East Pender Boxed Set: Cozy Mystery Series Bundle of Books 1-14

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East Pender Boxed Set: Cozy Mystery Series Bundle of Books 1-14 Page 55

by Leona Fox

  Just after Kelly had shaken away her encounter with Bob she ran into Ellen who had a worried look on her face. There was much that Kelly wanted to share with her friend. They had had little opportunity to talk in recent days since she had been so busy with Mickey and Matthew and Ellen had been busy with, well, being interviewed she imagined.

  “I can't believe you didn't tell me more about this. I had to find out with the paper!” Kelly said when they met. Ellen had an apologetic look on her face.

  “I'm sorry, I just had other things on my mind.”

  “Other things! You get interviewed by the paper and you don't even invite me along! I could have given them a few interesting stories myself. What have you been distracted with anyway? There's not another case is there? If I find that you've been working on something without me I shall be very cross!” Kelly said, wagging a finger in Ellen's face.

  Ellen sighed and looked around, then pulled Kelly into an alleyway. Kelly suddenly looked worried at Ellen's serious demeanor.

  “You are, aren't you?” Kelly continued, “Look, I know you think that it's too dangerous and I know I've been busy recently but I don't want to be kept out of the loop like this. I love working on these cases with you and I don't want to lose that just because I'm married. I've spoken about it with Matthew and he understands.”

  “It's not like that Kelly,” Ellen began, but Kelly was too worked up and continued her rant until Ellen grabbed her by the shoulders and forced her to stop.

  “The case is about you, Kelly. It's about you,” Ellen said, and wished that she had been able to tell her in a gentler way.

  “What do you mean?” Kelly asked.

  Ellen told her all about the riddle she had found at the wedding and the subsequent notes that had been left all over town.

  “I'm sorry I didn’t tell you before but I didn't want to worry you. You didn't need something like this to distract you so soon after you've been married. And I wasn't even sure if it was going to be anything serious. It could just have been some sick joke or a harmless delusion. I should have told you, but I hope you understand why I didn't.”

  “So somebody has been leaving me these things all across town? Huh, who knew that I could have driven someone to such lengths? Guess I've still got it even though I'm married,” she said with a playful look in her eyes, but Ellen was far from impressed.

  “Kelly, this isn't a joking matter. You need to take this seriously. Whomever this person is they're obsessed with you and they're not going away anytime soon. I'm telling you this now because I'm worried. I don't want to see you get hurt. You're going to need to be careful and we need to have a talk about this.

  You didn't see the park. They burned all the flowers and they did it for you, because they think you two are destined to be together. So what do you think he is going to do when they realize you're not meant to be together? I think you should tell Matthew about it as well, and you're going to have to meet me and Andy at some point to talk about potential suspects. Someone in this town is obsessed with you and it's not going to be over anytime soon. We're treating this as a dangerous matter now, and you should, too.”

  “Then I'm glad you told me,” Kelly said gravely, although she wasn't quite sure what she should think. Ellen hugged her tightly and then left, while Kelly made her way back home in a daze.

  Chapter 6

  Kelly returned home. This time she avoided contact with the town’s residents as much as possible. The things that Ellen had told her made her feel vulnerable, as though her life had been invaded. She had opened up her wedding to everyone to express her appreciation for the communal spirit of the town, and the thought that somebody had been lurking with these things on their mind was sickening.

  Anyone could have been the culprit, and as she walked along she got the sense that there were gazes lingering on her, or was she just imagining things? The last thing she needed was for paranoia to take hold of her but it was impossible to think of anything else. Soon enough she found that her legs were moving as quickly as they could for she was afraid to stay outside for too long, and she wanted to get home to her husband.

