Black Flag (Racing on the Edge)

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Black Flag (Racing on the Edge) Page 25

by Stahl, Shey

  “Nice of you to help,” I rolled my eyes pulling her closer. “So fiancée,” I’d never get tired of saying that. I couldn’t wait to say wife. “Now that today is officially your birthday. Are you ready for dinner together tonight in Key West?”

  I thought she was paying attention but apparently she wasn’t. Instead she was looking at Emma sitting next to her and the vending machine ring she was proudly sporting.

  Sway leaned against my shoulder. “Did they...?”

  “Yep,” I told her.

  “Oh god...” she whispered, eyes wide.


  Aiden, who was still confused as to what actually happened in his Ecstasy induced stupor, whispered in my ear, “What the hell is she talking about?”

  “Dude, you got married last night.” I held up his hand. “Congratulations.”

  His eyes widened and shifted in horror between Emma, who was staring at him, and my dad who had a set scowl on his face, glowering at Emma.

  I assumed at that point, dad knew what had happened last night. Aiden would never do something like this sober. I mean look at him. It takes him half an hour to decide how his eggs will be served in the morning and then if it’s not done right, he has a panic attack. Imagine how he felt knowing he got married on a whim in Vegas. Enough said.

  Emma, trying to place the blame on anyone she could instead of owning up to get married, pointed toward Charlie who was enjoying his waffles in peace, until now.

  “He made me do it.”

  Charlie let out a laugh but continued to eat and drink his black coffee. “I didn’t think you’d actually do it.” He told her.

  “You knew I would!” Emma shouted.

  Charlie opened his mouth to say something but instead chuckled with a quick shrug.

  Things came to an abrupt halt when Alley appeared at the table with an amused Spencer.

  “You didn’t think to stop me Sway?” Alley punch Sway’s arm a little too rough for my comfort.

  I was on my feet in a second standing between Alley and Sway.

  “Calm down Alley.” I growled shielding Sway.

  “She let my cut my hair last night and dye it!”

  “It looks fine.” I snickered. It didn’t look fine. It looked like shit.

  “You would think so,” she scorned and then stomped away toward the spa, I assumed to get her hair fixed.

  Spencer leaned over the table. “This is awesome.” He smiled, his eyes darting around at all of us. “Finally she did something stupid and I didn’t!” he pumped his fist in the air in celebration. “Best fucking night ever!”

  The rest of the morning I couldn’t figure out what was more entertaining. Emma explaining the video of them getting married to my parents and the pictures that were taken from last night. Or Alley for trying to kill Spencer for teasing her.

  The scream he let out when she pummeled his ass in the lobby sounded something like a cat being gangbanged.

  Sometimes being related to Spencer and Emma, was reason enough to put yourself up for adoption. At least I was now on my way to Key West with Sway, finally alone.

  12. Black Flagged – Sway

  Black Flagged – This flag is waved by the official to signal a driver that he must immediately report to the pits for consultation related to a dangerous mechanical condition or a driving infraction. Failure to heed the flag can result in exclusion from the race. This flag may also be displayed in a “furled” (rolled up) manner as a warning to drivers.

  “Wake up!” I kicked Jameson in the ass. “Wes said to be ready in fifteen minutes.”

  “No, leave me alone.”

  “Fine,” I told him sending a pillow flying toward his head. “I’m never having sex with you again.”

  His head shot up. “I’m up.”

  “That’s what I thought.” I headed for the shower.

  Jameson insisted we take a little nap before we left for Key West. He kept an eye on Charlie for me last night so I thought he deserved a little nap. But now, it was my time, and more importantly, time for us to be alone for the first time in two weeks. If I was any more excited, I would burst into a puff of fairy dust.

  “Did you pack enough panties?” Jameson asked once we were on the plane, not looking up from his phone but the smirk was evident.

  “Yes,” I voiced. “But that doesn’t mean you can rip them off.”

  “Did you at least give me a few pairs to have my way with?” I watched as the smirk grew wider, still not looking up from his phone.

