Hot Alpha Alien Husbands: Book One: Daxx and Jetta

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Hot Alpha Alien Husbands: Book One: Daxx and Jetta Page 6

by Scarlett Starkleigh

  “Are you left-handed?” I asked Daxx, looking at Breck, out like a light on the ground.


  “Do you favor your left hand? Eating, punching?”

  “I don’t understand this question.” He was staring at my mouth as I talked and his lips got closer and closer as he spoke. It was as if he was moving in for a kiss.

  “Don’t kiss me!” I exclaimed. I did this because his mouth was not more than three inches from mine and his eyelids were lowering, his head was tilting.

  I put my hands up against his solid wall of chest.



  “Why?” He broke free of his daze.

  “Unhand her, Blackstar. Either we head back to the reception or unhand her and you and I can compete right here, right now. I’m Cairo, sweet Jetta. And I will win you. Now. I’m done waiting, done watching him put his hands on you.”

  “Cairo? Like the city?”

  He shook his head like he didn’t know what I was talking about. But his magnificent blue eyes traveled down my legs.

  Daxx’s index finger was suddenly tipping my chin so that I was looking at him instead of Cairo.

  “Why do you say you don’t want to be kissed? It seemed like you can’t wait to be kissed. You’ve got a mouth that’s begging for it.”

  I gulped. He was right. I’d just about gotten lost in him there for a second. Daxx and I had some seriously serious chemistry happening here.

  “There is a city by my name where you are from?” Cairo asked, trying to get my attention back, “Is that where you lived? Because you could live there again. Only instead of City of Cairo it would be Bed of Cairo.”

  “Huh?” I asked, tearing my eyes away from Daxx. Cairo was giving me some serious ‘fuck me’ eyes. Oh, my lord.

  The index finger came back to my jaw and gently moved my face back in Daxx’s direction.

  Daxx looked at me disapprovingly,

  “Do not look at anyone that way but me, little beauty, or I’m afraid I’ll have to take you over my knee.”

  Double oh my lord. My mouth dropped open.

  I heard a grunt. Uh oh. Breck, ginger highlander, was rousing.

  “Perhaps we should go to the uh… reception event thing.” I offered, staring at Daxx’s mouth.

  His tongue dipped out to the corner and I felt another warm whoosh in my panties.

  “Fuck,” he said but his mouth moved with two syllables. It was as if he’d felt that.

  I looked at Cairo.

  “Fuck,” Cairo agreed. But Cairo’s ‘fuck’ sounded like he felt like he was losing a battle. And Cairo’s mouth didn’t move for two syllables. Was the translator working properly? Maybe here, the word Fuck meant many things, too.

  “If it’s up to me,” I said, “I know who I’d pick. Not sayin’ I’m ready to make babies, but I wouldn’t mind having a date or something with you.” I locked eyes with Daxx’s eyes.

  “We battle,” Cairo grunted, sounding pissed off, “Daxx, last warning. Release her and back away or I will make you back away.”

  Daxx shot the guy a cocky smirk. Daxx knew just what he was doing, obviously; he was trying to get me interested in only him. And it was sort of working. They were all hot but Daxx? Yummy tingles worked their way up and down my body.

  Breck got to his feet, looking dazed. If he were a cartoon, he’d have birds and stars flying in a ring around his gorgeous ginger head.

  If only this were like the dating game. If only we could interview all the competitors on a few subjects and then decide who we’d go on a date with.

  I decided that this was an idea worth exploring.

  “Instead of violence, since you all insist on competing, what about a dating game type competition?”

  “A what?” Breck asked.

  “A game where I ask questions and you each answer them and then I assign you with points. Whoever has the most points at the end of the question period wins and gets to have a date with me. Like, dinner and a movie or a walk on the beach. Something like that. The other two bow out and go meet some other girls. Nicely! No caveman style claiming or whatever.”

  They looked at me like I had two heads throughout my expressing my idea. I’d looked to each of them. They all had identical expressions.

  Daxx still hadn’t let go of me.

  I heard noise and an older man and two younger uniformed men (who looked like security guards), were now with us.

  “Daxx, Breck, Cairo. Please accompany us to discuss terms of your competition. You all declare yourselves to be vying for this female?”

