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Lynxar Series: Books 1-6 (6-Book Bundle)

Page 10

by Hart, Melissa F.

  “Yes.” Bryan said, before he could stop himself. He clenched his jaw in an effort not to reveal any more. He remembered that he couldn’t stop himself from answering Vicky’s questions back when they were kids too. There was just something about her that made him want to open up to her.

  “Which ambassador?” Vicky pressed on, thrilled to be getting the interview of a lifetime. This was the moment she’d been hoping for! This single interview was sure to get her behind the anchor desk. Plus, she’d always wanted to get to talk to Bryan Hillman again, ever since that day his parents removed him from school. She’d been afraid that she’d never see him again; and so she jumped at this chance to come here tonight, hoping she might catch a glimpse of him. Now, she could hardly believe that she was getting to talk to him face to face!

  “It was from an alien named Fremingina,” Bryan said in answer to her question. He shook his head, realizing that once again he was unable to stop himself from telling Vicky anything she wanted to know. He remembered when they were kids she had asked him if his medical treatments hurt, and he admitted to her that sometimes they made him cry. After that, the other kids teased him for being a crybaby, but she never had.

  “What gift did she give you?” Vicky asked, still just as curious as ever. He was about to answer, when suddenly there was a loud commotion at the front of the mansion. Guests were flooding out of front door as ambulance paramedics came running in.

  Several of the guests running out of the mansion were crying or shouting. One them could clearly be heard screaming “She’s been murdered! Fremingina was murdered!”

  Vicky couldn’t believe it! She was interviewing billionaire Bryan Hillman, who claimed to have received a gift from an alien guest who was just murdered. She turned back to ask him about it, only to discover that he was gone. Vicky looked up and down the side of the house, but he was nowhere to be seen. It was as if he’d become invisible. Still, what she’d gotten was enough to count as the interview of a lifetime.

  Smiling, she said into the night air, “Thank you, Bryan. You don’t know how much this means to me.”

  Chapter Three

  The dark, evil figure entered the dingy lair, still breathing hard from having run all the way from the Hillman Mansion to the seedy side of Colossal City.

  “Well, does it work?” a deep and gravelly voice asked him, without any preamble of small talk to welcome him.

  “Does this answer your question?” he said and immediately disappeared before his host’s eyes, then reappeared again a moment later. He grinned as he received the shocked expression he’d expected and said rather haughtily, “I can steal the powers of any alien being and transfer them onto anyone else. Pay my price, and the device shall be yours.”

  “Let me see it first,” the deep voice growled and the Mafia King held out his fat hand expectantly.

  The dark figure laughed a sneaky, cold sound. “I am not so stupid as to bring it here with me so you can kill me and keep it for yourself. The device is someplace safe. Pay me my price and it shall be yours. Then you can use it against any aliens who dare to visit Colossal City, and rule its citizens with an iron fist.”

  “What is your price?” the Mafia King growled, his voice sounding like a demon’s from the deep and his eyes looking just as cruel.

  He smiled and said, “I only want one thing; revenge against Lynxar. I want him to be imprisoned like he tried to imprison me. Then I will make him watch while I kill that pretty wife of his and their adorable child. When you have what I demand, I will give you my device. Until then, don’t even bother looking for me, because you’ll never find me.”

  With those words, the dark, evil man turned translucent and disappeared. All the doors and windows opened at once, and the sound of his fading laughter let everyone know that he had gone. With a greedy look in his eyes, the Mafia King beckoned all of his men closer to him. “I want to rule this city, and I want that device. Get Lynxar and his family, so I can get that device. I don’t care what it takes!”

  “Sure boss, but where do we even look for him?” one of his thugs asked.

  “Start with the last place he was seen, the Hillman Mansion.”

  Bryan Hillman peered out the windows of his mansion at the crowd of reporters that were still camped outside. They’d been there for days, wanting details about the alien murder that had taken place the day of the reception. They had made Bryan a virtual prisoner of his own home, unable to leave without being pelted with questions.

