Soren's Bondmate

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Soren's Bondmate Page 20

by Mardi Maxwell

  In the last four cycles since the raiders had returned and cleared out the larger chamber she'd used the glow stone to become familiar with every centimeter of her small chamber and both tunnels. Knowing exactly what they looked like had at first increased her sense of security until she'd realized that a small, determined male could get through them. Because of that she'd rigged an alarm of sorts at the entrance to her tunnel.

  It was a simple stick wedged between the two sides of the tunnel. A taut string was tied to it and led to a wood bowl with rocks in it. She'd tested it by bumping into the stick and loosening it. When that happened the bowl and the rocks fell to the floor and made enough sound to alert her.

  The alarm hadn't been triggered so they weren't in the tunnel. She took several deep breaths then when she felt calm she slid off the mats, disarmed the alarm then entered the tunnel. The closer she got to the end the more light she saw

  Male voices and more hammering reached her. Moving closer to the barrier she peeked out. Two large males pounded spikes with long chains attached to them into the back wall of the cave.

  The shorter of the two held another spike against the wall. "This is the last one, Frakyn."

  Frakyn hit it over and over driving it into the wall before he grabbed the chain and tugged on it. "That will hold them, Derrit."

  Derrit added his weight to it. "I didn't think any warrior would fall for Merykh's trap but they did."

  "They're not as smart as we thought they were," Frakyn said.

  Derrit wrapped his arms around himself. "It's colder in here than a Crimeryn enchantress's heart."

  "That's good. The prisoners will spend all their time trying to stay warm instead of trying to escape."

  "There's only four of them so why'd we have to place so many of these?" Derrit tugged on another chain.

  "We're expecting more of their friends to join them." Frakyn began putting his tools away. "Stand back I hear them coming."

  Skye ducked down, leaving only enough room between the edges of her hood to see who was arriving. Her view to the entrance was blocked so she didn't see the four captured warriors until they were herded to the back wall of the cave. From the amount of blood that covered the backs of their cloaks she knew they'd fought fiercely for their freedom.

  Their hands were shackled behind their backs with thick clumps of dark krystal. The largest warrior fought back by head butting Frakyn. Four of the guards jumped him and beat him to the ground while Frakyn placed a collar around his neck. When they stepped back the chain rattled and stretched tight when he lunged toward the guards and he came into view for the first time.

  Tears filled her eyes when she saw Soren. She stared at him, willing him to control himself and stay alive while the guards laughed and jeered. Finally he turned away, ignoring them and she breathed a sigh of relief as the guards moved to Pelyn and his brothers and chained them.

  Once they were subdued Merykh and Arlyn entered. The sight of her sent a thick wave of hatred and rage through Skye and she had to fight the need to attack her.

  Arlyn waved her hands and dark krystal cocooned the warriors from their feet to their necks. She moved to Soren and ran a long fingernail around the black tattoo on his cheek, cutting the flesh and leaving behind a thin line of blood.

  Skye held her breath, waiting to see what she'd do next. Shock ran through her when Arlyn demanded that Soren tell her his name. So many thoughts swamped her she couldn't keep up with them. Why didn't Arlyn recognize Soren? Was this the Kouncil's doing? If so, why?

  Arlyn demanded again, "Tell me your name."

  Soren remained silent.

  Arlyn grasped his head and dug her pointed nails into the tattoos on the side of his head, puncturing the skin. "Where are your manners? Aren't you going to introduce yourself?"

  When he still refused to speak she threw her head back, laughed, and removed her hands. The tips were coated with his blood. "Oh, I like the stubborn ones. They're so much fun to break." She smiled at Merykh then turned back to the warrior. "Perhaps some time spent alone will help you remember your manners." She waved her hands and dark krystal formed around his head, entombing him. She smiled and moved to the next warrior and began questioning him.

  Ten micro-units later all four of the captives were bound in dark krystal.

  "There now," Arlyn said. "No need to feed or guard them. They're not going anywhere until I release them."

