Azar's Prize

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Azar's Prize Page 6

by Reese Gabriel

  The first of the orgasms came from down deep in her toes. It had been building from the moment she had laid eyes on his image, reaching its crescendo here, with all their charged dialogue and his arrogant claiming of her body.

  No man could do this to her, and yet this one was.

  And she was taking it…coming and coming and coming. Even as he smacked his balls against her tender, spanked ass cheeks, pushing her to greater and greater limits.

  “Mine,” he growled. “My pussy…to fuck…and own.”

  “Yes…own it, own me,” she said, lost in the heat of the moment, unable to see beyond to the very real impossibilities of the High Councilor’s daughter submitting to a pirate on a permanent basis.

  “My good little girl, my good little slave.”

  Theryssa screamed out, a fresh orgasm overtaking her, this one coming through every nerve ending, opening her thoroughly to the man’s predations. Deliciously wicked and scandalous, demeaning and enrapturing all at once. Like a flame igniting her entire being, burning her right down to the ground.

  “Yes, my Theryssa,” Azar rasped as he reached around to grasp hold of her breasts. “My reborn angel.”

  What did he mean? Theryssa wondered, her fleshy globes pulsing and aching in his viselike grip. What exactly did he want from her and who did he want her to be? How far was this game going to go?

  If indeed it was a game at all.

  Theryssa felt a fresh spasm as Azar readied himself to come. By the goddess, he was swelling up, and getting hotter, too. If she didn’t know better, she’d almost think he was more than a normal male…

  But no, that was impossible. This man was a pirate, raised on an outlaw planet. There was no way he could have any artificial genetics at all, let alone the DNA of a primale.

  She was imagining things, she had to be.

  Azar leaned back, releasing a mighty roar. His semen came in hot bursts, thick shooting streams filling her canal. On and on, until she felt like she might explode. So hot…not like the mems.

  Once again she thought of the times, brief though they were when she had lain with primales. Fellow students at the Guardian Academy. Her father would have had her hide if he’d ever found out. Aunt Seria had smirked, warning her to never tell a soul.

  She hadn’t told anyone, nor had she ever thought about it again until now. It was just that this experience was feeling so familiar.

  What if it was true? What if…

  No. She couldn’t let her mind play tricks on her like that. She had been in space a long time, that was all. She was still a little susceptible to space madness.

  In fact, she might be dreaming this whole thing. Yes, that was it. She was only imagining Azar fucking her from behind. In a few moments, she would come to, safely in her little space ship, still on her way to meet him.

  She would have a good laugh over the whole thing. And then she would turn around and head straight back home.

  Unfortunately, this particular Azar refused to vanish into the mist of fantasy. Withdrawing his cock from her twitching, burning sex, Azar ordered her to attend to him.

  “Lick me clean,” he said.

  Theryssa’s jaw dropped at the sight of him. Dripping as it was with his come and hers, the man’s erection had not flagged in the least. If anything, he was harder than before.

  There were only two ways that was possible. One, the man was some kind of android, which seemed highly unlikely, or two…he really was a primale.

  And if that was true, she would have an entirely different possibility on her hands. Namely that she was not a prisoner in name only, but in reality.

  There was only one way to find out. Theryssa was going to have to test him, just as he had tested her.

  Chapter Three

  One look at Theryssa’s eyes told Azar of the woman’s suspicions. He had been careless, giving her far too many reasons to suspect he was more than he appeared to be on the surface. At more than one point, he had nearly shown his primale powers, kissing the very breath from her body in their initial embrace. He had been unable to sufficiently control his cock, either. He had wanted her so badly there was no way he could have kept himself from swelling beyond normal proportions.

  Too, he had filled her with far too much semen, and at a much higher temperature than any normal man should be capable of.

  And now he was standing there, after such a titanic ejaculation, still as hard as ever. As though he had not come at all. How could she not suspect something was going on?

  Quickly, he willed his erection down.

  Theryssa watched it decline to half mast, though her body was still on high alert. Given the tension in her limbs, he was fairly certain she was going to try something foolish.

  Would she openly break her promise to obey him? He doubted that highly. But she had already warned that she would take advantage of loopholes.

  In short, Azar expected an escape attempt in the near future.

  He would have to handle the situation with extreme care. He must let Theryssa think she still had the advantage as the only primale in the room, and yet he must also make sure she did not actually leave the cabin. For her safety as much as anything. Strong as she appeared to be, he could not take the chance on Oleron and the others overcoming her.

  He simply would not allow harm to come to her. Whether she realized it or not, he was actually guarding her with fierce intensity. Nothing he was doing would bring harm to her. Even the little test with the knife had posed no threat, for had she been unable to deflect it, he would have used his own augmented reflexes to save her from the blow, either deflecting the blade or moving her at lightning speed out of the way.

  Whether she knew it or not, he would die before he let harm come to her. No woman had been able to do this to him. Not since Solania. He’d suppressed the primale protection desire with every female after her. He’d forced himself to be as a mem, sleeping with anyone he wished.

  It wasn’t easy, but it was possible.

