Iron Sinners

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Iron Sinners Page 4

by H. J. Bellus

  “I’m serious,” he whispers.

  “Oh, really? Do fill me in as to why I should be so kind to the kidnapping prick.”

  “He saved your life.”

  “OMG. Digger, you are a freaking everyday comedian.”

  “He put his neck out on the line that night in the club. Iceman wanted to kill you. Hell, half the club wanted you dead. You’re just a liability. Grizz put a stop to it. He threw another plan out on the table.”

  My chicken salad suddenly feels like a ton of bricks in my stomach. ‘Iceman wanted to kill you’ replays over and over in my head. He was the one biker that did give me chills. I saw him once at the club and then he came home with Grizz a couple nights ago with two blondes. The assholes kept me up all night with their noise level. It didn’t help matters that Mayley specifically warned me to stay away from Iceman.

  “What, no smartass bitchy response?” Digger asks.

  His harsh tones catch me off guard, and I drop my bowl of food. His easy going caring face has vanished, and now a very pissed off biker sits before me.

  “You know, you may wear fucking fancy suits and shoes, live in the corporate world, be at the top of your game and dominate your high society friends, but I hate to tell you ‘that fucker’ you keep referring to has saved your life twice now. You might want to pull that fucking rod from your ass and come down a notch or two.”

  Chrome is at my feet lapping up all the extra food that fell. Tears start to build in my eyes. I had no idea that Grizz saved me from his own club. What was the other plan? What had he put on the table for the club?

  “Can you tell me?” I whisper?

  “Tell you what?” he sneers.

  “Tell me what Grizz did to save me from the club.”

  “I don’t know, and if I did, I would never tell you, anyway. Mayor doesn’t give anyone a chance to put the club in harm’s way, and that’s exactly what he allowed Grizz to do, just to save your dumb ass. It has all the brothers pissed off at each other.”

  “I won’t call him a fucker again, but my life was taken from me, Digger. Everything I worked for is gone,” I whisper and walk back into the house.

  Digger’s words cut deep, they cut into flesh that I have strengthened over years. I hate Grizz for everything, but I’m thankful for him now. I guess jail is better than death, but they took everything from me. Everything I worked for, not them, and they have the power to just rip it out from under me.

  I flop down onto my bed, and for the first time in a long time I cry myself to sleep because I have no future to worry about, nor a big power move to play. I am done.

  “Piper, wake up,” comes a voice.

  I feel the bed dip and the deep voice keeps talking to me.

  “Piper, you need to wake up.”

  Opening my eyes, I see Grizz sitting next to me on the bed. He’s dressed in his dark jeans, a dark hoodie with his Iron Sinners cut over the top of it.

  “Are you okay?” he asks.

  I try and wipe the sleep from both my eyes and sit up.

  “Why is your pillow wet?”

  “Jesus Christ!” I finally blow. “You haven’t said a word to me in the last six days and now twenty questions? What the fuck do you want?” I demand.

  “Answer my fucking question, Piper. Why is your pillow wet?”

  I’m at the point where I have nothing left to hold on to or lose. Why does it matter if Grizz sees me weak and crying? It’s not like the business world where he would devour my weakness to further his success. No, that world is long gone, and Grizz has made it clear that my business suits, heels, and attitude don’t intimidate him at all.

  I flop back down on the bed. “I cried. Okay? I cried. My life is ruined. I despise you, but apparently you’re the reason I’m alive. Oh, and apparently all the Iron Sinner brothers hate me because I have fucked up the club. I just want to leave and never come back to this nightmare. I cried, that is why the fucking pillow is wet.”

  “Digger?” he asks.

  I nod my head, and let more tears flow. “Don’t yell at him. He was defending you.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ, I’m gonna kill that dumbfuck. What exactly did he tell you?” he asks.

  I open up to Grizz by telling him everything from Digger’s words right down to my despair.

  When I finish, Grizz hangs his head low, and whispers, “This shit ain’t right. I know you’re pissed and hurt, but I’ll never let anyone hurt you, Piper. I can’t tell you anything else. Just know I’ll protect you.”

