Princess Rescue Inc

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Princess Rescue Inc Page 32

by Chris Hechtl

  “Is that why you gaijin wear no makeup?” a lady in waiting asked.

  Sue snorted. “Oh we wear makeup, just not gobs of it. Isn't it a pain in the summer heat?” she asked. It wasn't quite summer yet but they had had a few hot humid days. That had been a prelude to the coming summer, one the Terrans weren't happy about.

  The Queen sighed and fanned herself. She had little makeup on. “It's a problem. Sweat can make it run if we are in excessive heat for long periods.”

  “Or dancing for a long time,” Zara replied maliciously.

  “This is starting to sound like a Mary Kay or a makeup party,” Charlie laughed, holding a glass of wine.

  “A little,” Doc said. Together the two chemists brought out their makeup kits and showed the natives how they put on their own war paint. “It's understated but it's there. I mean we can go all out if we're going to a party but I'm not the type.”

  “Well, I am, I like yellow,” Wanda said, holding up yellow eye liner. It sparkled, making the native girls awe and coo in appreciation. Of course they had to try it.

  “Raccoon eyes,” Wanda said with a grin to Charlie. Charlie snorted. “Don't take this the wrong way but you look a lot like a famous singer on Earth Princess Deidra,” she said turning to the older princess. Deidra blinked at her.

  “A pop singer. Famous for her singing and somewhat for her acting,” Sue explained. “Singers on Earth are celebrities.”

  “Minstrels?” a lady asked. “I dated one once. Terrible kisser,” she said. The girls giggled at that.

  Charlie snorted and tapped at the laptop. It took a moment to pull up a video of Britney. She pressed play. The women crowded around to watch. Deidra stared at the image. “And you think she looks like me?”

  “This was when she was your age actually. You have the same facial structure and hair, somewhat with the body. You also move with grace,” Wanda said. “I wonder why that's on the net?” she asked. She'd expected maybe a picture. She checked the link address and then snorted. “Figures, Newban. He's always been a hound dog,” she said shaking her head.


  “Marine. Marines are known for being hard headed, woman chasers, and brawlers. He's one of our survival experts. Nice guy once you get past the macho crap and get him to settle down alone. With the other guy's around he's impossible,” Sue said shaking her head.

  “I'll remember that,” Zara replied dryly. Deidra and her mother stared at her. She giggled, hand covering her mouth.

  “What of you, have you found any of the gaijin tempting?” a lady asked, turning to Deidra.

  “Yes daughter, do tell,” the Queen asked sweetly.

  Deidra finally admitted to her mother’s probing that she was not adverse to a relationship with Ryans. Her constant exposure to him had worn down some of the rough edges in their relationship. He was standoffish with her though, something that amused her. Charlie shook her head, clearly amused about the discussion. “You're going to have a hell of a time getting through his defenses now girl. Frontal assault is out of the question.”

  Sue giggled and then nodded. She knew she'd had a bit too much wine but needed to unwind. She also knew she and the others were going to catch hell if this ever got back to Ryans. “She's right, you've bitten his head off so often he ducks and covers when you come around.” Deidra froze.

  The Queen nodded. “I noticed this. Whenever anyone who brings it up he suddenly has something else, anything else, important to do,” she said. “Only when you are unexpected and he is busy does he stay. And not for overlong,” she said frowning.

  Zara hesitantly said she talked with him sometimes but not for long. She said he was busy all the time, working on the defenses, building the army, and making new things. “He hardly sleeps!” she said shaking her head. “Or eats for that matter. I heard the servants complain when he left a third meal in his quarters untouched.”

  “That's not what I heard,” Deidra said. “He's sleeping with the scullery wench,” she said acidly. She'd heard the rumors swirling around the castle. Male fornication was usually a topic she ignored, but now she was keen to hear any rumors. They had borne fruit and she had of course felt disgust that he'd proven to be just a man.

  “Honey, even your father has from time to time,” her mother said, making both girls goggle at her. She waved off their surprise. “The wine must be affecting me. Loosening my tongue more than it should,” the Queen said and then to their surprise she giggled. “Sometimes it’s a good thing girls, it can take his edge off if you’re not in the mood...and it quiets him down.”

