ROMANCE: SECRET BABY ROMANCE: Major League Baby (Best Friend's Older Brother's Secret Baby Romance) (Bad Boy Professional Athlete Alpha Male Millionaire Romance)

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ROMANCE: SECRET BABY ROMANCE: Major League Baby (Best Friend's Older Brother's Secret Baby Romance) (Bad Boy Professional Athlete Alpha Male Millionaire Romance) Page 3

by K. Valentine

  I finally took a deep breath and reached out. Anne was startled at first but then, she smiled. That gorgeous smile of hers took away any ounce of inhibition left in me. I could see she was looking at me, inspecting me inch by inch, and it aroused me to an extend I haven’t been aroused before. Mustering up the courage to step in with her, her eyes were telling me she had surrendered.

  I started touching her all over, trying to be gentle at first, although all my senses wanted to grab her as tight as possible. She was gorgeous.

  All her moans and smiles gave me a hard on that was devastating, I had to have her right there and then. I turned her around, pushed her up against the tiles, slowly opened her ass to get to her sweet spot and entered her. I was trying hard not to be too aggressive but then she reached out and was pulling me in. That was all I needed.

  I entered her hard and deep. Her moans were out of this world, sending my endorphins into a rage. My ego soared. The hot water dripped on us like a warm waterfall, and I was stroking her faster and deeper by the second. My manhood enwrapped in the wet, hot warmth of the inner walls, of a woman it long to find sweet 'release' in.

  “Don’t stop” – She said, and it mesmerized me to an extent that made me realize this was the best sex I’ve had and she really was the one.

  I kept going, completely indulging her moans, until I reached that orgasmic peak and came in between her buttocks. She turned around to face me, hugged me with both her hands and kissed me.

  We stood there, under the hot water for as long as possible, in silence, in a close embrace.

  Chapter Nine

  Max ended up sleeping on the couch and Anne slept with Grace in the bedroom. The very next morning, Anne woke up to see that Grace was no longer in bed, but she could hear her voice coming from the living room.

  Still shaken by what happened last night, Anne stretched, smiling enjoying the fact that she was totally in love with this man, and finally accepting she probably always be. At that split second of that perfect morning, she realized she really didn’t care if he was a player since he will always mean very much to her.

  She got out of bed and walked into the living room. Anne kept quiet, standing at the door, looking at Grace and Max together. Max was making her breakfast and they were talking and laughing together.

  “My family.” – Anne thought, realizing she had to come clean. There was no point in hiding anymore.

  “Mom, mom look what Max made me!” – Grace yelled, running towards her mom showing her a plate of a heart-shaped pancake.

  “That looks delicious! Can I have pancakes too?”

  Max turned around looking at her: “Pancakes for everyone today!”

  They sat at the small table, eating and laughing. Anne was taken aback by how good Grace and Max were together. At that second, she really was happy.

  “I have to go to work. Max, don’t you have anything to do today?”

  “Well, if you don’t mind, I was thinking I can hang out with Grace here…”

  “Oh yes, yes, yes please mommy! Can he?”

  Anne smiled: “Sure you can. The rehearsal is tonight. Don’t you have to help them?”

  “Not really. Everything of mine is done. We’ll see you later tonight then?”

  “Okay.” – Anne kissed him and left to go to work.

  That day was the easiest working day ever. She was sure the night before had something to do with it as she had this huge smile on her face, as if she slept with a hanger in her mouth. Everyone noticed her good spirits and she told them she was happy for her friend Sophie’s wedding. No one here needed to know what actually happened.

  She took off a couple of hours early so she can get home on time and prepare for the rehearsal dinner. She got home only to see the living room flooded in gifts and teddy bears and a box of cake.

  “Did you guys have cake for lunch?” – She asked, looking at both Max and Grace. Both of them had guilt on their face: “Just once mommy. Don’t be mad.”

  Anne laughed: “I’m not mad, baby. Just don’t get used to it.”

  “Maybe she should get used to it.” – Max said, stepping up and hugging Anne.

  Anne knew exactly what he was saying but she couldn’t believe her ears: “Maybe she should.” – She whispered in his ear: “Now, let me go and get ready. Max, where is your suit?”

  “I had it delivered here. It’s in the bedroom.”

  She went in to the shower, put her makeup on and got dressed. The dress was black, long and backless and it suited her tiny frame perfectly. She stepped out and saw him, the ever looking prince charming.

  “You take my breath away.” – She said, without realizing she actually said it out loud. He laughed: “I was just thinking that.”

  “Did Stacey get here?”

  “Yes, Grace and Stacey are both in the bedroom. Grace is an amazing child, Anne. I don’t care whose she is. I just want to be with you.” – Max said, coming towards her and grabbing her hands.

  “She is. Especially since she is yours.” – Anne whispered.

  Max stood there, taken aback by her words. He gave it a couple of minutes for it to sink in. “Why did you lie to me?”

  “I… I was scared Max…I…”

  “You thought I wasn’t an adult enough? You thought I don’t deserve her? Who gave you the right…”

  “Max, don’t yell, please. I am sorry.”

