The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 4: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women

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The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 4: 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women Page 4

by Hunt, Evelyn

  He quickly nodded and started picking her brain for information, “Actually, yes. Unfortunately, I’m receiving a bit of… reluctance. I would love some help!”

  She followed him to the door as her smile widened. I couldn’t take it anymore, “Okay, wait a…”

  “Sweetie, he is so right. You should enjoy your birthday.”

  I scowled at her but she ignored me. He told her to make sure I didn’t look at myself and she crinkled her nose affectionately before taking the bags from him. As if I was their guest instead of the other way around, he went into the kitchen and started making coffee while my mother went to cover mirrors.

  I placed my palms on the counter but, when I opened my mouth to wage all-out war, he slapped the counter in front me and leaned in, “You have the sexiest lips.”

  Sexual tension blistered the air, bringing a shocked squeak from me before I quickly snapped my mouth shut and backed away. Amusement crossed his face as a heated laugh erupted from him. My mother reappeared to see this and nodded with a knowing smile, “Sophia, quit throwing your tantrum and go get dressed while we talk. Promise me you won’t look in the mirrors.”

  I fled to my bedroom to slip into the silk and lace finery. When I reemerged, Rex was nowhere to be seen but my mother gushed, “Oh, WOW! You look fabulous!”

  Nervous as hell, I cursed which drew a harsh look from her, “Sophia, please!”

  She was still frowning when he walked back into the house, carrying a bottle of wine and another bag. He passed me with a heated growl which threw a tsunami of tingles through me. My mother wiggled her eyebrows at me, kissed me on the cheek, and whispered, “I’ll be leaving now.”

  Before I could say another word, she skated out the door. I sank onto my sofa, closing my eyes as I leaned back to try to get my wits together. His male scent smothered my senses before his finger ran along my jaw. I jerked back to look at him in surprise, “Are you ready, gorgeous?”

  If someone had offered me a million dollars, I couldn’t have formed words. He looked too damn good for words in that suit. I shakily took his offered hand, ignoring the shiver that went straight to my nipples as I rose. The suit made his blue eyes pop even more. He grinned, “Come in here first.”

  My heart raced and a flush spread over me when we walked into my spare bedroom. He tugged me over to the mirror and my jaw dropped. My mother was right… I looked stunning! The makeup accentuated my green eyes and full lips while the classy dress perfectly displayed qualities that I’d spent forever ignoring. A squeak of shock escaped me and he nodded, “You need to quit hiding behind the past, Sophia.”

  So shaken by his breath on my ear, his meaning had no impact. His hands rose to my bare shoulders before running slowly down my arms. Concentrating on keeping my knees from buckling, I almost missed his next words, “Your mother told me about the wreck.”

  I jerked, “What!”

  He shook his head, “Don’t get mad. She was concerned and thrilled to see you going out again.”

  Vibrating with need from his closeness, I stared at him. He suddenly pulled my back against his chest and breathed over my shoulder, “You’re still alive, though.”

  Chills flew down my arms as his lips grazed my shoulder which caused my knees to buckle. His grip tightened as his heated gaze held mine in the mirror, “Mark my words… I plan on proving it.”

  Sexual tension saturated the air and I froze. He stepped back and pointedly asked, “You ready for fireworks?”

  I shook my head and challenge crawled across his face. His blue eyes took me in from head to toe, “Oh, Sophia. I beg to differ.”

  He tugged me through the house before settling me into my car. More nervous than I ever remember being in my life, I asked where we were heading but he evaded the question. A little less than twenty minutes later, he pulled into a little restaurant with a live band. With no issue whatsoever, we were seated at a corner table. He ordered wine without bothering to look at the offered list.

  Overwhelmed, I shook my head, “You just sweep in and…”

  He shrugged it off, “Apparently, someone needed to. Look, Sophia, this is not only a business trip for me but I also have a job proposal for you.”

  I quickly downed my glass of wine only to have it refilled immediately. Having forgotten about not eating, the wine went straight to my head. The band struck up a slow song and, without a word, he rose and pulled me up to him. I sputtered, “I can’t…”

  “It’s not hard. Just sway to the music.”

  I nervously licked my lips and immediately regretted it when lust shot over his face. I swallowed hard and let him lead me to the dance floor. His expression told me all over again that manufactured fireworks weren’t the only ones to be displayed tonight.

  I dragged in a lungful of air as heat ate its way through my stomach to land between my legs. Trying not to squirm, my gaze inadvertently dropped to his lips. The ache intensified by a thousand percent when he wrapped his arms around me. Resting his hands on my lower back, he pressed me to him. I hoped he couldn’t feel my heart flopping in my chest.

  His breath scalded my ear, “I don’t think I’ll need that spare room. Besides, your bed’s much bigger.”

  I pulled back, shocked at his boldness, which brought an amused smile to his lips, “I won’t bite… too hard.”

  The wine produced a breathless giggle until his hand dropped lower to cup my ass. His other made lazy circles on my lower back. I resisted my body’s urge to arch into him until I felt his hard cock pressed against me. To cover it, I pulled away slightly but he gave me a knowing look as his lips brushed teasingly against mine.