  Zara shook her head. “He's not sleeping around, honest. I was there when she tried, he just ignored it. Boy was she pissed!” Deidra looked confused.

  “He’s not really into you girls,” Wanda said slowly. “No offense. It's partly focus on his work, and I know it's well, the makeup, dresses, and the politics,” she said. The natives looked a little restless. “And yes, the age...” she shrugged as Diedra frowned. “We also have a standing order not to well, fraternize with you folks. He's leading by example I guess.”

  “All work and no play makes jack a dull boy,” Sue murmured. Charlie giggled, and then translated the metaphor for the natives. “Still it's not good he's working himself so hard,” Sue finally said with a scowl.

  “So says you. Isn't that a case of a kettle and a dark color Doc?” Charlie teased. Sue hit her with a pillow, making her guffaw and laugh as she ducked away.

  “So what do I do if I want to see if he's the one?” Deidra asked, shoulders hunched.

  “Well, first you need to get through his defenses.” Charlie said.

  “Sneak attack right,” one of the inebriated girls giggled.

  “Ah the fine art of seduction,” the Queen murmured wickedly. “Men only think they have sneaky down,” she grinned a feral grin.

  “He's so intent on getting us home and not giving up, he's missing the best thing he may ever have. Even if you weren't all that inviting to begin with,” Sue said. “No offense princess,” she said looking at Deidra. Charlie nodded. Deidra sighed.

  “Will I be able to get through his defenses like that? To my people I am...” She hugged herself as her face grew stony. “Damaged,” she admitted darkly. Zara shivered. She was in the same position. The gaijin didn't know how badly they needed Ryans now.

  “Won't be a problem for him,” Charlie said and then shook her head. “Hmm... no come to think of it, it might be. If he thinks you’re coming on to him cause you feel indebted to him, or cause you're being forced, it'll shut him down fast. The man's got an honor streak, I'll give him that, stubborn too. He'll be so worried about you being hurt that he'll be turned off too,” she said. She took another sip of wine.

  “Sneaky like she said,” Zara said nodding.

  “Oh hell no, the guys from our world know now who's really sneaky... Which will make your job even harder,” Sue said then sighed. “He's so smart he's dumb.”

  “He's rich, very rich. He's probably had women come on to him and might be wary of that too,” Charlie said.

  Sue frowned. “Talk to him. Flirt a little. Go there when it's cold ,wearing something skimpy and revealing. Don't expect much. Hell, don't push him too hard at all. Shiver a little, remember the jacket?” Deidra nodded and then brightened. Yes, Ryans was protective. Getting his protective instincts going might be the crack in his armor she needed.

  “He's protective, all men are... or at least good men.” Charlie nodded. “Not the bad ones, the bastards that raped you,” she grumbled darkly. The Queen's eyes flash. She gave her daughters a look. Zara flushed.

  “Something lingering there? I know you haven't talked much. I haven't had the time to set up a counseling session. I know you both probably need it.” Sue said giving each princess a look. Deidra flushed. “It wasn't your fault you know. You couldn't have stopped it. Or prevented it. If you had you would have likely ended up with your throat slit like your brother,” she said. The girls pale at this. Zara l
ooked to her mother, eyes shiny with unshed tears. Sue plowed on in drunken honesty.

  “Hell, I bet most of our guys have nightmares too,” Charlie said. “It wouldn't surprise me at all if Ryans does,” she said. Zara gave her a disbelieving look. “Well, they do. But it’s a dual edged thing. Some may be upset that they weren't in time to prevent it, or upset their dark side liked the idea.” She grimaced. “He's from our world. Women have made men much more sensitive. They aren't all dumb jocks, no sirree, Ma’am. Sorry,” she said and hiccupped. “We're pretty advanced when it comes to sexual mores; we've played all sorts of games.”

  The Queen snorted in amusement. “I take it damsel in distress and rescuing are common?” she asked with a slight smile.

  “Okay, I take it we're not as advanced on the role playing front as we believed,” Charlie said giggling. Sue giggled as well for a moment, blushing as she remembered some of her own games.