  “You’re out of control.” Sitting across from him in the overstuffed leather Capitan’s chair, I kicked my flip-flops off and slid my feet into his lap.

  “You act as though you’re surprised.”

  I shook my head laughing. “I’m not. I knew exactly what I was getting into when I agreed to go steady with you and marry you.”

  “I have to be in Loudon at 2 p.m. tomorrow.” He finally looked up from his phone; his smirk had turned into a frown. He blinked gauging my reaction.

  “Press conference?” I asked.

  “Yeah, winning and fines don’t come without obligations...” his voice faded as though he was hinting this wouldn’t be the end of it. I knew this though. I knew exactly what racing in the elite levels meant and always had. After he proposed that night he was whisked away to the Contender’s Conference and then more pictures. Before I knew it, we were in Richmond and with the fines and Vegas, we hadn’t celebrated.

  So this, tonight, was our celebration together, alone, of our engagement. I glanced down at my ring and smiled. My fairytale was coming true.

  Sliding my feet along the insides of his thighs, I stopped when they reached inches from the camshaft. “That means I need the woo,”

  “Mmmm,” tossing his phone aside, he shifted in the chair reaching for my feet, running his strong large hands along my calves. “Woo I can do.” he grinned, dark lashes blinked.

  Once we arrived in Key West, we checked into the hotel Jameson booked for us at the Ocean Key Resort and Spa.

  The room was beautiful with a soft palette and airy open feel. It had breathtaking views of the ocean on every side with wall-to-wall windows draped in sheer white silk flowing curtains from floor to ceiling. Off to the right of the giant sleigh bed was a Jacuzzi bathtub, surrounded by colorful candles. The windows and doors were open creating a breezy feeling throughout. On the balcony was a pair of wooden lounge chairs with more candles and flowing curtains.

  I smiled at my fairytale enfolding and wishing it would always be this way.

  “Wow,” I gasped taking in the room before me, my wish was reality, staring back at me.

  “Good woo?” His lips found my shoulder kissing his way to my lips. “Is this what you wanted?” His finger touched lightly to the back of my neck.

  “Yes,” I kissed him once. “Good give good woo.”

  “Damn right, I give good woo.”

  “Dinner?” he pulled back to look at me, eyes bright.

  My brow arched.

  “Dinner it is,” he snorted reaching for his bag he’d placed beside the bed. Carefully he pulled out his black slacks and a dark gray dress shirt with a black tie.

  “Wow, the wooer”

  Jameson smirked; his head remained bent forward as he searched the bag.

  “So is the wooed.” He held up a black satin dress with matching heels. “Emma,” he hesitated for a second. “Instructed me to give this to you,”

  “Oh she did, did she?”

  His head tipped, his knuckles ran over his lower lip before he set down the dress, pulling me against his chest. “You don’t have to wear it...but you would look sexy in it,” he teased, his eyes twinkling in the setting sun shining through the windows.

  “I’ll wear it.” My eyes shifted to my baby bump. “If it fits,”

  Amazingly enough it fit. Surprised the hell out of me. I didn’t even look pregnant with it on, which made me feel better. When I finished dressing and applying som
e light make-up, I walked out of the bathroom to find Jameson on the balcony facing the ocean. I smiled admiring his attire—we were matchy-match tonight.

  He turned when he heard my heels clicking across the tile floor, and leaned against the railing. I had to take a deep breath to calm my erratic heartbeat because Christ...anytime the dirty heathen leaned, it could make any woman’s heart beat erratically.

  I made my way onto the balcony, his arms wrapped around my waist when I reached him, slipping me against him, kissing me deeply.

  “You look...good,” He breathed, pulling away from my lips to place his mouth against the skin just below my ear, his scruff tickling.

  “Good?” I asked him, encouraging him to continue.

  “Yes good. Good enough to eat.” He whispered, grazing my neck with his teeth and then gently biting the skin over my collarbone.