  Merykh pulled her close. "This moon rising we'll celebrate their capture. On the new cycle we'll move the other captives in with them."

  "Remember you promised I could keep two of them."

  Merykh jerked her toward him. "Why do you want them? They're noisy and they stink."

  Arlyn laughed. "But so valuable. Don't you wonder what they'd give for their return?"

  "No. Those bands on their arms are a bad omen." Merykh said. "Every time I see them all I can think about is death."

  Arlyn laughed. "The bands are Zarronian. That means they're Zarronian. How much do you think their people would pay for their safe return? We could be rich."

  "Dead people don't need riches. Besides how are you going to contact them?"

  "I need to find their mother and send her as the messenger," Arlyn said.

  "You should have held onto when you had her," Merykh said as he pulled her from the chamber.

  Skye allowed herself a few moments to cry with joy when she heard that Arlyn still had Rilyn and Abrianna and that they were alive. Finally, she crept out from her hiding place. She paused in the deep shadows behind the captives then circled around and checked the opening to the cave to see if they'd posted a guard. When she didn't find one she turned, planted her hands on her hips and said, "This is just great." She moved to Soren, stood on his feet and rapped her knuckles against the side of his krystal encased head.

  He blinked, then smiled.

  "Is this the sort of thing you do when I'm not around to protect you?"

  He grinned and mouthed, "I love you, little heart."

  "It took you long enough to find me." She looked at the opening, making sure they were still alone. "Arlyn has Rilyn and Abrianna. It sounds like they're bringing more prisoners after sun rising and she'll release you from the krystal then. I expect you to behave so we can get on with getting our babies back and then get the heck out of here." She stared at him, noticed his frown and smiled. "Smile if you understand."

  He continued to frown.

  She rapped on the side of his head again. "I said smile if you understand."

  "Stop that," he mouthed.

  "What? You mean this?" She rapped on the side of his head again.

  "Yes," he mouthed.

  She smiled. "Try to get some sleep. I'll see you after sun rising." She waved at him then jumped down. Before she moved away she jumped onto his feet again and said, "I love you, too."

  Once in her room she wrapped up in a fur and sat on the mat and cried with relief while she made plans to get Rilyn and Abrianna.

  # # #

  "Tor," Soren thought. He'd found Skye in the most perilous situation he could've imagined. He had to gain his freedom and get her out of here.

  The quick glimpse he'd gotten of her nearly broke his heart. She was starved and injured but still fighting. Her face had always been alive with her thoughts. Now her beautiful eyes were dull and she favored her leg when she walked. Her left hand looked as if it had been crushed. His Skye was broken and he knew what, or rather who, had hurt her. When he caught up to Arlyn he'd make sure she suffered.

  He tried to turn his head and failed. Cursing the dark krystal he scanned as much of the cave as he could. When he didn't find her he forced himself to take several deep, calming breaths. The entrance to the cave was directly across from him. He knew she hadn't gone through it and he was determined to stay awake and watch for her.

  Many units later she hadn't appeared but Merykh and Arlyn returned and they weren't alone. Five Zarronian warriors carried two Edyn warriors into the chamber and l
aid them down by the wall.

  Twenty of Merykh's raiders guarded them while Frakyn and Derrit chained them. They stood still and let them while they smiled.

  One of the guards took offense. "What are you smiling about?"

  Rolf leaned down. "I’m picturing my axe buried in your skull."

  The guard snapped the collar closed and jumped back. As one all of the guards backed away. They took up a place by the entrance where two workers were busy installing a thick wooden door.

  Arlyn walked around Soren and the three brothers then waved her hands and the krystal around their heads disappeared. Standing in front of Soren she ran her hand down his face from his forehead to his chin. "Such a handsome face."

  "I can't say the same for you," Soren said.

  Eyes blazing with anger she scored his cheek with her fingernail then tasted his blood. "I'm going to enjoy torturing you."

  Merykh laughed and pulled her to his side. "Release them from the krystal."

