Beast: Death Dealers MC

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Beast: Death Dealers MC Page 16

by Kacee Kupser

  I called an end to church and headed back to my room to check on Brenna.

  When I entered my room she was still fast asleep so I went back to the kitchen to put some food together for us. She needed to eat to keep her strength up and keep the baby healthy.

  Entering the kitchen Queenie was already in there with some of the club whores. It looked like they were getting lunch ready for everyone. “Good afternoon ladies.”

  Queenie turned to me with a smile on her face. “Hey Beast. How you doing? Brenna doing okay?”

  Queenie was the longest running old lady and she would be a great mentor for Brenna. “Bren’s just taking a nap, but I wanted to grab us both some food so that she could keep her strength up.”

  Overhearing our conversation, Scarlett walked over with a plate with some sandwiches and veggies on it. “Thanks babe. I appreciate it.”

  “No worries Pres. Just want to make sure that you and your woman are taken care of.” Scarlett replied. She’s one of the good club whores. She knows what’s what, she isn’t looking to become an old lady. She just enjoys the lifestyle.

  When I get back to my room I lock the door behind me and put the plate down on my bedside table. Climbing into bed and straddling Brenna, I lean over and start kissing her all over her face, gently waking her up.

  Once I reach her lips, Brenna lifts her hands up and runs her fingers through my hair, kissing me back. I pull back slightly and look down at her. “Hello Baby Girl. Did you have a good nap?”

  She smiled up at me and nodded. “I did and my wake-up call was fantastic.”

  I sat back and she followed me up, wrapping her arms around me and giving me a hug. “I brought us some food. You need to have something to eat to keep you and the baby strong.”

  “God I love how well you take care of me.” She replies, burrowing into my chest.

  “Well, I love taking care of you. Sit back and scooch over so I can eat with you.” Jesus, I was started to sound like a pussy. Thank God the boys aren’t here to hear me.

  Brenna moved so that her back was resting against the headboard, waiting for me expectantly. “Scarlett gave them to me, so I’m not sure what kind they are. Feel free to pick whichever one you want and I’ll take whatever you don’t eat.”

  Brenna grabbed a sandwich and took a giant bite. “Is my Baby Girl hungry?”

  She looked at me while chewing and gave me a thumbs up. Sometimes she could be such a nerd, but it was just another aspect of her personality that I loved.

  “So what’s going to happen now? Do you know who hit us?” Brenna asked between bites.

  I looked at her before answering. I wouldn’t normally tell her anything, this was club business, but she needed to know that I had this handled. “Yeah, we have an idea of who is behind it. I have the boys searching out some leads that Techy has found. Once we find where they are hiding out we will take care of it.”

  She stopped chewing and physically turned her body so she was facing me. “So, do you think this has something to do with whoever has been messing with the club? Was it intentional?”

  I didn’t want to lie to her so I told her as much as I could. “Yes, it was intentional, but that’s all I can tell you. I can’t always tell you everything baby, it’s club business and we keep the women in the dark about a lot of things for their own safety. If you don’t know things you are safer. Do you understand that?”

  “I understand it, but I sure as hell don’t like it. Don’t get me wrong it’s not a deal breaker, but if there are things that involve me and our family’s safety I expect you to tell me everything you can” she replied.

  “I will tell you everything I can baby, but you have to understand, while we are a pretty straight club there are going to be times when we do things that aren’t one hundred percent on the up and up. Those are the types of things I have to keep you in the dark about.”

  Brenna leaned into me and rested her head on my shoulder. “I trust you Beast.”

  Chapter 34 – Brenna

  I may trust Beast, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to know what is going on. For now, I will just have to leave things the way they are.

  It’s been three months since the accident and as far as I know there has been no progress in tracking down the perpetrators of the accident. It’s the day of Everly’s wedding to Joker and I’m not going to let anything interfere with the good time I was planning to have today.

  Everly was in her dress, all ready to go when her brother walked in the room, ready to walk her down the aisle. I left the room to give them some alone time. Their parents died quite a few years ago leaving just the two of them and they needed this time together before this next stage in Everly’s life.

  When I got out of the room Beast was leaning against the wall waiting for me. “What are you doing here caveman?”

  He stood up straight and took me in his arms, pulling me in close to him. “You spent the night with Everly and the girls so I wanted to see you.”

  “Awww, isn’t that sweet. You missed me” I laughed, making fun of him. I liked to take jabs at him whenever I could. He hated showing his softer side in front of his brothers, but I called him out on it every chance I got.

  He just ignored me and started rubbing my belly. It recently started showing and he was always touching it when we were together.

  “How’s my little girl doing?” he asked.

  I just rolled my eyes at him. He insisted we were having a girl, when in reality the gender scan was next week so we didn’t know if we were having a boy or a girl yet. “I told you Grayson, I had a dream that we had a little boy who was just like his daddy.”