  As if my nipples were a starving plant which he could only sustain, my chest heaved into his. He breathed in my ear, “Sophia, I want to taste you so bad.”

  My hiss was drowned by the music but his rumble let me know that he’d heard it. His chin glided lightly over my neck, causing me to gasp his name. The music ended and he pulled back but tugged my hand as he growled, “Our take-out should be ready by now.”

  I barely heard him past the pulse pounding in my ears. I was surprised that I didn’t drop from heart failure. I wanted to attack him so bad. He quickly paid the bill, collected the take-out, and settled me back into the car. As soon as he swung into the driver’s seat, he reached for me but I put my hand on his chest as a thought roared through my mind, “Did my mom put you up to this?”

  His shocked expression told me right away that I was way off the mark. He grabbed my wrist, “No one puts me up to anything, Sophia.”

  Pulling my hand downward and me forward, his mouth landed on mine for a heated kiss that sent sparks all the way to my toes. He broke it to curse against my mouth before pinning me with an eat-you-alive look that ripped every thought out of my head. The tension on the drive back should have melted my console. We made it back to my house in record time.

  I grabbed the food as he opened my front door. Dropping the food on the counter, I launched myself at him. He caught me and staggered backward onto my couch. I hissed when his teeth scraped my shoulders as he pushed the strap off. He yanked the dress downward. The expensive garment hit the floor in a heap as he yanked the strapless bra off. His name dragged out of me in desperation as he caressed my nipple.

  He growled a curse, sinking his face into my cleavage as he nudged a leg between my knees. I drove my fingers into his hair, begging him to fuck me. Nude with exception to the dainty G-string which graced my hips, I was at a distinct disadvantage to his fully clothed state.

  He grabbed my bare ass as his mouth worked its way to a nipple while I desperately pulled at his shirt. I arched over his arm when he raked stubble across my nipples before he picked me up. I embraced his hips with my legs as he carried me into my bedroom.

  We toppled onto my bed as he dragged teeth and stubble across my neck while pulling his tie off. Breaking contact by pulling back, he started unbuttoning his shirt while I skated backwards away from him by digging my heels into the bed. Even t
hough I was wild with desire, I truly felt like a monster had been unleashed within me which scared me half to death.

  I didn’t get far because his hand shot out and grabbed my ankle, dragging me back to him. Tearing his shirt off, he growled, “About those fireworks.”

  I frantically cursed him and my raging need as I grabbed his waistband, toppling him over onto me. He drove his hands into my hair, lifting my face to his for a deep kiss. I bit his lip hard enough to taste blood which brought a desperate growl rumbling through the both of us.

  My G-string sailed through the air as I tore at his pants before he shoved my hand away to free his cock. He suddenly drove into me, scooting me up from the bed as he tore his mouth from mine to growl, “Holy fucking shit, Sophia!”

  I heaved my nipples against his rough chest as his fingers dug into my ass, begging him as my body went into a passionate writhe under him. Having not had sex in what seemed like forever, I screamed his name when the climax flooded my body with goose bumps. He ground his cock into me harder, bumping me deep inside as I went limp under him.

  Gathering me to him, his harsh growl sent me into a shiver, “I’ve wanted you for so fucking long!”

  He fucked me so hard that his name whimpered out of me on every hard thrust. As his fingers tugged at my nipples and his mouth drove me nuts, I became vaguely aware of my own queefs. The sound drove me into an even more intense orgasm which sent him over the edge. He bit my neck hard as he exploded deep inside me, sending my hips into squirming frenzy.

  Grabbing my ass, he slumped over me as he groaned my name. Dazed, I bit his shoulder as my pussy clinched around him in response to his jerking cock. He rolled onto his back, dragging me with him as he plowed his fingers into my hair. Stunned, I rose up to look down at him but he rolled again to trap me under him for a deep kiss.

  Still wiggling with desire, I whimpered in his mouth before he broke the kiss to rasp against my lips, “Damn, Sophia. I plan to love on you all night.”

  Starved for his brand of loving, I sank into the mattress on a ragged moan, “Pleeease…!”

  With a growl of surrender, he pressed me into the pillows with a deep kiss but he pulled out. He tugged me with him, still kissing me as he backed off the bed. I rose to my knees before wrapping myself around him as he moved toward my closet. I broke the kiss to giggle against his lips, “Other door.”

  With a grunt, he pushed through to my bathroom where he sat me on the counter before breaking contact. We climbed into the shower where I wound up wrapped around him again. We couldn’t keep our hands or mouths off each other.

  After running the hot water out and ruthlessly teasing each other, we vacated after I complained we were going to miss the firework show. He threatened to pop my ass with a towel while growling, “I got your roman candle right here.”

  Laughing, I ran for the kitchen only to get nabbed half-way down the hall. He pinned me to the wall for a teasing kiss that left me gasping my pleas for him to fuck me again. He pulled back to run his tongue over my neck, “Not yet. I marked you.”

  My eyes widened before they fell to his shoulder, “Why not? And, I bit you back!”

  “Anticipation. You bite harder!”

