Vital Company (Company Men Book 6)

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Vital Company (Company Men Book 6) Page 12

by Crystal Perkins

  “Let’s do it.”

  He claps his hands together. “Yes, let’s. Now, tell me all about this new fantasy of yours.”

  “What? No. We’re not there yet.”

  “We’re not going for round two?”

  He looks so confused, and it’s absolutely adorable. “We’re definitely going a few more rounds tonight, but my fantasy isn’t available here.”

  “What? We have a game room, a theater room, an ice rink, a roller rink, pools, and stables. What else could you need?”

  “A sex club.”

  “Y-you want to go to a sex club?”

  “Yes, but there’s time for that later. You mentioned the pools and I remember you mentioning us getting together in one.”

  “I was thinking of a private pool, without cameras.”

  “Ainsley will turn off the cameras for us.”

  “Then she’d know.”

  “Do you care? Because I don’t.”

  “Make the call, put on a bikini, and lead the way, babe.”

  “You need swim trunks.”

  There goes the smirk. “No, actually, I don’t.”

  Oh Holy Hell, he’s going into the pool in his tux? While I’m in a bikini? This is going to be hot. It always is with him, but this is going to blow everything else out of the water. Literally.

  Chapter 19


  The guards look the other way when we walk through the lobby, hand in hand. Not obvious at all. But hey, I said I didn’t care, and so I can’t start worrying now. Unless these guys are new, they’ve probably seen everything possible anyway.

  At least Cohen had the foresight to drape his tux jacket over my bikini clad body before we left my apartment. I’m glad one of us has retained some working brain cells.

  “I forgot to ask you which pool you wanted, so I had her turn the cameras on all the pools off.”

  “Was she shocked?”

  “Not a bit.”

  “Damn. That means we’re not the first, but I think we’ll be the first for what I have in mind.”

  “I can’t find it in me to be nervous with you.”

  “Good, because you shouldn’t be.”

  I replay his words as he leads me past the regular pools and over to the kids play area. “This seems wrong.”

  “It’s going to feel very right in a moment,” he tells me, reaching inside the jacket to pull on the strings of my bikini bottoms.

  They fall to the ground, and then he’s positioning me with my legs spread open. The ground is wet, but I can’t see anything. He walks away, and I’m even more confused. Why aren’t we in a pool?

  And then it happens. Water shoots from the ground straight into my vagina. It lasts for a few seconds, and then it’s gone. Wow.

  “Did I position you right?”


  “Perfect,” he says, dropping to his knees in front of me.

  His mouth is sucking on my clit the next time the water comes. I almost come along with it.

  “This. It’s so good.”

  “Yes, you are.”

  Hot damn. In between the spurts of water, his fingers play inside of me, getting me ready. I’m definitely ready. When the water shoots into me, he eats me like I’m everything he’s ever wanted, and I have to bite my lip to stifle my scream. I come so hard and long the water hits me again, prolonging my pleasure.

  “Oh my God. You are a sexual genius, Cohen Covington.”

  “Water genius is more like it.”

  “I’m going with both.”

  “Even better.”

  He shuts off the water feature, picks up my bikini bottoms, and swoops me into his arms. “You shouldn’t be carrying me on a wet surface.”

  “Shut off the doctor brain until after I blow your mind again, Quince.”

  He’s right. I know he’s right.

  “If you insist.”

  “I do.”

  “Are you going to take off the rest of your clothes soon?”



  “Sexiest man you’ve ever met. Remember that.”

  “Why would I forget?” I ask and then we’re in front of the steps for the medium diving board—or platform.

  “I want you on the platform. Honestly, I want you up on the ten meter with me, but I’m not sure you trust me enough for that yet.”

  My heart is racing in my chest, but I know I need to face my fear. “I trust you.”

  “You’re sure.”


  “Okay. The platform is a little over six feet wide,” he says, reaching into his jacket and untying my top so it falls to the ground. Then, he drapes a towel over my shoulders. “I want you to go up first and lie down somewhere in the middle. Use my jacket and this towel to lie on so your back isn’t rubbed raw.”

  “You just want to watch my ass as I climb.”

  “That too, but I think you’ll be more comfortable on the bottom this time.”

  “You’re the expert.”

  He grabs my arm as I start to walk away. “I’ve never done this before.”


  “I wasn’t taking some woman up there when I was under the influence of something. Before that, I was too focused on my sport to risk some girl getting freaked out and injuring both of us.”

  “I won’t do that.”

  “I know. It means a lot to me that you’re up for this.”

  “It means even more to me that you’re asking.”

  I pull her to me for a kiss. “I’ll be up in a minute or two.”


  I’m not exactly scared of heights, but I’m also not totally comfortable with them. I carefully take every step up the ten meters to the top. The board looks small, but I know it’s not. I won’t lie and say I don’t shake a little as I make a place for myself to lie down on. Once I’m on my back with my knees bent, I start to breathe normally again. I look at the stars and wait for my man to join me.


