Princess Rescue Inc

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Princess Rescue Inc Page 52

by Chris Hechtl

  “Something like that. But not quite what you folks do. I don't think he's into romantic notes and poetry and such. Not really into dropped hankies and whispered promises and such. Men are saps, easily led if you are careful. Your mother's been a bit heavy handed and he knows it, resents it and he's frustrated and digging in his heels. You just have to learn how to push their buttons. A little less stick, a little more carrot is in order. Just remember he's a hands on sort of man. He hates going to balls and parties, he's not into playing dress up and he seriously doesn't like to be told what to do,” she smiled patting Deidra’s hand. Deidra chuckled. The Queen did to.

  They looked up to see her smile tiredly at the edge of the bed. “I heard,” she held up a hand. “I could see in his eyes he was angry. I decided it was better to let the matter pass rather than push him into rebellion we would both later regret,” the Queen said.

  Wanda chuckled. “He's never been an outgoing sort since I started working for him. He always ditched the company parties anyway for the lab first chance he could,” she smirked. “I think he's not big on groups, dressing up or dancing, or all three. Some men truly hate it.”

  The Queen nodded chuckling. “Andreas did. He still does,” she said smiling fondly in memory. Wanda looked to her. Wanda got up and murmured politely and then left. She came back with a chair for her majesty a moment later. The Queen smiled her thanks and lowered herself onto it. “These old bones cannot handle that as easily as they used to," she sighed, rubbing at her thighs and calves.

  “And Troy! If he trod on my toes one more time!” she gushed as she bent over, taking off her footwear then stretching her toes. She rubbed at them, groaning softly. Wanda noted it and came over. She looked at the black and blue swollen toes and then ordered a nurse to bring hot water and a foot bath for the Queen. Hastily the nurse rushed off.

  Deidra chuckled as her mother groaned in sheer relief when the water bath arrived. “My Imperium for a foot bath,” she said softly as the nurse retreated. “Many thanks,” she said almost naturally.

  Her daughter giggled, patting her mother's hand. “I'm sorry I couldn't be there mother,” she said. Her mother noted the bandaged wrist. Her eyes cut to her daughters and then she nodded. “Your place is here, as is mine. It took me some time to realize we were torn.”

  “Will Zara be okay on her own?” Deidra asked concerned.

  “Oh she'll be okay. Most of the bachelor men are on her like flies. The distraction will do her good,” the Queen said with a knowing sigh. She rolled her shoulders. “Your man isn't too happy with me. He'll get over it,” she sighed again. “Needs of the people and the court must take precedence over your own heart's desires,” she said. “He will have to learn that as you and I have if he is to survive the coming time and prosper.”

  “I don't think it is as much that as being forced into it mother,” Deidra said slowly. “Wanda's right; he has a temper and is protective of his rights and of me.” She wriggled a little as she realized that. A soft smile touched her lips. “Protective of me and what I think up to a point. We've been friends but taking it slow, I haven't pushed it. I suppose I should have but we've both been busy and too tired to do anything,” she sighed shaking her head. “I wanted to get the measure of the man and I've liked what I have seen. He'll do. I also wasn't sure what was going to happen. Whether he will stay and if it'll be necessary to do this... to go this route. I'm not sure I am ready,” she grimaced.

  Her mother took her turn to pat her daughter’s hand. “I know dear. I know. Dear me, when I was first told I was to marry your father...” She shook her head. Deidra’s eyes were wide. “Oh I was fascinated with him, and had flirted in court functions but to be wed to him? The strength he seemed to exude, the rage, the charisma... he seemed to release them all and it was truly breath taking, but so were the risks!” She waved to indicate the castle.

  “I'm not sure it's that at all,” Wanda said coming over to them. She checked the King's vitals and then turned. “Ryans is used to power. He's a multi billionaire on our world. That's I guess you could say a super merchant or merchant prince or lord here. Able to buy entire countries like yours if he wanted. Tens of thousands of people look to him for leadership. Women were falling at his feet. But he didn't like it, I think,” she said with a frown and then shrugged.