  It’s times like these I wish I could disappear, Bryan thought to himself and the irony of the statement suddenly struck him. The sound of breaking glass from the hallway startled him, and he instantly turned himself invisible.

  “Crap! I can’t believe I broke that! It probably costs more than I make in a year!” he heard a female voice say, and he looked to see Vicky Campbell stumble from the hallway, holding shards of a broken flower vase. Bryan recognized it at once as being the one he kept in front of the hall window. She was quite the aggressive journalist after all, if she’d been willing to climb up the side of his house and sneak through the window like that. He knew he should be angry, but he couldn’t help but admire her guts.

  Vicky set down the shards of the vase on a nearby table and noticed that she was covered with soil from the flower bulbs he had planted in the vase. “Ugh, I’m a mess! I can’t let him see me like this!” she cried out. She took off her jacket and shook it out, only to discover that her skirt and blouse were in even worse condition. Bryan watched in fascination as the girl he’d a childhood crush on stripped right in front of him, shaking the dirt off her clothes as she went.

  Her skin looked so silky smooth, her legs were so long, and her body so beautiful. As Bryan admired her, he lost his concentration and was no longer invisible. Vicky suddenly saw him and gasped. Clad only in her bra and panties, she quickly tried to cover herself with her clothes.

  “Mr. Hillman! I didn’t see you there!” she cried out, putting her clothes back on as quickly as she could and blushing furiously. She’d never been more embarrassed in her life!

  “It’s okay.” Bryan said, perhaps even more nervous and embarrassed than she was. He saw that she was having a hard time getting her arm through the sleeve of her jacket and he reached out to hold the garment for her. “Let me help you with that.”

  “Thank you.” Vicky said, struggling to regain her composure. As she slid her arm into the sleeve, she asked him, “Where did you come from?”

  “I live here. Where did you come from?” Bryan said, trying to ease the tension between them with some humor.

  “We never got to complete our interview the other night. I came here today hoping we might be able to finish our conversation.” Vicky said, trying to act professional and regain control of her career.

  “You mean you broke into my house, destroyed my antique vase, and now you have the nerve to ask me for an interview?” Bryan asked teasingly.

  Laughing at his charming demeanor, Vicky said, “Well, if you put it that way, yes.”

  Bryan knew he should call the police on Vicky for breaking into his house, but he just couldn’t. There was something about her that made him want to spend more time with her, and he was glad she had come. Even if it meant submitting to an interview, which he had always hated doing in the past. Smiling at her, he said, “Yes, I would be happy to give you an exclusive interview.”

  Vicky’s face lit up with pure joy. She reached into her pocket for her paper and pen, eager to get the one interview everybody in Colossal City wanted, and more than a little glad to get to talk to Bryan again, even if it was for work.

  Vicky didn’t just ask the questions she knew people wanted to know, but showed a true knack for journalism with her thoughtful and intelligent inquiries. Bryan surprised her, too, with answers that weren’t just intelligent, but witty and funny.

  “Thanks,” Vicky said, as she packed away her camera at the end. “That was a really great interview. It was really good to see
you again.”

  “You’re welcome,” Bryan said, wishing it hadn’t come to an end so soon. “It was really good to see you, too.”

  Suddenly, four men crashed through the window they were standing in front of, raining shards of glass down upon them. Vicky screamed in terror and Bryan instinctively wrapped his arms around her protectively. The four men, dressed completely in black, surrounded the trembling couple and aimed their guns directly at them.

  One of the men looked at Bryan and said, “We know you threw that party for Lynxar. Where can we find him?”

  Bryan lied and said, “I don’t know how to find him. He contacted me.”

  The leader nodded to his men, who quickly grabbed Vicky, tore her from Bryan’s arms, and held her tightly as she squirmed. The leader pointed his gun directly against Vicky’s forehead and said, “Tell me how to find Lynxar or I’ll shoot her in the face.”

