Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5)

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Protected by Emeralds (A Dance with Destiny Book 5) Page 40

by JK Ensley

  He growled and kicked a nearby tree. It cracked, splinters popping out where his heel had landed. He smiled as the giant pine groaned and rocked, watched as it slowly fell with a ground-shaking impact. He quickly glanced back down at the palace, knowing full well they couldn’t have possibly heard anything from this distance.

  He sighed as he plopped back down on the ground.

  “What in the ever-loving holy hell is wrong with me? This is ridiculous. I need to get away from this accursed place. This mission is taking too long. If I’m not careful… No! I will not form attachments! That is not my purpose. Hell… I’m not even capable of such. So… what is wrong with me, then?”

  He glanced back toward the grand palace on Jinn before turning to go.

  “I mean… Seriously… Why did he bind her? And… why did she scream?” he mumbled to himself. “Does she normally do that? No, of course not. And who would know better than me? I mean…”

  The birds, the tiny forest creatures, all life fled with his approach. He didn’t notice. Such things had never garnered his attention.

  “When has she ever played thusly? Huh? Never, that’s when.”

  With his hands in his pockets and a sigh on his lips, the strange man wandered aimlessly through the darkened hills.



  “Are you alright, Mistress? Did it do anything, say anything? Did it cast any kind of spell over you?”

  “No, Yui. I didn’t even feel its presence. How is that possible? I would not have even known it was there, had it not moved.”

  They heard a deep voice frantically calling her name. Opening the door, Jenevier found Duhrias running down the corridor.


  The man spun towards them, relief washing over his handsome features. He ran to her, kneeling at her feet, fist crossed over his chest.

  “Empress, Cherie is in need of you.”

  They found the girl curled up on her side, crying openly as Vareilious rubbed her back, trying to comfort her.

  Jenevier’s steps faltered when she saw her giant Guardian sitting on the edge of Cherie’s bed. She had to silently compose herself before crawling across the covers.

  She curled up beside the Forest Spirit, facing the trembling girl, gently squeezing her hand. “What is it, my little Cherry Blossom? What happened? Tell me. Did that big silver oaf over there hurt you?”

  Jenevier shot a cold look toward Vareilious. He growled in return.

  “I only just got here myself,” he said. “I came when I felt her fear.”

  “Felt her fear—” Jenevier stopped what she knew would only lead to a bloody argument with her beloved brother.

  “No, Empress Jen,” Cherie whispered. “It was horrible. I felt it. He… he murdered it.”

  “What? Murdered? Come, child. Sit up properly and tell me who or what you are speaking of.” She gently helped the shaking girl to rise. “Now, tell me. Who murdered who? What did you see?”

  “I didn’t see anything. I didn’t even sense the darkness lurking there in the forest. Not until he… until he murdered the tree—kicked it for no reason—smiled as that mighty, ancient pine was laid low.”

  “Where, Cherie? In your forest? Back on Earth?”

  “No, Milady. In your forest.” The tiny girl pointed a trembling finger. “High atop that furthest mountain range.”

  At the girl’s words, Vareilious took flight. Yui called for Tenshi and Daichi’s aid. Soon, the four of them combed the mountaintops and came back empty-handed.

  Upon their return, they found that Duhrias had calmed the poor girl who was now sleeping soundly.

  “You didn’t find a single trace, did you?” Jenevier said, without turning toward them as they joined her and the sell-sword on the balcony.

  “Well, we found the tree,” Vareilious said. “But nothing else.”

  “I couldn’t even feel anyone, Mama. Couldn’t even smell a faint trace.”

  “I know, my son. It seems we have no power where that strange devil is concerned.”

  “Devil?” Daichi grabbed her shoulder and turned her to face them. “What devil? What are you hiding?”

  “She is not trying to hide anything, Master Daichi,” Yui said. “We only just saw it.”

  “It? What it are you talking about?” Vareilious demanded.

  “I know not what it was, or if it even had anything to do with the tree,” Jenevier said. “It just all happened at about the same time.”