  I slid down him, padding behind him to the kitchen. He motioned toward the food and I started to grab plates but he pressed me to the counter, “I’d rather eat you.”

  I giggled, “I don’t think my pussy would fill you up.”

  He grunted in the nape of my neck as his hard cock pressed into my ass, “Ooh… say that again.”

  Pushing at him, I declared, “I’m about to faint from hunger.”

  Turning me around, he said against my lips, “I got your protein right here.”

  I pushed at his chest, “Next, you’re going to tell me I can peel your banana any time, huh?”

  We wiggled his eyebrows, “Hey, there’s an idea.”

  We settled onto the bar with towels wrapped around us to eat. I became tipsy all over again from the wine. By the time we finished, I was a giggling mess and he was looking at me again with that eat-you-alive expression. I shook my head, “We’ve got all night. Besides, my little sister will be asking a million questions about the show.”

  He winked at me, “Just tell her that we… I mean they exploded with a bang!”

  I slapped his arm, giggling so hard that I almost toppled off my bar stool. He shook his head but suddenly turned serious as he rose to move around to me, “Sophia, I know you’ve been looking for other work.”

  That wiped the smile off my face. He pulled me to him, “I’ve been a dick, haven’t I?”

  With eyes widening, I shrugged which prompted him to ask, “Do you have any idea why?”

  I frowned as I studied his face. His expression froze the breath in my lungs, causing my heart to pound as he took my face in his hands, “My live-in girlfriend left me over a year ago because I started moaning your name in my sleep.”

  I tensed and he quickly said, “I just want a chance with you. That’s all I’m asking, okay?”

  “Damn, Rex! You do know how to rock worlds, don’t you?”

  His lips caught mine in the most tender kiss I’d ever experienced, bringing tears to my eyes as I sank into him. He whispered against my lips afterward, “Love’s never a bad thing, is it?”

  Speechless, I shook my head. He wasn’t done shocking me, though, “I want you to move to Ohio and stay with me.”

  He grinned over my dropped jaw and shrugged, “I see something I want and I go after it. I know you probably don’t feel the same…”

  I blurted out, “Wrong!”

  Shock slammed his face before a wide smile threw his dimples into overdrive. The knock on my door made us both jump. I hissed, “Shit!’ before yelling, “Give me a minute!”

  We quickly got dressed before I opened the door to find my brother, Mitch, standing there with a grin and his bag. “Happy Birthday, Sis.”

  I shrieked and threw myself at him, “Mom said you…!”

  “Um…whoa! What is this?”

  I tense when his finger skated over the bite mark on my neck. Rex’s voice called from behind me, “That would be me. How are you, Mitch?”

  Mitch’s eyes widened, “So, I finally get to meet…”

  I pulled out of my brother’s embrace and turned on Rex, “Huh?”

  Rex was shaking his head with a warning expression at my brother. Mitch winced as my mother and little sister materialized behind him. I pulled back, “What the hell is going…?”

  My little sister’s excited dance caused Rex to grin as he rolled his eyes dramatically before shaking his head. He finally admitted, “The tickets were a front. Your birthday surprise has been in the works for a while now.”

  I just stared at him before my eyes shot to my mother who was grinning like the cat that ate the canary, “Rex and I have been talking for the last year too, Sweetie.”

  He wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear, “Go on and whip out that sexy attitude out now… I dare you!”

  Suddenly feeling faint, I sank against him as my head spun. He scooped me up and sat me on the couch as my family transferred a birthday cake and balloons to the counter. My brother nudged my discarded dress and bra with his foot and laughed when I blushed furiously.

  After the surprise party where my mother fainted when he got on bent knees and proposed with a huge diamond ring, he carried me to my bedroom as he whispered words of love into my throat. True to his word, he didn’t let me leave the bedroom until the next night when we actually ate a meal in a restaurant.

  The next day, I woke up before him and eased down the bed to drag my tongue down his shaft. He mumbled my name in his sleep so I continued, dragging teeth down his cock while pouring my hot breath over him. He hissed and, before I knew what hit me, he had me pinned under him as he growled in my neck, “Ms. Carpenter, get ready for me to nail your ass!”

  My giggles quickly turned into shrieks of pleasure when he rolled me over and proved that
he wasn’t joking.


  [Hope you liked the story and don't forget your 8 complimentary books, which you may find a download link to on the last page of this collection, just after the 11th story ends. Now, on to the next story!]

  Fucked by the Guesthouse Owner


  Evelyn Hunt

  The slip of paper was almost whipped out of Nathan’s hand by the strong gust as he tried to open it and he just managed to hold on. He turned his back to the wind to give himself a little shelter to work and when he finally did manage to get the paper open checked the address of the guesthouse.

  He looked up and saw the name of the street matched with the sign he was standing under so he quickly walked along to find the correct building. Number 30 was nothing special to look at from the outside and he was quick to move up the driveway to the property. He turned to look at the garden as he waited after knocking, but could see little in the gloom of the evening darkness. A light flicked on inside and shone through the small windows in the door and Nathan turned back at the sound of someone approaching to let him in.


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