Thaumatology 08 - Ancient

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Thaumatology 08 - Ancient Page 1

by Teasdale, Niall


  The Eighth Novel in the Thaumatology Series

  By Niall Teasdale

  Copyright 2012 Niall Teasdale

  Amazon Kindle Edition


  Part One: Being Mistress Ceridwyn

  Part Two: Nachtmerrie

  Part Three: A Soldier’s Life

  Part Four: A Nice Country Drive

  Part Five: Raynor

  Part Six: The Blood War

  Part Seven: Post Bellum

  Part One: Being Mistress Ceridwyn

  Kennington, London, March 23rd, 2012

  Ceri towelled off her shoulder length, black hair and looked at herself in the mirror. She had decided to keep it longer after growing it in the US as a disguise, though she had let the blonde dye fade and now was just going with a red streak down the front on the right side. The red fringe had been her trademark, if she had one, and she felt she should keep it up. Besides, it was a really basic spell and she only had to apply it once a week or so. Nodding she used the mirror to school her expression properly. Generally she used props to psych herself up, but today was a special day and she wanted to make sure she could go without. Pulling herself up straight, she hung her towel on the rail and walked out of the bathroom, down the hall, and into the bedroom where Lily was waiting.

  The half-succubus was kneeling on the floor, her wrists crossed behind her back, as she had been told. Around her throat was a brand new red collar with a ring mounted at the front; the first present she had been given for her birthday. Ceri took a moment to drink in the sight; the flawless, porcelain skin, the slim physique, wide hips, large, pert breasts, and the mass of lush, auburn hair. Then she ignored her friend, turning to the wardrobe to select something to wear. She selected a mesh teddy with leather along the edges, a thong back, and a halter neck, along with a short, leather skirt split at the side, and thigh boots. Then she turned to Lily, hands on her hips, legs a shoulder width apart, and smiled.

  ‘How do I look, pet?’

  Lily had been concentrating very hard on a spot on the floor, but her nipples had hardened as Ceri dressed. Now she looked up, taking in the sight. Ceri could not come close to Lily’s lush body; her breasts were a little on the small side, her body was trim and showed muscle development from martial arts lessons and exercise. Her face had a slightly boyish quality; her jawline was too firm for her to be classed as pretty, and she had a longer nose, more masculine than Lily’s cuter one. The look on Lily’s face, however, suggested that she was looking at the most gorgeous creature in creation, and only immense determination was holding the half-demon back from jumping those beautiful bones right this second.

  ‘You look beautiful, Mistress. Pet is the luckiest succubus in the world to belong to you.’

  They did not do full-on Mistress-and-pet very often. It had begun as a necessity, and one Ceri had found difficult at first. Lily was half-succubus, and a succubus needed a master or mistress. In the sixties particularly, wizards would summon succubi as demon lovers, and in their natural habitat they were usually the subjects of a greater demon. However, they had a dominant side and a weak-willed, or careless, wizard would become the slave of their lover if they were not careful. For three days, that had happened to Ceri when she had first manifested her sorcery. Neither of them were anxious to repeat it, so Ceri had to be willing to be Lily’s mistress when required. These days, as Lily gained better control of her powers and herself, it was rarely required and they were confident enough of their relationship that Ceri could indulge her submissive side and let Lily take control at times.

  So, with Lily’s birthday coming up, Ceri had asked whether Lily wanted another day of having Ceri as a pet, as they had done the year before and both enjoyed. She had been a little surprised when Lily had said no. What she wanted this year was a day of being Ceri’s pet. Really, properly, from waking up to going to bed, Ceri was to be Mistress, and Lily was to be her adoring slave.

  At first, Ceri had said she was not sure she could do it. A whole day! If she wore one of her corsets for the whole day she would be crippled by the end of it. And it was Friday and they were due in work in the evening, and Lily was not letting her off her duties even then. How was she supposed to do it in the tiny mini-dress she wore as a uniform at the Jade Dragon? Lily had said she should think on it. That she should consider what she had done over the last year or so, and then give an answer. Well, she had taken charge of a squad of werewolves when she needed to, she acted with authority when she was irritated or the situation called for it. When they had been trying to stop the United States going to war with their Native neighbours, she had acted as though she were a general in the army because she needed to. When she needed to, when there was a requirement for it, Ceri could take charge and be dominant. Well, surely giving Lily what she wanted for her birthday was a situation which called for it, right?

