Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5)

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Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5) Page 19

by JK Ensley

Apollyon smiled with but one corner of his mouth. “Does your mother know just how much of my son you truly are, boy?”

  Tenshi only blushed.


  “Naga, my beautiful little Angel,” Daichi whispered as he scooped up warm water and used it to smooth back her tangled curls. “You amaze me. Did you know that?” He watched as the moonlight glistened off the trickling drops running down her shoulders.

  Her eyes remained closed as he held her, reclining in the gentle warmth of the same spring Yui had once washed away the blood and pain left by a very different night of torture. As her fair Shinobi had once healed her, so too now did her divine Blessing.

  “Where do you find the strength, my love?” He gently brushed back a few sodden strands from her forehead. “You are safe now, little Naga. By dawn, I will be graced with your beautiful smile once more.”

  Daichi tenderly washed away any remaining filth from her alabaster skin. He marveled at how her newly received scars seemed to sparkle with a life all their own… ethereally highlighted by the soft glow of the enchanting full moons.

  He carried her sleeping form down the mountainside and into the cave they had once called home. After changing the now forgotten linens with crisp new sheets, he couldn’t help but chuckle at the tidiness of the abandoned, over-stuffed closets.

  “Yui really does love us too much,” he mumbled. “We could have lived here for many peaceful years without a worry in the world.”

  “If it had not been for me.”

  Daichi didn’t turn toward the familiar deep voice. He kept his eyes fixed on the sleeping treasure before him.

  “…Yes. If it had not been for you.”

  Apollyon walked past the younger Angel and carefully sat down on the edge of her bed.

  “What now?’ he whispered.

  Daichi stood, leaning wearily against the massive wooden post of her canopy. “Now… I heal her.” He smiled softly. “It will not prove to be too bad. Not this time. She is not shattered and broken, only drained. At least I will not be tasked with having to weave bits and pieces of her back together. Tonight, she only needs her strength restored and her heart refilled.” He took his place beside the sleeping woman and she automatically curled up against his broad chest. “I do not mind this type of healing so much. The kind where I get to simply provide love and comfort… not worrying if her crumbling essence will survive the next hour, or flee forever.” He smiled down at her and tucked a curl back behind her ear. “Tonight, I am the blessed one. Tonight, I get to hold an Angel in my arms, gift her with the amazing love she so richly deserves. Yes… this is my favorite kind of healing.”

  Apollyon watched as Daichi wrapped his strong arms around her, pulling her closer. She squirmed a little, nuzzled against his chest, then released a long breath as she relaxed into his warmth. The Prince of Hell quietly watched as the rare magic passed between them… before he turned away, unable to bear any more.

  “I knew not what jealousy was until this very moment,” he whispered. “I should be the one holding her right now. I should be the one healing her, erasing her pain.”

  Daichi remained silent, listening to the mighty dark Angel’s trembling confession of bitterest regret.

  “I had the power you wield. Have the power you wield. But for my damn pride…” His words trailed off as the silence of the night surrounded them. “Instead, I am the very creature that sends her falling into your magical embrace. Well… normally. Instead of gifting her with love, I only ever manage to dangle her precious soul off the cliff of insanity.” He drew in a haggard breath. “I hate you above all, Daichi. Yet you are one creature I would never harm, never want to see put in danger. As great as my hatred for you is, my love for her will always be greater. Therefore, I will forever see you safe, Blessing. You are one of but three souls I will heedlessly lay my life down to protect.”

  Daichi didn’t speak, nor did he protest when hell’s Prince quietly laid down on the opposite side of the bed and watched as her shoulders rose and fell to the rhythmic hum of her steady breathing.

  Peaceful sleep wrapped her in comfort, blessed her with fair dreams, and left a tiny smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.


  Deep into the night, she stirred. Inhaling fully, she knew where she was by scent alone. Slowly, she raised her lids and was comforted by the soft glow flickering within the bedside oil lamp. She stared at the tiny flame as her mind walked her through the recent melding ceremony.

