Rescuing A Runaway Bride

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Rescuing A Runaway Bride Page 5

by Jans, Honey

“I didn’t see any reason to alarm him.” He frowned. “He knows Tad is on the short list of suspects. But I didn’t want to worry him because he has enough on his mind with marrying you off.”

  She sucked in a breath at the reminder. With everything that happened¼colliding with then claiming Jake¼almost being the victim of road rage¼and now finding out her brother was a suspected felon¼her failed engagement paled in comparison. She watched Jake watching her reaction and saw a nerve pulse in his tight jaw and knew he was regretting the words. But she was glad of them. Jake Ramsey could be a ruthless so-and-so but she needed his snarky attitude to keep her eyes on the prize. “And what did Dad think about Tad being on the list?” She smiled when Jake hesitated as if surprised by her rapid recovery. Good, it would teach him not to underestimate her.

  “He doesn’t believe it either. Says a Logan wouldn’t cheat, especially his golden boy Tad.”

  “He’s right. They’ve always been close. There’s no way that Tad would betray him.” Samantha flashed a victorious smile his way. “That should tell you that you’re pursuing the wrong man.”

  “Possibly. Whichever way it comes down, you shouldn’t be here when it happens. Now that I know you’re not involved, I need you to go home, if you agree to keep your mouth shut.”

  She gasped. “Now that you know I’m not involved! So you thought I was in on the thefts.”

  “I wasn’t sure. It was a pretty strange coincidence, you showing up here the other night.”

  It put her rude welcome in perspective. He wasn’t so overcome with lust at seeing her that he couldn’t think straight. He’d thought she might be Tad’s accomplice. Shit, he brought a gun to bed with us. Well I screamed and the safety was on the whole delightful time but it still counts against him. Ramsey needs someone to set him straight and I’m just the woman to do it. “You ought to be happy I’m here. If you’re right and Tad shows up, I’m probably the only one he’d trust to talk to. Face it, Jake, you need me.”

  * * * *

  “I’ll be there in a minute,” Jake said quietly into his pager that evening. He’d agreed to let Samantha stay under duress but that didn’t mean he’d agreed to let her take chances. What she didn’t know was that he had the property surrounded by his men. She’d stay safely locked up tight and away from danger until this was over. He turned to head outside when he heard Samantha’s light footsteps coming toward the bedroom.

  “Okay, dishes are done. What do we do next?” she asked.

  He didn’t like her eager tone. “Not a damned thing.” No way was he going to let the bewitching little brat twist him into doing something she shouldn’t. But the hurt look on her face cut him. She’d gotten her color back, and the spark back in her eyes. He’d like nothing better than to fuck her until she couldn’t even walk and then tie her up so she couldn’t get into trouble but she was too smart for that. Or was she¼

  “But you told Kathy you had work to do. I thought we’d¼”

  He frowned remembering Kathy’s assessment that the fender bender was caused by some drunken teens on a joyride. It made sense seeing as how the stolen SUV with the dented front fender was found abandoned about an hour away. But he knew he couldn’t afford to lighten his defenses. He had to move, go down to brief Hunter his kid brother and second-in-command on this mission who was waiting on the edge of the grounds. But damn he wanted to stay and put Samantha through her sexual paces. She said she wanted sex lessons and he was the one to give them to her¼that is until she dumped him. Almost against his will he moved toward her and the startled sexual look in her eye made him hard.

  “Going somewhere?” she asked, looking at the duffle bag in his hand.

  Fuck he’d forgotten about the tactical weapons he carried. Only she could make him that reckless. He saw the intrigued way she looked at his equipment and scowled. There was no way he wanted her to handle his gun. “Just to check the perimeter alarms, alone,” he bit out.

  “You should have told me,” she said. “Give me a minute and I’ll help you.”

  “No,” he said, drawing her frown. “I’m on point, remember and you’re to do what I say if you expect to stay, got it?”

  He watched the light of battle in her eyes and groaned.

  “And if I don’t?”

  “Then I’ll tie you up and spank you,” he threatened turned on.