  He wasn’t a slave of Council genetics. He could be as he chose. Just as he had fallen in love with Solania in the first place—a fem, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

  The first time he’s seen her dancing, she had taken his breath away. By law he should never have pursued her, never talked to her. Instead he had made sex with her that night and within two weeks had made plans to marry.

  The Council had other ideas. They had sent Theron, a junior Guardian then, to warn her away. She had become despondent and gone for an air-car ride to clear her head. She had taken it off autopilot. No one could ever be sure how the accident had happened. She had hit the dome full speed.

  His fallen angel.

  By the gods of vengeance, he had called Theryssa his reborn angel…in the middle of sex-making with her.

  What was happening to his life? First the call for peace from the Council and the letter from Theron, attempting to explain about Solania and now this…the dark haired beauty come to him like a ghost.

  He needed to get control of himself. Her life was not important, only the information she could provide as to who had sent her and why.

  Because where information lay, there was always power, in one form or another. That’s what women were for. They were power. Directly and indirectly.

  The fact that he had never made better sex with a woman in his life, not even with Solania herself, did not matter. Nor did it make the least bit of difference how his heart raced in her presence and how her eyes and smile and indeed her every feature, intrigued and captured him beyond measure.

  Never before had he been this intoxicated by a woman. Making sex with her, far from sating his curiosity, had merely whetted his appetite for more. What would she be like the second time and the third and beyond?

  What if he were to become completely entangled in her dark-haired beauty, in the magic of those green eyes, and the grace of those lithe limbs? He was thirsty for her and hungry. And not just for her fair form. He wanted to know the inner woma
n, too. What made her tick and what her hopes were, and her dreams.

  Dangerous indeed was this unexpected package snatched from the depths of space. His instincts had been right. But it was too late to cast her back out. She was his to deal with. For the long haul. Until he could determine her identity and find some way to get her home safely. Wherever home was.

  In the meantime, he must continue on in the role he knew best, that of plundering pirate. It was one he had played for well on two decades. Ever since Solania’s death. That terrible point of delineation marking his self-exile from everything he had ever known.

  “You were given an order,” he reminded Theryssa.

  She looked at him, conflict evident in her eyes. “You don’t really expect me to…”

  “You will lick my cock clean,” he confirmed. “And you will do so to my satisfaction or I will display you naked for the pleasure of my crew.”

  Theryssa tossed her dark curls. “No one else can look at me naked. That’s not the deal.”

  He couldn’t help but smile. For all her obvious courage and strength, she was so very female. “Want me to keep you for myself, do you?”

  “Don’t flatter yourself. I’m just sticking to the deal.”

  “The deal is obedience, young lady. If you choose not to honor your responsibility, I can and will punish you as I see fit.”

  Theryssa frowned. “Real men don’t need to humiliate women to get off.”

  He watched her approach, in spite of her protests. “Does it humiliate you to give a man pleasure?”

  She stood face to face with him, defiant. “Make no mistake, Azar,” she squared her jaw, “there isn’t a thing you could ever do to me in this lifetime to take away my pride.”

  Her eyes were shining like emerald fire. What a marvelous creature she was. Any man would be honored to have her at his side, in battle, or in peacetime for that matter. Did she have any love interests, he wondered. It would be difficult for her. She wasn’t a fem, which meant no mem would dare touch her. She wasn’t an obedient, either, which meant most primales would avoid her like the plague.

  Were there any more like her? What game was the Council playing at this time? When he had served as a Guardian, back in the days of Marax’s command, he had been aware of certain experiments. Plans to create hybrids on a mass scale.

  Not all of the Council members had approved. Chief among the opposition was Malthusalus. The debate had reached a point of open conflict and Malthusalus had fled, fearing arrest. He and others had begun a campaign of subversion, designed to return society to its old ways. Azar, known then as Azariel, was sympathetic to Malthusalus’ ends, though he could not condone acts of terrorism.

  Even after the death of Solania, he could not join up with the infamous rebel. Instead, Azar had tendered his resignation from the Guardians and headed for the Outer Starfields, well beyond the influence of either the Council or Malthusalus’ agents. Concealing his primale powers, he had signed on with a crew of space pirates, and over time, came to be king among them.

  He used his forces to attack the Guardian ships, which he considered fair targets, but he was no friend to Malthusalus, and certainly not to the Narthians.

  “I have no wish to take your pride,” he told her. “Or anything else that you do not give freely.”

  “I shall give nothing,” she said.

  He smiled, enjoying her thoroughly. “Then I shall have nothing. Except a bath, my sweet, with your tongue.”

  Daggers shot from her eyes. His cock swelled with thick, hot need. This proud beauty was all his…and in a matter of seconds, she would be servicing him.

  And why not indulge himself a little? He was still in control here and he could stop things whenever he wanted.

  His pulse raced as she lowered herself to her knees, her lips even with the tip of his shaft. “Take your time, love. We’re in no rush.”

  “If I were you,” she advised, her hot breath on his balls, “I would give me specific orders not to bite your cock off, otherwise I won’t be held responsible for my actions.”