  “I was hired by him a long time ago and I've got to know him over the years. Since I was on the team I trained with him day in and day out. You get to know a guy a little, he's like a brother to me,” she said, answering the Queens questioning look. “I remember when a super model tried to seduce him,” she snorted. “Oh, she was beautiful, one hot mama as the guys say, and most guys would be all over her drooling and pure putty in her hands. They would have showered her with gifts and she would have just smiled and left them wanting more. But he's not like that. At first I thought it was because he was gay,” she said. She shook her head. “He's not, I can say that for certain now. He driven, focused. And he doesn't like suck ups or people chasing him for power. It pisses him off no end he said. He's also used to getting his own way, one way or another.”

  The Queen looked thoughtful. “And now he's in the reverse. And being forced into it.”

  “Yeah, it's not a good idea to force him. Push too hard and he'll do something we'll all seriously regret,” Wanda sighed. “He has a temper. Normally it's slow to get to a boil but right now it is about to boil over. He's not known for rash acts but his rage is damn scary.”

  The Queen's eyes narrowed. “A word of warning I will try to take in mind. But time is short,” she sighed, head back, eyes closed for a moment. After a minute she opened her eyes and directed her glance to her daughter. “Go to him. Feel out his heart and see if he's the one,” she said looking to Deidra. Deidra straightened.

  “He's not in actually,” Wanda said looking from one to the other. They looked to her in surprise. She shrugged. “I overheard him talking with Perry on the radio,” she said. She tapped her bluetooth. “He's going to check on some thefts they've had,” she explained. The Queen nodded.

  “Are you ready yourself?” Wanda asked, looking to Deidra. The young woman blinked then blushed. “I mean ready to get back in the saddle,” Wanda sighed. “I know Doc's been counseling you and Zara but it may be too soon for you. Some people become inhibited for years after the trauma...” She waved her hands helplessly. “You know.”

  Deidra nodded.

  “Some end up in a relationship after the... event... but end up frigid or cold if their partner does or says something that triggers a flashback,” Wanda said grimacing. “A flashback can be even more damaging than the actual event; it lingers and builds in your mind for ages. And some men here may think you’re tainted. You’re not you know,” she said. “I know Eugene doesn't think of you or Zara in that way,” she said softly. She put her hand on Deidra's arm. Deidra nodded.

  “I was raped as well,” Wanda said softly. The Queen and Deidra stared at her then looked away. “It was in college....ah advanced school,” she shrugged at their expressions. The Queen's face was wooden, Deidra looked taken aback. “It was a date rape actually, I went to a party and a guy slipped me a drug in a drink,” she grimaced.

  “I don't remember much of it. That's one of the side effects. The drug turned you into a doll. Sick really,” she grimaced. “It took me years to get over it,” she shivered. She sighed then patted her lap and looked away for a moment then back. “The first few times were... not good.” She grimaced, looking away. “The nightmares were bad. My partners didn't know and I had a lot of break ups for a while. One night stands. And yeah, I don't like to talk about it, but part of learning to overcome it is to talk about it. To keep it from festering,” she sighed, eyes closed, hands clenched.

  Finally she opened her eyes. “Has he cooked for you?” Wanda asked deciding a change in subject was in order. Deidra’s eyes were wide. She smiled tentatively as Wanda smiled. “Most men from our countries can and do cook to some degree. Most just cook
outdoors on barbeque grills, harkening back to when men played with fire,” she smirked and rolled her eyes. Deidra blinked, uncertain about what she meant. “Some can even clean and sew. It's different where we are from, we women teach our men to be sensitive and independent,” she smiled. “Eugene's actually pretty good when he's not in a hurry. A thing to keep in mind,” she said. She eyed the young woman, then her mother.

  The Queen cocked her head then motioned her daughter to go. Deidra nodded firmly. “He's in the warehouse. Something about more theft,” Wanda said again letting Deidra know. “I'll tell him you're...” Deidra shot her a look, “or not. Okay. Deidra you can't be out and about on that ankle. Every moment you're on it makes it worse and will cause it to take weeks or even months to heal properly.”

  Deidra looked down to her ankle. “Go get changed and then kick back in his room. He's got to be back sometime tonight or tomorrow, the guy needs to sleep sometime,” Wanda smiled. Of course Ryans could stay up all night; he'd been known to do that. Or crash in the camper. The princess chuckled. “He can't avoid you forever after all,” she smiled.