  “Mmmm,” Was all I could manage to say, wrapping my arms around his neck and sinking into his embrace. This really did feel like a fairytale.

  The sun was setting, casted a warm glow all around us. My eyes were drawn to his, the grass green standing out against the orange horizon. His smile...oh that smile...reassured me this was real.

  “You ready?” he finally asked, eyes holding my own.

  “Yes, woo me dirty heathen.”

  Jameson chose a restaurant on the pier, the warm coastal air surrounding us. Tiny white Christmas lights twisted in the wooden umbrellas overhead created a magical feeling over the pier. The ocean crashed against the rocks below us, the salt actually present on my tongue and the humidity made my ass sweat.

  “Are you having a good time?” he asked, letting his hand settle against the small of my back, claiming me quietly and succinctly. I only hoped he couldn’t feel how much I was sweating.

  “Very much so, thank you.” I assured him, smiling, more sweat dripping.

  The waiter brought out an appetizer Jameson ordered, setting it on the small round table. Keeping one arm securely wrapped around my waist, he reached for his fork to put one of the shrimp on it.

  “Open up honey.” He instructed, and I surely did. The warm tangy but sweet coconut shrimp burst flavor throughout my mouth; it was delicious. I moaned around the fork, as he slipped the tines back out.

  He chuckled throwing back his own shrimp like a man, licking his lips as I watched this dirty heathen pornography play out. Then he winked.

  I rolled my eyes, trying not to let him know how incredibly turned on I was by this. I had to hold my own at some point.

  With no shame or sense of social propriety, I closed the distance between us, and kissed him, hard. He grinned in surprise, but quickly kissed me back with equal intensity.

  My entire body turned toward him, my legs nestling in between his as his fingers found my skin, the skin just above the hem of my dress. My head tilted to one side so I could kiss him more deeply, my tongue sliding against his, leading and then letting him lead. He tasted like sweet and tangy and it was all I could do not to grab him and have my way with him, sweaty ass and all.

  I heard someone clearing their throat, and I opened my eyes to see our waiter with our meals, his expression uncomfortable.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Riley, I have your meals here,” he said, carefully averting his eyes from the display we were putting on, in a very public pier.

  I might have moaned a little as he removed his hands from my legs, and turned my chair around. Taking my hands and pulling them from his lap where they had found their way, they had a mind of their own I tell you. He smirked as I took a shaky deep breath.

  Jameson flashed the waiter a smile before offering me a slow wink. “Sorry man,”

  I almost let out an indignant groan when I saw him discreetly adjust himself. It was comforting to know that I wasn’t the only one feeling worked up. Then I wondered if he was sweating as much as I was.

  I smiled serenely at him, lowering my eyes just enough when his gaze met mine so that he knew I knew. Being the knocked up pigizzle that I was, I let my hand drift back to his lap just enough to accidentally on purposely graze him, feeling how worked up he was.

  I heard him groan, and I smiled inwardly. Just as I went in for another feelsky, he grasped my hand tightly in his own, pressing himself against me, my breath catching in my throat as I felt him harden further under our hands.

  “Do you want me to fuck you right here?” he murmured, low and thick in my ear as my entire body started trembling. Closing my eyes, I tried to get control as he placed my hand back in my own lap, grinning in a devilish way. As our waiter busied himself around us, filling water glasses and arranging food, I only had eyes for Jameson, delicious and beautiful, sitting next to me in our fairytale, wondering what I did right to be granted such an amazing wish.

  Our meal took forever to finish, mainly because of our food prep-assembly we had going on with tantalizing tastes and lingering kisses that were entirely too provocative for the social gathering we were surrounded by, but again, I could give a flying fuck about any of that. This was my fairytale goddamn it and if I want to do some assembly prepping with my dirty heathen, in public, I would.

  Jameson smiled softly at me, reaching for my hand. The warm night air blowing softly through his hair, “I’m glad we’re alone, finally.” he said, raising my hand to his mouth. He laid kisses across my knuckles, opening my palm and pressing a wet kiss at its center. “Where I don’t have to worry about someone walking in on us,” he kissed my hand once more as I stared back at him. “...or the media,”

  “Don’t get too excited there...we haven’t made it back to the room yet.”

