Ranger: A Phoenix Warrior Romance (Phoenix in Flames Book 10)

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Ranger: A Phoenix Warrior Romance (Phoenix in Flames Book 10) Page 3

by Catty Diva

  “Now pair off to practice more.” Flicker ordered.

  He was happy to pair off with Maple and they began to work through the moves Flicker showed them. This wasn’t about hurting anyone, this was about learning the moves that might help them if they were in a fight later. These were moves he’d done many times, but Maple wasn’t familiar with all of them. His position of working with her, helped them both. Now he felt better about her safety and he learned from her.

  Always he’d heard teaching could be a learning experience and now he saw that was true. There were weaknesses in his own position he now recognized and it would make him a better fighter. Working with Maple was just the cherry on top.

  “There’s a good chance we’ll be fighting once we get on the space station. We have extras from this crew, but we may need most of our team on the station. Some of you need to improve your fighting skills before we get there.” Flicker said.

  He knew they were talking about the females. All the males could fight well. Honestly, he didn’t want his mate in a battle. Why hadn’t they brought more fighters? What was the deal about this mission? There must be more they weren’t being told. That’s something they would find out later.

  For now, they settled into a routine of working out and making love all night long. It was a good time for him and Maple. Their relationship took off and they grew closer. The week went by amazingly fast and it wasn’t long before the ship orbited the space station. Soon they loaded the shuttles and those docked at the space station.

  They went in dressed as tourists looking around at various things. Their computer specialists hacked in and got the information needed. Yes, they were outnumbered and the time was at hand. Moving down the hallway, the doors opened for them as they approached. Guards challenged them but they took them out swiftly. This was what they had come here for.

  “You go right, Ranger and Maple. Elm and Mike go left. The rest of us go straight. Be careful.” Flicker said.

  He and Maple headed down their corridor and soon found a locked area that required something to access. “I can get in.” Maple said as she popped the cover off and began to do her thing.

  Moments later, the door opened. Slipping in carefully, they made their way down the hallway. It wasn’t long before they saw cages. These cages each had one person held in them. Some looked starved but all looked weary. All of them seemed to feel a loss of hope that was obvious.

  “Who are you?” Maple asked.

  “I’m human and I’ve been here for years. They’ll never let me go.” The woman said. “These others are various races and they experiment on us and breed us. Run or you’ll never get away either.”

  Maple somehow found a key by the door and began to open doors. “We’ll lead you out. Just line up and wait until we come back. We’re freeing everyone. Do you all understand?” People nodded.

  They opened every door on the hall then returned to lead them out. It wouldn’t be a secret. These people stood out. The line was long, but the shuttle would hold them all. Now they had to get them through the entryway which was full of arrivals and departures. He sent Maple out first to stand where she could direct them. Then he sent them out in groups of five.

  Things were going well until half the people had made it. That’s when chaos broke out. Alarms went off and the sounds of battle came at them. “Stay calm everyone. Just keep going like we discussed.” The people were near panicking. “Let’s go in groups of ten.” He instructed. It moved things up.

  Honestly, he wanted to help his teammates but he’d been instructed to aid those he found first. It was a relief when the last person was loaded. “Maple, shuttle them back to the ship while I go help the others.”

  She nodded. “I’ll be right back for you. Don’t get yourself killed.”

  He pulled her in for a quick kiss before he let her go and turned to run into the fighting. This was what he was trained to do. Maple would be safe, she was well trained. Fighting was out in the entrance to the space port now. Pulling his gun, he began shooting. These guys looked like humans, every one of them.

  None of them were particularly well trained or capable. They were falling like flies. Ability seemed to be a good equalizer. Being outnumbered didn’t seem so bad right now. He saw Teresa who he thought would be onboard directing what was obviously prisoners to the remaining shuttle. They should have brought more shuttles but the estimate of prisoners had been low.

