The Dogs of War (Ictarian-Kanggun War Book 1)

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The Dogs of War (Ictarian-Kanggun War Book 1) Page 11

by Bret Brown

  Chapter 10

  After working her way deep down inside the building where they've been holding P-T, Leliana approaches a door with a tablet in her hand. As she enters the room, she sees four naked women, laying with their breasts exposed, sleeping on the floor. There are a few sheets and blankets spread out on the floor; providing a cushion from the hard surface. Surrounding their 'bed' are dozens of empty bottles; both hard alcohol and beer bottles. The pungent smell of sex, ass, and exhaled alcohol is overwhelming as she turns on the light. The women, groaning in discomfort, cover themselves while shielding their eyes from the light.

  "Where is he?", ask Leliana in a stern, annoyed voice.

  One of the women, speaks up, "I don't know, he didn't tell us. Can you turn off the lights?"

  Not pleased with the answer, Leliana snaps at them, "Get dressed and get out. You're done here. Oh... you may wanna see a doctor. As nasty as you bitches are, that motherfucker is ten times worse."

  Showing signs of having a tremendous hangover, the women slowly scramble to find their clothes as they cover their naked bodies with their hands. As they try to figure out who has what, they keep knocking over the empty bottles of alcohol; picking up their feet quickly to avoid the falling bottles.

  Strangely enough, none of P-T's clothes are in the room. Seeing this, Leliana leaves the room; slamming the door behind her. She walks briskly from the room. Her high heeled shoes echoing in the empty hallway.

  As a sense of urgency comes over her, she starts running down the hall. With her high heeled shoes limiting her speed, she pulls them off trying not to slow down as she does so. Now barefoot, the echo of her naked feet slapping the solid floor bounces off the walls. She does her best to avoid people in her path; running as fast as she can.

  She gets to the door leading out of the building nearly out of breath, and slams it wide open as she steps outside. She runs to her vehicle, a glider hovering only a few inches off the ground when she turns it on, and speeds away; driving wildly in the streets swerving around traffic as fast as she can go.

  "The blood of millions will be on my hands", she says mockingly of her father's words. "Bullshit!"

  "Out of the way Asshole!", she screams as she honks her horn and serves by.

  The onboard computer continuously emits warning signals from eminent impacts she narrowly evades. The safety systems safeguarding her enrages her further as they inhibit her abilities to drive faster.

  "FUCK! I know what I am doing dammit! Stop fucking with the car!", she yells in complete frustration with the car's computer.

  At a high speed, she approaches a chain link fence surrounding the airstrip tarmac where the Phantom landed when they arrived. She accelerates the car to crash through it. However, there is ten yards of grass between the road and fence. She forces the vehicle off the road. The vehicle's inertia surpasses super cooled super magnetic track and it crashes hard into the ground.

  Fortunately for Leliana, the vehicle's safety features kept her from breaking her neck in the accident. Dazed from the wreck, she starts to brush off the dirt from her face; picking clumps of grass out of her hair. She climbs out of the vehicle, out through the window as the door is stuck in the ground, and crawls through a hole punched through the fence by the vehicle. Once she is free from the fence, she starts running again, still without shoes, towards the Phantom carrying a tablet.

  At the Phantom, P-T is casually walking around the ship inspecting it as he's only just arrived there. He's lowered the rear cargo ramp and is about to walk into the ship when he hears something very strange in the distance.

  "Hey!", screams Leliana as loud as she can, "Hey!".

  P-T steps back down off of the cargo ramp and looks in the direction of the sound. He sees Leliana running across a large, open field covered with grass, screaming at him with her hand in the air. With his interests piqued, he waits for her to arrive.

  A couple moments later, a very exhausted Leliana gets to the ship gasping for big breaths of air. She's so tired that she hunches over; putting her hands on her knees to rest as she takes deep breaths. As the amusement passes, P-T begins to walk away without saying a word.

  "Will you.... wait... for a.... fucking minute.", says Leliana angry in between breaths. She follows behind him into the Phantom, still talking as best as she can; struggling to gain control of her wind. "I'd figure you would be here. There's nothing on this planet for you to stay. Did you message anyone coordinates for this planet?"

  Ignoring her for the most part, P-T begins checking the compartments and inventory of the ship. When he hears her question, he stops and gives her a look of confusion.

  "Don't play stupid with me, you can use your words like an adult. Did you send out our coordinates?", says Leliana; finally gathered her composure from the long run.

  "I don't know what you're fucking talking about.", says P-T grudgingly.

  Leliana pulls the tablet out that she's been carrying with her since Dr. Larry's office. She turns on the device and shows P-T the video of the four scout ships approaching the outer rim of Fiortega's system.

  "Alright, who is this then? They're not ours, and you're the only new person on this planet. You haven't been here for more than two days and you sold us out. You fuck! Do you know what you've done?"

  P-T looks at the tablet briefly and goes back to checking the inside of the ship. "Not my problem."

  Angry at P-T, Leliana throws the tablet at P-T's head, nearly hitting him, and smashing it against the black matted metal; shattering it into several pieces. "That's bullshit and you fucking know it!"

