Beast: Death Dealers MC

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Beast: Death Dealers MC Page 7

by Kacee Kupser

  I shook my head at him and laughed. “Ahhh, so there’s an ulterior motive huh?”

  I walked up to my junk drawer and rummaged

  around until I found my spare house key. I then walked up to the fridge and grabbed the grocery list I had pinned up there and handed them both over to him.

  “Thank you for your help, I appreciate it. I wasn’t looking forward to stopping after my shift. I’ve got to get going so I can pick up some breakfast on my way in to work. Let yourself out and I’ll text you about my lunch break.”

  I gave him a quick kiss and started walking to the front of the house so that I could grab my purse and put my shoes on. Opening the front door I turned to see Beast right behind me with his boots on his feet and keys in his hand.

  “I’ll follow you out Bren. I might as well head in and get some work out of the way before our lunch date.”

  Chapter 15 – Beast

  I pulled into the clubhouse and parked in front of the door, backing into my spot. When I came in the front door multiple sets of eyes turned to look at me, giving me a bad feeling.

  “Joker, Irish, Tiny, what’s up?”

  Joker answered for the group. “Hey Pres. We have a bit of a problem. We need to talk.”

  “All right gentleman, follow me.”

  I led the way into my office, Joker right behind me and Tiny pulling up the rear, making sure to close the office door behind him. I sat behind my desk while they took seats around the office.

  Looking between them, they all looked anxious and that couldn’t be a good sign. Every member of the MC was former military so if they were anxious about something it wasn’t a good sign.

  “So, who’s going to tell me what the hell is going on?”

  Joker looked to Tiny as if to give him the go ahead.

  Tiny leaned forward in his chair with his elbows resting on his thighs. “Well, I was out on my bike early this morning heading home from my night out. When I started going past The Black Angel I noticed that something didn’t look right. The exterior lights were all off so I decided to pull in to check it out.”

  The Black Angel was the club’s strip club. It was the only gentleman’s club in town and made a brisk business.

  “When I pulled up to the front of the club, I noticed that the front door was open and I knew that Reaper was on duty tonight and he never would have made that mistake. Before going in, I called Techy to get him to check out the security cameras and he said the cameras looked normal, but the front door was still closed on the feed so obviously that was a problem as well. I did a perimeter check while waiting for backup. When Irish showed up we went into the building and it was destroyed. All of the bottles of booze had been smashed and most of the tables and chairs were wrecked as well. There was spray paint all over the mirror behind the bar.”

  He paused to let me take it all in. My hands were shaking and my jaw was clenched so hard I thought I might chip a tooth. I was pissed! “What did the spray paint say?”

  “That’s just it, all it said was LEAVE.”

  “What the fuck?! Who the hell thinks they can threaten us? Everyone knows this is our territory, we sure as hell aren’t going anywhere.”

  Joker was my Vice President, so I turned to look at him for answers.

  “I don’t know brother, I’ve not heard of any new players in town. The only thing that makes sense is that someone is trying to move in on us. I’ve got some feelers out on the streets and have a call in to the Cursed Bastards. I’m hoping to hear back from Axel soon.”

  The Cursed Bastards MC were based in the next town over. We had worked with them in the past, so hopefully they would be able to help us out with this situation.

  “All right, anything else?”

  Irish spoke up this time. “We’ve got the prospects already at the club getting it all sorted. They are going to clean everything up and set aside any furniture that is still useable. We also have an order in to replace all of the liquor before we open tonight.”

  “Okay. We thinking whoever this is are a threat? Do we need to have a lockdown?”

  Joker responded, “nah, I don’t think so boss. I think it might not be a bad idea to have some boys on the old ladies and kids, just keeping an eye on things, but I don’t think we need to have a full lockdown yet.”

  “All right. I want patched brothers helping with the security of the families. . Each man can take care of their woman and the unattached brothers can take the kids, getting them to and from school and being stationed outside the schools during the day until we get some more information. If there’s not anything else, I’m going to do some of my own calling around to see if I can find anything out.”

  Tiny and Irish got up to leave, but Joker remained seated. “You okay Beast? I know you’re not as calm as you seem.”

  “Yeah Joker, I’m nowhere near as calm as I seem. I’m so pissed off I could cause some damage. It’s taking everything I have to still be sitting here. I need this shit figured out. We don’t need this right now. I

  f somebody is threatening us, they won’t be around long enough to follow through with it.”

  “I got you brother. I’m going to head over to meet Everly and let her know that she is not to go anywhere without me.”

  He got up and walked out the door, leaving me to try to calm down enough to think straight. Brenna is safe at the hospital so I can put worrying about her on the back burner for now. I’ll deal with letting her know about the new security measures when I bring her lunch. For now I’ve got to start making some calls to some of the contacts I’ve made over the years to see if I can come up with anything.

  Being a former Navy Seal, I still have some friends from the service. Some of them moved on to work for the feds so hopefully they will have some information about what may be going on in my town.