  “Sorry doesn’t cut it Anne! You were hiding from me that I had a child! Who are you?”

  “Look Max, it’s not how it seems. I was only trying to protect her. What if you didn’t want her, what if you didn’t want any of this? I had to think of her…”

  “No Anne you were only thinking about yourself! I can’t believe you are this selfish! Three whole years Anne! Three whole years that I’ve lost from my daughter’s life and I’ll never get them back! How dare you!”

  “Max please, calm down… I wanted to tell you, I really did, but it meant that you’d have to stay here. And I figured it better for only one of us to sacrifice the career not both. I did it so you can be happy.”

  “You could’ve contacted me anytime during those three years after I launched my career Anne. Why didn’t you?”

  “I was scared. I was terrified that you won’t want her and I was scared of ruining your life.” – Anne was tearing up. Tears started to drip down her face.

  “No amount of tears will make me want to forgive you! You are one selfish, horrible person Anne, and you will hear from my lawyers" he said with fire in his eyes, his voice billowing rage. "I’m taking Grace away from you. You don’t deserve to be a mother....I mean, who the hell do you think you are!” – Max yelled, storming out of the apartment.

  “No, Max, please wait!” – Anne ran to get him but it was too late. He already got into his car and drove off.

  Anne walked back to the apartment, threw herself on the couch and cried her heart out. The thought that she might have to live without Grace was terrifying and she couldn’t even dare think about it. She knew Max, the guy from high school but she didn’t know this Max, the rich and successful athlete. She knew Max from high school would never be able to do anything like this but she couldn’t vouch for Max, the successful star.

  Stacey and Grace walked into the living room and sat with her, hugging her.

  “Mommy please don’t cry. I love you.”

  Just hearing Grace’s voice made her cry even more.

  “Mommy loves you baby. Mommy loves you more than the world.” – Anne sobbed, dragging Grace in for a hug.

  Chapter Ten

  “Where the hell are they?” – Sophie was screaming, completely forgetting her lady manners. The Webster’s house was all decorated and ready for the rehearsal and the main event tomorrow. There were about 50 people in the huge dining room waiting for the rehearsal to start. Anne and Max were the only ones missing and it was literally driving Sophie up the wall.

  “Honey, don’t worry we will find them.” – Paul was consoling
her, as he made eye contact with Mrs. Webster: a cry of despair. Mrs. Webster disapprovingly waved her head and kept trying to call Max.

  “He is not answering. I have no idea what’s happening.”

  Mr. Webster walked in the hallway where Paul, Sophie and Mrs. Webster were.

  “The guests are getting impatient. Did you find them? Do we go through it without them?”

  “No! I am not doing anything without my brother and my Maid of Honor!” – Sophie cried, completely annoyed.

  “Fine then. I’ll call my friends from downtown. We have to check everywhere.”

  * * *

  Max drove as fast as possible. He was angry, betrayed and hurt.

  “How could she do this to me?” – He kept asking himself although deep down, he blamed himself for leaving. He had a child, a whole family, a woman he loved all here and he had instead gone off into 'the big world' to pursue a career that paled in comparison to the love and family he was tricked into leaving behind.

  “I didn’t know.” – He kept shaking his head and finally started crying.

  It was agonizing to learn the truth, especially when he really was hoping to have all that with her one day. Why the hell did she kept it from him?

  He was driving as fast as possible when the road ahead turned red. He didn’t see it on time and crashed into a car coming on his right.

  * * *

  Sophie was going ballistic. She had a hunch something bad had happened. She tried to call Anne a few times, but she wasn’t picking up. Finally, her dad came running down the stairs:

  “Max was in a car crash. He is at the hospital.”

  Mrs. Webster started crying that same second. Sophie went to get her purse and called Paul.

  “Guests, I’m sorry we have to run.” – She apologized to a table of people and left.

  They rushed in the hospital, scared to death.

  “You are the Websters. I’m Doctor Hull. Your son was speeding and crashed into another car. He is currently stable. Has a few bruises and cuts here and there but he will be fine. We are keeping him till tomorrow for observations. You can see him now.”

  They were taken to his hospital bed.

  “Max! You scared me!” – His mom cried out, running to his side.

  “I’m okay you guys. Sophie, I am really sorry for ruining your rehearsal dinner.”

  Sophie was crying but managed to smile: “That’s okay Max. I’m just glad you’re okay.” – And she ran to hug her big brother.

  “Mom, dad and Sophie, I should probably tell you something…” – Max said, drawing a big breath. “They have the right to know.” – He thought, proceeding to tell them the story about Anne.

  “That bitch!” – Sophie yelled, once she heard the whole thing: “That bitch didn’t tell me I had a niece! I am going to kill her!”

  “I have a granddaughter?” – Mrs. Webster was swelling up, all ready to cry again.

