Lynxar Series: Books 1-6 (6-Book Bundle)

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Lynxar Series: Books 1-6 (6-Book Bundle) Page 6

by Hart, Melissa F.

  “Are you crazy? That will flood the city!” Mike said with alarm.

  “The dam is about to break and the city is going to flood a lot worse than it will if you just open the gates. I have a plan! Don’t worry! It will all be all right.”

  Mike held the phone in his hands but he didn’t dial, he just stared at her, feeling uncertain. Lynxonna kissed him passionately on the lips and said with her mind, Trust me, then left with all the speed she could muster.

  With a firm nod, Mike dialed the phone and commanded the controller’s office to open the flood gates to full. The young employee squeaked into the phone, “Are you sure, sir? That will flood the entire city!”

  Mike only had to think about his feelings for Lynxonna to know that he trusted her completely. “Yes! Now do it!”

  Lynxar was bracing trees against the weak points of the dam in a futile effort to strengthen it, but knew it would do no good. With the next aftershock, the cement structure would crumble to dust, and millions of gallons of water would rush into the city. Suddenly, Lynxonna was at his side. She grabbed the tree away from him and said, “We’ve got to divert the water into Moyer’s Canyon. I’ve asked Mayor McIntire to open the floodgates to reduce the pressure on the dam. This should give us enough time to make an alternate path for the water before the first aftershock hits!”

  “Lynxonna, you’re brilliant! I would have done well to have bonded with you, if only I were worthy!”

  “Too bad for you; I’m already in love with someone else!” Lynxonna grinned, and then the two of them remembered they had a serious task at hand and got to work. At speeds faster than the human eye could see, they made a wall of trees and fallen buildings to divert the flood water away from Colossal City and into Moyer’s Canyon. As they were laying down the last pieces of the makeshift wall, the flood gates opened to full, and water poured out.

  Lynxar held Lynxonna’s hand in nervous anticipation. The plan worked! The water flowed into the canyon, guided by the makeshift water, where it fell as a beautiful waterfall into the gorge below. The opened floodgates reduced the pressure on the wall of the dam itself, and when the first aftershock came, it withstood the shaking.

  “We did it!” Lynxonna cried out happily, and kissed Lynxar as one would a friend. The two superheroes stayed and monitored the dam until the last of the aftershocks had come and gone. Working tirelessly, they refortified the wall of the dam with boulders from the gorge and informed the Mayor by telepathy that he could have the controller close the floodgates once more. As the gates closed and the pressure against the dam wall built up again, they were relieved to see that the newly built rock wall was able to withstand it just fine.

  “We make a good team!” Lynxar said to Lynxonna, embracing her gratefully and she kissed him lightly on the lips in return. Suddenly, a helicopter landed on top of the dam and Mike and Rachel both climbed out of it.

  “The city can’t thank you enough!” Mike said, shaking both of their hands appreciatively. He and Rachel had seen the embrace and the kiss that the two of them shared and feared they had fallen in love.

  The two telepathic aliens could not understand the sad emotions they were sensing from the two humans at what should have been a joyous occasion. Lynxonna grabbed Mike powerfully in her arms, kissed him with all the love she felt for him in her heart, and said, “Actually, there is one way you can thank me, but it can’t be done here!”

  Mike gasped for breath as she finally released him from her enthusiastic kiss. She had let him in on her thoughts and he knew he was in no danger of losing her to Lynxar, her home planet, or anything else. Lynxonna had decided to stay; with him!

  Rachel didn’t understand what was going on between Mayor McIntyre and Lynxonna, but she knew that she didn’t trust this woman who had been trying from the start to steal her man and may have succeeded.

  Lynxar was able to see into Rachel’s thoughts and knew he needed to let her know that he and Lynxonna were nothing more than friends. He was just about to explain the misunderstanding when a sharp pain tore through his side, taking his breath away. Crying out, he grasped his side, and saw that blood and pus covered his hand. Lifting up his shirt, it became evident that the wound he had been unable to regenerate had become infected from the debris of the earthquake, and was now septic and poisoning his entire body. Lynxar opened his mouth to speak and instantly lost consciousness. Rachel screamed in fear as the man she loved plummeted off the side of the dam and fell into the deep water below.