  “Is my woo working?” he went in for the kill but I had my own ideas.



  I smiled and decided that for once, I was going to play the part of the dirty heathen. I took his hand that was wrapped around my own, sliding it slowly up the inside of my thigh, all the way to my properly lubricated and sweaty crankcase.

  The look on his face was priceless. The flashes of emotions were easy to see. First was shock, then amusement that I did this, and then slowly it turned to overwhelming desire while he breathing increased followed quickly by raw lust.

  I giggled. “The working. Good woo.” I pulled his hand back away against his pout for it to stay. “But Jameson?”

  “Yes?” he voice was thick and rough again, his eyes half opened.

  “I think to be properly wooed; we should go back to the room.”

  “Thank god,” he smiled and signaled the waiter.

  He paid the bill and we began making our way through the city toward our hotel. Lanterns lit up the dark sky overhead as a heavy drumbeat pulsed with people dancing in the streets. There was a buoyant energy throughout the city; the sense of wild abandon was floating through the air.

  We passed a bar playing salsa music and Jameson stopped suddenly, yanking me inside.

  “ salsa dance?”

  He licked his lips slowly, wrapping his arms firmly around my waist. “Honey...I know how to move.” His strong hips pressed forward leading me toward the dance floor. “And it’s all in the hips.”

  Thousands of those tiny twinkle lights strung across the ceiling and pillars throughout the bar creating a sexy romantic feeling on the dark wooden dance floor. People were dancing all around us, making it difficult it move but none of them existed once my dirty heathen had his strong concrete arms around me, moving me fluidly over the dance floor with ease to the beats of El Gitano del Amor.

  I don’t know how it happened but his tie was loosened, the top few buttons of the shirt undone allowing a view of his faint chest hairs to peek out. My hands instinctively wrapped around his neck, his fingertips gripped my hips controlling my movements.

  His eyes lit up as we moved across the dance floor effortlessly to the beat of the band, the music pulsing, I could feel it throughout my entire body. I couldn’t speak—all I could do was smile.

  I can’t salsa dance to sa
ve my life but with Jameson leading me around, turns out I could salsa dance and goddamn was he right, it’s all in the hips.

  Beautiful women danced closely beside us but Jameson’s eyes never left mine, not once. They stayed fixated, holding me like the treasure I was to him.

  When the song finished he drew me closer, his hips pressing forward, his breath blowing across my face as we spoke. “Let’s get out of here. I have some proper wooing to do.”

  His eyes still focused on mine, he led me away from the dance floor. Once outside, I was whirled once more against the side of the building and pulled toward an obscured alleyway.

  “What are you doing?” I asked but he didn’t answer. His green eyes sparkled as his left hand came up to cup my cheek, angling my face toward his.

  He kissed me deeply, passionately; fervently...let’s just say this one kiss was what fairytales were made from. His tongue gently but with determination caressed my own. His other hand slid down from my hip to wrap around the back of my knee—hitching it around his waist. And in a movement, so quick I didn’t know what was happening, Jameson slid my underwear aside and assessed my bearings, deciding whether or not align boring or maybe press forging would be necessary.

  I gasped loudly at the feeling of his long slender fingers wooing the crankcase. And then again, in another movement so quick I barely had time to interpret it, he was fumbling with his belt, desperately trying to get his pants unzipped.

  “What...are...oh god...that’s...” his fingers swirled around my ignition switch.

  “Good?” he grunted pushing forward with a growl of animalistic proportions. If he hadn’t been holding me against the wall, I would have collapsed right then with that noise.

  “So good, but we’ public...” Though I said this, for the life of me, I couldn’t bring myself to give a shit about our public display of align boring.

  People were screaming and dancing in the streets not more than ten feet from us but under the secluded darkness of the alley, it felt private and insanely fucking erotic. Maybe this is part of the woo.


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