  “Why didn’t you let me go that night in the hotel? We made a deal,” I confront Grizz, standing up right in front of him.

  “Because I wanted to feel you on me again, and—”

  Grizz’s cell phone goes off, and his message is cut short. There’s a weird feeling tingling in my gut that the second part of his message would not be as highly appreciated as the first part. With a few words, and a nod of his head, Grizz snaps his flip phone shut.

  “We have to head to the club,” he growls.

  All signs of the soft gentle guy talking to me have now vanished. The full on biker, Grizz, is left with one fucking pissed off look covering his face.

  “We?” I ask.

  “Yes, we. Prez just ordered lockdown at the club.”

  “Lockdown?” I ask again.

  One thing I have learned: this club business is a whole new lifestyle with its own language and definitely their own set of rules.

  “Piper, shut the fuck up, grab some clothes, and get on my fucking bike,” he finally roars, as he exits the room.

  “Oh, okay. I’ll just grab some clothes from my wardrobe, fucknut,” I scream at him.

  The sound of Grizz slamming and breaking shit fills the tiny house, and makes me literally ill. Deep down, I can see that Grizz is fighting his own demons and battles, and now I know I’m part of his fight.

  Fuck! I could have said thank you at least, but no, the perfectly trained hardcore ice bitch strikes again. I need to let it go, let it all go and plan to start over from scratch. I sneak into Grizz’s room to steal a fresh pair of boxers and a new nightshirt to sleep in. This is the third set that I have nabbed this week. Oddly enough, I have found his scent strangely comforting.

  “What are you doing, Piper?”

  Jumping back and tumbling onto Grizz’s bed, I scream in sheer astonishment.

  “Oh. My. God. You scared the fuck out of me.”

  “I see that. What the fuck are you doing?” Grizz asks again.

  “Getting some clothes because I have none,” I reply.

  “I thought Mayley gave you some shit.”

  “Grizz, she gave me a pair of scrubs, a mini skirt, and a spaghetti strap tank that she found at the club. The scrubs were the only things clean, the rest was stiff as a board from god knows what. I’m sorry, I’ve just needed…I don’t know what I’m trying to say.”

  “Shut-up, Piper. Get the clothes and let’s go.”

  Grizz pulls me up from the bed, and guides me over to his dresser. He stands behind me while I select a few of his clothes. He leans down and places his lips on the top of my head and gently kisses me.

  “Piper, I’m so sorry this all happened. If I could cut you loose, I’d do it in a heartbeat. The club comes first and always will.”

  “Grizz, you took everything from me. You hurt me, yet in a very strange way I find myself being thankful you’re in my life.”

  I find myself turning in his arms and facing him. Grizz, one of the scariest yet most beautiful men, stands before me. Reaching up, I run my nose along his neck and take in his smell—every ounce of rugged, musky man. This is the smell that lingers on his boxers and the wood of his drawer. The smell I’ve been secretly clinging onto the last several days.

  “Tell me one thing about yourself, Grizz,” I whisper into his skin.

  “Piper, don’t.”

  “I’m here and you have me. You laid everything on the table for me with your club, so now tell me something about you

  Grizz spins us around, slamming my back against the wall. His hands grab my ass and hoist me up around his waist.

  He lowers his face to mine, and begins to speak. “You drive me fucking wild. I haven’t been able to get these red fucking locks off my brain. I have no idea what power you hold over me, but I fucking want you every second of the fucking day. I even fucking googled you just to see more pics of you. So, there’s the one thing you need to know about me, Piper Jones. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my whole entire fucking life.”

  His words leave me speechless.

  “But you’re always leaving and running out on me,” I whisper.

  “Piper, it’s the only way I know how to deal. I want to own every inch of you and then I realize you hate me and hate what I’ve done, so I walk away from—”

  Grizz’s phone goes off once again and our moment is over. He leaves the room while talking to someone, and again I hear shit breaking all over the house. With my two bags packed, I make my way to the front porch. How I missed all the roaring of bikes is beyond me. There are at least ten bikes and loads of bikers littered all over Grizz’s front yard. The scene lying before me is scary and unfamiliar, I instantly find myself frozen with fear but I fight against the fear, and turn to run back in the house when a strange man grabs me from behind. My body freezes when all I want to do is run from him.