  “We were on my balcony,” Yui added. “A creature of some sort—red-eyed with a shadow’s form—was just sitting there watching us. Neither of us felt its presence.”

  “Yes, and right after that is when I heard Dimples calling for me. The rest you know.”

  “But, Mama, would Munenori not know if something entered his realm?”

  She nodded. “He should, yes. But if Munenori knew it was here, he would have told us long before we saw it. I have no doubt of that.”

  Daichi only grunted at her words.

  “Besides, Yui and I are not certain what it was. We both saw it, yes… so it is obviously real. But it didn’t actually do anything. It just sat there… staring.”

  “It may not have done anything yet, but I clearly felt its dark intent.” Yui took her hand. “It will be back, I fear. It had a purpose. As to what that purpose was…”

  “But why knock over a tree?” Tenshi whispered, mostly to himself.

  Vareilious snorted. “Anger, irritation, frustration—you name it. Hmpft, I’ve done so myself, many times. Felling a tree is always a better option than taking off the person’s head your anger was really concerning.”

  At Vareilious’s words, Yui squeezed her hand even tighter and pulled her against him.


  She sat there under the glow of those glorious moons, bouncing Lala on her knee.

  “Well, I’m outta here, Empress Jen,” Vareilious said as he kissed the top of her head and winked at the giggling little girl. “Let me know if anything else happens.”

  “I am certain you will know long before I do.” She shot him a cool glare. “You licked her, didn’t you?”

  Vareilious gave her his patented smirking smile. “Jealous?”



  She bit down on her bottom lip, trying hard not to say what she knew would cause an all-out fight.

  “It’s your fault.”

  She glared at him. “What did you just sa—”

  “I came here to check on you. I always have.”

  When she saw his soft smile glisten in the moonlight, her heart filled with tears.

  “She was standing in the middle of that lavender field. Just there.” He pointed. “It was early—dew was still sparkling atop the purple blossoms. She was jumping from one clump to another, taking but a single stem from each bunch, humming all the while. When she held her arms out, giggling as she spun in a circle… I was lost.” He swallowed hard. “It felt like an arrow had pierced me through and through. It was a sharp, glorious pain. And when our eyes met…” He smiled. “…she owned me, then and there.”

  He turned toward her just in time to see her wiping away her silent tears. She tried to manage a smile for him, but couldn’t.

  “She reminded me of you,” he whispered. “Happy as a little lamb—not a care in the world. When she danced over to me and asked my name—”

  “You melted.”

  Vareilious smiled. “You know me too well, Empress Jen.”

  “We can say that of each other, cherished brother.”

  “Yep, that we can.” He jumped up onto the balcony railing. “Well, I’m outta here. Tomorrow then?”

  She inclined her head toward him. “Tomorrow.”

  Jenevier smiled as he spread his wings and glided away into the night. I am truly happy for you, Brother.


  “Yes, Daichi.”

  “Naga, Raphael is here.”

  She turned to find
the two glorious Angels standing shoulder to shoulder just inside her room.

  “Hello, my dark-haired heavenly brother. What brings you back so soon?”

  “I came to escort your Blessing.”

  She furrowed her brow, looking from one stoic face to the other. Her stomach started to twist in on itself.

  “My Blessing? But… What business do you have with Daichi?”

  “It is not I who wishes words with him, tiny Angel. Father has requested his presence.”

  “Father…” Jenevier felt as if the wind had been kicked out of her.

  “Worry not, Naga. I will return soon.” Daichi kissed her forehead. “But just for tonight, make sure your sworn Knight stays by your side. Promise?”

  She barely nodded her understanding before they were both gone.

  Feeling the burn of coming tears, Jenevier squeezed Lala close to her chest.


  Only when he spoke did she realize Yui was standing near her.

  “Oh… yes, Yui? Is something else wrong?”

  She could hear her own voice, but it sounded tiny—distant and mechanical.

  “Worry not for Daichi, Milady. Father will not harm him.”

