Supernatural Vigilante series Box Set

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Supernatural Vigilante series Box Set Page 48

by D. R. Perry

  “Oh, Tino.” Stephanie lifts my head, rests it in her lap. “I’m so sorry.”

  “No.” Zack’s shaking his head, which is surrounded by more of the smoke. But I see what's wrong. It's reversed direction. “Come back. Why didn’t it work?”

  “It did.” Sebastian Caprice stands up, the smoky memories that belong to us flowing into him. He brushes off his hands.

  “What did you do?” Francesca struggles in Scott’s grip again, almost breaks free, too. Because this is a mother’s fury right here and not the protective kind, either. “Sebastian! Answer your mother!”

  “I did this for you.” He blinks. "To make us powerful."

  “How dare you!”

  “But this is what you wanted!” Sebastian’s voice cracks, his shoulders trembling. “You wanted magic in the family and I got it.”

  “Not like this.” She hisses out the last word. “You fucked up. You’re worthless to me now.”

  Sebastian's silence twists his face into a mask of despair. I mean, what do you even say to something like this, even if you’ve heard crap like that all your life? And the poor kid absolutely has, too. Our conversation in my office makes way more sense now.

  “No, you fucked up, lady.” Frankie snarls, brandishing his Zippo. “Prepare to be worthless, bitch.” His other hand holds the remainder of the alchemical sticky notes. I’m worried he’ll throw the book at her.

  Because Frankie’s own abusive parents said shit like this to him. And for all intents and purposes, they killed the person he once was. Saying this situation triggers him is an understatement. He’s got murder in his eyes, blood on his hands will follow. And I can't move a muscle. Well, maybe I can. My voice isn't magically enhanced like Zack's, but I've got another kind of power. Friendship.

  “Somebody stop him!” I glance up at Stephanie, over at Zack, toward Esther, then Scott.

  The werewolf is the only one who responds. Which makes sense. Scott’s young enough to lack Stephanie’s obligations, Esther’s fatalism, Zack’s indifference. The kid’s all heart. And he doesn’t have a stake in his ticker like I do. He drops Francesca's arms, gets between her and Frankie.

  I forget about Sebastian. But I'm trying to save Frankie Pickering, not Francesca Caprice.

  Before Scott can enact whatever he’s planning, kid Caprice raises his hands. It’s the same posture all the Lethians took on the urns in Mnemosyne’s vault. Slate gray smoke shoots from his fingertips, wrapping around his mother’s head like a laurel wreath. She screams like it’s a crown of thorns.

  “You’re working for me now, Mother.” Sebastian squints like he’s taking a difficult exam. His arms tremble and sweat beads on his forehead. His lips thin down to a pressed white line. The moment she succumbs to his new powers, her eyes roll back in her head and she stops screaming. But the tension in his pose remains.

  This isn’t easy for him. Becoming a monster never is.

  Scott takes a step toward the mother and son. Thank God, someone’s trying to stop this. But Frankie slaps a sticky note on the werewolf and he freezes. I grind my teeth.

  The door unlocks and opens. Not from the Judge’s chambers, from the hall.

  “Sorry we’re late.” Raven saunters through the room, Maya following behind them.

  “Uh.” I glance from the newly arrived vampires to the scene playing out in front of me. “Help?”

  “Sebastian Caprice, let’s make a deal.”

  “In a minute.”

  “No, now. Before your new minion there turns into a husk.” Raven’s smile shows off all their fangs. “Trust me, you don’t want what’s behind door number one.”

  Maya’s hand sprouts claws.

  “Oh.” Sebastian finally eases back on the memory-drain. The fog around his mother dissipates, though one thin tendril remains, like a leash between a dog and its master. “Okay. I’ll deal.”

  Raven waves Maya and Frankie away. They both back down though it takes Frankie a moment longer than I’d have liked.

  One thing I can say for this kid, he knows his priorities. I’m not sure I can ever trust him as an ally without whatever iron-clad agreement Raven’s currently cooking up. But I think that’s going to be a moot point. Raven and Sebastian hunker down in the corner with Francesca Caprice sitting insensibly nearby. I hear them mention hunters, Providence, vampire courts and school.