  Jenevier reached behind her, feeling for her Daichi. Her gentle movements caused his arms to reflexively encircle her waist, tightening slightly before going slack once more. The tender action brought a warm smile to her face.

  “I love you, Daichi,” she whispered softly.

  Then… she glanced away from the light and found herself staring into the most beautiful sapphire eyes she could possibly imagine. The tears now filling those enchanting eyes were slowly blinked away before true realization came over her.

  “I remember when you once whispered my name in the night, once professed love and received comfort from only me.”

  She cautiously reached a trembling hand out toward him and tenderly stroked his perfect cheek.

  “My beautiful Vindicus.”

  Her precious words pulled not only tears from his eyes, but tiny sobs from his heart spilled forth as well.

  Jenevier held her arms out, beckoning him come closer.

  The mighty Prince of Hell, sole keeper of the bottomless pit, curled up in her gentle embrace. Resting his head against her bosom, the darkest Angel to ever walk the layers cried as would a child.

  “Shhh, my love. I have you now,” she whispered. “I want you to let all that pain go, let it flow away with your tears.”

  She tenderly stroked his wavy sapphire hair, lovingly rubbing his broad back until his sobs became only intermittent sniffs. She smiled and kissed the top of his head.

  “As you once said… We are horribly fractured, irrecoverably scarred creatures. Who could truly care for ones such as us, save one of us?” She kissed his hair again. “We must impart what strength we have… for the betterment of the other.”

  “Forgive me for—”

  “Shhh, now. Let’s not dwell on any more wrongs. Now is the time for healing. We must be strong, you and I. We were given no other choice.”

  “I want to tear you out of his perfect arms,” Apollyon mumbled against her chest. “I want to hide you away from everyone… even Father.”

  Jenevier only smiled and continued stroking his silky locks until he stilled in her arms, fell asleep as a babe in her gentle embrace.

  “I love you, too,” she softly whispered.

  Chapter 15



  When Daichi woke, Apollyon was gone and Jenevier was curled up in his arms.

  “Wakie, wakie, Empress.” He kissed her forehead. “You look good as new, Naga. Better, even.”

  She squirmed and grumbled, turning away from him as she pulled the covers up to her neck, curling into a little ball.

  He chuckled. “Who is the baby Angel now?” He playfully swatted her bottom as he crawled out of bed. “You have guests at the palace awaiting your return.”

  “Guests?” She spoke into her pillow, muffling her words. “Uninvited guests. No one likes that kind of company.”

  Daichi snorted out a laugh. “Like them or nay, they are there. Now come. There is much to do.”

  She continued to protest.

  “Hmm… and I thought you would be anxious at the chance to deal a well-deserved blow to your old friend Valencia,” he coaxed.

  Jenevier growled but still refused to open her eyes.

  “Very well, then,” Daichi continued. “I just hope they do not drink all of Yui’s special rose tea before we get there.”

  She sat up then, a scowl on her face. “You play dirty, Angel.” Crawling out of her comfy resting place, she shivered. “Now I chill.”

sp; He wrapped a robe around her, followed by his strong arms. “Better now?”

  When she looked up to speak, her words were cut off by his tender kiss. And once again, Jenevier found herself whirling through space, surrounded by the countless stars.

  She gasped when their lips slowly parted.

  “How do you do that?” she said, breathlessly.

  He smiled. “Only for you, Naga.”

  She smiled. “How did I ever earn such a Blessing?”

  He chuckled. “I have been wondering the same thing myself.” He scooped her up in his arms. “Now… shall we go out for some tea, Milady?”

  “Why yes, my good sir. I would love some.”

  Her giggles echoed across the secret valley as her celestial Blessing took flight.


  A servant entered with another laden tray at Yui’s command.

  “Place it on the table, there.” The beautiful Shinobi pointed, yet kept his attention upon the arguing Angels.

  “But where did he get off to?” Jophiel complained. “If he was loosed with the express intent of helping her, why is it he simply disappeared?”

  “Because he is worthless, as always,” Uriel said.

  “And just why have you got that big smile on your face, boy?” Jophiel snapped.