  “I hear you suck cock like no other, bitch,” a deep voice rumbles in my ear.

  Hands grab me from behind and push me against a solid brick wall. The man groping me smells similar to rotten garbage. I fight to get free, but he only tightens his hold. The sheer volume of men conversing and arguing is loud enough to drown out my pleas for help. The man spins us around so we’re facing the entrance to the house.

  “I’m going to take you back to your bedroom and you will suck my cock just like any good little club whore would,” he says into my ear as he glides his tongue along the length of my cheek.

  “Let me go now,” I demand.

  I try as hard as I can to throw an elbow to the gut or a knee to the groin, but fail. My body is once again being forced in a direction I don’t want to go. In the last week, I have been maneuvered around like a pawn in an ugly, nasty match. As we pass Grizz’s couch, I try and hook my leg on the corner to stall the man holding me hostage.

  “Bitch, move it. You have a job to do,” he says.

  I don’t even waste my oxygen this time asking him to let me go. Obviously, bikers and the words ‘let me go’ don’t fucking register at all. He shoves me down the hall, opens my bedroom door, and propels me onto the bed. When I get a good look at his face, I realize it’s the brother they all call Iceman, and that’s when I begin to freak out. I scramble to the top of my bed, preparing myself to kick and scream as loud as I can.

  “What’s wrong, little girl? You don’t want my cock in your mouth? I’ll promise to let you leave,” he says, laughing as he unveils his dick.

  “Don’t. Leave me alone!”

  Iceman rounds the bed to my side, lowering himself on the bed. He thrusts his cock into my face. I start thrashing around, within seconds he has me pinned down on the bed and is trying to enter me. Turning my head to the side, I yell for Grizz as loud as I can. Then I scream for Digger.

  The noise level is ridiculously loud, as now some of the men have started their bikes, revving their engines.

  “He ain’t gonna save ya. He’s my brother and we share everything.”

  “Grizz,” I scream again.

  Iceman grabs me by the jaw, pries my mouth open and enters. Trying my hardest, I refuse every ounce of him, biting and clawing at him, but the fucker seems to be enjoying it.

  “Get the fuck off her,” a voice finally roars after what seems forever.

  Iceman is thrown off me, and then a shitstorm of fists fly. I scurry off the bed, and huddle in the corner to avoid any more bikers, cocks, and beatings. After minutes of bone crushing punches are thrown and landed, I hear Grizz finally speak.

  “Get him the fuck out of here now. I don’t want to see his fucking face again.”

  “Got it, Grizz,” Digger replies.

  I keep my head buried down between my legs, willing this whole nasty scene to disappear immediately. I would go back to living on the streets in a heartbeat over this hell.


  I feel a hand land on my knee, and skitter back even closer to the wall.

  “It’s me, Grizz.”

  “Don’t touch me,” I hiss back.

  “I’m going to fucking kill him. What did he do? Why didn’t you scream? Jesus, Piper, did you try and make another deal sucking cock?”

  I look up in time to see Grizz relax back on the wall sitting next to me.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I scream in horror.

  “Well, you do have a track record,” he says, not making contact.

  “You dumb fucker. He attacked me. I was screaming for you and Digger, but you fucking cavemen have to always be revving your fucking engines and hooting and hollering. I yelled! I told him to stop. I fought against him, but he knew that I sucked cock to escape and that you wouldn’t mind sharing with your brother.”

  My hand finds the lamp on the bedside table and I swing it as hard as I can towards Grizz’s face.

  “I. Fucking. Hate. You. I hate him, and I hate your club. Let me go,” I scream as I flail the lamp towards his head.

  Hearing the crunch of the glass meeting his head sends adrenaline rushing through me. Grizz tries to protect his face, but isn’t fast enough. I get one decent hit to his face before he’s up and has me pinned down on the bed.