  “Ooh like that’s much of a threat.” She pressed up against him.

  He burned all the way to the ground as she pressed her sexy body against his. Then she darted a coquettish look up at him that floored him. She was trying to control him with sex and she was doing a damned good job at it. He backed her against the dresser aching for her and smiled when she let out a sexy moan. Two could play the sex game and he had experience on his side. He bent to kiss her capturing her mouth the way he meant to capture her, hard, fast, and unrelenting. Then she kissed him back making him burn as he lowered her zipper. The sound made them both shiver. Hell, he didn’t want any other ears listening to this. He pushed the trip button to temporarily turn off the bug sure to piss off the FBI if they were monitoring but he didn’t care. Samantha didn’t know that this place was now wired for sound and he was going to keep it that way. If so much as a mouse entered the premises he’d know about it. He stepped back and smiled at her. “Strip.”

  “What?” she said, blinking up at him, her eyes going wide.

  He watched the blush cover her face and wondered how far it went. “Show me that you can be my perfect silent partner.”

  He held his breath and then she moved to do as he said, unzipping the dress and slipping the straps off her shoulders to slip it off. It landed in a pile at her feet as she stepped out of it and he couldn’t speak for a minute. Damn she was wearing red satin undies. They were even hotter than the ones she wore when he spanked her this morning. His cock jumped in his pants and he knew she noticed when she smiled. “First the bra,” he said, clearing his throat and holding out his hand.

  “Yes, master,” she said with a wink, reaching back to unhook it.

  But he saw the blush behind her bravado and was touched despite himself. He took the bra from her hand loving the heat and scent it carried. She smelled like cherry blossoms and almonds. Damn she made him hungry. “Next the panties. Slowly,” he added then wanted to kick himself.

  She shimmied out of them then handed them over and he watched fascinated as a blush covered her sexy body. He was enchanted and knew he’d do whatever it took to keep her safe. Even if it meant she’d hate him for it. “Rule one. Behave yourself or I’ll be forced to keep you bound and gagged.”

  The startled slightly excited gasp she let out made him smile but he knew he couldn’t afford to relent. Then knowing he was a fool, he bent to kiss her. She kissed him back pressing her naked curves against him and he couldn’t resist running his hand over her satiny skin feeling the heat in his wake. Then he did the thing he knew would piss her off, he captured her wrists behind her securing them with a few twists of her bra. She let out a shocked sputter but he wasn’t done yet. “Down on your knees, Samantha, prove how obedient you can be.”

  He hid a smile at her defiant gaze and raked her with a demanding one of his own taking in her breasts that trembled with every outraged breath she took. Nipples so hard they were like cherries waiting for his mouth. Then she sank to her knees on the bedroom floor glaring at him.

  “How’s this, goon?” she sassed at him.

  “Not bad,” he said, quickly looping her bra through her panties that were still tangled around her ankles.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she wailed.

  “Teaching you discipline,” he said, running a hand down her satin curves. She leaned into his stroke sighing with pleasure and it damned near broke him.

  “Why don’t you just take me and get it over with.”

  “Don’t tempt me, brat,” he said, forcing himself to stop touching her and get to his stupid feet. He had a meet to make and she’d be held safely here. “This is
submissive position number two, brat. Memorize it because you’ll need it later.”

  Aching with a hard-on too big for his pants, Jake turned to go do what he had to do before he gave into the temptation to fuck Samantha. He could slide into her hot cunt doggy style, or maybe open that tight little bottom of hers like he knew she wanted. Hell, he knew when a woman wanted him even if it was only temporarily. He glanced back at her frustrated as hell. Only the page he’d received would take him away right now. She was perfect, sexy, feisty, and hot for it. He walked a tricky tightrope because sure as shooting when this was over she wouldn’t want him. The trick was not to get attached.

  Standing in the doorway, he glanced back at her. The glare she shot him made him grin. He may have spanked her sexy ass but it hadn’t tamed her. If she kept getting to him like this, he was going to have blue balls before the week was through. She was a feisty challenge that he, despite the odds, was prepared to take on.