  When she got home she closed the door behind her and leaned her head against it, breathing in a sigh of relief. After spending a few moments like that she went to her studio to drop off the paint supplies. Then she moved into the front room, where Matthew was reading. He said hello as he turned the page, but made no motion to go toward her. She went to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of water. Then she returned to the lounge, moving in and perching herself on the edge of the seat, holding the glass in between her hands. There she stayed, trying to figure out how to broach the subject with Matthew. Eventually he noticed she had an odd expression on her face. He put the book down beside him and leaned forward.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I don't know, I don't think so,” she said.

  “What's the matter? You seemed fine when you went out. Did something happen?”

  “Yeah, kinda, I ran into Ellen,” she began, and then repeated what Ellen had told her.

  As Matthew listened to her his face turned into a scowl and he rose, anger flowing through his body. As Kelly told the story her voice became hollow and detached for it seemed surreal that she was the subject of such a thing. Matthew was seeing red and seething as he paced along the floor.

  “Well, do they have any idea who is doing this? Do you?!” he said in a harsh, accusatory tone.

  “What do you mean by that? No I don't know who could be doing this. It could be anyone.”

  “Yeah, of course it could,” he said bitterly.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I'm sorry, forget I said it.”

  “I don't think I can. What did you mean by that?” she said.

  Matthew's anger had cooled as he knew that he had said something wrong, and he looked at Kelly with regret.

  “I just...you know, you've always been...friendly with men,” he said, his voice trailing away. Kelly threw up her hands and shook her head.

  “I'm sorry!” he protested, and fell to his knees, clasping her hands in his.

  “You can't blame me for being annoyed at hearing someone else has designs on my wife.”

  “No, I don't. But you don't have to make it sound like it's my fault,” she said.

  Kelly was almost tempted to wrench her hands away from him but she had enough self-awareness to know that she was feeling frustrated at the situation, not at him. The last thing she needed was a fight, and she certainly didn't want their first fight as husband and wife to be over this. He rose and sidled into the seat next to her, holding her tightly.

  “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm just...it's hard having the most beautiful woman in the world as your wife,” he said, kissing the side of her head. The compliment made her smile but the attitude still troubled her.

  “You're only like this because you've been cheated on in the past. I don't want that to overshadow what we have. You know you can trust me, and you know I'd never do anything to hurt you. I love you. I wouldn't want to be with anyone else ever and you have to know that. I don't mind a little jealousy. It's nice to know you care, after all, but you're making this about yourself, about how you feel. I'm the one who has been targeted.”

  “I know. I'm sorry, Kelly, it was my mistake and I shouldn't have made it about me. I'll do better in the future. I'll be better. But I'm here for you, whatever you need. I'll keep you safe and whomever this person is I won't let them do anything to you. How are you feeling right now?”

  “I'm scared,” she said, allowing herself to melt into his strong, caring arms.

  She buried her head in his chest and breathed in his strong masculine scent and tried to forget there was someone out there stalking her, watching her, lusting after her.

  “I'm worried. I'm freaking out that this person has been around me before and I've not known anything about it. How can I go on like this? I was just walking home after Ellen told me and it felt as tho
ugh everyone was after me. I couldn't see anyone without thinking, 'Is it them?' How can I go on like that? It's driving me crazy just thinking about it,” she said, her voice trembling with raw emotion. Matthew pulled her close to him and caressed her gently, soothing sounds filling the air.

  “Whatever happens, whoever it is, you and I are in this together. Your problems are my problems and nothing is going to break us apart. And remember, you have the super-sleuth Ellen Thatch on the case. So there's no way anything bad is going to happen to you.”

  He cupped her head in his hands and kissed her deeply on the lips. The tenderness of his kiss and the warmth of his love soothed her anguished soul and she felt a little more relaxed. She nestled against him and blinked back the few remnants of the crystal tears that had formed in her eyes due to the ordeal. Her mind still was rampant with thoughts about potential suspects, although she tried to not think about it too much. The thought that somebody she knew could harbor these desires was unsettling. Then, there was a knock at the door that made them both jump.