  ‘You’re staying dressed like that for now,’ Ceri said. ‘We’re going out after lunch, but until then I’m going to entertain myself with all the sweet noises you make when you’re excited.’

  A shudder of anticipation shook Lily’s body. ‘Yes, Mistress.’


  Twill had baked cupcakes and added a candle to one of them, rather than making a full sized cake. Lily had said that seeing twenty-six candles would be depressing and they would be out for the afternoon so lunch was their birthday meal. Twill thought a big cake was overkill. Lily actually had a little trouble mustering the breath to blow the candle out.

  ‘My god, Ceri,’ Twill said as she hovered over the table, ‘what have you done to her? She’s a wreck.’

  Ceri grinned at the four-inch, nut brown fairy with the bob of purple hair, and the blue and white, feathery wings. ‘Let’s put it this way, I’m going to have to clean all the toys.’

  Twill’s tiny brows rose. ‘All of them? And she didn’t feed?’

  Ceri shook her head. ‘Not yet.’

  ‘That certainly explains the mussed hair and the intense odour of sex.’

  Lily was silent the whole time, but she squirmed a little at Twill’s comment. Her biology would not allow her to blush, but she could usually manage to look as though she was. Ceri suspected that was for their benefit, however. Lily never got embarrassed about sex; she was half succubus and sex was what she did, at least by nature.

  ‘I do think a shower is in order before we go out,’ Ceri said. ‘Finish your cake, pet, and then go clean yourself up. Then we’ll get you dressed.’

  ‘Yes, Mistress.’ Picking up her cake, Lily plucked the candle out and bit into the soft sponge. Her eyes closed in pleasure; Twill’s cooking was living up to its usual quality.

  Ceri picked up one of the cakes. It was light as a feather and almost melted in the mouth and… ‘God Twill, how do you make simple things like this taste like Heaven?’

  A sparkle of gold flickered around the fairy. ‘I’m a genius, I thought you knew.’


  Lily’s eyes widened as Ceri walked up to the door of a four-storey building on Curzon Street. There was a small plaque beside the door which read, “Demi-monde. Private Club.” Ceri looked back at Lily. ‘What’s up?

  ‘I’ve heard of this place, Mistress. It’s very exclusive.’

  Ceri smiled. ‘Yes, it is.’ She turned back and opened the door, walking in followed by a bemused-looking Lily.

  She only got more bemused as a man in an immaculate tuxedo bowed his head to Ceri as she entered the reception room. ‘Doctor Brent. It is a pleasure to see you again. Would you sign in, please?’ He had a cut glass accent to go with the slightly stiff, but pleasant, demeanour. His arm moved back slightly, indicating a large register lying on the desk beside him and
Ceri walked over to it, picking up a gold pen. She printed her name, then put Lily’s in next to it in a column headed “Slave,” and then signed beside that.

  ‘Thank you, Reynolds,’ Ceri said. She unbuttoned her long, leather coat as she turned back. A very well-built young man in very tight slacks, naked above the waist, stepped forward smoothly to take her coat as she slipped it from her shoulders. ‘Give your coat and bag to the young man, pet. Don’t be bashful.’

  If there was one thing Lily was not it was bashful. Handing the bag containing their work clothes to the attendant, she undid her coat and slipped it off, handing it over as well. Ceri had, sort of, dressed her appropriately and for maximum effect. Her breasts were bare aside from the three silver chains hanging from nipple rings. Ceri had been bemused to discover that Lily had once had her nipples pierced; only finding this out when she had had them redone for Ceri’s birthday, at the same time as she had had Ceri’s personal rune tattooed above her pubic mound. Since the rest of her outfit consisted of a tight waist cincher in black leather, a tiny leather thong, hold-up stockings with latex tops, and five-inch stiletto pumps, the rune was quite in evidence. It seemed fair, the dragon tattoo on Ceri’s back was on show as well.

  Ceri tried not to let her amusement show; Reynolds was impressed by Lily and trying hard not to let that show. ‘We’ll take a drink in the lounge,’ Ceri said. ‘It’s Lily’s birthday and she deserves a treat.’