  Lynxonna didn’t hesitate. She dove into the water after Lynxar, bringing him to the surface of the water, and swimming to safety with him in her arms. She carried his prone body to the helicopter, where Mayor McIntire ordered the pilot to airlift him to the hospital.

  “That won’t help him.” Lynxonna said stoically. “You lack the proper medicines and his body is completely depleted of the ability to regenerate itself because of the infection he acquired when he first crash landed here.”

  Rachel was desperate with fear and grief. She looked at Lynxonna with tears running down her cheeks and said, “Take him home with you to Flonar! Don’t let him die!”

  “Take me to the flight pod.” Lynxonna commanded the helicopter pilot, as she boarded the craft with Lynxar in her arms. Rachel and Mike watched helplessly as the helicopter flew away with the ones they loved inside, knowing that they would probably never see them again, then held each other and cried with all the grief of their broken hearts.

  Chapter Five

  It was over an hour later before the helicopter pilot returned to pick up Mayor Mike McIntyre and Dr. Rachel Deering from the top of the Vista Dam and fly them back to the center of Colossal City. The city was badly damaged from the earthquakes and aftershocks that it had endured, but it had indeed survived. There were a lot of repairs that needed to be done. Streets had to be repaved and buildings had to be refortified, but that was insignificant compared to what could have happened.

  The great Colossal City still stood, after all, and not a single person had been killed, although many had been injured, including the city’s beloved superhero, Lynxar.

  Mayor McIntyre gave a speech to the citizens of Colossal City, reminding them all of how lucky they were to have been saved by Lynxar and the woman from his planet, Lynxonna. The city would forever owe the two of them a debt of gratitude for saving their homes, their city, and their very lives. He said “There is much work to be done now, rebuilding our streets, our architecture, and our lives, but as citizens of Colossal City, we stand united and shall persevere!”

  The crowd erupted into cheers, feeling happy to be alive and motivated to begin the long process of rebuilding, but a strange pall still lingered. Rumors had quickly circulated that they had lost their beloved super hero forever, as an infection had threatened his life and he was forced to return home. As the Mayor prepared to descend the steps from the stage of his podium, the crowd erupted into cheers again even louder than before, and he looked to see Lynxonna and Lynxar standing side by side on the stage to wild and deafening applause. Lynxar looked fully recovered and invigorated as he stepped up to the microphone.

  “My dear fellow citizens, thank you for your thoughts, wishing for my recovery and safe return. I have heard them all and I am touched more than words can say. Rest assured, my friend and colleague Lynxonna has cured my infection. I am now perfectly healed and ready once again to be the protector of Colossal City.”

  As the crowd cheered loudly, one figure could be seen pushing her way through them, in a desperate attempt to get to the stage. Lynxar saw that it was Rachel, and he reached out his hand to pull her from the crowd and up onto the stage with him. She kissed him passionately, their tongues brushing against each other, as she squeezed him tightly to her. She said “I thought she was taking you away to Flonar! I didn’t think I would ever see you again.”

  Lynxonna put a reassuring hand on Rachel’s shoulder and said, “I merely needed to take him to my flight pod for the antibiotics that I k
ept there. Once I used them to cure the infection, he was able to regain his full regenerative abilities and instantly healed himself of all wounds.”

  Rachel threw her arms around Lynxonna, hugging the other woman gratefully. Instantly, she felt guilt and remorse for the jealously and suspicion she had harbored against her. Lynxonna understood her feelings, as only another woman could.

  Lynxonna threaded her fingers through Mike’s as she held his hand, and said to Rachel, “Lynxar is a great guy, and at one time I had wanted him for myself, but he loves you and he always will. I’ve got someone new of my own. You have no need to ever worry that Lynxar and I will be anything more than friends.”

  “I know,” Rachel said, blushing with embarrassment at the negative feelings she had held for the woman who had not only saved her city, but had saved the life of her husband. “Thank you for everything you have done, from the bottom of my heart. You are welcome to our home, anytime!”