  Now they needed to fight until all the prisoners were gone. That was fine with him. He shot a guard and moved on. His position protected Teresa and he thought that was good. She didn’t show yet and she hadn’t admitted her pregnancy, but it was obvious to all that knew her well. It was his honor to protect her and the little one as well as the prisoners. Another guard popped up and he shot him. Now their own team was showing up. Flicker led them and he nodded to him.

  More prisoners were coming out and they had nowhere to put them. “Hey Flicker. Why don’t we take one of their shuttles?” He asked. Most of their team had the ability to start alien shuttle, but these were probably human.

  “Good idea. I’ll have Angel give it a shot. Yo, Angel. Can you try starting some of their shuttles?” Flicker asked. It seemed he was picking up human speak too.

  “Sure.” She took off and ran toward the docking area. Moments later prisoners started loading again. Thank the gods she’d found a way.

  “What now?” He asked.

  “Now we hold our position until all prisoners are loaded.” Flicker replied.

  “Are we sure we got them all?” He asked.

  “Yeah, the cells and the labs are cleaned out. These are some sick fucks.” Flicker responded.

  “Why do you say that?” He asked.

  “You don’t want to know.” Flicker said then turned to fire a shot. A guard had come up behind him. He saluted his leader.

  It looked like everyone was finally loaded and they started to move as a group to the docking area. Teresa stood by a shuttle waving them on it. It was larger than their shuttles and nearly full, but it had room for them. Once onboard, they held onto the grips on the side as they all let their adrenaline roll over them.

  Standing room only, but that was alright. At least they were leaving and no one on their side had gotten hurt. Soon he would be reunited with his mate. Looking around he saw scared people that hadn’t been treated well in a long time. He saw hope in their eyes and it was a glorious thing. It made him feel good to give that to them. His hope was that they would find a new life free of the troubles of their past.

  They moved through the bay doors and they were back on their ship. Once it took off, it would be camouflaged and no one would find them. Relief rushed over him. After a mission it was always what he felt. Now he the most important thing was finding Maple and assuring she was alright too.

  He found her directing those they had freed to their rooms. “Maple, are you alright?”

  “I’m fine, these people aren’t.” She replied with tears in her eyes. His sweet Maple worried about everyone. “Why don’t you go ahead and clean up. I’ll meet you in the cafeteria in an hour, okay?”

  “Okay.” He responded.

  It was time to relax and let all the energy roll off him. A hot shower once he got to his room, helped him regain perspective. Once he dressed, he headed back to where Maple was. Amazingly, his female looked like she hadn’t been involved in shuttling prisoners to the ship. She was cool and collected. Her clothes wasn’t even dirty. The smile on her face was bright and welcoming.

  “Can I help you?” He asked.

  “Teresa and Mike are helping, but you can lead some of the people to their rooms.” She suggested.

  He was busy now taking groups to their rooms and he saw Elm and Oak doing the same thing. It wasn’t a job he usually enjoyed, but he did it the best he could until they were all in their rooms. Others would run them their clothing and show them where things were.

  Looking at these people who had been so mistreated, he
was happy to do anything to improve their lives. He wondered if they had freed the target, but if she’d been present he was sure they had. Once they had a chance to speak to them all, they would know for sure. They would have another week on the way to their next target so that would give them time to talk to every passenger.

  Finally, all the people were in rooms and he went to the cafeteria to meet Maple. Most of their group and a few others were sitting around the table. Everyone on the ship seemed to know about their mission now that it was completed.

  “How did things go for you?” Elm asked looking at him.

  “I had no problems. We didn’t get attacked so once Maple took off in the shuttle, I went back to help.” He admitted.

  “I made the run fine and Flicker said to stay onboard and help with settling people.” Maple explained.

  “Yeah? Me and Angel got attention from the guards right away. Luckily they weren’t trained well. It was bad, but we managed to find cover and start picking them off until Flicker came to help.” Oak admitted.

  “Mike and I also hit trouble fast. We managed to stay in one piece somehow.” Elm admitted.