  “Are you fucking crazy?” he hisses.

  Grizz’s face is covered in blood, which is now dripping onto me. Sheer anger and hatred fills the room and I find myself wanting to fucking slap him.

  “You said you’d protect me,” I whisper.

  “I’m trying, Piper.”

  “You gave your brother permission to stick his dick in my mouth. How’s that trying, asshole?”

  “You really think I gave him permission to do that?”

  “Well?” I ask, trying to push up on his shoulders.

  Grizz collapses on top of me, resting his bleeding face over the top of my shoulder on his grandmother’s daisy comforter.

  “Please get off of me,” I barely whisper.

  “Say it like you mean it, or just shut the fuck up, Piper.”

  Letting his words sink in, I wrap my arms around him and hold him. As fucked up as it may seem, right now he is my protector from the ugliness of the world.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper.

  Grizz punches the mattress and growls in anger. Placing both fists on either side of my head, he raises up from the mattress. His face is absolutely destroyed from the lamp, it’s hard to tell if it’s more blood or actual damage. I wince at the sight of my anger. It landed on the one man who is actually trying to help me. Granted, his help is weird and fucked up, but it’s still the only aid I have at this point. Hours ago, I just learned his club wants me dead, but he put his honor on the line for me.

  My hand grazes the side of his face, trailing along the blood stains. Grizz closes his eyes and lets out an audible sigh.

  “Truce,” I whisper.

  Grizz does not respond. Both of my hands wrap around the back of his neck and I pull him down to me.

  Lip to lip, I whisper, “Truce, Grizz? I’ll respect your fucked-up biker ways, and you will acknowledge my desire to be free and back in the business world where I belong.”

  “Truce,” he whispers, as his lips brush against mine.

  Before the word leaves his lips, they are on mine, hard and wet. I allow it, hell, I embrace him, as he destroys me kiss after kiss. They are not tender kisses, but rather full of need, anger, and desire.

  “Fuck, I want you, Piper,” he breathlessly whispers on my lips.

  Grabbing the back of his shaggy dark hair, I shove him back down into me.
I feel Grizz sneak his hand down between us and then in an instant he’s pulling down my pants.


  “Piper,” he replies, as he rises up and peels my pants off the rest of the way.

  “Promise me something.”

  “I don’t do gushy shit, Piper. I want your pussy and that’s it. I need to satisfy this need for you.”

  “Promise me that you’ll never let anyone hurt me as long as I stay here with you. Will you promise to have my back at all times?”

  I prop up on my elbows, and watch him go down onto his knees. Grizz grabs the back of my thighs and pulls me to the edge of the bed. Within moments he’s inches from my core.

  “Piper girl, that is one promise I can make you. I’ll fucking kill anyone that tries to hurt you.”

  Before I can reply, he runs his tongue along the inside of my thigh and nips at it very lightly. He continues this movement for what seems like minutes before I grab the back of his hair and guide him into me.

  “Holy fuck, Grizz,” I shout.

  He continues to work me with his magic tongue while my hips buck up to match each one of his movements. I can no longer take the sheer torture of just having his tongue inside me, sitting up, I pull him by the hair to get his attention.

  “Ah fuck, Piper, that hurts.”

  “I need you. Fuck me, Grizz.”

  He reaches around to his back pocket, and immediately looks defeated.

  “What?” I scream.

  “I don’t have a condom, Piper girl.”

  “Fuck me, I’m not saying it again. I can’t get pregnant, and in this moment I couldn’t care less what STDs you have. I fucking need you. I haven’t had one thing in the past nine days I really wanted. I want this. I want you. I need you. Now…”

  Before I can finish my plea to be fucked, Grizz has his pants pushed down and covers me with his massive body. In this moment, I realize that I have never wanted someone more than him. My need and desire for him rivals my need for success.

  “What have you done to me?” I whisper.

  Then I feel him completely fill me, and I let all of my expectations that own me disappear as Grizz takes me.

  “Remember, Piper girl, I can only keep you safe, nothing else. I don’t want anything else from you.”


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