  She studied Deidra’s face as she sobered. Deidra looked away. She was trying to be stoic but Sue could see right through it. “That's part of it isn't it?” Deidra looked away biting her lip. “In some small way your body enjoyed it so you feel betrayed,” Sue said softly. Deidra nodded then sobbed into her mother’s embrace.

  Her mother rocked her. Zara hugged her side. “It's natural honey. All part of human nature,” Sue said. “It's a survival instinct built into us.”

  Deidra was surprised by her mother's ready embrace. Her eyes pricked with tears. Her mother hadn't hugged her in many years, not like this.

  “It's your body and sub consciousness defending you. We call it Stockholm syndrome,” Charlie said.

  “Did you ever play that way? I know they say good girls don't but we have a habit of doing what others don't expect,” Sue asked when the girls quieted down.

  “What do you mean?” Deidra asked looking up. She used the side of her hand to dash her tears. Her mother handed her a hanky. She smiled her thanks and used it to wipe at her runny makeup.

  Sue snorted. “What do you think I mean? D.I.D., Damsel In Distress like your mother said.” She got up and hammed up. She pressed her hand to her brow, “Oh Romeo save me,” she hammed. Charlie giggled a little, so did a few of the ladies, albeit uncertainly. Sue straightened and smiled. “Its role play for us. Save the damsel win the girl, or vice versa. Your mother just mentioned it a moment ago.”

  Zara goggles again. “You mean...”

  Charlie laughed. “Oh hell yeah, guys get into all sorts of games, and being the bottom can be fun. After all we all know who really calls the shots right girls?” She looked around and caught a few lurking grins. “Might as well make it official. Why I remember tying my last boyfriend to the bed... boy did we have a good time! I didn't let him up all weekend...” She smiled wickedly. “I think he walked bow legged for a couple of days afterward,” she snickered as the other girls laughed. “The boys ribbed him for a while but he loved it.”

  Sue pummeled her with a pillow. “Braggart.”

  When they calmed down Sue caught one of each of the girls' hands in her own. They looked at her, uncertain and vulnerable. “Just remember, you’re a survivor. That's the important thing. You survived, and you'll go on and grow stronger for this. That's the important thing. Don't be ashamed of it. If you do, if you let others judge you on this it will haunt you for the rest of your life in the worst ways possible,” she sighed. “Besides, the bastards are dead, you're still here and the best revenge is living long enough to spit on the bastards' graves and live a good life. Okay, lectures over, I'm too drunk for more philosophy crap now.” She shook her head as she released their hands.

  “Invade his space. Be nice. Get a back rub or give one, show concern for his welfare. Give him a shoulder rub... if he lets you. I tried; he wouldn't let me for some reason.” Charlie frowned and then shrugged. He could be gay but she was fairly certain he wasn't. “Get frisky with him, rough house. Wrestle. Tickle him. Go for a walk, or eat dinner with him sometime. His defenses will be down if he's exhausted but he'll be a bit snippy and quick tempered. Be patient with him and try not to take anything personally. Let nature take its course and don't be dismayed by setbacks. But be nice and go slow!” Charlie cautioned.

  “What about playing hard to get? Shy?” the Queen asked. They both shrugged. “It is hard to get a guy's attention if you’re running away. Especially in this time, under these conditions, and with their past behavior between them,” Sue said shrugging. “Since he's avoiding the entire idea, it won't wash.”

  “Alcohol or an aphrodisiac might work, but he doesn't drink...and that could backfire. Listen to him, just listen. Ask questions to get him going, but get interested. You may be surprised; he's very intelligent, and very sweet. He's also got a wicked sense of humor,” Sue said then fell back onto the pillows. She hit her head on the edge of something hard and groaned. The girls fell into fits of giggled as she moaned an ow.

  “Okay, what the heck do you put in that wine! Geesh!” she groaned.

  “What if he strays later?” Deidra asked, biting her lip. Her hands twisted, tying the silk pillowcase in her hands into a ball.

  “He will,” a lady said.

  “He won’t. Or probably won’t. Different culture,” Charlie said loyally.

  “He was with you,” Deidra said, looking at Sue darkly.