  Before I can burn more blood to listen in better, I’m distracted by Maya.

  “What’s wrong with him?” She sits on the floor beside Stephanie.

  “Staking rounds.” Steph gestures at Francesca, then the hole in my shirt. “He needs help I can’t give him.”

  “Yeah, that fucking bitch can go suck a tailpipe.” Esther squints at Maya’s clawed hand. “You ever do any fucking surgery with that freaky ass thing before?”

  “No, not really.” Maya smiles up at the alchemist. “But there’s a first time for everything.”

  “Here, use this fucking shit before you start.” She holds out a baggie filled with green ointment.

  “Okay.” Maya doesn’t take the bag. Instead, she pierces the plastic with her claws. They come out with a green and gold tint.

  “Wait.” I try squirming out of the way as I realize what’s about to happen. “Surgery?”

  “Just a simple unstaking, Tino. Don’t worry.” Maya’s smile lets all the tension out of my neck and most of my face.

  But my jaw clenches hard enough to shatter my teeth. I’m still on the verge of freaking out. I might have the biggest crush on her ever, but the last thing I want is for Maya to literally touch my heart with the business end of those claws.

  “Shh.” Stephanie rests her fingertips on my temples. “Don’t think about what's happening now. Remember.”

  And I do.

  The memory scraps that escaped me rest in a tattered pile like autumn leaves. A handful of them rise, lifted by a stiff breeze. As they fly toward me, I understand. These are the ones with the most substance left. The ragged pieces still on the ground are tattered beyond recognition.

  This is happening in my head but it's absolutely real. I don’t get much back but it’s all precious. A prank pulled on a bitchy stage manager with Maury in college. Ma’s face as she opens a Christmas gift. Scott and Esther, yukking it up at the office. Leora and Sparky in Baba Yaga’s kitchen, daring each other to put ghost peppers in the stew.

  The largest threadbare remnant drifts toward me, restoring the last of my stolen memories; it's Stephanie herself, telling me a plain and simple truth.

  “I’m not just a vampire, Valentino. I serve a higher power. If you survive these early nights, you’ll do the same.”

  “What if I’m not worthy?”

  “You are. Remember, everybody is until they prove otherwise.”

  “What if I forget?”

  “I’ll remind you as many times as I must, though my means may be frustratingly cryptic. It’s no more or less than my duty to do so.”

  When I open my eyes, Maya’s sitting beside me, holding wooden shards and a metal slug in her now normal hand.

  “Hold him.”

  “Is he raging?”



  My chest gapes and stings, the pain draping most of my body like an agonizing sheet. The world is anguish until something cold but sweet passes between my lips. Blood. I swallow it all and there’s a sensation like it’s flowing into my chest, numbing the hole next to my heart.

  I sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “So Sebastian’s the new Boss?” I wince as Maya pulls away, dropping the tiny wooden particle into a metal bowl.

  “Yeah. Not the same as the old boss.” Raven shakes their head. “Thank God for small favors, right?”

  “Right.” I try to shrug but it hurts too much.

  “He’s a Lethian now, but he’s got a conscience, unlike his mother and that Carmine creature.” Raven sighs. “Even if it’s for the best in the long run, I’m conflicted about the whole t
ransition there.”

  “Yeah, me too. That’s why Zack and me didn’t get everything back like you and Sass, right Maya?”

  “Right.” Maya nods. “The Lethian’s power has to die with it. But Sebastian stole it instead, along with memories Carmine hadn’t fully digested yet.”

  “Well, you can ask him to return the more recent ones once he’s fed.” Raven twirls a pencil between their fingers. “The details of those negotiations are yours to make, however.”

  “Uh, that sounds risky,” I say, like Maya’s continued open chest surgery is safe as houses. It’s not.

  “It would be under average circumstances.” Raven drops a wink. “My negotiations are a cut above. The details of our contract muzzles Sebastian to an extent. He can’t feed on any of us.”