  ‘Of course, Doctor. I can have something brought out to you.’

  Ceri smiled. ‘Two glasses of whiskey then. Carter always recommends the Jura. The twelve year old single malt.’

  ‘An excellent choice. I’ll have them brought out to you.’

  Nodding, Ceri walked purposefully through the door on the left, down a short corridor, and into a large lounge with big, wing-backed chairs set on their own with a small side table, or in groups around larger, round tables. Beside each chair was a cushion and Lily got the idea almost immediately; men and women sat around in the chairs, most of them dressed in immaculate suits, some of the women in corsets, and their slaves sat on the cushions beside them.

  The room, the club so far, looked like a Victorian Gentlemen’s club. There was a lot of wood panelling and dark red, flock wallpaper. There were unlikely to have been too many Victorian clubs where the male staff were largely naked from the waist up and the female staff were decked out in leather strap body harnesses, their breasts exposed. A girl so dressed arrived at the table Ceri had selected shortly after she sat down, placing two fairly large measures of whiskey in cut glass tumblers down. She said nothing, just bowed to Ceri and walked away on her six inch heels.

  Ceri took a sip of her whiskey, feeling it burn down her throat and settle as a warm glow in her stomach. She decided to satisfy Lily’s curiosity; she knew she was curious. ‘When I told Carter about your birthday plans he was quite amused and suggested that I might like to bring you here. Apparently he owns a share and helped set up the initial finance for the owner so he has some influence. He arranged for me to have a trial membership, just for the day. I came over yesterday to have a look around and learn the ropes, if you’ll pardon the pun.’ She glanced down at Lily, who was a little wide-eyed again. ‘Don’t forget your drink. I had to ask Carter if it was okay to keep this up tonight. It seemed polite since we’ll be working and I assumed you wanted to get the full day.’

  Lily gave Ceri a look of adoration and then picked up her drink. ‘Thank you, Mistress. Pet is happy she will still be able to be your pet at the Dragon.’

  ‘It’s your birthday, my pet. I’m quite determined that you have a good one.’

  There were not too many people around on a Friday afternoon so it was maybe not too surprising that one of the members decided to sit down with them. Tall and attractive for a woman Ceri guessed was pushing fifty from the far side, her black hair was wound into a tight bun and she was dressed in an exquisite, silk corset coupled with a long, split skirt. As she sat down, crossing long legs, her companion settled on the cushion beside her. He was likely twenty years younger than she was, maybe more, handsome, and wearing a collar along with a silk shirt and leather slacks.

  ‘A new face,’ the woman said. ‘I’m Valerie.’

  ‘Ceri. I’m just here for the day, I’m afraid.’

  Valerie smiled. ‘People say that a lot. They usually find themselves becoming full members.’ Ceri was pretty sure she would not be after seeing the membership fees. ‘Who introduced you?’

  ‘Carter Fleming. He’s… a friend.’

  Valerie’s smile was knowing; she thought she knew exactly what kind of friend Carter was. ‘Carter is quite an amazing man, very charming.’

  Ceri grinned. She was quite sure that Carter had charmed his way under Valerie’s corset. ‘He is, yes.’ The statement could be easily construed as confirming Valerie’s assumption regarding Ceri, and Ceri was not really sure why she did not feel like correcting the mistake.

  Valerie’s eyes shifted to Lily, quietly sipping her whiskey. The “slaves” did not speak unless spoken to; Ceri was proud to note that Lily needed no instruction in the matter. ‘She is a beautiful young woman,’ Valerie said. ‘Quite amazingly beautiful.’

  ‘Thank Valerie for the compliment, pet,’ Ceri said.

  ‘Thank you, ma’am,’ Lily said, her voice soft and carrying a hint of a purr.

  ‘Since I’m here for the day and you obviously know your way around,’ Ceri said, ‘what do you think I should try?’

  ‘Oh, sample a little of everything. I assume you’ve had the tour, but… The rooms upstairs are a glorious place to stay the night if you don’t live in town, as well as somewhere private to conduct… personal activities. The cellar rooms are semi-public, you may have an audience, but they have all the best equipment and…’ Her gaze shifted back to Lily and she developed a wicked grin. ‘With a female slave you’ll definitely want to try room sixteen. I put Philip in there when he’s naughty sometimes, but yours looks like she would have a wonderful time.’