  Not even flinching from the near graze nor the impact of the device, P-T gives a small chuckle as he wipes his upper lip with his hand. He casually steps toward Leliana, then grabs her by the throat and hoisting her up with one arm fully extended in the air until he has her back against the opposite wall.

  "You fucking did this to yourself. The moment you were jettisoned into space in that escape pod and survived. That led to what you are seeing now. I have nothing to do with these fucks, but it is just a matter of time. Better now and get what's coming over with.", says P-T infuriated.

  Struggling against his strong grip, Leliana kicks and flails at P-T with all she can muster. He effortlessly holds her up until she's almost unconscious. As she is about to pass out, he tosses her like she weighed nothing out the cargo ramp. She starts coughing and wheezing for air as she takes deep breaths; holding her throat.

  Enraged, she runs up the ramp after P-T; jumping on his back attacking him. She bites and scratches at his face; anything she can get ahold of on his body. He reaches up and grabs her by one of her arms wrapped around him, and pulls her off effortlessly, showing his incredible brute strength.

  However, when she's pulled off, she takes a mouthful of his flesh from his neck in her mouth. P-T reflexively backhands her; knocking her through the air several feet. He walks up slowly and grabs her by the waistline of her pants and carries her unconscious body out of the Phantom; tossing her like a small pebble fifteen feet out onto grass.

  He goes back in the Phantom, having a S.L.A.G. bar to help replenish his strength and close his wound. He continues his check of inventory and then goes to the cockpit to get the engines started up. As he works the console, the computer is continually giving him errors. He tries several different combinations to see if he can get the ship to start up.

  Finally seeing that he's been sabotaged, he gets out of the cockpit aggravated and exits the Phantom out the ramp. He walks briskly up to Leliana, who is just regaining her consciousness, spitting out his flesh and her own blood.

  "What did you do to my ship?", P-T says very angrily.

  "That's right, you're not going anywhere. Not until you fix this mess you put us in.", says Leliana with some satisfaction in her voice. "You help us, I can promise you we'll fix your ship, and you can leave; going back to doing whatever the fuck you want."

  P-T stands dominantly over her bruised body; straddling her as he g
ets within a few inches of her face. He looks deep into her eyes, and morphs his finger into a small bone spike; pointing it at her eye holding it less than a quarter of an inch away from her eye's lens. He pulls it back, only stab it into her upper right shoulder; avoiding vital arteries.

  She screams out in pain and agony, reaching to pull out the spike with her other hand. P-T grabs her and stands on her wrist to hold her down. He leans in close to her face again, the look of total murder burns in his eyes.

  "If you or your people sabotage my ship again, I'll kill every last one of you cocksuckers. Starting with your shild," purposely enunciating the word incorrectly, "skinning the little cunt alive for starters. Only after I remove your eyelids so you are forced watch. Then I'll kill you last. Do we have an understanding?"

  Leliana has her eyes closed tightly trying to shut out the pain in her shoulder. She shakes her head yes quickly to agree with P-T. He withdraws the spike and leaves Leliana bleeding out on the grass, as she writhes her body in agony.

  P-T walks up the ramp disappearing into the Phantom, only to reappear soon after. He closes the ship and walks towards Leliana, who is crawling away as best as she can. The wound in her shoulder leaving a trail of blood in the grass, as her clothes are now soaked in blood as well. He grabs her by the waistline of her pants again, but this time her slings her over his shoulder.

  Hardly changing his casual pace as he walks up to the mission control building near the landing strip, P-T carries Leliana through the threshold of the building and approaches Amanda's desk.

  Amanda, working on the computer, doesn't notice exactly what is going on as she's completely engrossed with her work.

  She asks, "How may I hel-".

  P-T promptly drops Leliana's bloody body on her desk without any compassion. Scaring Amanda, she falls out of her chair backwards, as she outcries "What the fuck!".

  As P-T walks away, Amanda hits a button under the desk, causing an alarm to sound. The doors exiting the building all become blocked as metal shutters slams down quickly. P-T stops in his tracks and overlooks the situation. He hears dozens of footsteps running towards his position.

  A man's voice yells out at P-T, "Get on the ground with your hands behind your head!" A brief moment passes and the man cries out again, "Lie down on the fucking ground now!"

  P-T ignoring the man's request still examines the shutter and windows for any possible exit.

  "This is your final warning! Lie down face first on the ground, hands behind your head, crossing your ankles or we will fucking shoot you in the back!", says the same man.

  P-T now annoyed by all the commotion, turns to see what force is opposing him. Nearly thirty men and women of an armed security force stand ten yards away on the high gloss polished surface. All pointing small weapons of some sort at him, at least ones he's never seen before. He raises his hands above his head, and kneels down slowly.

  "All the way down asshole! Don't make us fucking cut you in half.", says the same man barking commands at P-T.

  P-T, amused, looks at this person directly with a bit of a grin, continues to stay as he is on his knees.

  "What are you fucking smiling at ass eyes? I will knock out all of your teeth, and skull fuck your gum hole!", says the man, motioning with his hand at several other security guards to approach P-T.