  “Me? Oh hell girl, that was a doctor patient thing,” Sue said waving a hand drunkenly in dismissal. “He's hung nice I admit, but that's all you'll get out of me. Nice ass,” she said wickedly. “But no, I never got a leg over, nor do I intend to. He's nice but not really my type,” she said finally, shrugging under Deidra's thoughtful gaze.

  “He hasn't done any of us,” Charlie admitted, looking at Wanda who shook her head in confirmation.

  “What of you and father, you said he strays mother?” Zara asked quietly. The Queen looked at her then patted her thigh.

  “Your father and I were betrothed early in life,earlier than you. I was still a child when I wed him,” she grimaced in pained memory. Gently she put such concerns aside. “Perhaps that's why he got into the habit. But I knew I had to bind him to me to keep him and the Imperium safe.”

  Deidra looked at her. She smiled. “I flirted a little in court. It would set your father on edge, the jealousy of the man!” she smiled a feral smile. “He had it out with me and we separated. This was before either of you were born.” Zara looked at her wide eyed.

  She looked thoughtful, almost wistful. “After a time, his temper cooled and he longed for me. He started writing missives that were passed to me.” She smiled in tender remembrance. “Quite horrid poems, but sweet in their own way. Over time we made up. The passion of it was quite... invigorating,” she grinned wickedly as the girls blushed. “I dare say that's how you came to be dear one,” she patted her eldest's leg.

  “So he'll stray,” Zara said still a little amazed.

  “He won’t,” Charlie said.

  “He may,” the Queen said, giving both a quelling look.

  “It's in their nature,” Sue said sighing. Charlie gave her a curious look. She shrugged. “Men, it's part of their genetic programming, to spread the seed as far as possible as often as needed.” She shrugged. “And their sex drive...well.” She chuckled. “Fun as it is for some, it can be a burden at times.”

  The Queen nodded knowingly. A few of the other ladies did as well.

  “Women's sex drives don't hit until they're in their thirties. Boy can we get frisky then,” Sue grinned wickedly at the girls. “It can be fun.”

  “Eugene is from our world, he of course knows all this. Like I said, he's so smart he's dumb. He's also something of a strategist so don't get too cute or he'll see right through it. But if you can get him into bed ,screw him into the floor boards and then do it over and over again until he's yours. Do it every chance you two can get and he'll be yours forever and always. If he's half as experienced in bed as he is with other things then he knows exactly how to pleasure a woman in bed. Pleasure her and d
o it over and over again,” Sue said.

  The girls giggled. Now the Queen was staring at her daughter. “If I was but a few years younger I'd give you a run for your man,” she said wickedly. That had all of them laughing so hard they teared up.

  “And on that note, I'm for bed. Make sure you drink plenty of water or juice, or you’re in for a nasty hang over. Don't say I didn't warn you.” Sue said, trying to point her finger as she staggered up to her slippered feet.

  “I'll just make sure you get to your room intact. No sense seeing you fall for some soldier in a hallway Doc,” Charlie said smiling. Sue snorted.

  “Ladies, good night,” she slurred giving a drunken curtsy as they left. Deidra looked thoughtfully toward the door for a long time as the others murmured around her. She had a lot to think about.


  Deidra checked on Ryans in his quarters the next day. When she noted his exhausted face she immediately felt a small concern. She ordered food, and got him to eat with her. Eventually they were interrupted much to her ire. She suppressed it and left.

  Charlie met her with bated breath. “How'd it go princess?” she asked, eyes shining.

  Deidra sighed, running her hand through her hair. “Well, until we were interrupted. He was explaining some of the plans and inventions when we were interrupted by the page.”

  Charlie nodded. “It's to be expected. Remember, go as slow as slow. Check on him tonight, make him stretch, rub his shoulders, dress nicely, and get him out on the balcony. Look at the stars, invade his space. Make him go to sleep,” she said. “Just don't expect much in his current condition.” Deidra chuckled.

  “It's too bad you couldn't tell him you want to sleep with him to feel safe,” Charlie murmured. Deidra gave her a wide eyed look. Charlie shook her head. “Wouldn't work. He'd either see right through it and call you on it or point out you've got a castle full of soldiers,” she said. Deidra looked a little crestfallen.


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