  “Oh, it's Mickey, I forgot!” Kelly said, leaping up and out of Matthew's arms. Kelly's husband looked perturbed and frowned.

  “Are you sure that's a good idea? Do you really think you're up for this right now?” he asked. Kelly paused at the door with a thoughtful look on her face.

  “Right now I'd just like to keep things as normal as possible. I could use the distraction anyway. I've been enjoying having a protégé. It's the best thing for me right now,” and with that she opened the door to find Mickey standing there looking more sharply dressed than usual.

  He had had a haircut and was standing straighter than usual, although he still had his satchel slung over his shoulder. There was an overpowering scent of aftershave hanging in the air as well, stifling Kelly as she breathed. She welcomed the young man into the house and told him she just needed a second to get ready, and to wait in the lounge with Matthew.

  When Mickey entered he stiffened and exchanged an awkward nod with Matthew, who eyed him suspiciously. Under the glare of Kelly's husband Mickey turned a shade of red and swallowed hard.

  “How are you today, Mickey? Are you enjoying spending all this time with my wife?” Matthew asked.

  “I...um...it's been a great help. I'm learning a lot from her,” he stammered out.

  “Kelly tells me you don't have a girlfriend. I find that strange. I'd have thought a man who dresses up like that would do so for a woman,” Matthew continued.

  Mickey flinched at the statement as he had told Kelly that in confidence and felt betrayed that she had shared his secret. He didn't get a chance to answer, though, as Matthew continued with his line of questioning. He stepped closer into the young man's personal space and, although Mickey was taller, Matthew was more intimidating. Mickey shrunk inside himself and felt the heat rise around him.

  “You're a smart boy. Do you like riddles?” he asked pointedly. However, before Mickey could answer Kelly returned to the room to hear the last question and admonished Matthew.

  “Leave him alone, he's just a kid,” Kelly said. Matthew glared at her, then Kelly led Mickey away.

  “I'm sorry about that. We're just dealing with a...situation,” Kelly said when they were out of earshot of her husband. However, Mickey barely was listening to her as the previous words were ringing around his head.

  'Just a kid.' The words stabbed at his heart and made him nauseous. He didn't want to be a kid to her. He wanted her to see him as he really was, a man. They walked into the studio and Mickey licked his lips, trying his hardest to summon up the courage he needed to go through with what he had planned. But at first Kelly spoke of art and they lost themselves in the world they both inhabited, splashing the paint on the canvas and creating worlds of their own, worlds that were a reflection of reality and the truths that inhabited the oblivion of the soul.

  All while he painted Mickey gazed at her, and yet she did not see him. He listened to the melody of her voice and let himself drift away on the golden words. His heart raced, growing fiercer with every moment. He was sure he never would feel the same about anyone else again, or that anything could compare to the intensity of his ardor.

  “Are you and Matthew having problems?” Mickey asked, almost scared to say the words but they were out of his mouth before he knew it.

  Kelly stopped painting for a moment, surprised that he would ask such a question. While she had been inquisitive about his personal life he rarely had asked questions, and mostly had been content with letting her lead the conversation.

  “No, not at all. I just received some news that had put a strain on us all,” she said, trying to be as vague as possible because she wanted to use this session to distract herself from the problem, not to talk about it anymore at length.

  “Oh. Is there anything I can do to help you?”

  “Just continue with your painting,” she said, smiling, and then excused herself from the room.

  While she was gone Mickey reflected on her words and wondered if there was anything he could say to make her see him for what he really was. But then he supposed there was only one way she could see; if he showed her. So while she was gone he went to his satchel and pulled out the gift he had brought for her. When she returned, Kelly found him holding some sheets of paper.

  “What have you got there?” she asked.

  “They're, um, I made them for you. They’re for you. Just as a, sort of, well, to say thank you for everything you've done for me and the time you've taken and, well, yeah,” he said, holding out his hand and looking away, afraid of what may happen when she saw.