  “By us you mean who, exactly?”

  “Everyone in Pickering house.” Raven holds up a finger for each name. “Stephanie. Zack, Esther, and Scott. All their families. And your parents, Tino.”

  “Wow, Raven.” I blink. This is so huge there’s got to be a great big catch. “Thanks. How much do I owe you?”

  “Consider it insurance. I’m protecting my Valentino-shaped investment.” Raven chuckles. “And I want to hire you.”


  “Yes. I’ve got a problem with my brother.” They sigh and shake their head. "It's about time we got proactive where he's concerned."

  “Whitby.” Maya rolls her eyes, then drops another wooden shard into the basin.

  “Tino’s already got an excuse to associate with him, thanks to Stephanie.”

  “Things are going to get complicated.” Maya’s claw shrinks down, merging back into her finger.

  “As long as it’s not shot with wooden shrapnel rounds levels of complexity, maybe I’ll survive.” I stare at the bowl.

  “You always do.” Maya wipes her hands with a pre-moistened cloth from my first-aid kit.

  “I mean, I’ve got things to do, people to help.” I snort. “Kids starting high school.”

  “You have help with that.” Raven grins. “Besides, Leora’s got her head on straight. She won’t give you much trouble.”

  “I hope those aren’t famous last words.” I turn my head to look at the person stepping into the doorway.

  “Hey, nobody’s allowed to get this morbid without me.”

  “Hi, Frankie.”

  “Hi yourself.” He takes one glance at my open rib cage, then cuts his gaze away. “I’m not gonna ask whether you’re comfortable, but can I get anything for you from the office or The Belfry?”

  “Nah, I’m good once the sucking chest wound closes all the way.”

  “Why hasn’t it, though?” Frankie raises an eyebrow at the wall which is really the only place he can look and not see gore.

  “I’m still checking for shrapnel and removing any I can find.” Maya hasn’t taken her eyes off me this whole time. She’s the opposite of squeamish.

  “Oh.” Frankie gulps. “Why?”

  “We can’t let it heal over and leave even the tiniest sliver of wood. Otherwise, Tino’s staked instantly if he gets hit the wrong way.”

  “Makes sense.”

  I’m not exactly comforted by the fact that Frankie now knows this bit of vampire lore and instantly ask myself why. He’s seen some shit and survived it, has been nothing but helpful to me and my friends. But tonight’s adventure proves he’s not okay no matter how much he promises. Attacking an enemy who’s already contained crosses a line none of the rest of us would consider.

  I understand now. My on-paper domestic partner needs professional help and can’t exactly go out and randomly pick a shrink from his health plan’s recommended list. But I’ve got an idea and for once I don’t instantly forget it.

  “Hey, no offense Raven and Maya, but I kind of need to talk to Frankie in private for a minute or three.”

  “Do what you must.” Raven extends the crook of their arm at Maya. She takes it and they leave the tiny cell, shutting the door behind them.

  “Okay, I flipped out back there at the courthouse.” Frankie hangs his head. “I’m sorry, Tino.”

  “Listen, thanks for the apology. But I don’t want that.”

  “Uh, then what is it?”

  “Give me my phone.”


  He hands it over with the question, at least. I'm relieved. He still trusts me. Which is a good thing because I’m alone in the room with him literally baring my heart.

  “I’m helping you.” I Google the number I need, then dial. It takes seven rings but she answers.


  “Doctor Maris, hi. It’s Valentino Crispo.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I’ve got a friend, the type who knows all about my trip through the vault. He needs help, the mental health kind.”



  “Doesn’t work like that. He’s got to be the one wanting help, not you.”

  “Gimme.” Frankie holds his hand out. I drop the phone into it.

  “Make it snappy, friend of Crispo.”

  “Doctor, my name’s Francis Pickering and I need a psych eval. Probably outpatient treatment, too. I’m taking care of kids and I know my parents didn’t raise me normally. I need help.”

  “I’m transferring your call. Doc Young’s unconventional but you can tell him everything.”