  Tenshi glanced at the Arch as he poured the tea. “Worry not over my father,” he said, holding the steaming cup and saucer oddly out to his side.

  Jophiel’s brow furrowed at the younger Angel’s strange behavior. A soft breeze blew Tenshi’s sapphire curls… and the cup was gone, his hand now empty in the air.

  He smiled. “He did what he came to do, Jophiel. Just as he said he would.”

  The grumbling Arch followed Tenshi’s admiring gaze to the little pink-haired Angel now sitting across from him, draining her first cup of the morning.

  “Ahh, Master Hand,” she said with a smile. “You have outdone yourself this lovely dawn.”

  “I took extra special care with it, Empress,” Yui said as he refilled her cup. “I feared you would need a bit of recharging after last evenings events.”

  “Are you her Hand, or her butler?” Uriel said, sneering at the beautiful Shinobi.

  “I am whatever my mistress needs me to be,” he said, sending her a secret wink.

  She giggled before she took her next sip.

  “Good morrow, little sister,” Raphael said, taking the seat next to her with his cup held out toward her.

  The china clinked together, leaving a tinkling ring in the air as she welcomed his toast.

  “Bore da, dearest brother. What news graces us this lovely morn?”

  “I never expected to see you looking so bright and fresh this soon after the melding,” Gabriel said as he took the seat across from her, his ever-present gentle smile easily warming her insides.

  “Yes, Naga,” Raphael added. “You look… positively brand new.” He gently fingered one of her golden curls.

  She giggled. “Yes, Brother. Fit as a fiddle and right as the rain,” she chirped.

  Raphael strangled on his tea and then pinched her arm. She returned the favor, but much harsher than she had received.

  “Ouch, you little demon,” Raphael said.

  “Only part of the time.”

  She winked playfully and he laughed.

  “You look upon the proof of her divine gift, Brother,” Munenori said as he sat down beside Gabriel. “Such is the glory of her Blessing.”

  “Empress Naga,” Daichi said as he took her hand, kissing it before claiming the seat to her right.

  “Lord Daichi,” she responded, bowing slightly as she did.

  “Wow…” Raphael gaped at them. “It’s like looking at daylight and dark. Yesterday you were snapping at each other’s throats. Today, you are the absolute picture of peace and love.”

  “Of course they are,” Jophiel said, unamused. “He is her gift. Father does not make mistakes.”

  “But… why do you wait until she is so snippy and full of herself?” Uriel asked. “Why not keep her this way all the time?”

  Daichi shrugged. “She fights it.”

  Gabriel raised one brow, quizzically. “But, not last night?”

  “She was without choice,” Daichi said. “She was unconscious. I did what it is I do… minus her constant struggling and resisting.”

  Jenevier blushed.

  Raphael spit tea everywhere, coughing and gasping with laughter.

  Jenevier slapped his back a few times. “Oh, come now. Don’t make such a big deal out of it. Get your mind out of the gutter, Angel. Quit acting like a human teenager.”

  “Say what you want, little sister. But that is one of the funniest things I have ever heard…” Raphael said between coughs. “…constant struggling and resisting.”

  Gabriel winked at her. “Yes, and made all the more comical by your bright rosy cheeks.”

  “Enough,” Jophiel said. “You are making me ill. I don’t like feeling sick so early in the day. I hate being nauseated before I have even eaten.”

  “Perhaps you could chow down on that giant plate of jealousy you are carrying around,” Munenori said casually.

  Flames leapt in Jophiel’s heavenly eyes.

  “Ah, ah, ah, Brother,” Jenevier said with a smile. “Remember your oath. You are never to harm my Senpai, ever again.”

  “Uriel made that vow, not I,” Jophiel snapped.

  “We made it together,” Uriel said, placing a calming hand on his brother’s heaving shoulder.

  “Now then,” Gabriel said. “Shall we get down to the business at hand?”


  “So… each of you will do what? Take a layer and guard its passage portal?” She looked at the seven Angels surrounding her. “What of the clouds?”