  Azar laughed—a deep roll from his belly. “Have you any idea,” he queried, “just how charming you are?”

  “No. Do you have any idea what a pig you are?”

  Azar caressed the top of her head, doing the one thing he knew would infuriate her most. “That’s enough, little one. Time to tend to your work.”

  Theryssa made a noise, indicating her anger. Any further protests, however, she kept to herself. Instead, she extended her tongue and tentatively touched the tip of his cock.

  Azar ran his fingers through her thick hair. “Yes, baby, that’s it.”

  “Don’t call me that.” Theryssa slid her tongue underneath, running the top of it along the thickly protruding vein. Azar released a low groan. He could see this cleaning exercise was quickly going to turn into something else entirely.

  “I mean it in the best way, I assure you. Put your hands behind your back, Theryssa. Clasp them.”

  The new position accentuated her breasts as well as emphasizing the helpless servitude of her position. She was shackled now by something better than steel—his will.

  Her eyes were closed. She was working tenderly up his shaft. What was she feeling? Was she as immersed in their connection as he was? He made a mental note to return the favor. Later it would be her facing the pleasures and tortures his tongue on her sex.

  “Oh, Theryssa,” he rasped, “you sweet, mysterious thing. I want to shove my cock in you so far. I want to make sex with you…for a hundred years without stopping.”

  Theryssa’s pace quickened, as did her ardor. She had managed to reach the base of him and now she was working back to the tip, along the side. As she reached the tip again, she took care of the small drop of pre-come, dabbing it with the end of her tongue.

  Was that a trace of a smile he saw on her face?

  She did his cock head next, her tongue making luxurious swabbing motions. When she had managed to cover every inch, Azar took hold of the sides of her head and guided her underneath. One by one, she took his fully loaded balls into her mouth. Her sucking motion was sweet and gentle, natural and perfect. No captured female had ever done it better.

  Had she received some kind of training? What was the Council trying to do, develop a race of super-powered pleasure women?

  “That’s enough.” He tugged her head back very gently, almost like a dream, his fingers interwoven in her hair. He hardly needed to guide her as she sought his cock again, this time with her mouth opened into a sweet, accepting oval.

  The opening was cock-shaped, and he went between her lips, as if in a dream, when you feel like you’ve come home to the very source of pleasure in the universe.

  Theryssa’s jaws were slack. She was surprisingly relaxed. He sighed his affirmation, as he slipped into the pocket of her cheeks, sheathing himself. He wanted to be completely immersed, but he knew her mouth could not take all of him. Finding the back of her throat, he pulled quickly forward again, so as not to overwhelm her.

  She showed no signs of gagging. In fact, she was trying to suction him back in again—harder, faster.

  With both hands, she covered the exposed part of him, forming an extension of the tunnel made by her mouth. He reminded her that she was supposed to have her hands behind her back, but he wasn’t much disturbed by her willfulness, especially as it was designed to increase his pleasure.

  Theryssa made a slurping noise. She was a hungry, eager little thing. By the gods, if the male members of the Council had known the possibilities of feminine primale power in the area of fellatio, they would have made millions of women like this.

  Azar gripped her shoulders, steadying himself. It was very tempting to ejaculate this way—into her sweet mouth. He wasn’t going to, though, not until he was sure just how much experience she had actually had with primales.

  Obviously she wasn’t a virgin and she didn’t seem totally freaked-out by his super-powered cock, but Azar was considered to
be extra potent, even by primale standards.

  In his younger days, it had often taken two, even three pleasure women to satisfy him over the period of a single night. He had not wanted Solania to mate with him for that reason. He had feared what might be unleashed should he become fully bonded with a woman. Such a level of possessiveness and sexual demand might be more than a woman could handle.

  Solania had been a brave woman, however, and very stubborn, too. She had refused to take no for an answer. She had pleaded and begged, tirelessly working to make Azar see that she was the one female made for him.

  I cannot live without you, she’d said, so why should I ever fear what might happen with you?

  There was no way to argue with such logic.

  Ten times he had ejaculated inside her, all the while bringing her to countless orgasms, both clitoral and vaginal.

  They enjoyed one another in every conceivable position, their bodies covered in sweat, limbs intertwined, hearts slamming in unison, blood pulsing—two systems made one. He scarcely knew where she ended and he began. Time and space disappeared. There was only his sweet, curly-haired redhead, with her small, perky breasts, pale white skin and rounded, eminently spankable ass cheeks.

  When the loving was done, she came to him on all fours, a collar and leash in her teeth. Laying it beside him where he reclined on the bed, she begged him to collar her, put her under his discipline.

  “Do you know what this means?” He brushed the hair back from her forehead to gaze into her pretty brown eyes.

  “It means you will be my Master,” she said.

  Tears in his eyes, he affixed the leather around her slender throat, the chain leash hanging between her breasts.

  “Beat me,” she whispered when he was done, her finger touching the collar in awe and astonishment.

  His cock popped to full erection. Half crawling, half scrambling, she made it onto his lap. He had her mount him sideways, so he could spank her while he was inside her.


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