  The leader turned to look at Bryan for his response and was shocked to find he was no longer there. How could he have disappeared like that? Angry, he shouted to his men, “Where did he go?”

  Suddenly, some unseen force grabbed the gun right out his hand, as if the house were haunted. With a superior strength he didn’t know he had, Bryan took the gun from the armed thug, and twisted the barrel of the weapon with his bare hands, rendering the gun useless.

  “What’s happening?” the man in black cried out. Still invisible, Bryan lifted him up and hurled him back out the window as easily as he would a football.

  “This place is haunted!” the other men cried and fled out the window on their own.

  Only one of them had the guts to stay. He shouted out to the others, “Wait! We’ve got to find Lynxar or the Mafia King will have our heads!”

  Seeing that they didn’t care and were fleeing without him, he reluctantly followed them. Just before he ran away he turned to Vicky and said “You just tell your superhero ghost boyfriend that this ain’t over yet!”

  Vicky’s heart was pounding as she watched him leave. When she was sure the men were finally gone, she collapsed into a faint, only to be caught by some invisible force. Holding her in his arms, Bryan turned off his transparency, so Vicky could see that she was being safely held by a friend.

  “How did you do that?” Vicky trembled, reaching out to touch his face and feel that he was flesh and blood and not really a ghost at all.

  “It’s a long story, and it would have to be off the record.” Bryan said, wanting to make it clear that this wasn’t part of his interview. Vicky swore to keep his secret and listened as Bryan explained to her everything that had happened to him.

  “So you now have the ability to turn invisible and you also have super strength. That’s incredible!” Vicky said when he was done. “Did Fremingina give you any other abilities?”

  “Not that I know of; but I didn’t know I had the superior strength until I needed it.” Bryan said, still feeling surprised at the way he had broken that gun and thrown that man. Blushing and looking at his feet, he said to Vicky “Did you hear what those thugs said? They think I’m a ghost, expect for that one guy, who called me your super-hero boyfriend.”

  “Well, you may not be a ghost, but he was right about you in other ways.” Vicky said and Bryan looked at her in hopeful surprise. “The way you saved me was very heroic.”

  “Yeah, I guess so. I just never thought about myself as super-hero material.” Bryan said, but there was a look of disappointment in his eyes. Vicky easily guessed why.

  Wanting to comfort him, she took his hands in her own and said “He was right about one other thing too.”

  “What’s that?” Bryan asked, hoping she meant what he thought she meant.

  Vicky looked deep into his eyes and said “You could be my boyfriend if you wanted to.”

  “Are you just saying that because I saved you or because I have super powers?” Bryan asked, still full of the self-doubt he’d had all his life.

  “I’ve always liked you, ever since we went to school together when we were kids.” Vicky said honestly, and Bryan knew she meant it. “Why do you think I pushed so hard to get this interview? It was the only way I could find to get to talk to you again.”

  “Really?” Bryan said, his entire posture becoming confident at her words. They were still holding hands and he pulled her closer to him.

  “Of course.” Vicky said. “How could I not like you? You were always so sweet and funny, and you still are. I always wanted to kiss you back then, but I was afraid you wouldn’t kiss me back.”

  Looking deep into her eyes, Bryan leaned forward and kissed her right then. Her lips were soft and warm, and she parted them for him willingly. He wrapped his hands in her hair and she clung to him, each of them drawing themselves deeper into the kiss, while their tongues intertwined.

  “I’ve always dreamed of this day.” Vicky whispered, when they finally paused to catch their breath.

  “I have too.” Bryan said. “I wish I had known all these years that you had a crush on me just like I had on you.”

  Moved by his words, Vicky began to unbutton her blouse, revealing the perfect body that Bryan had been longing to touch. He kissed every inch of her luscious flesh as it was revealed, and Vicky delighted in undressing ever so slowly, to draw out the process.