  “Demons do not use clouds, idiot,” Jophiel mumbled.

  “And you guarantee to halt all portal passage? To and fro?” she said, ignoring Jophiel.

  “None shall pass, Naga,” Gabriel assured. “This I vow.”

  “Very well, then.” She clapped her hands together. “When shall I leave?”

  “The time is at hand,” Uriel said. “War has been proclaimed, yet the battle has not started. Not today, but you must go soon.”

  “The sooner I go, the sooner I can return,” she said with a smile, gently squeezing Daichi’s hand.

  “Simply amazing… I must say, you are a refreshing breath of air this morning, Naga,” Gabriel said with a smile. “It does my heart good to see you thus.”

  “Like I have always said,” Raphael whispered. “Simply fascinating.”

  “But…” Tenshi paused and looked at the surrounding Angels. “You’re all fine with Mama going it alone now? Even you, Daichi?”

  Munenori patted the younger Angel’s arm. “She is no longer alone, little one. She will never be alone again. Well, not until she chooses to undo what was done this past night.”

  “Quit playing about with words, purple boy,” Uriel said. “Spit it out plain. What is a melding?” He motioned with his head toward Jenevier as he spoke. “What actually happened to her?”

  Munenori tried to ignore the condescending Arch, but Jenevier noticed the veins pop out near his temples. She struggled to contain her laughter.

  “A melding,” Yui said. “Is the rarest of all Dragon magic. The host, Naga…” He smiled at her as he spoke. “…has suffered through a true bonding with her noble Dragon. She and Nilakanta now share her tiny form.”

  Raphael turned to face her, fear and near panic in his lovely golden eyes. “What is he saying, little sister? What have they done to you?”

  By way of answer, Daichi took her hand, helping her to stand. She turned her back to her celestial brothers as her heavenly Blessing gently slipped her robe off her shoulders. She visibly flinched when multiple gasps simultaneously filled the room.

  “I have yet to see it,” she confessed. “Is it that bad?”

  “It is amazing… simply amazing,” Raphael said, awestru
ck. “I have never seen anything even remotely like it.”

  Jenevier looked down at her belly, placing her hands over the claws framing her navel. She jumped when someone lightly ran their fingertips across her back.

  “It looks real,” Jophiel said, amazed. “But it feels just like her skin.”

  “Her bonded Dragon, bonded with her flesh,” Munenori explained. “As you can see, our greatest worry was Nilakanta’s size, well… the enormous size difference between Dragon and host. We feared he would not fit properly. If any part of the Dragon overlaps, it will most likely cripple the beast. And will most definitely kill the host.”

  That’s the part you did not tell her, Angel, Nilakanta said, finally breaking his silence.

  “Did you think it would do me any good to try?” Munenori said. “You saw that look in her eyes yourself, Dragon. Once you told her the melding would not harm you, hell or high water, Naga was seeing it through.”

  Raphael chuckled. “Yes. She can be a bit tenacious at times.”

  “Mama,” Tenshi said as he stood behind her, pulling her robe back up over her shoulders. “I do not believe such a display of the flesh is necessary.” He cut his eyes toward Daichi, sending him a scalding glare. “Munenori could have simply explained what happened to you, minus this inappropriate little show.” He gently squeezed her shoulders. “No matter your glory, you will not be subjected to such gawking.” He lightly kissed the top of her head. “I will not allow it.”

  “Now hold on just a minute, boy,” Jophiel said. “Curiosity must be sated.”

  “Don’t,” Uriel quietly warned his celestial brother, shaking his head.

  “What?” Jophiel continued. “This rare magic is new to us all. I would quite like a better look, myself,” he said, clamping his hand on Tenshi’s shoulder.

  The gentle blue Angel tightened his grip upon his tiny mother as he glanced back at the smirking Arch. Tenshi narrowed his eyes slightly. With no other movement or warning, Jophiel was sent flying through the air, coming to a stop only when his back slammed hard against the wall.

  Visible blue power pulsed around Jenevier and her son as he lifted her up in his arms.


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