  She took them from him, pursing her lips slightly as her curiosity rose, then, as she turned them over, a wide smile appeared on her face and made Mickey feel like the happiest person around.

  “Mickey, these are wonderful, thank you!” she said.

  She was looking at pencil drawings of herself. There were five in all, depicting a variety of expressions. Aside from a few self-portraits she had drawn when she was younger she never had seen herself like this. Seeing her reaction spurred Mickey on and with that he found he had a new source of courage. He approached her, standing directly in front of her as she looked at his gifts.

  “I'm glad you like them. They aren't just to say thank you, though. They're also to say...well...the thing is Kelly I...I love you.”

  The words had been building up inside of him for what seemed like an eternity and now that they were free it felt as though a weight had been lifted. His soul was soaring and he was so convinced of his feelings that he didn't conceive of anything other than her reciprocation. Yet he crashed to Earth as he heard dreaded words.

  “Oh...that's so sweet of you Mickey, but I think you've got the wrong impression from me,” she said softly, looking at him with pity.

  But then she thought about the secret admirer and looked at him with wariness. Her eyes glanced down at the paper and she stepped back in fear.

  “No,” he began. Having revealed his feelings, he could not let them go so easily and he could not take “No” for an answer.

  “I know it must seem strange because you just have been married but I never have known anyone like you. When I'm here, with you, it's like I belong. For the first time in my life I have found something that makes sense. You're the only person who understands me. Kelly, I can't believe you don't feel the same things I feel. Just trust in your feelings and we can be together.”

  As he professed his love his tone grew more insistent for he couldn't understand why she was acting frightened when he was telling her the most wonderful news, but every one of his steps forward was met with a retreating step of her own. Then, seeing what she could not, he reached out an arm to steady her but she saw it as an aggressive move and lost her balance as she strove to escape.

  She fell into an easel, knocking it over. At the last moment she regained her balance but it gave Mickey the chance to get close. He instinctively grabbed her arm, meaning to steady her, but in her curr
ent state it only frightened her more and she cried out.

  Matthew had been keeping quiet in the lounge. There was something about Mickey that he couldn't quite put his finger on, so he didn't trust him. Still, he couldn't blame the kid, really. Being that close to a beautiful woman would play havoc with the hormones of a young man. And deep down Matthew didn't really believe that Mickey was the admirer, it was surely someone older.

  But then he had heard the clatter of the easel falling over and raced up the stairs, increasing his speed when he heard Kelly cry out. He burst into the studio to see Mickey with his arm on Kelly's arm. Matthew, eyes blazing with anger, pushed Mickey aside and roared as he wrestled the young boy to the ground.

  Chapter 7

  In the aftermath, Kelly was shaking and Mickey was protesting his innocence. Matthew had no patience for him though, and pressed his strong arm across Mickey's face, muffling his protestations.

  “Are you alright?” he asked, turning his face toward Kelly. She nodded and pulled herself up.

  “You are going to answer for what you've done to my wife,” Matthew said, staring directly into Mickey's face.

  The young boy was shaking his head and panic was his eyes. Initially he struggled against Matthew but soon realized he was no match for the older man's strength.

  “What happened here?” Matthew asked. It took a few moments but Kelly recounted the events and began regaining her composure.

  “Do you think he's the one? Is he the one responsible for all this?”

  Matthew raged, pinning Mickey to the floor so securely that Mickey felt the air being pushed out of his lungs. Kelly ran over and pulled Matthew off.

  “No, I don't, I don't!” she said.

  It took a few moments for her words to seep into Matthew's brain, but when they did he dusted himself off and got up.

  Mickey lolled on the floor, gasping, trying to take in lungfuls of air. The raspy breath scratched his sore throat and he didn't understand what was happening. With what little strength he had Mickey crawled across the floor and cowered in a corner, curling up in a ball to protect himself from Matthew’s wrath.


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