  He shut and locked the door behind him, knowing the sensors he’d hastily put in place while she’d gone to town would pick up even a mouse crossing the floor. This would keep her out of trouble while he worked. He made his way down out into the dark to keep his appointment with Hunter.

  The shadow separated itself from the stand of pines on the edge of the property and smiled. Jake recognized his kid brother’s snarky grin and frowned. “What’s up?”

  “I got a rundown on the SUV with the broken headlight,” Hunter said with a frown.



  “Shit tell me something the local PD doesn’t know, kid. “

  “We were able to lift a partial print,” Hunter said.

  “Hot damn.” He smiled at his young protégé. “I knew you were good.”

  “Don’t get too excited yet, old man. We haven’t matched the print yet.”

  Jake knew what the kid was saying. The odds weren’t good they’d find the bastard who’d run Samantha off the road but he had to try. “And that other matter?”

  “Tad Logan is keeping a low profile. As a matter of fact, he slipped his tail earlier today.”

  Shit it was confirmation Tad was going to make his move tomorrow night and crush Samantha’s tender heart. Damn the foolhardy kid. “Keep looking. And remember we’re going for a soft takedown. And what about that other matter?”

  “Grayson St. James has been crying his ass off about being jilted. But he’s also telling everyone who will listen that it was just cold feet on her part and that he’s going to get her back.” Hunter said, looking up at the cabin. “So how’s it going?”

  Jake frowned knowing Hunter was referring to Samantha. Did the kid have any idea how things stood between them? Something told him he did. “Just keep your ears on and stay out of the way,” he said, turning to go.

  “Just remember I’ve got your back.”

  Jake stalked back to the house the dark shadows fitting his mood. It wasn’t going to be easy but he was going to do his duty.

  Chapter 8

  Kneeling on the floor, legs and arms bound to keep her bent in submissive position number two, Samantha grumbled, frustrated as hell. How dare he leave her hanging like this while he did god knows what? He was undoubtedly up to no good.

  Hearing the doorknob rattle, she turned to see Jake walk in and her heart melted. She was so relieved she couldn’t believe it. His hot gaze swept over her, and her fears were forgotten as her body heated up all over again. She wanted him, needed the reassurance of being possessed by him, even if it was temporary.

  When he walked up beside her, running his hand over her ass, she arched it up to meet his touch.

  “Have you learned your submission lesson?” he asked.

  Slightly irritated by the amusement in his voice, she nodded.

  He chuckled. “Liar,” he said, crouching down to undo her bonds.

  She let out a frustrated groan when he undid the complicated knot of her bra with a flick of his wrist.

  “It’s easy when you know how,” he said with a grin.

  “Right,” she said sourly when he helped her to her feet.

  “Come, it’s time for bed, you’ve got harder lessons to learn tomorrow.”

  Then she ran out of words when he started stripping for her. She couldn’t look away when he unbuttoned his shirt. His eyes locked with hers. As he shed his shirt, she decided he looked better without it, tanned skin over powerful muscles, washboard abs, and flat brown male nipples. Her mouth watered. He pulled out a gun he’d apparently secreted at the small of his back and set it on the bedside table. She was instantly chilled, the dangerous situation they were in reinforced. What were you doing out there? She knew he wouldn’t tell her the truth if she did ask. He unzipped his pants breaking her out of her reverie and she couldn’t take her eyes off him as he dropped his pants. His cock sprang out at half-mast, making her gulp, and then it started to grow. Damn a girl could get hooked on him.

  He smiled seeing the focus of her gaze and walked forward.

  She quivered with anticipation. Was he finally going to give her the sex lessons he’d been teasing her about? He grabbed her bending over her so they were a hairsbreadth apart. Their gazes locked. Her heart skipped a beat. With a growl, he tugged her forward, his mouth slanting hungrily over hers.

  She moaned, her lips burning under his. When he nipped her bottom lip she opened her mouth, and his tongue surged inside, mastering her mouth as surely as he was mastering her. She groaned, her pussy spasmodic, dampening the sheets she was sitting on, her body arching toward him. She arched her hips off the bed with a whimper. “Please, Jake.”

