Deadlocked 5

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Deadlocked 5 Page 18

by A. R. Wise

  "You said there were ten of them? All trucks?"

  I lifted the heavy rifle again to use the scope. Unfortunately, my gear was back at the party, along with my binoculars. "Yeah, looks like it. Ten, maybe twelve trucks."

  "That's not how the caravan drives. Usually it's just a truck or two with a car in front and one behind. This is something different. This is bad. I'm going to go tell the others."

  "Okay. Do me a favor and grab my gear on your way back." I extended the rifle's bipod and set the spiked feet on the edge of the roof. Then I positioned myself so that I could watch the caravan driving across the highway toward the town. The highway was about a mile away and was positioned on a raised strip of land that made it easily visible from this vantage.

  I was familiar with how trade caravans normally traveled, and Harrison was right that this didn't look normal. Traders severely conserved diesel, and their trucks were packed with items tight enough that it was usually hard to walk around on the inside of their trailers. They always traveled with armed guards that drove in front and behind to protect the cargo from raiders. Kim had bragged about how the High Rollers cleared much of this area of raiders, but no caravan hauling twelve semis worth of goods would dare travel without a bevy of guards.

  This had to be the caravan that Jerald Scott was traveling with. The possibility that I was on the verge of executing one of my targets caused adrenaline to pump through my veins. My heart quickened and my mouth became dry as I watched the caravan come closer. "Come on, you mother fucker. I've been waiting a long time to meet you." If they moved past, and continued down the highway away from Vineyard, I was prepared to go downstairs and take the car with the F2000s in it. I wasn't about to let this opportunity pass me by. I just hoped that Harrison made it back with my gear in time.

  The semis reached the turnoff that led into town and slowed. The row of trucks moved onto the main street that led to us, and it was clear they were headed here. I was momentarily excited at the prospect of Scott coming to me, but then my stomach sank as I realized what this could mean.

  When we arrived in town, we immediately sought out Bonnie and Beach to warn them about the poisoned food. Beach told us that the traders had arrived here, and were turned away. Vineyard prided itself on being self-sustained, and only traded when completely necessary. They weren't in need of trade, and even refused an offer of free food. The town had been preparing for the anniversary celebration for weeks, and there would be enough food to last for a long time even after the feast.

  If the traders knew that, then what possible reason could there be for them to return so quickly, and with more trucks?

  The caravan split up in a seemingly choreographed dispersion. As they came closer, the trucks at the rear would move off, one by one, to a different part of the town.

  Harrison returned with Ollie and Hero as I watched the trucks invade the desolate town. "See," said Harrison. "They're all over the place."

  "Ollie," said Hero. "Go tell the others to get inside."

  "Damn it, Harrison," I said. "You forgot to bring my gear."

  "Sorry, sorry," said the old man as he stared off at the caravan. "I'll get it in a minute."

  I looked at Hero and asked, "Do you know what's going on?"

  Hero nodded, although he looked more frightened than confident. "I think I might. We ran into one of those trucks out at DIA. They were filled with Poppers."

  "So, if they couldn't poison the people here, they're just going to kill them." I peered through the scope again to watch the caravan as it came closer. "That seems like a lot of trouble. Why not just show up with guns blazing?"

  "I don't know," said Hero. "Maybe they want to siege us."

  "Why would they want to do this?" asked Harrison. "What do they care if a few towns manage to survive out here?"

  I continued to peer through the sniper scope as I spoke. "You're talking about the same people that caused a worldwide apocalypse."

  Hero was carrying an F2000 rifle, similar to the ones in the car in the nearby lot, and started to check the magazine and chamber just like a true survivor should. "They look at us as ants. They like to show up and stir up the nest, hoping they can kill the queen." He paused and then shook his head with an embarrassed chuckle.

  "What's funny?" asked Harrison.

  "Nothing man, I was just about to say a badass action hero line, but then I realized it made me sound gay."

  I looked up from the scope with a smirk. "What were you going to say?"

  "Nothing man, forget it."