  “Yeah, we had our share of trouble too. Flicker and I got hammered, but we took them out quick. Then Flicker went to join your party and I backed up Elm.” Oak offered.

  The whole mission played out in his mind as they told their stories. “What’s next?” He asked.

  “Earth.” Teresa said softly.

  “A mission or a trip?” He asked.

  “A bit of both. I also wish to tell you the targets were acquired. They will be returned to Oison after we visit Earth.” Flicker informed.

  Targets? There must have been children. That made it even better that they’d found and released them. To be born and raised in such a place was horrible. Those people would now be free under the protection of the Mazlans. Their lives would be good and productive.

  They ate between speaking and most of them still had full plates. Going to Earth would be interesting. Their mates would all be effected by the changes Earth had dealt with as the poisons had spread, the people had left or gone underground, and the surface had become inhabitable.

  It was an example of what could happen to the planet when it wasn’t treated properly. Humans had scattered to the four directions in space and burrowed deep into the Earth or covered their cities with protective domes. It would be hundreds of years before those humans left behind could come out and reclaim their planet even with the assistance Mazlans had given them.

  Of all the remaining habitats left on Earth, the one built in ice was the one he would wish to see the most. Would they get to visit these habitats or were they simply delivering and picking up items or passengers. The deal made with Razar in exchange for mates was well known to all. Maybe they would be dropping off supplies and picking up mates.

  Just a guess, but a likely one in the world as it was now. Everything had changed starting with the fall of the original Mazlan Empire. Then Earth had begun its slow fall into an inhabitable planet. Now Earth was gone, at least the Earth of old was. Life was never going to be the same, but hopefully they could mold it into something even better.

  They were all done eating and once again went their own ways. It was late enough, especially considering how tired they were, to just turn in. That’s exactly what they did. Maple took a shower and come out wearing a nightgown. He’d not even known she had one since she’d never worn one before.

  “Are you trying to tell me you’re too tired?” He smirked.

  “Gods, aren’t you?” She asked.

  “A little bit. How about we make love in the morning before training?” He asked not willing to give up sex altogether.

  “Yes, if you let me get a good night’s sleep.” Maple agreed.

  “Promise, Sweetheart. Just get in bed and you can curl up in my arms until the morning.” He swore.

  He got in bed after he divested himself of his clothes. Maple got in wearing her nightgown but it was thin and he could feel her wonderful body against his. Wrapping her up in his arms, they both fell asleep.

  Once they woke, they made slow sweet love before they got up and prepared for their day. “Let’s go to breakfast.” He invited. Maple took his arm and they headed out.

  Their usual group was here waiting for them. “Glad you two finally joined us.” Oak observed.

  “We arrived on time.” He responded.

  “Just jerking your chain, Recruit.” Oak said. He’d not called him that in a while.

  “Did I get a demotion?” He asked.

  “Of course not. Just a little good humored teasing.” Oak explained.

  Yeah, because he didn’t approve of him for his sister. They went to fill their plates and sat back down. After ten minutes of ribbing, all aimed at him, Maple spoke up. “He’s my one. Get used to it.” The silence was deafening as three brothers shot him dismayed looks.

  “Are you sure?” Oak asked.”

  “How do you know?” Elm questioned.

  “Ranger? Really?” Ash wondered.

  “Hey, I’m right here. Why am I such a bad choice for Maple?” He asked.

  The three brothers laughed. “Are you kidding?” Oak asked. The other two just laughed and shook their heads.

  “No, tell me.” He questioned.

  “Ranger is a good man and capable of doing good.” Maple said.

  “We’re obviously not against humans since we have some of our own. He acts too young and needs to grow up.” Elm explained.

  “You could grow up a bit yourself.” Ranger replied.

  “Okay. I can agree with that. I’ve got a few things to learn. I wouldn’t be against you for any other girl. She’s my sister and that makes her special.” Elm admitted.