  Frankie waits on the line, then makes an appointment in September. I can’t believe the summer’s going by so fast. But I guess fighting hunters, Deep Ones, and Lethians, paying three debts, and coping with the aftermath of a vampire society power grab makes the time pass. Or something.

  When he’s done on the phone, Frankie hands it back. He says nothing, just nods and avoids looking at the hole in my chest before leaving the room. We don’t need to speak. I just demonstrated how I won’t let him fall farther than he already has. And yeah, I get it now. Frankie needs a constant reminder that someone sees him and cares. Once he’s out, Maya and Raven come back in.

  “Stephanie fixed this for you.” Raven’s holding my favorite mug from The Belfry. It’s full of warm blood with a reusable straw sticking out on top, elaborately twisted into the shape of a smiley face.

  “Oh, send her in. I want to thank her.”

  “Can’t, she left already.” Maya sits beside me, peering into the pit of my chest.

  “For what?”

  “She’s on a date.”

  “Really?” I blink, finally understanding what my sire was up to in my apartment when all this started. Restoring memories. “With Sasquatch?”

  “No.” Raven’s laugh is nothing nice and I don’t blame him once he drops the name. “Whitby.”


  “Drink some of that, Tino.” Maya points a finger, the claw extending down and out from its tip. “I think I’m finally getting the last piece.”

  “Thank God.” I gulp blood down, then set the cup aside and close my eyes.

  And I’ve actually got loads to be thankful for. As Maya works, Raven gives me a full account of what transpired while I slept my injuries off.

  Sebastian Caprice teamed up with Stephanie to cut and splice memories of Carmine’s attack from the mundanes present in the courtroom. They doctored other supernatural details, too. Esther used a potion, making me invisible for long enough to get me back to Pickering House. Sebastian took care of Carmine’s remains and brought his mother home.

  Sparky never showed up at court or here afterward. That’s okay because I couldn’t have asked him to deliver the urn with Esther’s missing memory to her anyway. But for once, this task isn’t a debt I owe. Instead, it’s a kindness from one friend to another, just like all the little things Esther’s done for each of us. I can make sure she gets it after I recover.

  Sarah and Levi got Leora settled in upstairs. All the kids will be down sometime tomorrow because we’ve got to talk about school. Which will give me maybe the next four hours to rest and heal. Somethin
g tells me nothing about their high school experience will be normal. But that’s okay. I’ll handle it.

  I always do.

  Counting Stars

  Supernatural Vigilante Book Four

  Undead stars still burn.

  Still adjusting to recent changes, Tino Crispo, vampire PI, saddles himself with a new case. An ailing friend charges him with investigating a series of mysterious assaults.

  Rhode Island’s youngest vampire has to balance his work life and new domestic responsibilities. With his extended supernatural family counting on him, he’ll need help. Which is in short supply.

  Tino’s biggest advantage is his circle of friends. But the threads he follows in this case seem connected to some of his closest allies. Who can he trust?

  Chapter One

  I’m at the Belfry, which is what I call my apartment, getting ready to head out for the evening. The shower I take is piping hot, even though we still have dog-day summer temperatures at the beginning of September in Rhode Island. There’s method to this madness.

  I want to feel as alive as possible.

  Before you go thinking I’m depressed or have some kind of nerve disorder, you’ve got to understand that I’m not technically what qualifies as a living creature anymore. I’m Valentino Crispo, vampire private investigator. But tonight, I’m just a man on a mundane and personal mission. Which is why I’m also singing in this shower.

  Yeah, I’ve still got it. I’m talking about the pipes in my throat, not the ones delivering the fine spray warming my undead flesh. No, don’t tell me that everyone thinks they sound like Ed Sheeran when they’re either drunk or in the bathroom. I’ve got over a decade of experience and training as far as performing arts go, which is more than I can say for being vamped.

  Too bad there aren’t any meetings for the newly turned. Getting up in front of a room full of sympathetic strangers to say, “Hello, I’m Valentino, and I’m a vampire,” might make me feel worlds better. But the supernatural is secret, so that’s impossible. It’s also why I’m preparing to do the next best thing. Acting.


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