  "You have to tell us now," said Harrison. "Come on. We won't tell anyone."

  Hero begrudgingly explained, "I was saying that they like to kill the queen, and then I was going to say, 'This queen's not going out without a fight,' and then slap the mag back into my rifle. It woulda been pretty badass."

  Harrison and I laughed, but quickly focused back on the caravan. "How much food and water do we have up here?" I asked.

  "Plenty of food," said Hero. "And enough wine to last a long time. If they're planning on a siege, we'll be able to hold up for a long while. We can live through a Popper outbreak, for sure."

  "What about guns and ammo?" The only weapon I'd brought with me was my Glock. The rest of our guns were in the trunk of the car.

  "Not sure," said Hero. "I'm normally with the Rollers, not here."

  "What's going on?" Beach hustled across the bridge. She was a tall, thick woman with short white hair and icy blue eyes. She hiked up her skirt as she walked, and looked annoyed by the flowing material.

  "The traders are back," said Harrison. "But we think they're bringing Poppers with them."

  "What?" she asked in shock.

  "I saw a truck like that loaded up with Poppers earlier," said Hero. "We're not sure, but I'd damn well bet they're not showing up with twelve trucks filled with toilet paper."

  Beach gasped and asked to look through the sniper scope. I moved aside and she got down on her knees so she could see. "I should've listened to you, Ben." She put her hand on my leg as I knelt beside her. "You tried to warn us, and I didn’t listen. We should've canceled the anniversary after what happened to Juniper and Hanger."

  "It's okay, Beach," I said. "What's the point in staying alive if you don't celebrate from time to time?"

  Harrison looked at me as if I'd suddenly turned into a braying goat. I nodded back at him and he smiled in appreciation of my change of attitude.

  "We need to get our guards to their posts," said Beach. "We've got rifles in the stock room, but we could always use more." She looked up at Hero and said, "You Rollers usually come strapped, what've you got?"

  "Just what's up here already," said Hero. "We were on the move, so we're not loaded up."

  She nodded as she pushed her way back up again. She was an older woman, in her mid to late sixties, and it showed as she winced while standing. "If they've just got Poppers, then we should be okay. We'll just have to tell the boys to keep the muzzles cool until we know what's going on."

  "I've got guns," I said. "We found a carful of F2000s in Juniper, just like yours." I pointed at Hero's gun. "And there're a few boxes of ammo too."

  "Awesome," said Hero. "Let's go grab that and get back up here before they unload those fuckers."

  Beach looked hesitant for a second, but then nodded and said, "Okay, but you two need to hurry up. I need you here, alive. Understood?"

  "Sure thing, beautiful." Hero swooped Beach up in his arm and kissed her on the forehead. She slapped him on the chest playfully and laughed as she wished us luck. Hero saluted her as he lifted the hatch and said, "Tell the pretty girls not to worry, they've got a Hero on their side."

  Harrison groaned at Hero's joke and then put his hand on my shoulder as I prepared to go down the rope ladder. He had Stubs in his other arm as he squeezed my shoulder. "Hey, Ben, don't go getting yourself killed."

  "No promises," I said with a smile. "Now go get my gear like I asked you to. And keep an eye on Stubs."

>   Hero and I swiftly moved through the building with the help of the modular flashlight at the end of his rifle. The car was parked on the surface floor of an underground parking garage a few blocks away from the entrance to Vineyard. Bonnie and Beach insisted that visitors park far from the entrance to make it harder for raiders to find their way in.

  The streets were quiet and dark as we moved, and there was no sign of any Poppers yet. In the distance, I could hear the trucks moving through the town.

  We got to the car and Hero kept a lookout as I popped the trunk. I quickly went back around the car and started pulling out the guns and ammo.

  "God damn!" Hero laughed in delight as he watched me pull the arsenal out. "Where'd you find this?" He marveled at the two flash bang grenades and then stuffed them in his pocket.

  "Out in Juniper. We hotwired this car, and this was in the trunk." We loaded up and strapped the guns to our backs. Then we weighed ourselves down with as much ammo as we could handle. "There's a box of flares in here. Got any more room?"