  She didn’t answer, couldn’t. The smiling Shinobi tried to coax his little niece from her arms, but Jenevier only tightened her embrace and turned from him.

  Yui waited a couple long, silent moments before he continued.

  “Will you tell me what promise you wished of me?”

  “Promise?” she echoed absently.

  “Yes, Milady. Before all this happened, before our strange intruder replaced your happy words with screams, you wished a promise of me. Will you share with me now your desires?”

  “Oh, yes… Apologies, Yui. Yes, I do have something I want you to promise me.”

  “…And it is?”

  “Oh… yes… umm… I wanted to ask you… umm…”

  “Calm yourself, Milady. Take a breath and gain your bearing.”

  She shook her head, trying to chase all the jumbled thoughts away. Looking down at her precious granddaughter, Jenevier smiled softly at the now sleeping Angel.

  “After we have finished talking…” She laid Lala in the middle of her giant bed. “…will you tell Tenshi and Mika that I am stealing her away for the night?”

  Taka flew from her shoulder, curling up on the pillow beside the sleeping girl.

  Yui smiled. “As you wish, Mistress.”

  She blew out a long, quiet breath. “Now, about that promise.”

  “Yes, Milady.”

  She took both his hands in hers. “I want you to take over as Emperor of Jinn… starting now, and not just for while I am gone. I wish you to hold the official position. Will you promise this to me?”

  “What? But… are you truly leaving?”

  “Not on purpose, no.” She sighed. “I almost feel as if I am dying, Yui. Well, at least a part of me is dying, the part that holds me to this realm. I only want to tie up any loose ends—do right by the people I love. Not because I plan on forgetting, but… just in case I do. I need the assurance that you, and the kingdom as a whole, are properly taken care of.”

  “Angels are not meant to have mortal ties, are they?”

  “No, Yui. I suppose they are not. Be that as it may, I do have mortal ties—precious and irreplaceable mortal ties. Ties I would not trade for the universe. So now, I wish to go forward as the creature I am… knowing the ones I love will only shed tears of happiness.”

  They walked out onto the balcony and she collapsed into a chair, sighing and smiling at the same time.

  “So, Master Hand, will you do this thing for me? Will you take over my throne and righteously rule my people?”

  “I am truly humbled you would ask, Empress Naga. Alas, it is not quite that simple. We are not bound by blood, Milady. If you no longer wish to wear the crown, the people will have to decide who will take up your mantle.”

  “But you are my Hand, Yui. You already rule in my stead. Why can I not simply abdicate my throne and you continue on as you now do?”

  “If you could no longer reign as Empress of Jinn, the rule would fall to Tenshi or Daichi… and then to little Lala.”

  “Which solves nothing, Yui. They are as I am. They cannot guarantee their presence any more than I can. And we do not yet know about Lala. Perhaps she could, but she is still a babe.”

  Yui knelt in front of her. “The only way I can make good on such a promise as this, is to own an uncontestable bond with you, Mistress. I promise you now… I will honorably rule as Emperor of Jinn until my dying day, but I can only do so if you marry me.”

  “What? But, Yui, you know what you ask is impossible. Forget the fact Daichi would never allow it.” Burning tears began to flood her eyes. “I made a promise to Vittorio, an extremely precious promise. I will not break it.”

  “This I know, Milady. Alas, it is the only sure way. Listen to me. I do not expect you to treat me as husband. That is not what I am asking. Yet, if there is a public ceremony and we are wed before the people, crowned as both Emperor and Empress equally… only then will I be able to truly keep the promise you ask of me. Things will simply continue on as they are now. You will not betray your Blessing. Nor will you break your honored vow to your Guardian.”

  Sorrow and guilt were choking her, making it impossible to answer him. She jumped slightly when he lightly touched her knee.

  “Naga… perhaps it would be best if you publically stepped down—let the people choose who will reign in your stead. Who knows? Perhaps they will crown me without you having to actually marry me.”

