Black Flag (Racing on the Edge)

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Black Flag (Racing on the Edge) Page 14

by Stahl, Shey

  After the tenth person came by and asked me how I was holding up, I got to the point where I was acting like Jameson and ignoring questions I didn’t want to answer. If he could do it with the media, I saw no reason why couldn’t do it.

  I’d blame it all on the pregnancy hormones but really, I was just annoyed. There my boyfriend was falling down drunk. Spencer was riding a mechanical bull. Emma was pretending to read peoples palms and Aiden well; he was playing a practical joke on Jameson and I really didn’t care to know the specifics. There I was, sipping water, trying to keep an eye on four crazy drunks all at once. I had enough on my mind; I couldn’t concentrate on how I was doing.

  “Sway?” Tommy called out, his orange hair matted with what appeared to sweat. “Hey, uh, isn’t Jameson like allergic to crab?”


  “Because,” He pointed toward the vendor food booths where Jameson was now competing in an “all you can eat” crab feed with Spencer and Justin.

  “Tommy—what the fuck?” I yelled. “That could kill him!”

  “I’ve been watching for like twenty minutes...this is a hoot.”

  “You fucking idiot,” I punched his shoulder. “If you were watching and you knew he was allergic to crab, why didn’t you say something?”

  “I wasn’t sure if he was allergic to crab and clearly, that shit is entertaining!” he pointed toward Spencer who started barfing on the side of the stage.

  “Jameson!” I screamed over the crowd when he walked off the stage. “Jameson!”

  His eyes searched for me and when those swollen eyes found me, I could tell he was already having a reaction. His lips were puffy, his eyes were bloodshot, swollen, and his words were slurred.

  “Swwwwayyyy...whrrr...carrrr yoooouuu?”

  I managed to get Jameson over to our track care center and amazingly, they had some Benadryl. I handed him the small cup full of Benadryl and told him to drink it while I peed for the hundredth time tonight.

  When I returned Spencer was with him, the bottle of Benadryl was completely gone and Spencer was now handing him a bottle of Jack Daniels, with a straw.

  “I will never make it through the entire night like this.” I thought to myself when the bottle was gone.

  Around four that morning, wishing I was sleeping; I was searching the house for Spencer.

  “Where’s Spencer?” I asked Jameson, kicking his legs as he sprawled out on my bedroom floor.

  “I don’t know.” His arms flung over his head when I turned the light on.

  “What do you mean, you don’t know?”

  “That’s exactly what I mean.” Jameson threw himself back against the floor after kicking his boots off. “I lost him in the crowd.”

  “How did you lose him? He’s like six foot two and the size of a goddamn bear.”

  “This is hardly my fault. He was your responsibility to watch.”

  It’s sad that Spencer needed babysitting but completely justifiable.

  “Fuck Jameson! How the hell did this happen?” I started to panic. “I was only gone for thirty minutes. You guys were supposed to come right back here!”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Do you know anything?” I knew this would get me nowhere but I had to try.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Jesus Christ Jameson!” I threw my arms up in the air pacing my dimly lit room.

  “It’ll be okay...” He mumbled covering his face with his hands to block out the light coming into my room from the sun rising. “We’ve lost Spencer before.”

  “Nothing about this is okay!”

  This was bad, really bad. Alley would kill me if we found him naked again. She had a strict rule when she left last night, no letting him get naked and dance around but her number one rule, don’t lose him. And what did we do? We lost him.

  Jameson groaned. “I think I was drugged.”

  I slapped him across the face.

  “You were not. You are allergic to crab. You ate crab last night. I gave you some Benadryl. But what did you do? You took it upon yourself to drink the entire fucking bottle when I went to the bathroom and then chased it with an entire bottle of Jack Daniels.”

  I had to emphasize this was his fault, not mine.

  “I can’t believe I ate crab.” He looked confused. “I’m allergic to it.”

  “No shit,” was my only response for him.

  I continued to rant picking up Jameson’s jeans to search his pocket for his cell phone. Maybe Spencer called.