  Arlyn removed it and Soren's legs began to give out. He stiffened them and remained standing while he watched the enemy.

  The enchantress smiled. "Perhaps four cycles in the dark and lack of food and water will make you more cooperative." She laughed as she walked away with Merykh and his raiders behind her. The last raider out the door locked it.

  Soren stomped his feet and swung his arms, forcing the feeling back into his extremities. When the painful tingling ended he asked, "Does anyone have a way to make fire?"

  "Why bother?" Rolf asked. "Just use your po—."

  "Let's check this place out first," Soren said. "I saw blankets and wood scattered around. Gather what you can reach and let's get a fire going."

  It took a few micro-units and several curses while they ran into each other in the dark but eventually he saw a spark. A small fire grew from it and lit up the chamber.

  "How bad are their injuries?" Soren nodded to the wounded warriors.

  One of the other warriors described the injuries to him.

  "See if you can put pressure on the wounds and stop the bleeding," Soren said.

  Soren leaned forward and made eye contact with Rolf. "Where is your conjurer?"

  He grinned. "Hidden. They'll sense Raina's presence but never find her and Jerret."

  Soren grinned and nodded before he moved his attention to Pelyn.

  "We have no way of knowing for sure if there are listening or viewing devices but I don't think they'd work here anyway," Pelyn said.

  "We'll wait a while anyway. For now let's see if these warriors have learned their lesson about always relying on technology." He moved forward as far as the chain would let him before he turned to face them. "What did the raiders miss when they searched you?"

  They grinned and each held up an item. Most held up knives but a few held up snares and fire starters. All held up food capsules.

  "We still need water." Soren sat down next to Pelyn. "Did you see Skye?"

  "Yes" Pelyn said.

  "I saw her disappear into the shadows but I lost her after that. Did you see where she went?"

  "No. Once she entered the shadows I lost her," Pelyn said. "How is it possible she's managed to stay hidden so long?"

  Soren shook his head. "I'm just thankful I've finally found her. She told me that Arlyn and Merykh have the babies."


  Chapter Twenty-Two

  For the first time in a long time Skye woke feeling rested. She washed her face with cold water then wiggled through the tunnel to the end and lay in the dark listening to the warriors talking.

  She peeked out and smiled when she saw them facing the wall with their backs to the entrance. They'd placed the mats between them and the back wall of the cave and laid the injured warriors on them. Small fires burned in several places reflecting the heat back onto the warriors. Every now and then one of the injured warriors moaned with pain.

  She stood up in the tiny area behind the boulder. Nine pairs of eyes moved her way and suddenly smiles broke out across rugged faces. Some greeted her and others chuckled and continued to smile at her.

  Soren extended his hand toward her as he stood. "Skye, come to me."

  She stared at him while she slid out from behind the boulder. "I want you to agree to my plan to get Rilyn and Abrianna back first."

  "I already have a plan. Now, come here. I've missed you."

  Skye slid along the wall and he and the warriors turned and tracked each step she took. When she was sure they couldn't reach her she laid the stones down and rolled them toward Rolf. He caught them and thanked her.

  She smiled. "How did they catch so many of you?"

  Rolf laughed. "We saw that they had Soren so we pretended to fight them off then surrendered." He shrugged. "We need the rest. Ronin and his unit are keeping watch nearby."

  "I'm glad you're here. We're going to need all of you to get my babies back." Skye moved toward the wounded warrior farthest from Soren. She kneeled down beside him, examined his wounds and held her hands over him. Slowly, small shards of white krystal appeared then rose out of his body and fell to the ground. When she was sure she'd removed all of them she stopped the bleeding and healed the wound.

  She moved to the second warrior, removed the blood soaked bandage from his head and recognized Davyn. There was a large knot on his head with a deep cut across it but she didn't see or sense any krystal in the wound. "What made this wound?"

  "He was clubbed," Rolf said.