  Ryans went to the warehouse armed and with dragon skin armor. When he arrived Perry shoed him off, “Minor theft ring, no spy ring.” They shooed off gathering crowds. Perry got a call to go back to the boot camp and left.

  Ryans left alone. On the way back to the castle he passed through dark narrow alleys. He had a pair of NVGs on so he spotted the assassins coming in from his front and behind him. There were seven, four in front three in back. He called in an alert just as his gear heard them talking about killing him. “Crap, make that code red,” he snarled. He stepped up the alert, drew his weapon. He fired into the dark at the closest person.

  He killed the two charging men, but the one behind him stabbed him in the back. The vest protected him, absorbing the impact and preventing the blade from penetrating. He spun in place, and got sliced on his arm in the struggle before killing the man with a point blank shot to the gut and chest. The third man was frozen, dagger in his hands. He turned and was shot fleeing. He fell spread eagle to the ground groaning. Three more turned to run. He shot one in leg; the man limped and then fell clutching at his leg and screaming. Guards rounded the corner at run, one guard body checked one assailant knocking him to the ground. The other assailant fought off the other guard killing him with a stab to the throat before he turned to see more men coming at a run. He grimaced and then slit his own throat when cornered by the remaining two soldiers and Ryans.

  Perry arrived at a run, instantly assessing the situation. One wounded man tried to get a weapon, Ryans stepped on his outstretched hand, feeling the bones crunch and the man screamed in pain. He then put the hot muzzle to the man's forehead making the man scream again. They could smell melting flesh as the muzzle branded him. “I'm going to ask you some questions. Answer them. Who paid you,” he snarled, still in full battle mode. The man writhed under his hand and then gasped out "Baron Muchinson". Pissed Ryans looked up as a pair of grim guards came in and pushed him away so they could bind the prisoner.

  Perry looked at him. “I didn't know you had it in you.”

  “I didn't. I had it in here,” he held up the Glock. “The rest was all automatic.”

  “Reload it now,” Perry said as he put the safety on. He grimaced but complied, swapping cartridges. Perry picked up his spent brass and pocketed it.

  Perry insisted on sending a guard with him. He arrived at the stately lit castle and shooed the guard off near his door. The guard noted two of his fellows lounging on pikes nearby, and went over to them to talk. Ryans noted them but didn't recognize the Queen's own until he entered his room. Inside he found Deidra on his bed. She was dressed in the medieval version of a silk summer night gown, modest by modern standards, but quite revealing and daring in her world.


  “I had a feeling I'd be seeing you tonight. Let me guess, mommy dearest put you up to it? Royal order?” he demanded. He got all the confirmation he needed when she looked down and away. “Yeah, thought so. Your father is on his deathbed and your mother sends you out to seduce me,” he said in rich disgust. He was radiating cold rage, still not down from his adrenaline high from the assassination attempt. Right now he wanted to listen to what his bluetooth had captured but everything was forgotten in the heat of this moment.

  Her eyes flashed. “Want to deny the truth?” he asked locking eyes with her. She frowned. He snorted. “I'll give you a hint lady, I can read people well. I can tell from your eyes when you're lying or preparing to lie to me. It's something that our science back on good old Patria, that's Earth you know, they figured it out. Well, scientists and police officers did. I picked it up from grams and from watching TV.”

  “You're such a know it all, you seem to know all the answers,” she said, not able to fight down or resist her own temper. “I've got news for you; you’re not on Patria anymore! This is not Patria!”

  “You're damn right it isn't!” he roared. She blinked shocked by his fury. She tried to shush him but he was up and about pacing. “I know goddamn well you've seen the videos, you've watched movies with Patterson and the others, and you’ve seen pictures and heard us talk. So yeah, I know this isn't Earth, thanks for stating the obvious.”

  “So don't hold us to your standards!” she said trying not to shriek at him.