  "No man," said Hero as he tenuously held the weapons I'd already given him. "I can't carry anymore. My pockets are full and this shit is heavy. Let's get back to town before the Poppers show up."

  I slammed the trunk down and then hoisted a box of 5.56 ammo under each arm. The rifles clattered together on my back as we ran to the entrance of Vineyard.

  Hero slowed down and eventually stopped as we got closer. I stopped beside him as he looked back and forth through the streets. "Do you hear that?"

  I listened, but heard nothing. "No. What is it?"

  "There's like a low rumble or something. You can't hear that?"

  Then I started to hear it as well. It was a rhythmic thumping in the distance that sounded like a massive fan blade swiping through the air. It was a distinctive noise, but one that I'd not heard in twenty years.

  Hero recognized it as well, and turned to me with wide eyes. "Helicopters."

  "Run!" I screamed and dropped the boxes of ammo. Bullets skittered across the pavement as Hero stared at them in shock while I took all but one of the other guns off my shoulder as well. "Come on!"

  "What are you doing? Why are you dropping the guns?"

  "Don't you see what they're doing? They're not planning on a siege, Hero. They're going to blow the fuck out of the buildings and force everyone down to the streets. We've got to get back up there and tell everyone to get down. We need to get them into the underground garage back there. They can pick up the guns on their way there. Now come on!"

  Hero realized I was right and started to drop his weapons as well. We ran as fast as possible back to the entrance of Vineyard, but then we heard the familiar screams of the dead. Their voices reverberated through the desolate streets and the sound of their footsteps filled me with dread. We were too late. The zombies would overrun us in minutes.

  Hero cursed as he ran, and he moved faster than I could. I yelled at him to stop. He reluctantly turned and slowed down while moving backwards. "What?"

  "We're not going to make it."

  "Mother fucker, get your ass moving. Do you need me to carry you or something?"

  "No. Listen to me. We're not going to be able to get them off those buildings and into the garage in time."

  He took a step in my direction as he clenched his fists and scowled. "Are you talking about running away? Because if you are, I'll beat you down right here…"

  "Shut up and listen to me. I'm going to go get the car, and the flares, and get the zombies' attention. I'll keep them off this road. You just go get them off those buildings and into the garage. Understood?"

  He shook his head. "That's suicide, man. You're going to get yourself killed."

  "Doesn't matter. I'm dead already." I unzipped my pants and pulled them down to reveal the wound on my side. I pulled the gauze off so Hero could see the distinctive bite mark. "I was bit. I'm a goner anyhow. I lied to everyone because I was scared they'd kick me out of town. Now get up there and get these people to safety. Give me a chance to do one thing right in my life."

  He nodded and was about to walk away when he asked, "You were Harrison's friend, right? Anything you want me to tell him?"

  I nodded and smiled. "Tell him I figured out the Devil's plan."

  CHAPTER 8 – The Fall of Vineyard


  My vision spun and I had trouble standing as the wine ravaged my senses. Hailey couldn't stop giggling as she watched me try to dance, and the other girls quickly followed suit. "What's so funny?" My speech was slurred and I nearly fell over but Stitch was there to keep me steady. She put my arm over her shoulder and then took my cup of wine away.

  "You're officially cut off, sweetheart," said Stitch. I reached out for the cup, but she held it at arm's length.

  "But it tastes so good!" I pouted and hung my head as she kept it away.

  Hailey laughed so hard that she slipped off the bench and smacked her butt on the floor. Her wine sloshed out over her face and she sputtered before laughing in embarrassment.

  Annie and Kim helped her back up as she cackled. "I can't believe I just did that. I feel so dizzy."

  "Is this the first time you two have been drunk?" asked Kim.

  Hailey and I became suddenly quiet as we looked at Annie. The red headed Roller sighed and nodded, "Yes, Kim. We were keeping it quiet for now, but they were prisoners out at DIA."

  "This is our first time on the Surface," I said.