  Six guards approach P-T all pointing their weapons at him. Four of them get close enough to grab him, while two stay out of arms reach; but stay in point blank range for their weapons.

  The four guards rush to P-T to take him down. They grab firmly on his wrists to twist his arms behind his back to subdue him. Instantaneously, bones spikes erupt outward, stabbing right through their hands where they grabbed his wrist.

  The guards scream out in pain, as a brief second of shock overwhelms the entire room. The injured guards recoil back holding their wounds.

  Realizing their purpose again, the two guards standing at point blank start shooting at P-T. Red flashes of light emit from the barrels as the light energy rounds pound into the flesh of P-T. He quickly pulls one of the injured guards, in front of him to absorb the remaining shots. The impact from the shots are much weaker than the rounds shot from an EM rifle; leaving P-T merely scratched compared to injuries he's sustained before.

  Grabbing the weapon off the dead body shield, he quickly shoots the two armed guards in the head, point blank; killing them. Reacting quickly, he then fatally shoots the three others near him as they run for cover.

  These weapons aren't like EM rifles that he's used to. They are more like older laser rifles that shoot bursts of light, searing a wound into its victims. The downfall of these weapons, is they lack devastating power in P-T's opinion.

  A barrage of red lights come from the remaining guards across the floor as they begin to fire at P-T. Morphing his left hand into a bone spike, he stabs the nearest body around him through the back penetrating out the chest and uses it as a shield. The rest of his body morphs into his bony armor plating and defenses.

  He charges at the squad; firing the weak weapon around the body shield he's carrying. Once he's within a few feet, he throws the lifeless body off of his spike at the guards; causing several closest to him to react and take cover. P-T shoots these guards point blank in the face, killing them immediately as their faces erode away, exposing their inner skulls and brains.

  He morphs his bone spike into a jagged sword, slicing through the legs of three more guards, as he does a dive roll past them dodging more shots. As he rises, he grabs the weapon of the guard in front of him, moving it to one side, and stabs him through the abdomen. P-T lifts this guard up and charges the remaining force, using the body of his victim again as a shield.

  Closing in on his next targets, he rips out the bone sword through the torso of the guard he was carrying, to decapitate another victim. As multiple shots hit P-T on the shoulder, head, and chest, but the damage is minimal due to his protective armor. A wound develops on his shoulder as it sears open; exposing burnt muscle tissue. P-T retaliates firing several more shots at point blank at the closest guards; nearly eliminating the entire force.

  Having only three guards remaining, P-T grabs the nearest corpse by the ankle; throwing it forcefully towards them. He hits one of the guards; knocking them down. The impact had enough force to have both bodies slide for several feet.

  Dashing from side to side, P-T dodges the shots of the two remaining guards. Grabbing the closest guard by the neck, he rips the guards arm out of his socket and beats the literally disarmed guard to death with his own appendage.

  The final remaining guard is out of ammunition and looks at P-T in absolute horror. Covered in blood and bony armor, P-T turns to stare down to the last man standing; purposely leaving the one barking all the commands at him for his final victim.

  Tossing the limb to the side, P-T walks up to the last guard, his eyes are terrifyingly menacing under his profound brow. Blood of his victims and sweat running down his face. He grabs the guard by the jowls, forcing his mouth open, and starts pulling out the guard’s teeth one by one. Blood mixed with saliva runs out of the guard’s mouth as he whines loudly from the pain, tears running down his cheeks.

  Behind P-T, several shots ring out from the distance. These shots have a different sound to them as the projectiles hit his body. P-T, still holding the last guard, crushes the man’s jowls, shoving the broken bones into his neck's arteries; killing the man.

  P-T turns to the new attackers as several more shots ring out; hitting P-T multiple times on his body. Suddenly, an overwhelming drowsiness takes over P-T, causing him to be extremely weak and disoriented. He stumbles down as he can no longer stand under his own power. Finally, he passes out amongst the string of bodies he's left behind, a horrific sight of blood and gore.

  Chapter 11

  P-T slowly wakes up from what feels like a deep slumber. His eyes lids are heavy and don't want to open with ease. The sounds of steady beeps are heard like distant echoes. He hears each breath he
takes like muffled wind as it reverberates through his skull; while his heart, pounding slowly in his chest, gives its own rhythm in contrast. As the veil of unconsciousness is lifted, like a shroud blurring reality, P-T regains each of his senses gradually trying to get a fixture of his surroundings. He tries to open his eyes, but a blinding light penetrates, forcing them closed again. He lies still to get a sense of what is going on.

  "Dr. Singh, unit 2-0-3 is rejecting the nanites would you like to disengage and dispose of the unit.", says a woman’s voice.

  "Be sure to get the unit’s molecular read outs before disposal. I'd like to get a better understanding of what DNA markers are causing this.", says another woman. "Looks like we have a specimen taking to his new little helpers. Run the test for physical modulation on this unit."

  Shortly after, an intense pain jolts P-T's body, feeling like electricity is exploding out of every cell. His body tenses and convulses rapidly for several seconds; feeling like an eternity until he recedes back into an unconscious state.


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