  The man speaking was tall, dark-haired, a little but not much older, distinguished. He had the same eyes as Daxx. He wore a suit, with coattails. And a hat that was kind of a cross between a fedora and a top hat. The suit was made with animal hides of some sort but it didn’t look primitive; it looked to be well-made, expensive.

  “I do,” Breck piped up enthusiastically.

  “As do I,” Cairo agreed.

  “I’m back in,” a voice called and the dark-haired pirate-looking guy who had been here earlier was back. He stepped forward.

  “Are you kidding me?” I groaned.

  Daxx chuckled and gave me a playful squeeze. “Not to worry. I’ll flatten all of them, baby.”

  I think Cairo had now given up trying to get Daxx to unhand me but he was glaring.

  “What’s your name, buddy?” I called out. And maybe it was a little bit condescendingly, but seriously? Why would he come back? He had pick of the alien woman and whatever girls hadn’t been matched up. And all the girls in my group had been attractive. And for guys who hadn’t been laid in however long, they had some serious stones to be so choosy!

  “I’m Lars. Hello Jetta. You have the most beautiful mouth I’ve ever laid eyes on and I would never forgive myself if I didn’t at least try to win your hand.” He gave a little gallant bow.

  Wow. Lars was cute. Bodybuilder. Goatee. Warm brown eyes. Devilish smile. Long hair. Pirate vibe. Yummy.

  “Uh... thanks,” I blushed and tucked my hair behind my ear and tilted my head shyly.

  Daxx turned me to his body and then and dipped me, old Hollywood style, and then looked right into my eyes with intensity for a beat and then he laid a beautiful smooch on me. He was, clearly, trying to keep my attention focused on him. Just him.

  And for a second this other planet and everyone else on it melted clean away. When Daxx’s strong but velvety soft lips found mine, his tongue teased the tip of mine, just a little, and then he moved back a fraction of an inch and I went after his mouth with mine and my hands were then in his hair, holding his mouth to mine. I felt him smile against my mouth.

  People started arguing. My ear thing started high-pitched beeeeeeping at me, but I was being kissed by a nearly 7-foot-tall wall of gorgeous alien and…and…

  He. Could. Kiss!

  Good thing he had me firmly by the waist, dipped over, because my legs went liquid. I would’ve fallen. He was fucking hawt.

  “Fuck a duck,” I muttered, with astounded wonder, when his lips left mine. He straightened me up and gave me a funny smile at what I’d said. I didn’t know if it translated properly or if they talked that way here but I think I completely amused him.

  “If you weren’t holding onto her and she wasn’t at risk, I’d flatten you,” Breck growled at Daxx.

  “Now, now, boys…” I said, fluttering eyelashes, unintentionally, the kiss so intense that the ear pain barely registered. I felt eyes with what felt like adoration, on me. But I couldn’t tear my eyes away from Daxx.

  “You all seem really nice but I think I like this one.” I tapped his chest, “You’re all super-fine but this one…” I tapped Daxx some more. His mouth quirked up and I leaned forward into him, “This one? I’m not saying I’m ready to make babies, but yeah, I’d like to get to know this one a little bit better.”

  Daxx looked really really pleased.

  “I’m sorry…” the tall man said, hol
ding one of those small calculator-sized devices, and pointing it at me and … was he snapping a picture? He looked at the screen, “Jetta Mercedes Michaels.”

  He’d scanned me like I was a QR code or something. It was like a people version of Shazam. It must be this ear thing.

  I peered over at what he was looking at. He had my photo on his screen, and a whole bunch of hieroglyphic-looking symbols in tiny neat rows.

  “That’s not how this works. I’m Spar Blackstar, Daxx’s father. I’m council ambassador of this region of Phallyx, and overseeing this event. Daxx entered the competition late but as he did enter and put his betrothed forward into the competition he must go through the usual motion of the spirit of the competition in order to have you.”

  “Well, I don’t know, Mr. Spar Blackstar, that he’d have me, but I’d like to have a drink and a chat with him. Why don’t we start there?”

  Daxx’s mouth moved to my throat and he licked it and made a ‘rawr’ sound and then said in my ear but still loud enough for everyone to hear, “A drink? I’ll drink from your lips first and then from your cunt when I wrap your beautiful legs around my neck and have you ride my face.”


