfolded the papers inside.

  Well, this changed things.

  I looked at Maggie with tears in my eyes. I didn't want to go alone. I was afraid kind of what I might find. "You will be ok sweetheart. Just maybe you will find the answers you have always been wanting." said Maggie as she pulled me in close and squeezed me tight. "I would go if I could dear, but I have Sarah and Max to look after. They can't go back home until the court says it is o.k. and we know how long that could take." Sarah was only three and Max was twelve. They were Maggie's other foster kids.

  "I know Maggie, but I am scared. What if I find something I wish I never had?"

  Maggie nodded her head knowingly. "But dear, what if you find something that was worth it. If you didn't go you will always be stuck wondering of what could have been. Your too young to understand yet, but living your life not knowing what could have been... Well, it will always haunt you." Maggie kissed my head and wiped a stray tear from under her eye before it could roll down her face.

  "Do you have the cell phone I got you?" She asked

  "Yes, right here." I took it out of the pocket in front of my black hoodie to show Maggie.

  "Alright then, no more of this tearful goodbye stuff. You will be back soon. Remember to call as soon as you get there. I want to know you made it safely. Oh and here." Maggie pulled an envelope out of her pocket and handed it to me. I opened it to find it crammed full of twenty dollar bills.

  "Oh Maggie I couldn't possibly take this. I have a few hundred saved up from my waitress job at the Diner. I am sure that will be more than enough." I tried to hand back the money but Maggie would have none of it.

  "No Alyssa you will take it. You may end up needing it. I won't take no for an answer child." I don't know what I would have done if I had never met Maggie. I often caught myself wishing she was my real mother. I gave her one last hug and kissed her on the cheek.

  "I love you Maggie, you're the best mom anyone could wish for." I said as I wiped away a traitorous tear. "I love you too sweetheart. Now go before you miss your flight."

  Maggie waved goodbye as I ran over to the security checkpoint. It took another hour before I made it to the flight attendant checking tickets and proceeded to find my seat. I was pleasantly surprised to find myself sitting in first class. The attorney is the one who booked my ticket. I hope he didn't expect me to pay him back, I thought with a frown.

  I didn't exactly have the money for first class. I sat down in my seat and looked out the window next to me. Well, If I was going to fly first class I might as well enjoy it. It was only a few hour flight and that didn't give me much time to prepare myself.

  I watched out the window of the taxi that picked me up at the airport. The town of Great Falls was bigger than my small town back in Illinois. I watched the buildings and people pass me by as I thought about what brought me here. The envelope I got in the mail was far from what I ever expected. The attorney that mailed me said in the papers that I had an inheritance but to get any details I needed to come to Montana. Honestly it seemed kind of ominous. Why couldn't they tell me anything over the phone or in the letter? Why did they know about my family when the state couldn't find one family member. How did this attorney even know where to find me? It was all so confusing and just thinking about it was giving me a migraine.

  The taxi pulled up to the office with a sign that said " Hudson Attorney of Law" on the front. The driver cleared his throat when I just sat there staring. I paid the driver and got out of the car as he grabbed my luggage from the trunk. I thanked him grabbed my stuff and took a deep breath. It's now or never Alyssa, you have made it this far.

  I pushed open the door, going inside with my suitcase following on wheels behind me and walked over to the desk where a woman in her mid-thirties sat. She looked up at me and gave me a once over.

  "Can I help you?" she asked with one of those really annoying nasally voices.

  "Um, yes, hi? I am Alyssa Grey. I am here to see Mr. Hudson."

  The secretary looked down at some papers I couldn't see and grunted.

  "Wait in one of the chairs over there and he will be with you shortly."

  She said pointing over to some really ugly puke green colored chairs. I walked over and shrugged off my backpack and set my suitcase down next to the chair before I sat down and actually looked around the office. It wasn't very large but it was not small either. The walls looked liked they used to be white at some point but had turned an off-white with time. There were a few picture frames on the walls of forest shots taken and a framed certificate of graduation I am sure belonged to Mr Hudson. As I started running my finger through my hair to make sure I was somewhat presentable a door on the other side of the room opened and a man who looked to be in his early fifties walked out. He wore a dark grey suit with a matching tie and had thin white hair combed to cover the bald spot on top of his head.