  “You guys are going overboard on this protective shit. Maple is mine. We’re going to mate/marry and be together forever. Understand?” He asked.

  “Yes.” Oak said. His two brothers echoed. A fated mate could not be challenged.

  Everyone started to eat and they would also get to their training soon. It was good that his and Maple’s relationship was settled. Soon, he would ask her to mate with him. The time felt right. He dug into his food and thought about the future. He wanted to meet her parents hoping they’d be more accepting of him.

  Right now his attention and the attention of the others needed to be on the mission to Earth. They would prepare then do whatever was needed to complete it. Once breakfast was done, training began. It was more boisterous than usual and he seemed on the receiving end most of the time. That was something he should have expected. Maple was angry but her brothers denied they were hurting him on purpose.

  Most injuries would heal when he went to the medic. Maple accompanied him. “I’m Ranger and this is my mate Maple. I have some training injuries that need attention.”

  “I’m medic Herman. Sir on the table and I’ll check you out.” The medic directed. He began to inspect his injuries. “I heard your team played rougher than the others. Stay still until I scan this with my gun.”

  “You can heal with that gun?” He asked.

  “Yes, aren’t you ever healed after a mission?” Herman asked.

  “Not often and never with anything like that.” He admitted.

  “You should ask for one.” Herman suggested. Once he healed him everywhere, he released him. “Tell them to take it easier on you next time.”

  “He won’t, but I will.” Maple replied.

  “Hey, they are just over protective.” He told her.

  “My ass. They went too far this time.” Maple observed.

  “Let’s just go to lunch, Sweetheart. You’ll cool off after a while.” He suggested.

  “If you don’t stand up to them, they’ll never stop.” Maple observed.

  “This isn’t any different than they did when I first joined. It’ll lose its appeal in a while.” He admitted.

  “I never thought my brothers were bullies. This has to stop.” Maple insisted.

>   “Lunch first. I’m starving.” He reminded.

  They got to the cafeteria and filled their plates. The females all stared holes through Maple’s brothers. “What is upsetting you ladies?’ Oak asked.

  “We saw the way you went after Ranger. That’s not okay.” Mike said.

  “Yeah.” The other females all said.

  “Ranger’s alright with it. That’s just the way things are in the military.” Elm threw in.

  “It’s barbaric. You guys need to stop.” Nila informed.

  “Yeah.” all the girls agreed.

  “We didn’t hurt him much.” Ash added.

  “You shouldn’t have ganged up on him at all.” Angel asserted.

  “You’re right my love. We’ll try hard to be better. After all, he’s her fated one.” Oak agreed.

  “You guys better do better and not just be saying the right things.” Mike threatened.

  “You can trust us.” Oak said.

  Everyone began to eat until they were done. Now they had free time until supper. With only one 3D room and little else to do onboard, they would go to their room to kill time. It was wonderful to spend time alone together.

  The group split up and everyone headed toward their rooms. Where else would they go? “Here we are.” He said as they stepped into their room.

  “They better behave.” Maple said.

  “I’m sure they will.” He said not that he was. “Want to watch a movie or have hot monkey sex?”

  “You decide.” Maple answered.

  He began to strip. His clothes flew in every direction. “Ready Baby?”

  “Almost.” She finished undressing.

  She jumped into his arms and he carried her to the bed. Passion rolled through him. This was what he lived for. It was the one thing that meant more to him than his missions. This was his mate, his future. His mate would give him children and help him build a home.

  Heat rolled over them as he moved where he was on top of her. Looking down into her beautiful eyes, his heart swelled with love. Maple was his everything. His mouth dropped to hers giving her a hot kiss that claimed her forever.

  Rolling them over, he put her in a position to ride him. Maple was extremely athletic and always rode like him like cowgirl. His cock grew even harder as she sat up at his waist wrapping her knees around him. Her hand moved down grabbing his cock and positioning it as she lifted up so she was on top of it. The amazing feeling as she sank down on him was incredible.


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