  My legs felt like Jell-O. I had no reply. And because he hadn’t whispered that, everyone else heard it loud and clear.

  Usually I found the c-word to be highly offensive. But somehow Daxx made it sound hot.

  “Let’s get on with this!” Breck shouted, looking pissed right off. Cairo was scowling at Daxx and looking ready to lunge.

  Daxx looked very pleased. I had the distinct impression that pissing off his competitors by touching and talking smutty to me was part of his strategy. Angry was not controlled and control was important in a fight.

  Uh oh. Cairo wasn’t just getting ready to lunge, he was actually lunging.

  “Breck, hold her. I’ll rip him apart. Then on your honor, you and I will battle,” Cairo snarled this and moved toward us.

  “No. you hold her and I’ll tear him apart,” Breck snapped.

  “I’ll hold her,” Lars’ velvety voice said, seductively, and he pushed in and then all three of them were crowding us. Cairo bumped Daxx with his shoulder and Lars tried to separate us by trying to wedge his arm around my waist and pull me away. But Daxx already had my waist firmly and he was not letting go.

  “I’ve got her, for heaven’s sake.” Daxx’s father stepped right in, shoving Cairo to the ground (strong for an older guy. Holy!) and hooked me backward behind him, “Go. Battle now if you must. She’s safe for the winner.”

  Daxx’s hands were up in a defensive pose and he eyed his father. “Take good care of her for me father; this won’t take but a minute.”

  “You’ll be a forest sow’s breakfast,” Breck growled.

  I didn’t know what a forest sow was but he was pretty angry and intimidating. Daxx looked unaffected. He glanced at me and wiggled his eyebrows at me and then wiggled his fingers at the other men in a ‘come at me’ gesture.

  It broke out into a comic book style fight right before my eyes. No puff of smoke hid what was happening and there weren’t word bubbles declaring ‘Kapow’ ‘Boom’ ‘Kablam!’ but there might as well have been for what I saw with my own two eyes.

  Four men fighting. Over me. Cairo scrambled to his feet and lunged for Daxx. Breck was swinging at Daxx with a fist but Daxx side-stepped and avoided the impact and then swung around and did a spinning kick and sent Lars into Cairo and then Daxx spun the other way and his elbow connected with Breck’s forehead.

  “What on Earth does that display thing say about me that these guys like so much?” I asked Spar. The two men standing behind him both looked highly amused. They were also both checking me out. God no. What was it with these horny horn dog aliens?

  Oh yeah, no sex in years. Silly me.

  He rolled his eyes, “It’s beyond me.”

  And I couldn’t help but feel a little hurt. Because the way he said it and the way he watched his son made it clear that he really didn’t get the attraction in a way that made it seem like he found me sorely lacking.

  I didn’t think I was ‘all that’ but I certainly didn’t think I was, ‘eww, gross’ either. I thought this planet wasn’t about elitism?

  “They’re going to kill each other!” I exclaimed.

  “Most likely,” Spar agreed and glanced at a digital device that looked like an Apple watch on his wrist, as if he had someplace he needed to be.

  “But…don’t let them!” I was frantic.

  “My son will win, they’re no match for him.”

  “There are three of them.” I lowered my voice, “What if they get smart and take him out first?”

  “These three are not that smart,” Spar whispered back, “Brute strength alone. Daxx has that and a brain in his head. If those three had a brain it’d rattle.”

  Breck was bleeding. Daxx was beating his face to a pulp. Lars and Cairo were wrestling on the ground and landing blow after blow on one another, seeming evenly matched. In a minute, maybe two of these guys would be seriously hurt or even dead. Dead. Over a fight over me! And Daxx’s dad wasn’t going to stop them and the two guards were watching like it was a sports event.

  “Guys, please! Don’t kill each other.”

  Lars was now on bottom, Cairo on top and more blows came from top to bottom. Cairo spit out blood and then slammed his elbow into Lars’ gut and then into his mouth. It looked and sounded very painful.