  Beast stopped rubbing my belly as soon as I used his real name. He pushed himself into me, showing me just how much he liked it when I called him Grayson. “Now is not the time to tease me Baby Girl. You know how much I love it when you call me by my name.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not teasing you.” I was totally teasing him and we both knew it. The hormones running through my body make me horny at all hours of the day.

  I haven’t gone back to work since the accident because the doctor hasn’t given me the go ahead yet. With all the time I have on my hands, let’s just say that Beast doesn’t get a lot of work done in his office anymore. We have found much more fun activities to participate in.

  The sound of a throat clearing breaks us apart. Abbie, Everly’s sister in law, was standing there grinning at us. “Beast, you are needed up front. They are ready to go.”

  “Thanks Abbie.” He leaned in and gave me a quick kiss and a slap on the ass before heading back up front and taking his place at Joker’s side as best man.

  “You ready to do this, or do you need another minute to ogle your man?” asked Abbie.

  I turned around and gave her a mock glare. “Oh shut up. You’re just as bad with Liam and you guys have been together forever.”

  She turned away from me with a secret smile on her face and knocked on the door. She stuck her head in and let them know it was time. Coming back out of the room she grabbed my arm and we walked over to the top of the aisle getting in place to walk down before Everly and Liam.

  I get to love you by Ruelle started to play, indicating that it was time for us to start down the aisle. Abbie went first, followed by myself. As soon as I came through the doors I looked up and found Beast smiling at me. We would have this one day, I had no doubts.

  All of the guests stood up, turning to watch Everly walk towards her future. Meeting Joker is probably the greatest thing that has ever happened to my best friend. I have never seen her happier.

  The ceremony complete, it was now time for the reception. Sitting at the head table beside Beast, I leaned back on him with my feet up on an extra chair. He had his arms around me, his chin resting on the top of my head. “How you feeling Baby Girl?”

  Looking straight ahead so that he couldn’t see the huge smile on my face I answered him. “I’m doing great. My best fri
end just married the man of her dreams, a baby boy is growing in my tummy and not giving me any morning sickness anymore, and I have a man who does a mediocre job of taking care of us.”

  Beast stood up abruptly, making sure to catch me so I didn’t fall back onto the ground. He bent down and picked me up bridal style, carrying me out of the room. “A man who does a mediocre job huh?”

  I turn to look at him, trying to look serious. “What’s wrong? I told you I’m doing great.”

  He just ignored me and kept walking until we got back to the bride’s room that Everly used that morning. When we got in the room he locked the door behind us and put me down on the couch, leaning over me and getting right in my face. “I told you earlier today that you needed to stop teasing me Bren. Well, now you’ve gone too far. I’ll show you how well I take care of you. In fact, everyone here is going to know how well I take care of you.”

  He stood back up and started to get undressed, unveiling a feast for my eyes. I licked my lips, watching as he went to undo his belt. “You like what you see Baby Girl?”

  I tore my eyes away from his hands and looked up at his face. “You know I like what I see Grayson. Don’t stop on my account.”

  He finished undoing his belt and popped the first button on his trousers before pausing. “I seem to be in a lot less clothes than you Bren. I think we need to fix that situation, what do you think?”

  He grabbed my hands and pulled me into a standing position, turning me around and unzipping my dress, letting it fall to the floor. He ran his hand down my bare back, along my spine and into the crease of my ass. I didn’t wear anything under the dress knowing that this would happen sometime today. “You’re killing me baby. If I had known that you were naked under that dress I wouldn’t have waited as long as I did to do this. Lean over, hands on the back of the couch.”

  This was one of his favourite positions lately. I leaned over and tilted my head down. He started kissing me, following my spine down my back, his finger moving into my pussy, pulling my cream out and rubbing it over my clit. “God baby, you’re soaked for me.”

  “Fuck Grayson, I’m always soaked for you. Take me fast and hard baby. I need you so bad.”

  The sound of his zipper and my heavy breathing were the only things I could hear in the room. I knew my words would spurn him on, they usually did. He knew I liked it hard and raw.

  “I’m going to take you just the way you like baby. Don’t you worry.” He slammed into me, holding still once he was all of the way inside me.

  “I feel so stuffed Gray. You always fill me so good.”

  Beast pulled me back into him, gripping my tits in his hands and slamming up into me. “Play with yourself baby. I want you to make yourself cum around my cock.”

  I wrapped my left arm around his neck and moved my right hand down my body, moving it over my clit, lifting my right leg up onto the couch, giving me easier access to pleasure myself.

  “God I love you Bren. I’ve made a decision.” He was always doing this lately. He was making decisions and telling me about them right in the middle of sex, knowing that I would never say no to him.

  “Yeah caveman. What did you decide this time?” I was close to orgasm, I could feel myself starting to convulse around him.