  She removed her bra inch by inch, so that he kissed his way slowly from the top of her swelling mounds downward. When at last she revealed her nipples, he delighted her by kissing them gently, before taking each on into his mouth and suckling them, while she threw her head back and moaned with pleasure.

  Then, for the grand finale, she removed her panties, daring him to kiss her on the most private of places. He didn’t disappoint her, and used his lips, mouth and tongue to make love to her there in ways she had never imagined. The pure ecstasy of it had her gasping and panting as she thrust her hips and begged for more.

  Now it was Bryan’s turn to strip naked and Vicky’s turn to kiss the muscles of his chest and caress his body with her fingernails. When he removed the last bit of his clothing, and his throbbing manhood was revealed, Vicky couldn’t resist taking him into her mouth, and making him moan with pleasure. As his heartbeat increased, Bryan’s invisibility activated and he disappeared before her eyes. The novelty of it thrilled Vicky more than it startled her.

  Giggling, she lay back on the lush carpet and said “Make love to me! I want to feel you inside me, even though I can’t see you.”

  Vicky gasped aloud as she felt the pleasurable sensation of Bryan’s hands running up and down her body, his mouth suckling her nipples, and his hands grasping her buttocks. Not being able to see him, she had no idea where he would touch her next, making each sensation even more thrilling than she would have thought possible.

  Consumed by desire, she spread her legs wide for him, inviting him into her sacred folds, and moaned as she felt him enter her with one firm thrust. It was the most incredible sensation, feeling him pumping deep inside of her, when she could not see him, and she felt herself nearing orgasm quickly.

  She climaxed loudly and more powerfully than she ever would have thought possible. Bryan could hold himself back no longer, and climaxed along with her, groaning with ecstasy as he spilled his seed.

  Afterward, they lay on the soft carpet, and as their breathing began to slow, Bryan reappeared before her, looking sweaty and deeply satisfied.

  “That was incredible.” Bryan smiled.

  “You were incredible.” Vicky said, snuggling against his chest.

  “I guess this makes it official. I guess I really am your super-hero boyfriend.” Bryan said, teasingly.

  “It sure does.” Vicky smiled. “Because I’m going want to do that again!”

  Chapter Four

  Bryan Hillman and Vicky Campbell couldn’t believe how happy they were over the next several weeks as their relationship blossomed and grew. They had so much common. They were both inherently shy and learning to feel more self-confident. They liked the same foods, movies and rec
reational activities. Most of all, they really liked each other.

  “I think I’m falling in love with you.” Bryan confessed one day, as they lay cuddling in the bed of her small apartment. They found they had lot lower risk of getting caught by the paparazzi if they stayed at her place rather than his luxurious mansion. It was important to Vicky that she earned respect as a news reporter for her hard work and not just because she was dating Bryan Hillman.

  “Good, because I think I’m falling in love with you too.” Vicky smiled and kissed his lips. Then she threw back the covers and said “Unfortunately, though, I have to kick you out so I can get to work.”

  “I thought you were off on Saturdays.” Bryan said with a mock pout, as he followed Vicky into the shower.

  “Usually I am.” Vicky said, stepping into the spray of warm water and inviting Bryan to join her. “But there’s an important story I really want to work on today. If I do a good job on it, they’ll let me read it at the anchor desk.”

  “That’s great!” Bryan said proudly, and gave her a congratulatory kiss. “What’s it about?”

  “It’s about that string of robberies that have been happening all over Colossal City over the past two weeks. I was listening to some of the security video they had on one of the perpetrators, and I recognized his voice. Even though he was wearing a mask, I could tell it was the same guy who broke into your mansion looking for Lynxar.”

  Bryan looked concerned for her safety, but Vicky was too excited to notice as she continued saying “I did some investigative research and all of the homes broken into over the past two weeks belong to people who have some slight connection to Lynxar!”


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