  Stitch turned me to face her and I was surprised by her stern look. "Where were they keeping you? Are there more? Were you the only two?"

  Stitch's questions came too quick for me to answer and I struggled to understand her. I was about to answer when Beach interrupted the celebration. She waved her arms in the air and shouted, "Everyone listen up. We're under attack."

  Others cried out in surprise and Bonnie rushed to Beach's side. "What?"

  "The traders are coming back with trucks filled with Poppers." The group gasped and crowded the entrance to the room where Beach was standing. "It's nothing to worry about. We can lock ourselves in and live just fine up here until the zombies die out. These aren't Greys we're dealing with, just Poppers."

  "Why are they doing this?" asked several people in the crowd. "Why would they want to attack us?"

  "We don't know. I wanted to wait until after the party to tell you this, but Juniper and Hanger were both hit with the virus recently." The crowd murmured in shock and Bonnie's face turned pale as she stared up at Beach.

  "When were you going to tell me?" asked Bonnie. "Why would you not tell me about that?"

  "I'm sorry, Bonnie, we can talk about it later. For now, I want everyone to head to their homes and get whatever weapons you have. We're going to try and keep the shooting to a minimum, but let's get guards at the posts. Everything's going to be okay, people. Let's not get panicked."

  I looked at the girls I'd befriended and was shocked to see Stitch already wielding a pair of pistols. I tried to figure out where they'd come from as Hailey wrapped her arm in mine.

  "You two are going to go with Bonnie," said Kim to Hailey and me. "Annie, you stay with me, and Stitch, you're going to help the guards at the entrance. Okay?"

  Annie and Stitch nodded and sprang to action. The three of them seemed able to erase any sign of drunkenness that had affected them moments ago. I, on the other hand, was still struggling to stand. Kim saw our wavering posture and stopped Stitch from leaving. "On second thought, Stitch, you help these two out. I don't want them falling off the roof."

  Stitch wormed her way between Hailey and me. She wrapped her arms around our shoulders and we let her lead the way as the crowd exited the room. We moved down the stairwell to the large bridge that led across to the other buildings. "You two are going to have to tell me everything about where you came from," said Stitch as she helped us along. "I didn't know that DIA had a Facility too."

  "Do you know about other Facilities?" asked Hailey.

  Stitch nodded and raised her e
yebrows. "They're also called the Body Factories, and yes, I know of a few others. We'll talk about it later. Let's focus on staying alive for now."

  We were halfway across the bridge when we heard the sound of fan blades. Hailey was the first to hear them, and she forced us to stop as she looked around for the source of the noise. "What is that?"

  People were able to move around us on the large bridge as Hailey led us to the side. Stitch tightened her grip and kept us away from the edge, fearful that Kim's prediction might come true and one of us would go tumbling off the side. I groaned as we approached and then pulled myself away from Stitch's arm so that I could sit down a safe distance away from the edge. "Sorry," I said as I sat down. "I don't like heights."

  Stitch was more concerned with the noise than she was with me as long as I was seated. She pulled Hailey back and told her to sit down beside me. Then she yelled at the crowd to be quiet as she listened for the noise that Hailey had heard.

  She turned suddenly, an agonizing look of terror on her face. "Helicopters! They're coming with helicopters."

  The crowd cried out in fright. Hailey and I had learned about flying machines while in the Facility, but we'd only ever seen pictures of them. I didn't understand what about them caused such panic among the others, but their intense reaction made me fearful as well.

  Beach started to yell at everyone to get into their homes and the crowd scattered while screaming in protest. Many of the townsfolk refused to go home to wait and get shot. They wanted to go down to the streets and take their chances with the Poppers. People began to argue and a few of them screamed out in frustration as the discussion turned chaotic. We were stuck on the bridge as the crowd stopped moving.

  I heard a man's voice yelling from far off, and then the blare of rifle fire silenced everyone. We looked at Hero, who stood closer to the entrance with a rifle pointed at the sky.

  "Shut the fuck up and listen to me," he screamed. "We're going down to the parking garage."


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