  Pulling out my cellphone, I look up the number for Knight. He was an intelligence officer in the service and now works for the FBI.

  “Hey Beast, what you up to brother?”

  Even with the situation I’m finding myself in, just talking to Knight makes me smile. “Hey Knight. Got lots going on brother. One thing specifically that I needed to talk to you about.”

  “Oh so you’re just calling me to use me? It’s okay, I get it. You just don’t love me anymore.”

  Knight was great at making me laugh. He always knew what to say to cut the tension. “Oh shut it asshole. We’re having a problem here in town. Someone broke into The Black Angel last night and destroyed the place leaving a message written on the mirror. It just said LEAVE. As far as we know there are no new players in town, but I can only assume that someone wants to move in on our territory and this is their first salvo.”

  “Damn Beast. You guys have had it good for years. Everyone in that town knows not to bother you. I haven’t heard anything, or else I would have let you know already. I’ll do some checking and put the word out to some of my colleagues to see if I can find anything out. Give me a couple of days and I’ll hit you back.”

  “Thanks Knight. I appreciate it. When you going to retire and finally come join the Death Dealers?”

  Knight chuckled. It was a bone of contention between us and had been for years. I knew he’d eventually join the MC, but until that time I was going to bust his balls every time I spoke to him.

  “Yeah, things are going good here, but you might be right for once. It might be time to consider a change soon.”

  “Holy shit! Did you just acknowledge that I’m right? About damn time. Thanks for looking into this for me man, I appreciate it. I’ll speak to you soon.”

  Chapter 16 – Brenna

  Walking into the hospital, I look at my watch, thankful that I wasn’t late again. Usually if I’m a few minutes late it’s not the end of the world, but today the duty nurse is Eloise and she is not my biggest fan.

  I stopped at Starbucks on my way in and grabbed a breakfast sandwich and so far, thankfully, it stayed down. Maybe my morning sickness was over, one can
hope right?

  The day was bound to drag out. Cody wasn’t on today and we were usually able to make the day go by quickly. Don’t get me wrong, I loved my job, but you need to enjoy working with your coworkers and Eloise made it hard to have an enjoyable day.

  Walking up to the nurse’s station Eloise was already there, looking down at her watch as I came behind the desk. I put a smile on my face, trying not to antagonize her. “Good morning Eloise. How are you today?”

  She nodded at me before walking away. I grabbed up my list of patients and started doing my rounds, making sure all of the kids were stable and didn’t need anything.

  The morning went quickly, the kids were all doing well. I took a quick trip back to the nurse’s station and grabbed up my cellphone, shooting Beast a text to let him know what time I would be able to go for lunch.

  Brenna: Hey. I hope your day is going well. I should be able to catch a break around 11:30. That work?

  He didn’t answer right away, so I put my phone away and got back to work. The next time I came back to the desk it was almost 11:30 already so I grabbed a peek at my phone and noticed that he still hadn’t gotten back to me. Oh well, I’m sure he was busy. I would just send him another message to let him know I was just going to go to the cafeteria for lunch.

  Brenna: I’m guessing you’re busy. I’m going to head down to the cafeteria and grab some lunch. Feel free to join me. I get an hour for my lunch.

  I hit send and seconds later I heard the ping of a phone. I checked my phone, but the ping didn’t come from it. Looking up, I saw Beast standing at the corner of the desk smiling at me.

  “Hey Baby Girl. You going to go out for lunch without me?”

  I smiled back at him and grabbed my purse before walking over to him. “Yeah, I figured you were busy since you didn’t respond to my other text so I was just going to head down to the cafeteria and grab something and relax.”

  “Sorry, I was busy so forgot to text back. I picked some food up on my way over. It’s a nice day, how do you feel about eating outside? Are you able to leave the building?”

  “Sure, that sounds great. Let’s head out.”

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his side, putting his arm around my waist as we walked to the elevator.

  When we got outside I saw that his bike was parked just outside the exit and it had two helmets waiting on the seats.

  “We’re going to ride the bike? I love riding!” I exclaimed. I had only ever been on a bike once before, and that was with Beast. It was exhilarating and I didn’t think I’d ever get to experience it again.

  He smiled at me indulgently, seeing me bouncing on my toes excitedly. “Yeah Bren, I figured we would take the bike while we still can. Soon you will be too far along for me to feel comfortable with you out in the open. I thought we’d ride to the park and eat there.”

  I took my eyes off his bike and turned to look at him, my mouth dropped open. “We’re going to have a picnic?” I was trying to hold back a giggle, but it was really hard. He did not seem like the type of guy to do something romantic, but I loved it.

  “I wouldn’t call it a picnic, but I figured it would be nice to go somewhere semiprivate so we can get to know each other better.”

  He handed me a helmet and helped me strap it on. I’m sure I could do it, but I figured I would indulge him.