  When I did this, Jameson screamed. “No!” and lunged for me.

  What the fuck would be so important in the pocket of his jeans?

  “What?” I asked throwing the jeans as we landed on my bed when he tackled me. The jeans land on the floor with a thud. Obviously, something was in his pocket. “What’s so important in your pants? Is Spencer in there?”

  “No...I just...nothing.” his eyes seemed to be begging me not to pry. “It’s nothing.”

  “It is something or else you wouldn’t have just gone all apeshit on me for snooping through your pockets.”

  “I said it was nothing. Leave it alone.”

  “You’re such an asshole.” I pushed against his chest.

  He rolled away with a frustrated groan. “Yeah,” his tone was laced with sarcasm. “I’m an asshole.”

  He pushed himself from the bed to pick up his jeans and then walked into my bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

  “What a jerk.” I mumbled mostly to myself.

  I was about to go after Jameson and yell at him for being a jerk when my cell phone rang. It was Alley.

  Shit. Do I pick it up? Yes you should. If you ignore her, it will only make things worse.

  “Hey Alley,” I answered softly on the verge of tears but kept some enthusiasm in my tone.

  “Sway,” She wasn’t pleased. “where the fuck is Spencer?”

  “Uh...what do you mean? Isn’t he with you?” I hindered.

  “No! He’s not with me.” Alley paused and then added, “But what’s even more confusing is why the Grays Harbor County Sheriff just called me to tell me they have my husband detained for indecent exposure!”

  At least they found him.


  “Goddamn it Sway! I asked you to watch him last night and you couldn’t even do that. What in the hell were you doing? Let me guess, you were fucking up against the wall with Jameson again.”

  “I wasn’t I—”

  “Save it Sway, I have to go pick up my husband now.” Then she hung up.

  That sent me over the edge...I started crying. Nothing was going my way and Jameson was hiding something from me. Alley hated me. Charlie was crazy. What next?

  I stood there, staring out my bedroom window when I noticed bodies lying in the backyard. I got excited to think it might be Spencer and this might have been just a big misunderstanding with the Sheriff but no, it was not. At a closer look, I realized it was Emma and Aiden.

  Aiden had boxer shorts on, nothing else. Emma had her bra and underwear on, but nothing else with Aiden’s lasso from last night wrapped around her waist. And they were spooning.

  I was being mean, I guess, but I was upset. So I grabbed a bucket of water and dumped it off my second story balcony onto them. They were absolutely no help last night in keeping track of Spencer and that bucket of cold water made me feel slightly better about it.

  Alley went down to the station to get Spencer. He had in fact been arrested, for indecent exposure. The Sheriff found him naked skinny-dipping with the mascot in the town fountain, in front of the sheriff’s station because guess who bet him he wouldn’t do it?


  Apparently Jameson found out who the mascot was and bet Spencer he wouldn’t get naked with a mascot bear and go skinny-dipping. Jameson never played fair. Ever. Not that anything happened with Spencer and Dana, she was completely clothed but Spencer, he was not.

  Alley was pissed.

hen Alley came by the house before they flew out that morning, I could hear Spencer yelling at Jameson while I puked again.

  “What the fuck dude? You could have told me who the mascot was! I thought it was Justin so when Justin giggled...I realized it wasn’t him and ran from her, right into the Sheriff.”

  “Slipped my mind I guess.” Jameson mumbled. His voice sounded off. Maybe he was still upset.

  Spencer didn’t seem too pleased either when Jameson said, “Like I give a shit.”

  Later that night, Jameson came into my room. I’d holed myself up in here away from Alley and Spencer and my crazy dad. He was explaining to the Lucifer twins the difference between a fork and a spork. Apparently there was a difference.

  “I was a jerk.” Jameson confessed drawing me near him. “Sometimes I’m an asshole, but it doesn’t mean I don’t love you.” He pulled back to look at me, his eye brow arched. “You get that I’m saying I’m sorry, right?” He asked taking my face in his hands. He leaned in, lying us down on my mattress, as his hands roamed over my body.