  I’ve climbed the platform stairs a million times—I’ve even been naked before—but there was never anything so good waiting for me at the top. I have to grip the rails tight so I don’t fall when I see Quincy lying there with her legs open, waiting for me.

  Closing my eyes, I pull myself up and stare down at her. “You’re so sexy and beautiful.”

  “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  “Are you doing okay?”

  “It’s high, but yes. I trust you.”

  “And I trust you.”

  I drop to my knees first, moving slowly between her legs. The platform is wide enough for both of us, but it doesn’t feel so big right now. It has to feel even smaller to her, since she’s not used to being up here.

  “Come here, C. Make love to me.”

  Trust her to know I’m thinking too hard. “You’re my fantasy come to life. In every way.”

  I say the words as I thrust into her, taking her mouth with mine as her pussy takes my cock. Her legs wrap around me, and I love it. I love her.

  We don’t stop kissing as we make love. There’s no dirty talk or urgency to being together like there usually is. We have a rhythm going that’s getting us both where we need to be and that’s enough. More than enough.

  “I didn’t think I would like going slow with you, because you’re right, I’m greedy. But, I love this.”

  “Me too. It’s perfect. You’re perfect.”

  “So are you.”

  We move in unison for several more minutes, enjoying each other as we kiss and whisper to each other. We promise each other things I know we’ll follow through on. Sexy things and love things. All the things.

  Thrusting in and out of her with nothing but the stars around us is amazing. I knew it would be, combining the woman I love with the place I used to call home. Our little family of four is my home now, but part of my heart with always belong to the platform. A tiny piece I’ll never let go.

  I hold back as I feel her
getting closer, assuring we come together, catching each other’s screams in our mouths. It’s really is perfect, just like Quincy. Just like we are together.

  “Hi,” I say once I can speak again.


  “We didn’t talk about getting down.”

  “I assumed we were going to jump into the water. You said you love it.”

  “I do, but I wasn’t sure if you were up for it.”

  “I’m sure as hell not walking down those stairs.”

  “You get used to the stairs.”

  “For this? I’ll gladly climb up again. Not climbing down ever.”

  “I can jump with you, but we’ll have to stay close if you want to hold hands. Otherwise it’s going to hurt when our arms hit the water.”

  “Where else would I be but right next to you?”

  “Nowhere. There’s another option for jumping.”


  “You didn’t even ask what it was.”

  “I trust you, and this is your fantasy.”

  “Believe me, the reality was way better than the fantasy.”

  “I’m glad. Now, how are we getting down?”

  “With our arms wrapped around each other.”

  “Can we do that?”

  “I’ve never tried, but if we’re careful, we can do it.”

  “Let’s do it.”

  I help her to her feet before tossing the jacket and towel over the side of the platform. Leading her to the edge, I place my back to the water, and line her up in front of me.

  “Put your arms around my neck. We’re going to do two little jumps to get in rhythm and then I’ll push us off. Hold as tight to me as you can so I can take us straight down.”

  She swallows hard, but nods. “Okay.”

  Once her arms are around my neck and mine are around her waist holding her tight, I jump. She’s a little late, but matches me the second time.



  I bend my knees and jump, pulling us back enough so she’ll clear the board. She doesn’t scream, although she looks like she wants to. It may have something to do with her being naked, and not wanting to have the guards running out here. Or because she doesn’t want to be embarrassed by it later. Either way, I’m impressed. I wait until we break the surface to kiss her again.

  “You did great.”

  “That was so much fun. Can we do it again?”

  “Not tonight, because while my stamina is pretty good, I’m not sure I’m up for a climb, a jump, and making love.”

  “I was just talking about jumping again, but count me in for the making love part again too.”

  “You liked jumping? I thought you were going to scream.”

  “If I wasn’t naked I would’ve. Doesn’t mean I didn’t like it. I scream when you give me those 10 out of 10 orgasms.”

  “True, and thanks for the perfect scores.”


  Chapter 20


  What do you get the guy who can buy himself anything he wants for his birthday? That’s the question I’ve been asking myself since I found out Cohen’s birthday is this weekend. He didn’t tell me, but his parents are throwing a big charity birthday event for him—and Shane, who turns three a few days later. Hard to hide your birthday when the world will be watching. Or when your mom sends an invite to your girlfriend.

  I was happy to learn the charity they’re having everyone donate to is one who specializes in concussion research. Ken and I have been talking about using the technology Scott developed for Cohen to help others. Neither of them know it yet, but we’re going to be able to “cure” him because of that helmet. And yes, I’m scared he’ll go back to diving. I won’t hold back on healing him just because I want him to myself. I kind of want to, but I love him too much for that.

  I’m ready to take a break from my online search when our head nurse Liz knocks on my door. She’s got a giant cookie bouquet in her arms, making me smile.

  “Cohen’s putting every other man in this building to shame,” she tells me.

  “Don’t tell him that.”