  “The hopes and dreams, curing disease, personal liberty, Hell a person man or woman can say what they want, worship who they want, carry weapons and has a say in how things is run! Hell lady, its heaven there compared to here! My country has no famine; it's the greatest in the world! We've sent men to walk on the moon, flight, cars, submarines, understanding... you have no concept at all of what you’re asking! The Internet! Information free to anyone at any time!” he snarled. “You can speak your mind and not be punished! People write what they think and feel and discuss it openly! They discuss their leaders and vote on them! Reading and writing are universal. Anyone can learn. Schooling is mandatory!”

  He threw his hands up in the air. Her head was swimming with the concepts he was throwing at her all at once. She'd heard and seen it in the videos, heard it from some of the other gaijin but never really understood his feelings on it until now. If it was so great why did they leave? She opened her mouth to say that but he kept rolling on, pacing. “We've got free press, which means people can say things and not have to worry about being punished for them. They can tell others if there is something wrong, point out corruption, and have a say in how things are run!” He paced back and forth. “They can vote, run for office, become leaders... the sky is the limit!” he threw his hands up in the air to emphasize his point.

  She looked amazed then she frowned, fighting tears. He sighed. “Damn that's not fair, god spare me a woman’s tears. It's unfair,” he said feeling like a complete heel. She stiffened in rage once more.

  He turned his back on her and then he absently took off his armor. She looked up and was awed by his rippling muscles. She looked away for a moment and then covetously looked back. He still had his back to her, what she saw, took her breath. She'd seen scars, she'd seen rippling muscles but she'd never quite seen something like this. He was etched, firm and strong, with every muscle standing out and little if any fat.

  Then he turned slightly and she noted his bloody arm. Instantly she was at his side, grabbing it to look. She had a fit but he brushed her concern off. She stared at him intently, unhappy and not about to let him go or get away without telling her what happened. He sighed. Carefully he told her of the assassins, including the confession and that Baron Muchinson had put them up to it. She was instantly upset and outraged, ready to track the man down and arrest him. He shook his head. “I've got something else in mind. Perry took charge of the two surviving assassins and we'll have video confessions from them. He was bagging any evidence and if the baron was stupid he left his fingerprints behind. Then again, the baron probably didn't know abo
ut fingerprints now did he?

  “We, the healer must attend to you!” Deidra said and then bit her lip. She didn't want a third party intrusion but the cut was long albeit shallow. He brushed off her demand for him to wake Doc. “Over a scratch like that?” he asked pulling out his own first aid kit. He grimaced as he cleaned the wound, angling his arm so he could see it in the best light available. “I've had worse. Hell, when the plane crashed...” He paused in memory; and then grimaced again and went back to work, not meeting her eyes. He flinched when the alcohol hit the cut, it stung like hell as it foamed. The pain was actually a good distraction from his suddenly raging hormones and adrenalin. It wasn't fair, he'd had too much thrown at him at once and the brush with death had his hind brain wanting to celebrate life in the worst possible way. He couldn't afford to do it, not now, not with her.

  She looked at him. “Go on, plane?” she asked. “That flying thing?” she asked, wrinkling her nose. It looked terrifying.

  He shook his head as he sewed up the wound. She wrinkled her nose and looked away. So, he could sew a part of her mind thought, just as Wanda had said. “No, bigger. Cessna actually,” he replied softly. “My parents.”

  He sighed when he realized she wanted the full story. He told her of how he and his parents were flying to a vacation spot when they had engine trouble. The engine cut out in the mountains in bad weather and they crashed. He was the only survivor. He had a broken, lacerated arm. He was forced to live at the crash site with the bodies of his frozen parents until help arrived. He sighed. “The biggest screwed up thing was I got a huge inheritance and insurance check for the whole damn thing. My parents had taken out multimillion dollar policies on themselves and then there was the plane insurance too. And there were quite a few people inquiring about that.”

  He grimaced in painful memory. “I was thirteen. I had to wait five long years to get the money. I had all sorts of people after me for it. Women too, money and power.” He scowled blackly. “You have no idea what kind of ego stroking it is to have a twenty-one year old seduce you when you are fourteen! And then I overheard her talking with her friends, how she was only after me for the money. Quite the letdown,” he growled. It was painful, remembering that he'd lost his virginity to someone like that. He looked over to her. “So yeah, I'm not at all happy about this.”


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