  “Look at me,” he demanded, squeezing her breast. When her fevered gaze locked with his, he growled, “I’m in control. Do you want it this way?”

  “Oh yes, oh yes, please fuck me.”

  “Who’s your erotica instructor?” He bent to take a budding nipple into his mouth, drawing it hard into his mouth, nipping at it

  “You, only you,” she cried out, pushing her breast up into his mouth.

  He played with her other nipple, sucking it hard, nipping at it, making her moan and arch against him. Letting it go with a final rough lap of his tongue, he fit his stiff cock to her quivering vagina, and thrust it home. Her hot pussy clamped on to him, making him growl out, “Mine.”

  “Oh yes,” she cried, her hips snapping up to meet him.

  He gasped as her cunt rippled against his thrusting cock. Ratcheting up on his arms to deepen the impact, he pounded into her again and again, her fevered cries driving him on. His pleasure was building, making his cock jerk inside her. “Come now,” he demanded, and she tightened around him like a vise as he spilled high inside her against her cervix.

  She was crying, sobbing, coming, moaning his name and he loved it. He couldn’t help kissing her, stroking her, licking the tears off her face. He rolled to the side, and pulled her to him.

  Samantha sagged limply against Jake’s chest, totally drained, listening to his thundering heart as her pulse slowed. She felt thoroughly fucked, and cherished, strange, as it may seem. “That was¼”

  “Intense,” he suggested.

  “Yeah, intense. You’re making me crazy, you know.”


  She smiled against his chest, unable to work up any anger right now. Then she remembered the reason he’d left her. “Who did you go see?”

  Jake looked down at her. “How did you know I saw someone?”

  She tilted her head back to look into his eyes. He was surprised by the information, and tense, she could feel his body tighten as if for battle. “Just an educated guess. You wanted to make sure I didn’t stumble across you. My brother Tad isn’t in tow. So that means you went to see someone.”

  “Damn, you’re good.”

  “Thanks,” she said, warming. “So spill, what happened?”

  “They ran down the Ford that sideswiped you. It was stolen, dented, and then abandoned.”

  Samantha relaxed at his words.
“Ah just some kids screwing around, I’m relieved.” Then she tensed when she thought of who’d brought the news to him.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, skimming a hand down her back.

  “Oh my god was it Kathy outside. Does she know¼”

  He stilled for a moment then sighed. “Don’t worry, your surrender is safe with me. Nobody will ever know.”

  Chapter 9

  Two hours later, the click of the screen door snapping shut jolted Samantha jolted awake. Even before she sat up and looked around, she knew Jake was gone. The scent of their arousal still hung headily in the air making her smile even though she was sleeping solo. What did he have against sleeping with her anyway? Last night he’d left her tucked alone on the sofa after they’d made love. Was this more of the same? She idly wondered if she could break him of the habit as she sat up.

  What the hell? It was happening now. Had he deliberately lied to her about the date of the drop to keep her out of the loop? She rolled out of bed, slid into her shoes, and ran to the window. In the dark she could see a boat scuttling across the lake toward the boathouse. Shit, looking closer, she could see the shadow of a man hiding behind the shed. Probably Jake. Darn him for not trusting her.

  She had to hurry down there. No matter what the future brought, she would protect both Jake and Tad. She clambered down the ladder, totally forgetting her fear and raced toward the shed, keeping in the shadow of the tree line. Jake turned at her approach. His harsh expression let her know she wasn’t welcome. “I thought you were going to wake me,” she whispered as she crouched next to him.

  He frowned down at her, the set of his shoulders rigid. “I told you I’d take care of things. Go back in the house, Samantha, while there’s still time.”

  “I’m staying.” Short of him tying her hand and foot, there was no way she would comply with his order. Jake’s frustrated scowl told her he read her intentions perfectly. “Why do you think he’s here ahead of schedule?”

  “We don’t know what his agenda is, but I don’t take this early invasion as a good sign. Go back to the house. I don’t want to worry about you being in the line of fire.”


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