  “Well, not anytime,” Lynxar teased, leering playfully at Rachel and making her blush for entirely different reasons. Right now, I’d like to be alone with my wife.”

  Lynxar lifted Rachel into his arms and carried her away with incredible speed. She thought they were going home to their apartment, but was surprised to see that he had taken her to a tropical beach, someplace far away.

  “I thought we could use a little vacation together.” Lynxar smiled and Rachel couldn’t have agreed more. A pool of crystal-clear water was nearby, so Rachel stripped herself of her dust and debris-covered clothes and dove into the refreshing water. She sprang out of the pool, clean and tingling, with droplets of water clinging to her naked skin like dew on a flower petal. Her nipples puckered from the cold, and Lynxar volunteered to warm them for her, first taking her right nipple into his mouth and gently suckling it, and then doing the same to her left.

  As Rachel ran her hands through his hair she said, “Ewww! You’re still filthy with debris from the earthquake and rebuilding the dam. You’re going to get me grimy again. You need a bath!”

  Lynxar allowed her to strip him of all his clothes and guide him into the pool of clear, cool water. It felt delicious on his skin and made his flesh tingle with goose bumps. Rachel saw that he looked chilled, and delightfully pressed her body to his to warm him, squishing her round breasts against his hard chest and squeezing his buttocks with her hands to draw him closer to her.

  “You know, I haven’t been able to regenerate the entire time I’ve known you.” Lynxar said as he nuzzled her neck and fondled her breasts in just the way she liked it, as they stood in cool water. “So there is something you don’t know about me and my powers.”

  “What’s that?” Rachel panted, spreading her legs wide, bending forward at the waist, and inviting him to enter her from behind. Gripping her by the waist, Lynxar thrust himself inside her welcoming folds, making her gasp with pleasure. He reached his hands around to her breasts, rolling her nipples between his finger and thumb as he pumped from behind, with slow, deep undulations, bringing her to orgasm. Her cries and gasps of pleasure echoed through the deserted tropical forest, making flocks of colorful birds take flight in a fantastic spectacle of color.

  Rachel felt Lynxar climax powerfully within her, and then slowly he released her from his embrace and she dunked down into the refreshing water to rinse herself of the perspiration that had beaded upon her skin the exertion of their lovemaking.

  “That was amazing!” Rachel sighed, floating on her back in the water, perfectly at peace.

  “Not as amazing as what is about to come.” Lynxar said, swimming up to her, grabbing her playfully, and kissing all over her body.

  Rachel squealed in delight, escaped his grip, and swam for the shore. Standing outside the pool on the soft grass, Rachel beamed at Lynxar in the water and giggled, “Why, what’s going to happen next?”

  Lynxar climbed out of the water to reveal that his body was once again rigid and ready for making love, although he had just climaxed moments before. In a husky voice, he said to her “What’s going to happen is that I’m going to give you as many orgasms as you desire.” Thanks to his ability to regenerate his body, he no longer needed time to recuperate.

  Rachel gasped in surprise and let him sweep her into his arms. Lynxar explained that thanks to his ability to regenerate his body, he no longer needed time to recuperate between climaxes and could pleasure her as long and as often as she wanted.

  “Good!” Rachel grinned, and lay upon the soft grass, spreading her legs invitingly. Lynxar lovingly caressed her most intimate folds with his fingers, until she was gasping and panting with lust before entering her with his throbbing organ. They orgasmed together almost instantly and then did it a third time on a bed of flower petals under the shade of tree.

  At last, Rachel told him that she needed to rest. Sighing with sure joy, Rachel caressed his chest and said, “This is the most satisfied I have ever been. You are amazing and I love you so much.”

  “I love you, too.” Lynxar said, holding her to him. I hope you know that when I’m making love you to I’m thinking of….”

  Rachel looked at Lynxar expectantly, knowing full well that he was going to say “How much I love you with all my heart,” as he had already let her see with his mind what he was going to say to her, but suddenly another vision interrupted his thought and he cried out, “Lynxonna!”

  Rachel glared at him with surprise. “When you’re making love to me, you’re thinking of Lynxonna?”

  “No, of course not!” Lynxar stammered, but Rachel smiled teasingly to let him know she was only kidding. She knew how much he loved her.