  "Miss Grey?" He asked and I nodded. "Won't you please come in?" he asked gesturing past him into his office.

  "You can leave your luggage there ma'am. Abigail will keep an eye on them." He said as I stood up and hesitated leaving my luggage. I eyed the secretary uneasily but nodded and followed him in to his office. "Take a seat Miss Grey." Mr Hudson said as he sat down behind a beautifully aged mahogany desk and folded his hands together on top of it.

  "Now I know you probably have a lot of questions for me but I am going to ask you to please refrain for just a few more minutes. Ok?"

  "Um, ok?" I said still a little lost and very nervous.

  "Miss Grey, I know this may be a bit forward but may I please see your right palm?" Mr. Hudson asked me holding out his hand.

  My breath caught in my throat at that request. How did he know about the markings on my palm? Did he know how it got there or why it was there? I looked at my palm and hesitantly reached out my hand to let him see the moon and star resting on it.

  Mr. Hudson took my hand and examined the markings. He traced them with his finger and then gave me my hand back. I rested my hand in my lap and tried not to fidget under his gaze.

  "I am sorry if that made you uncomfortable Miss Grey, but I needed to make sure you were who you said you were. You see, your inheritance is a sensitive matter. You did not just inherit money or a bit of land. It took me years to find you and now that I finally have, I had to make absolutely sure I didn't make a mistake."

  I am sure he could see I had no idea what he was even talking about. Mr. Hudson sighed and rubbed his eyes with his finger and thumb as if it would rub away his worries and stress.

  "Miss Grey, do you believe in the supernatural? In Shifters to be exact?"

  I just stared at him. Was this guy serious? Shifters? I think I just walked into a looney bin. I flew all this way under the impression I would find something out about myself and find myself sitting in front of a nut job. I knew this was too good to be true. I mean really, Shifters? This wasn't a paranormal book it was real life. Mr. Hudson could see my fi
ght or flight instinct kicking in.

  "Miss Grey I am not trying to scare you. What I am talking about is very real. And you are apart of it." I couldn't take it anymore. I burst into laughter. The kind of laugh you might hear come out of someone who went crazy. When I finally calmed down enough I took a good long look at Mr. Hudson.

  "I am sorry Mr. Hudson, I don't know who's Kool-aid you have been drinking but I don't want any of it. Shifters are NOT real. And I would certainly know if I turned into one. Thanks, but no thanks. Have a lovely day." I said as I got up and walked out the office door and over to my luggage. I don't know what I was thinking coming here. My mind flitted to my dreams of the black wolf but I quickly dismissed it. Those were just dreams, nothing more. Mr. Hudson was hot on my heels and spoke just as I bent down to pick up my backpack.

  " You have a brother Miss Grey." I froze. I couldn't breathe I couldn't think and I certainly couldn't move. A brother? Could I really have family? After all this time of being alone, was there really someone out there, someone who could tell me who I really am? Mr Hudson continued talking oblivious to my inner turmoil.

  "His name is Jimmy and he is nineteen; I could take you to meet him if you like."

  I finally got some breath back and turned around to face Mr. Hudson.

  "Does he know about me?" I asked.

  Mr. Hudson smiled and put his hand out to lead me back toward his office. This time I walked in and plopped down in the chair before I could pass out. I couldn't stop thinking one thing over and over, I had a brother.

  I found myself once again in a car watching buildings go by. Only this time I watched the buildings turn into trees and the driver wasn't a taxi, it was Mr. Hudson. When I went back into the office he told me about my inheritance, which had more zeros then I could count. I chuckled lowly to myself. I was worried about a damn plane ticket and I had enough money to buy my whole town back home and turn it into the biggest Mall in the world, with still enough money left over. He also told me about the land that was a total of 120 acres and about the small community that lived on it.


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