  “I’ve decided I want this, what Joker and Everly have. You are going to marry me, and soon.”

  I knew this would be coming soon, I just didn’t expect it today. “I love you Grayson, of course I’ll marry you, but we’re waiting until after I have our baby.”

  I started pushing harder on my clit, wanting to orgasm so that I could turn around and hold him in my arms. “I’m almost there Gray, are you with me?”

  Once I said I’d marry him he started fucking into me harder and harder. “Fuck yeah, I’m right there baby. I’ll follow you over. I can feel you squeeze me, I know you’re ready.”

  With a final fuck into me he pushed me over the edge. “Fuck!!” My body was shuddering, Grayson still pounding into me.

  “Jesus, so tight Baby Girl. FUCK!!!” With one final thrust he came inside me, coating my insides.

  We collapsed onto the couch, panting and smiling at each other in the aftermath. It was a really good day.

  Epilogue 1 – Brenna

  After agreeing to marry him, Beast kept pushing me to get married right away. I kept refusing, but I definitely enjoyed his attempts to persuade me.

  There was a family BBQ at the clubhouse today so I was sitting at a picnic table watching the kids running around playing and the old ladies setting food out. I was over my due date so I was taking it easy.

  I stood up to walk over to where Everly was setting down some salads. “Hey Ev, what can I do to help?”

  Beast overheard me and came running over to me, holding onto my arm as I waddled to the other side of the yard. “Baby Girl. You need to sit down. You shouldn’t be walking around right now.”

  I stopped walking and turned to smile at my man. He is so overprotective right now it’s annoying as hell, but I try to remember that he’s this way because he loves me. “Beast, baby, I’m fine. It’s good for me and the baby to do a little walking. I’ve been sitting down all day.”

  I turned around to continue walking back over to Everly when I felt a sudden gush between my legs. I stopped abruptly and looked down at the ground. Beast’s shoes were soaked. “Jesus Bren, did you just have an accident?” Beast whispered so he didn’t embarrass me in front of anyone.

  I started laughing at him. Oh, poor sweet innocent man. “No baby, I didn’t have an accident. My water just broke.”

  For a big tough man who was in charge of a group of big tough men, he certainly turned into a panicking lunatic quickly. “Oh shit Bren. Okay, we can do this. We just need to get you to the car and get to the hospital.”

  He starts walking us to the front of the clubhouse, patting down his pockets as if looking for his keys.

  I turn to look behind me and see Everly standing there staring at us. “Ev, it’s time. Get a prospect to get a cage.”

  Being a woman, and so able to handle these types of situations, Everly took charge. She walked over to Griff and got him going. He ran past us and got a set of keys for one of the club vehicles from behind the bar. When we made it out to the front of the clubhouse the car was already started and the back doors were open and waiting for us.

  Thankfully we weren’t far from the hospital. When we got to the Maternity Ward I had to make sure to keep Beast calm. I didn’t need him scaring any of the hospital staff who were supposed to be taking care of me and who I worked with occasionally.

  We ended up using Tamsyn as our doctor. I just felt comfortable with her and if I was happy Beast was happy with my choice. He was also happy that she was a woman and a man wouldn’t be between my legs, even if it was just to deliver our baby. “All right Bren, let’s see how far along we are. Any contractions?” Tamsyn asked as she came through the door.

  I turned to look at Beast and responded “Well, I’ve been having minor ones for most of the morning. I had a feeling we’d be here today, but didn’t say anything.”

  Beast leaned down to me and whispered in my ear “you and I are going to be having a talk about this keeping things from me bullshit baby, but we’ll save that for when you’re all healed up.”

  Tamsyn put my legs up in stirrups and checked my dilation. “Well, it looks like you’ve been contracting for a while Bren. You are dilated to 9 inches already so it’s not going to be long before we can bring this beautiful boy into the world.”

  I smirked at Beast. It still annoyed him that I was right and we are having a boy. He really wanted a girl, but I know he’ll love our boy with all of his heart.

  Epilogue 2 – Beast

  Drew Riley Peters was born two hours after his mother’s water broke. He was 6 pounds 5 ounces and 22 inches long. He came into this world kicking and screaming and he was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, aside from his mother.

  Brenna had an un
eventful delivery and we were able to take him home the next morning.

  We were no longer staying at the compound; Brenna refused to take our boy there from the hospital and I agreed. I didn’t want our first memories of him to be having to live in the compound with dozens of other people. I wanted that time to be just the three of us.

  Techy: Got something for you boss.

  Beast: Be at the compound in 20 minutes.

  We had still been chasing down leads on the Ruthless Rebels. Techy had been working all hours of the day and night for months and it sounded like he finally had something for me.

  Things had been relatively quiet for some time now, only minor incidences with personal property again, but we were not letting our guards down. Everyone still travelled in pairs and the families never went anywhere alone.


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