  “You yelled at me for no reason. Now you come in here wanting sex before you leave. That seems backwards.”

  “Of course I came back. I’m always going to come back. That’s what boyfriends do—besides being assholes. We come back and beg for forgiveness that we don’t deserve. And then we want to relieve pressure and do some dyno testing to ensure our engines are strong.” He waggled his eyebrows.

  And oh my god did we dyno test. If you’re not familiar with a dyno test, it’s a powerful engine simulator program that will test your engine’s horsepower, torque and a number of other factors as well. It’s constant force and constant speed designed to test the engines power.

  I was sweating, panting, and trying like hell to keep my eyes open during the testing but it wasn’t easy. I was embarrassed for myself on how short of breath I was. Just when I thought the dyno testing couldn’t get much more conclusive, he wrapped his arm low and tight around my hips and flipped us over, without slipping out. He had talent with this particular test.

  Jameson was panting hard and thrusting even harder. I moaned and whore moaned, desperately trying to keep my eyes open for him, but it was difficult when I couldn’t see a damn thing anyway. I clung to him, and anything behind me, and myself, but I couldn’t stay still.

  So I couldn’t see and I couldn’t stop moving, and I wished I could just calm down but I couldn’t because it was so incredible. He wasn’t kidding when he said he needed to relieve some pressure. I had half the mind to piss him off on a regular basis so we could do this more often.

  “Sway...Oh god...” he moaned or growled; I wasn’t entirely sure.

  He changed our position rather suddenly, his arms hooking behind my knees, pulling my ass up higher as he pinned his hands down on the bed.

  “Jameson...” I cried repeatedly, then again, and again, and again until I shoved my mouth over his just to shut myself up. I’m sure the entire the house could hear me by now but I didn’t care.

  His mouth worked hard over mine, his hips thrusting with just the right force, just the right speed, just the damn.

  I saw stars.

  Jameson groaned this long, deep, painful sounding grunt that took my breath away.

  It did nothing for my concentration.

  “Holy fuck,” Jameson gasped bringing me back to reality, moaning repeatedly as he started to jerk above me. His movements shorten to almost no movement at all, but it was perfect.

  Wrapping his arms around me, his chest slid slickly over mine. Still breathing hard, I opened my eyes to find him. He was lying next to me, lazily grinning as he stroked his finger back and forth over my upper abdomen.

  “That was...” My voice faded staring into his vibrant green eyes.

  “Good?” he asked with a smug smirk. “Jameson four. Sway three?”

  I exhaled dropping my head back and ignoring his stupid tally. “I don’t think good does that justice?”

  “You’re welcome,” he chuckled with a hint of arrogance.

  “What about the dirty heathen?”

  “It definitely was,” he assured, leaning in to kiss me. “It was also the most destructive sex I’ve ever had. Including that time in my closet,”


  When I looked around, I realized that my bed was basically stripped of its covers. Pillows were everywhere, the blanket and sheets were bunched up on either side of us, pulled from their places. And the nightstand was tipped over, the lamp that usually sits on it broken on the floor.

  “How the fuck did I manage that?” I asked in disbelief that I did all this to my own room.

  Jameson laughed, shaking his head. “I don’t have any idea. You kicked the other one over as well.”

  I groaned, sitting up to see that the other nightstand was indeed dumped over on its side. The picture that usually hangs on the wall beside my bed was hanging crookedly and I had also yanked the curtains off the nearest window.

  “Jesus Christ,” I mumbled. “My room is a mess.”

  “I’m feeling rather proud at the moment,” he said, stretching cockily out on his back, all his naked glory there for me to ogle. I rolled on top of him with a laugh, wrapping his arms around me.

  “Ready for round two?” he asked with a huge smirk.

  Before we could start round two, there was a loud knock on the door.

  “Jesus!” Logan shouted. “Stop already! Some of us, as in me and my brother, are trying to sleep!”