  Caressing his arm comfortingly, she said, “I know; it’s okay. I felt the call from Lynxonna too. What is it? Is she going home to Flonar?”

  “No!” Lynxar said, looking extremely worried. His next words filled Rachel with fear as well. Taking her hand he said, “General Kriptoff has returned to Colossal City.”

  “That’s horrible!” Rachel cried out. She remembered how Kriptoff had tried to use her research to build an army of super soldiers so he could take over the world. She could tell from Lynxar’s expression that there was something else he wasn’t telling her.

  “What is it?” she asked him.

  Taking Rachel’s hand, Lynxar said “He’s captured Lynxonna. He believes that her blood holds the secret to building his army. He’s going to kill her and then enslave everyone in Colossal City.

  Rachel clasped Lynxar’s hands in her own. “We won’t let him. I don’t know how, but you and I will find a way to save Lynxonna and stop Kriptoff forever.”

  “I hope you’re right,” Lynxar said. He didn’t tell Rachel, but he could already feel Lynxonna’s life slipping away.

  TO BE CONTINUED IN BOOK THREE: Lynxar's Legacy - Volume 3

  Lynxar’s Legacy

  Chapter One

  “Still no sign of him!” Dr. Rachel Deering slumped at her desk, feeling utterly defeated. Her husband Lynxar shared in her fears. Every day that passed without finding the evil General Kriptoff, the more unlikely it was that they never would. It had been nearly a full week since he had kidnapped their friend, Lynxonna, in order to use her alien DNA to build an army of super-soldiers, which he would use to take over Colossal City. Now, with every day that passed, it seemed more and more likely that Lynxonna had been killed.

  Lynxar put his hands on Rachel’s shoulders and said, “There must be some way of finding them that we haven’t thought of yet.”

  “Well, I don’t know what it is,” Rachel said, getting up from her chair to stretch. She paced across the science lab, trying to think. So far, every means of finding General Kriptoff and his army had failed. Maybe the answer wasn’t in finding him at all, but in locating Lynxonna instead. Smiling, Rachel cried out, “I’ve got it! Why don’t we use the Regmaglypts Particle Detector to find Lynxonna?”

  Lynxar took his wife into his arms and kissed her excitedly. “That’s terrific! I knew you’d think of something!”
r />   Using the powers of his mind, Lynxar levitated the device off its shelf and set it gently before Rachel. The RPD, as they called it, was what had led Rachel to Lynxar when he first landed on Earth from his planet of Flonar. Surely it would be able to track Lynxonna just as easily. Rachel turned on the device and immediately it began chirping an alert.

  Lynxar cried out happily, “You’ve found her! Where is she?”

  Rachel shook her head with disappointment. “No, it’s only detecting you. You’re too close, and also a source of the particles.”

  Lynxar slammed his fists against the wall in frustration, his superior strength causing him to accidentally rip a hole clean through it, nearly knocking the wall down. He possessed superior speed and strength, as well as the ability to read minds and heal injuries, but right now he felt so powerless. Worst of all, he couldn’t help from feeling like this was all his fault.

  His ex-girlfriend, Lynxonna, had come to Earth specifically to bring Lynxar back home to Flonar with her, not realizing that he had fallen in love with Rachel and married her. Now Lynxonna had been abducted by General Kriptoff, and they’d been unable to find her. Kriptoff had previously attempted to create super soldiers by using Rachel’s research on Regmaglypts Particles to mutate regular humans, but the procedure eventually lead to the victims’ deaths. Rachel had been able to find a cure for them, thus rendering his super soldiers useless. Now it seemed, Kriptoff had found a new way to create super soldiers using Lynxonna’s super-powered DNA.

  Their only hope to stop Kriptoff and save Colossal City, as well as Lynxonna herself, was to find Lynxonna.

  “I have to get out of range, so your RPD can find her.” Lynxar said, preparing to use his superior speed to outdistance the device, but Rachel gently put her hand on his arm, stopping him.

  “I could waste valuable time tracking particles that simply lead me back to you. We need to find a way to shield your emissions, so the RPD doesn’t pick up on you at all.”


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