  ‘It is her birthday,’ Ceri replied. ‘Room sixteen. I’ll keep it in mind.’

  ‘Oh, you might be interested in the library and the Open Room as well,’ Valerie added. ‘I think they’re more likely to appeal if you stay, though.’ Ceri had seen the Open Room and been told its function, but she did not remember anyone mentioning a library.

  ‘Library?’ Maybe she sounded a little eager; she felt Lily’s amusement over the empathic link they shared though there was no sign of it on her face.

  ‘On the top floor. Sex is allowed in the side reading bays, as long as it’s quiet.’ Valerie grinned. ‘Something about having sex in a library feels more naughty than usual.’

  Ceri remembered the basement of the LMU library and Lily being very insistent. ‘Yes, yes it does.’

  Valerie looked at her, a perfectly plucked eyebrow rising. ‘That sounds like the voice of experience.’

  ‘The Metropolitan University library. It was one of the basement storage rooms so there wasn’t too much chance of us getting caught, but it was exciting.’

  ‘Oh, you have to become a member.’ The older woman sounded impressed; Ceri was not sure whether she should be worried by that. ‘Tell me, have you ever been with a werewolf?’ Her eyes flicked to Philip; well, that explained the physique, but… A submissive male werewolf? He had to be a ronin, living outside the packs. Maybe Valerie had got to him young and trained him. He seemed happy enough with his position.

  ‘Several,’ Ceri said. It felt like bragging, but it also felt good. ‘Three at once on occasion.’

  ‘Three?’ It came out almost as a squeak and Valerie’s eyes were wide.

  ‘I have to be really in the mood,’ Ceri added, feeling like a total slut and trying not to show her sudden discomfort. ‘Generally it’s at pack orgies.’ Actually it had been once and at her birthday, and she had been so far gone that she remembered most of it in snatches. Why was she trying to impress this woman?

es… happen on Saturday nights,’ Valerie said, rallying. ‘The best time to go to the Open Room. They’re not obligatory or anything, but they make a nice change once in a while.’

  Ceri drained her whiskey glass, noting that Lily was already finished. ‘Well, perhaps we’ll see you there one night. Come, pet.’ She started to rise from her seat, Lily uncurling like a cat from her cushion and rising beside her.

  ‘I hope so,’ Valerie said. ‘Enjoy your day.’

  Ceri smiled at her. ‘Thank you, Valerie.’ She started off across the room to a small hallway beside the lounge, Lily following meekly behind. Ahead of them, through a door, was the staff area and to either side were two flights of stairs, one up, one down. Turning left toward the back of the building, Ceri went down into the cellars.

  The main area below ground was laid out as a series of corridors with rooms to either side. Not closed rooms, the upper half of the walls were iron bars so that those on the outside could look in. Part of the appeal of the dungeon down here was that you could watch and be watched. If you wanted privacy you went to one of the rooms upstairs.

  About three rooms in Ceri paused. Inside a man in a suit was busy using a flogger on a naked young woman cuffed to a frame on the wall. Red marks showed on the skin of her back, rump, and thighs, but she seemed to be enjoying it rather more than Ceri thought she would. A rack on the wall held a variety of chastisement equipment, from suede floggers to studded tawses.

  ‘What do you think, pet?’ Ceri asked softly. ‘Would you like to be her?’

  ‘Mistress is better at applying a whip,’ Lily replied, though her voice was breathy.

  Ceri smiled. ‘I had a good teacher.’ She started off down the corridor again, looking for room sixteen.

  ‘Thank you, Mistress,’ Lily said, following along with a contented look on her face. It changed into wide-eyed amazement as Ceri stopped in front of another room, “16” marked on the wall beside the door.

  ‘I see,’ Ceri said. ‘What an interesting device.’ Inside the room, bolted to the floor, was a frame with a loop for the slave’s neck, cuffs for ankles and wrists, and a bar which would support the hips. It looked like it was designed to fix someone firmly in position on their hands and knees. The reason for that would be the box mounted behind it; fairly large, it had a rod sticking out of it toward the bondage frame. On the wall, on a shelf, were a variety of dildos which, Ceri guessed, could be mounted on the rod.


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