  “Jake was down here when some of us were talking about your deliveries. He looked upset, but left like a man on a mission. I can only imagine what Isa and the other Studkateer wives are going to start coming home to.”

  I’ve come home to a row of stuffed animals chilling on my couch, a bubble bath, emerald earrings, bikinis, leggings with stethoscopes on them, signed copies of my favorite books and more. Not to mention the flower, cupcake and cookie deliveries here. And breakfast in bed more than once. Cohen’s definitely been romancing and spoiling me over the past week. We haven’t had a date night out yet, but I thought we’d have one soon. Until I got that invitation this morning, and realized he didn’t want me to go.

  “It won’t last. He’ll get bored or start forgetting.”

  “I wouldn’t count on that, Quincy.”

  “I’m not counting on it, just trying to set realistic expectations.”

  “For what?” the man himself asks, looking smug.

  “I’ll talk to you later,” Liz says, closing the door behind her. That wasn’t obvious at all.

  “What’s going on? Did I mess up somewhere?”

  “No. I love the cookies. Thanks.”

  I push an unruly curl behind my ear and move the cookies around on my desk. Cohen puts his hands over mine to stop me.

  “Talk to me, Quince.”

  “I’m just wondering when you’re going to get tired of this—of me.”


  “You didn’t tell me about your party this weekend. I didn’t even know it was your birthday until your mother sent me an invite.”

  “Fuck. I can explain.”


  “Last year, I was in a charity bachelor auction. The highest bidder won the honor of being my date for my birthday gala this year.”

  “You’re going with another woman?” I ask, grabbing the desk as everything starts spinning.

  “Not because I want to.”

  “Here I was, trying to find the perfect gift for you. Trying to keep you somehow. And, I didn’t even know I’d have to see you with another woman on your arm.”

  “You don’t need a gift to try and keep me. I’m yours. I didn’t know we’d be together when I did the event last year. I’ve already turned down this year’s auction.”

  “I picked out a dress. I got the invitation and ran right upstairs to Stella like a lovesick girl on prom night.”

  “I can’t wait to see you in it.”

  “With my date?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I can’t show up alone like some pathetic woman pining after a man who isn’t completely hers. What if she kisses you when the cake comes out? What will I tell Bianca about why I can’t stand next to you?”

  “Calm down, babe. Please. My family will be having a private party after the big one. The next day. We’ll be together then.”

  “I wasn’t invited.”

  “I’m inviting you now.”

  “Only because I found out about the other party. You can’t expect me to believe this was just planned today.”

  He looks away and blows out a breath. “I knew I’d have to tell you about the big party if I was inviting you to the little one.”

  “I thought we weren’t doing this anymore. I thought we were telling each other everything.”

  “We are. We will. I will. This is no big deal.”

  “If you thought that, you would’ve told me.”

  “I’m sorry. I should’ve.”

  “Yes. Right now, we need to go down the hall and see Ken and Scott.”

  “And after?”

  “You’ll have fun with your date. I bet she’s curvy and blonde.”


  “Let’s go.”

  I brush by him because I can’t say anything more without crying. Ken takes one look at me when I walk into his off
ice, and pulls me into a hug.

  “What’s wrong?” he whispers in my ear.

  “I let myself believe in the fairy tale.”

  “Damn him. We don’t have to heal him.”

  “Yes. We do. Tell him.”

  “Very well.”

  “So, what’s up doc?” Scott asks, smirking.

  “Because I’ve never heard that one before.”

  “Just messing with you Kenny.”

  “Per usual. As I’m not interested in wasting anyone’s time, I’ll just get right to it. With the information from the helmet Scott designed, as well as input from Ainsley’s medical team and Caleb, we’ve found we can heal you, Cohen. We can reduce the swelling on your brain.”

  “He can dive again?” Scott asks.

  “If that’s what he wants to do, yes.”


  My head whips around and I face him for the first time since we entered this room. “Why?”

  “Because the woman I love made me realize I don’t need it anymore.”

  “Don’t do this because of me. You’ll hate me later.”

  “I’m doing it because it’s the right decision for me—and for us. What if I hit my head again and again? How many times could you heal me without it all causing permanent brain damage?”

  “We do not have that data,” Ken tells him.

  Cohen nods, never taking his eyes off mine. “It’s not worth the risk. I’ve foolishly risked too much already.”


  “How’s my favorite son?” my mom asks. I’ve just left the Ken’s office and I’m heading to the daycare to see Shane. My son always makes things better.

  “I’m your only son.”

  “Why do you sound angry?”

  “How could you invite her without telling me? Or asking me?”

  “Who? Are you talking about me inviting Quincy to your party?”

  “Yes,” I grit out, fighting to not cross the line into disrespect.

  “Why wouldn’t I invite her? You told me it’s serious with her. I knew she’d be your date, but she deserved her own invite to frame. Or put into a memory box.”

  “No one else does that but you.”

  “Men. You simply don’t understand our ways.”

  I ignore the dig. “She can’t be my date, because I have a date already. Or did you forget the charity auction?”


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