  She nodded and began healing the wound from the inside out. It took most of her remaining energy to knit together the fracture before she dealt with the cut. By the time she finished she had to brace her hands on the ground to hold herself up.

  "Pass her to me," Soren said.

  The nearest warrior picked her up and passed her down the line until Pelyn, who was chained next to Soren, handed her to him. Soren wrapped her up in his arms and held her tight.

  She burrowed beneath his cape and nuzzled his neck. "I was afraid I'd never see you again." Her voice broke on the last word. She gulped in a deep breath and began to cry.

  He tightened his arms around her. "It's okay, little heart. We're together again and we'll get our babies back."

  She nodded as her tears ran down his neck. "I need them, Soren. I need my babies."

  Soren conjured a large metal cutter and handed it to Pelyn. "Get this collar off me."

  Pelyn cut it away and Soren held her a long time before he conjured a hairbrush, loosened her braid and began brushing her hair. He made long, slow strokes from the crown of her head to the tips of her hair. Eventually her weeping stopped and she rested against him. He laid the brush down, braided her hair and tied a decorative ribbon at the end. "You need to eat. What would you like? Bread? Meat? Vegetables? Fruit?"

  Her stomach rumbled. "All of it."

  "Stew it is."

  "And, bread with honey." She looked around.

  "Someone needs to check the door in case there's a guard posted outside," Soren said.

  Davyn sent two warriors to check it and stand guard.

  One of them returned and reported, "The door is locked from the outside. We didn't hear a guard or see one through the cracks and there doesn't seem to be any kind of alarm on it."

  "Do they think the chains will hold us?" Rolf asked.

  "That doesn't make sense," Soren said.

  "It does if you know Merykh," Skye said. "His worst enemy is his arrogance."

  "I'm going to create a wall across the back of the cave," Soren said. "Call your other warrior back."

  Davyn nodded and sent the warrior to bring back his companion.

  When they returned Soren created a wall that was a duplicate of the back wall of the cave complete with chains and collars that appeared to have been picked open. He left just enough room for the ten of them to move around.

  Skye poked him. "Food."

  He chuckled and conjured a large pot of stew and a dozen loaves of bread along with a basket of fruit and pitchers of j
uice and water. The warriors closest to the pot ladled food into bowls and passed them out with large chunks of bread. Pelyn poured a tankard of juice for Skye and set it down in front of her along with a pot of honey.

  "It's good to have you back with us," Pelyn said.

  Skye grasped his arm. "I'm so happy to be back." She released him and reached for the spoon but Soren stopped her.

  He lifted a spoonful of stew and touched her bottom lip. "Open up."

  She accepted it, chewed, swallowed and opened her mouth again.

  He took a bite then gave her another one. When the bowl was half empty he pointed toward the boulder. "Tell me what's behind that."

  "A tunnel about forty-two meters long with a small chamber at the end and another tunnel that leads to a ledge with a deep drop off. I threw a stone into it and never heard it hit the bottom. There's also a water seep on the ledge."

  "I can conjure some rope and we can check out the drop off."

  Skye bit off a piece of bread, drizzled honey on it and ate it before she shook her head. "The tunnel is too narrow. Most of you won't fit through it." She chewed the bread. "Merykh's camp is a kilometer from here on a ridge to the south. That's where we need to go."

  Soren smiled. "We'll watch them, locate our children, and get them back. Then we'll attack the camp."

  "We need to move as soon as possible. I'm afraid they'll take them to Crimeryn."

  He slid her cloak away and touched the band on her arm. "Did the other band divide into two?"

  "Yes. I put them on the babies."

  "Good. There's a tracking device in them. If they take them to Crimeryn we can track them. Here on the peninsula our scanners are blocked but we're working on a way to get through it. Thorn will let me know as soon as he figures it out."

  "Your brother is here?" Skye asked.

  "Yes, along with Daria and my parents."

  Skye took the piece of fruit Soren offered her and ate part of it then set it down. "The Kouncil will deal with Arlyn when we inform them about her behavior."


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