  Gasket – Jameson

  When I was thirteen, what stressed me out the most was if I would get to race the next weekend. Somewhere along the lines that changed and suddenly I was an adult and I could decide for myself when I would race and didn’t have to worry if I got in trouble during the week. I knew I could still race even though I smacked my brother in the head with a tail pipe.

  When I was thirteen that wasn’t always the case.

  The problem now, ten years later, was that it was my job so really, it still wasn’t my decision.

  It was my way of life.

  I believe, and I wouldn’t put much weight into that, being an adult, completely overrated.

  Adulthood is fucking stressful.

  I had appearances, a sprint car team, managed a track and was a full time Winston Cup driver. Talk about responsibility. To me, the scariest part about all this responsibility was when I screwed up and let an opportunity slip away.

  What if I never got the opportunity again?

  My problem, I had no idea when or how I was going to propose to Sway but I had to make it special, I knew that much. It couldn’t be something where Aiden tied her down with a lasso, or Spencer wrote a “fuck me” speech, or her accidentally finding the “fuck me” note and the ring in my pocket.

  It needed to be me and her and not an accident. It needed to be right for us and not for anyone else. But when was the right time? Would it be some place special? Would I know what to say? Would she even say yes?

  With all those thoughts running through my mind, I was amazed I even got any sleep last night. Or maybe it was the sex?

  “Morning,” I whispered kissing Sway’s forehead when the alarm blared.

  “Are you watching me sleep?” she asked with a grin rubbing her hands over her face.


  “Weirdo.” she tried to cover her face.

  “I know,” I kissed her once more moving her hands aside.

  “Are you coming with me this weekend?”

  “Please,” she rolled her eyes. “Of course I will be there.”

  “Mmmm...” I leaned into and kissed her one passionate kiss, and then pulled away. “Thank you,”

  Sway’s eyes squinted, her cute little nose scrunched. “Before you thank me...” she gave me an apprehensive “I’m sorry” look. “I kind of told the Lucifer twins they could come with us.”

  My eyes narrowed at her. “You have to be fucking kidding me!”

  “No...I wish I w
as but no...I’m not.”

  “At least are Charlie and Andrea coming to keep track of the little monsters?”

  She only nodded knowing I was too upset now.

  Awesome, the Lucifer twins, a crazy Charlie and Andrea. At least Andrea was normal. Having them come along was not my idea of the perfect weekend to propose to Sway.

  If anything, they would fuck it up for me worse than Spencer and Aiden could.

  7. Blocking – Sway

  Blocking – This happens when another driver prevents the car from behind from passing. It’s acceptable as long as the car blocking is not a lapped car. It’s sometimes viewed as unsportsman like conduct.

  The morning we left for Mooresville didn’t start off so well, actually, it sucked. I woke up, and puked. I took a shower, and puked. Jameson got in the shower with me and I puked. It was really embarrassing but Jameson took it like a champ. He was sidetracked by the fact that I was now sporting a baby bump.

  Up until that point, my body hadn’t shown a single sign of being pregnant, aside from the enormous funbags. The bump wasn’t big, but it was there.

  Jameson was in awe and wouldn’t stop touching me all morning. Every time I turned around his hands were on my stomach, eyes wide with excitement. Finally, I told him if he touched my stomach again I was going to junk punch him.

  I was also incredibly cranky. It might have something to do with the terrible tagalongs joining us this week. It was a terrible idea to have them come along but Charlie had never seen a live NASCAR Cup race, and that’s something everyone should see. And the Lucifer twins had been begging me for months now to tag along. Hints the terrible tagalongs were born. I was a little worried about Charlie flying in his condition but Andrea assured me it would be fine. He was becoming crazier by the day, so I agreed to this to spend as much time as I could with him.

  I wish I was in better spirits about them coming but alas, I wasn’t. To show you how shitty I was feeling that day, I even denied Jameson sex. Clearly, I was not feeling like myself.


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