  Breck gained some strength and hooked an ankle around and took Daxx to his knees and then did a spinning roundhouse kick (um, he had nothing under that kilt. And oh my, my, my…) and Daxx went to his belly and before Breck’s foot connected, grabbed Breck’s ankle, and yanked, making the kilted giant crash to the ground on top of Lars and Cairo, who were still wrestling and smashing one another in the face. Breck’s kilt was way up and he was showing all of us a full moon. And then, whoops, he turned over and showed us a full monty.

  Daxx leaned over and his hands went around two throats. Two! He banged Lars and Cairo’s heads together and then hopped to his feet and landed a kick to Breck’s gut. He looked like he was about to kick again --- but Breck’s face was lined up with Daxx’s boot.

  “Guys!” I hollered, “Stop. Please!”

  I didn’t want anyone to die. I didn’t know these guys but death? This was too much. It might’ve sounded comical but it was really bloody and violent and I didn’t want to be responsible for anyone losing their life.

  Daxx’s eyes flashed with something when he saw my face. I dashed a tear away from my cheek.

  He moved toward me, his hand reaching toward my face, and then Cairo’s palm came out and the heel of his hand slammed into Daxx’s chin, making Daxx stumble backwards. He landed on his ass.

  “Let’s take Daxx out and then we’ll battle,” Cairo called over his shoulder but Daxx shook it off, jumped to his feet, and snarled as he threw a left, then a right, and then another left, each hit landing hard on Cairo’s face. Boom, boom, Kapow!

  And then he threw another hard right and Cairo went down like a tree trunk falling straight to the ground before the other two could participate in a three on one to take Daxx down.

  “Daxx, you’ll kill him. Please don’t kill him!”

  His forehead crinkled but he turned, looking like he was ready to take out the other two.

  “If anyone kills anyone I won’t ever speak to any of you again!” I tried, wanting this to stop. I heard the two guards laughing.

  Daxx hesitated and looked at me, looked at me like I was cute. Lars staggered away from Breck, who was crouched, in a squat, looking completely exhausted. I tried hard not to look because in that squat you could, um, see everything Breck had to offer a potential female. Whoa.

  But then I spotted Lars and I shouted, “Daxx, watch out!” Lars was coming up behind him and he had somehow gotten a big rock from somewhere. He was about to bring it down on Daxx’s head.

  Daxx ducked, spun, and used his shin to t
rip Lars, who landed right beside Cairo but he landed funny and I’m pretty sure he hit his forehead on the rock he’d had.

  “Don’t worry, they’re not dead, baby. Just out for a bit,” Daxx said. It was really kinda hot the way he kept calling me baby and little beauty.

  “Okay,” I winced and put my hands to my head. Cairo’s eyes were opened but unfocused-looking. He was lying there blinking, looking like he was in pain.

  Daxx looked at me with an ‘Awe’ face and then turned to Breck, who was standing back, hands raised, defensively, face bloody.

  “I’m out.” Breck said, spitting blood, then looking to me with regret, his eyes traveling the length of my body, “It’s clear she’s most interested in Daxx. Regrettably, since I caught her first. Cairo is out for the count and Lars is an idiot. That rock would’ve disqualified him from keeping her. If the daft idiot hadn’t knocked himself out.”

  “Feel free to see a medic and seek out another female, unless you’re Lars, the daft idiot,” Spar waved his hand back in the direction where the others were.

  “I’m taking you now,” Daxx moved toward me, “Before these two shit-brains start up again and before others turn up. Father. I’ll call you tomorrow. Or the next day.”

  “You’re sure about this?” Daxx’s father gave him a disapproving look.

  “Never surer about a thing,” Daxx declared and his father’s expression changed. He looked shocked. The men looked at one another a beat and then Daxx’s father jerked his chin in assent, I guess.

  Daxx scooped me up. I squealed in surprise and he carried me, bride over the threshold style, in the opposite direction of where everyone else was. And then he was running, with me in his arms, and he had the biggest smile on his face.

  “Where are you taking me?” I asked. We were going deeper into the woods.

  “To bed,” he growled and picked up his pace, “Before I lose all control and take you right here on the forest floor.”

  Whoa. Stop right there.

  “Um, wait a second,” I tried to struggle out of his grasp, “You’d better put me down.”

  “Why?” He didn’t slow his pace. At all.


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