  “Okay, do you remember how to get on the bike?”

  He got on the bike and I just stared at it sitting there. He made a sexy as hell picture. I’ve always had a fantasy of being fucked while lying back on a motorcycle. Seeing him sitting there has me getting all hot and flustered just imagining him taking me on the back of it.

  “Baby, you okay?”

  I came out of my trance and focused back on Beast. He was giving me a sexy grin like he knew exactly what I was thinking. “Oh yeah, I’m great. Just thinking of possibilities for a different day.”

  “Ohhhh, you keep thinking up those possibilities Bren and we will fulfill every fantasy you have.”

  I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder, swinging my leg over and settling on the bike, my feet on the pegs. I held onto his shoulders and thought I was ready to go, but he took my hands and moved them down his body so that they were on his stomach. He then grabbed me behind my knees and pulled me so that my boobs were squished to his back. I tightened my arms around him and gave him a squeeze.

  “You ready baby?”

  “Oh Beast, I’m more than ready. Let’s go!”

  He started the engine and pulled out of the parking lot, turning right to go a couple of blocks down to the local park. When he parked, he tapped my hands letting me know I was good to get off.

  Opening his saddle bags, he pulled out a blanket and a couple of bags of food from the local diner. “I thought you said this wasn’t a picnic?”

  “It’s not a picnic. I just figured we would need something to sit on. I want you and the baby to be comfortable.”

  I grabbed the blanket from him and wandered over to set up beneath a tree that would give us plenty of shade. It was quite a warm day out and I didn’t want to get all sweaty before heading back to work.

  I sat down on the blanket and grabbed the bags from Beast, opening them up and diving right in. I was starving. I pulled everything out and set it in front of us.

  Beast sat down beside me and leaned back on his hands, watching me. “You hungry Bren?”

  “Your child makes me hungry all of the time.” I opened one of the take away containers and shoved the cheeseburger in my mouth. When I looked back at Beast he was still leaning back just watching me. “Aren’t you going to join me?”

  “Oh I’m just enjoying watching you eat. Just making sure you don’t choke with how quickly you’re scarfing that down.”

  I took the burger away from my mouth and put it back in the container, slowing down my chewing.

  “So, tell me about your family. Brothers, sisters, mom, dad?”

  “Just gonna dive right in huh baby?”

  “Well I figure since we are going to be in each other’s lives for years to come we might as well get to know each other a bit better.”

  “How about we go back and forth? To answer your question, my dad Andrew died when I was 16 and that left just me and my mom Marie.”

  “Are you and your mom close?”

  “Nuh uh. My turn. How about you? Same question.”

  I picked up some fries and dipped them into the ketchup and stuffed them in my mouth before answering him. “Well, I come from Irish immigrants. My dad is Connor and my mom is Shannon. I have an older sister named Danielle and a four year old niece named Inara. What made you decide to join up with the Death Dealers?”

  “Well, I joined the Navy right out of high school. My dad had been in the Navy and I looked up to him and missed him so much that it felt like a good way to keep a part of him with me. I moved into Special Ops pretty much right away and became a SEAL.

  Once it was time to get out, I came back home and didn’t know what to do with myself. I was so used to being a part of a team and group of brothers that regular civilian life wasn’t for me.

  I had heard about the MC when I was in the service since some of the men I served with were already members so I decided to hang around and see if I liked it or not. Joker decided to come with me and once we hung around for a bit we decided that we liked the sense of family and brotherhood and became prospects. And the rest, as they say, is history.”

  I had stopped eating while he told his story. I was impressed. I had no idea that he was in the Navy SEALs.

  “Wow, that’s impressive. How long have you been with the club?”

  “I’ve been with the club for the last 10 years. My turn. What made you decide to be a nurse?”

  “I’ve always loved kids, but knew I could never be a teacher. I don’t have the patience. I love my job though.”

  We kept chatting until it was time for me to head back to work. It was actually the best date I’d ev
er had.

  Chapter 17 – Beast

  When we got back to the hospital, I turned off the bike and got off with Brenna. I grabbed her around the waist and brought her up to me so I could give her a kiss goodbye and let her know about the extra security.

  I leaned in to give her a peck on the lips, but that first taste of her wasn’t enough. I pulled her more fully into me and ran my tongue along her lips asking for permission to enter. She wrapped her arms around my neck and opened up for me, giving me everything I wanted.

  Pulling away from her, she was breathing heavily and looking down at her feet. I put my finger underneath her chin and lifted her head up to look at me. “Baby, I’ve got some news about the club. Someone broke into The Black Angel last night and destroyed it. We are taking some precautions to make sure everyone is safe in case it is a threat. You are safe when you are at the hospital, but I don’t want you going anywhere without an escort. I will be here to follow you home and will bring you back and forth from work whenever you have a shift. If I can’t make it to pick you up I will send you a text message with the name of who will be meeting you, as well as their picture if it’s a brother you don’t know.”


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