  “Stop it, Yui. Marrying you would not be a chore. Do not make it sound as such. You know I love you. It’s just…” She took a shaky breath, but didn’t go on.

  “Mistress, if you promise to stop crying, I will promise to do everything within my power to ensure your request. If you publicly give me your backing, support me as your chosen replacement, I am certain the noble people of Jinn would favor me as their Emperor… minus our vows. If that is truly what you wish, I will speak to Munenori on the morrow. I will make this happen for you, Milady, somehow, some way. Just… be happy. Please? Smile for me. Smile for me and I will go make you some rose tea.”

  “Now, now… there will be no need for all that.” Jenevier looked into his beautiful purple eyes. “Ahh, Yui.” She smiled softly and shook her head. “I swear, Master Hand, you will be the death of me, you will. You and no other.”

  His face lit up, brighter than the mother moon. He fell into her lap, wrapping his arms around her waist, resting his head there.

  She gently ran her fingers through his magical hair, stroking those gorgeous raven locks.

  “My perfect Shinobi,” she whispered, admiring his flawless profile. “Will you let me sleep on it, dear friend? Will you give me until tomorrow for my answer?”

  He only nodded his head, but she felt the warmth of his tears soaking through her skirt.

  And there they stayed—an Angel and her devoted ninja. Forever bound by trust, bound by respect, bound by friendship, and irrecoverably bound by love.

  As it should be, Naga.

  Jenevier only smiled at her Dragon’s words, and slowly closed her eyes.

  Chapter 30



  She felt someone softly stroking her hair as she slept. Squirming slightly, she reflexively tightened her arm around the tiny sleeping girl at her side.

  “You are so beautiful.”

  She heard the deep voice accompanied by a soft chuckle, but couldn’t quite register if it wasn’t simply in her dreams.

  “Every time I look at you, Naga, I think… she is the embodiment of a living rainbow… magical as a fabled unicorn.”

  She slowly opened her eyes, focusing on the angelic sleeping face of her little Lala. Then she felt someone softly twirling one of her curls.

  “Promise not to tell the others… you are my favorite.”
br />   She smiled then. “Ahh, Raphael, they already know.” Stretching her arms, she yawned and rolled over to face him. “So… you have finally returned with my Blessing.”

  “Hello, sweet sister.”

  His gentle smile was heavenly, warmed her all the way to her very core.

  “Hello, treasured brother.” She glanced around the room. “Where is Daichi?”

  “Daichi is attending a summons, Naga. He will return when it is finished.”

  “A summons?” She sat up quickly, the Arch’s unexpected words pulling her fully from slumber. “Since when does Daichi receive summonses concerning anything save me? What has happened, Raphael? Why has my Blessing been pulled from my side?”

  “Be calm, little sister. He will always be your Blessing… when you need him.”

  “What do you mean, when I need him? I always need him.”

  Raphael gave her a sideways smirk. “Umm hmm. That is why you were constantly snapping each other’s heads off, right?”

  She collapsed back onto the pillow. “You know how I hate guessing games, Brother. Use plain speech with me. Tell me the truth.”

  “Very well, Kagi Naga. The darkness that once shadowed your every step, is now gone. Your humanity has been purged and your heart has finally matured. The only healings you will need from here on out, will be the physical kind.” He tapped the tip of her nose. “And I believe those will be few and far between.”

  “The darkness that shadowed me?” She paused. “You mean Vybius, umm… Ahriman.”

  “Yes.” He chuckled softly. “The scariest darkness you could possibly imagine—the soul-eater.” He shivered slightly. “That little Angel gives me the creeps, always has.”

  Jenevier snickered. “So much for the fearless Archangel façade.”

  He smiled and yanked one of her curls.

  Her smile then faded. “But I loved that creepy little Angel.”

  “Yes, we know. You cannot possibly imagine the celebration in heaven… when that vicious little black-winged traitor snapped that rare trinket around your wrist. The skies shook with our thunderous roars.”

  She lightly touched her amethyst shackle. “He told me the two of us together would be bad news.”


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