  “Yes you guys. I am a father. But more importantly, I have figured out something else. Now, listen to me, you all have to help me…”

  * * *

  Anne was at home, wearing her shorts and a big t-shirt, watching TV and binge eating cake. “She gets it from me.” – She thought, thinking about Grace’s obsession with cake.

  It was around 11pm. She figured the rehearsal was long done. Sophie did try to call her a few times, but Anne was a complete and utter mess to be able to answer, let alone attend.

  “I hope she can forgive me.” – Anne whispered, thinking about her friend.

  As she was just getting ready to get up and get more cake, her phone beeped. A text message.

  Anne took her phone, read the message and dropped the phone on the floor in complete shock. She took the phone again and read: “Max was in a car crash. He is at the hospital.”

  Anne felt as if the whole world was crushing in on her. She jumped out of bed, took Grace with her as it was too late to call Stacey and ran to get a cab.

  As she was getting into the taxi, she was holding Grace in her arms. Grace was sleeping as the little angel she was.

  “City hospital. And fast!” – She snapped at the taxi driver.

  Chapter Eleven

  Anne rushed into the hospital, carrying Grace in her hands. All the action from this late at night, woke the child up.

  “Mommy, am I sick?” – She asked, sleepily.

  “No, baby.”

  “Are you sick?”

  “No, honey. Max is sick.” – Anne whispered in distress.

  “Does his stomach hurt from the cake?”

  Anne couldn’t help but laugh: “Yes, baby. We are going to him now.”

  “Okay, I want to see him too.”

  They ran through the hallways and finally found Mrs. And Mr. Weber.

  “Is he okay?” – Anne asked, crying.

  “Yes, he is. He will be fine. He is over there. You can both go see him.” – Mrs. Weber said, calmly walking towards them and hugging Grace: “I have the feeling and you and I will be best friends.” – She told her. Anne realized they all knew the truth and felt uncomfortable.

  “Mrs. Weber, I…”

  “No need to explain child. I’m just thankful for the truth.” – Mrs. Weber said, walking to Anne and hugging her as well.

  Anne knocked on the door and opened it. Max was in the bed, awake.

  “Max… Are you okay?” – She said, rushing to his side.

  “I’m fine Anne. I wanted to talk to you about today…”

  Anne swelled up, ready to cry: “Listen, you are right. I didn’t have the right to keep Grace away from you and you can do anything you think is right…”

  Max stood up, grabbing her hands in his and staring into her eyes: “I intend to do what’s right Anne. I intend to spend my life with you and our child.”

  Anne sat there, taken aback by his words. She had been imagining those same words, playing them in her head for years. Now that he was really there, speaking them, she felt overwhelmed.

  “Max… I love you.”

  He stood up, put her face in his palms and dragged her in for a kiss.

  “I will make everything right Anne. You’ll see.”

  Grace opened the door and ran towards Max: “Mommy told me you got sick from eating cake.”

  Max laughed and lifted Grace up to put her on the bed: “Mommy was right. Too much cake is not good.”

  Grace was nodding in approval: “I know!” – She said, making them both laugh.

  Chapter Twelve

  Max got out of the hospital the very next morning. He was lucky as hell, except for the few scars, there was nothing seriously wrong. Anne and Grace were there picking him up.

  “So, where to now?”

  “To the apartment. To get ready. Then, we have a wedding to attend to.”

  They went back to the apartment to change. All three of them looked picture perfect, the epitome of happiness.

  “This time, I’ll drive.” – Anne said, as they all got into Max’s car.

  They drove to the house. Everything was beyond beautiful. The flowers, the scenery, the decorations… It all looked like a fairy tale.

  “I am so glad you are here!” – Sophie cried when she saw them together – “I was so mad at you for not telling me the truth!” – She yelled at Anne, pulling her in for a hug.

  “I’m sorry Sophie. It was really hard…”

  Sophie kept crying for a while longer, hugging Anne and Grace simultaneously: “I’m just glad it all worked out.”

  “It really did.” – Anne smiled.

  She was finally at peace and happy. She couldn’t believe what those few last days did and how big of a change they brought. While she was talking to Sophie, she saw Grace and Max holding hands and walking around, meeting different people. More importantly, she saw the way Max looked at Grace and she instantly knew he loved her just as much as she did.

  “Look there is something we have been keeping from you as well.” – Sophie said, devilishly.
br />   “Oh yeah? Like what?”

  “Come with me.”

  Sophie took her to the bedroom upstairs. Anne walked in to see the most beautiful wedding gown she had ever laid eyes on: “Oh God, Sophie, I’m jealous! The dress is amazing!”

  Sophie smiled: “Good. I’m glad you like it. Cos you’re wearing it.”

  “What?” – Anne turned to Sophie, shocked.

  “Paul and I broke it off. Right after the rehearsal dinner. He is a slimy bastard Anne and he was cheating on me this whole time. So, I left him.”

  “Are you messing with me Sophie?”

  “I am very serious Anne. Max knew about the whole thing, actually it was his idea. He knew we were going to cancel the wedding and he made us swear not to tell you until now.”

  Anne was in shock. She was speechless.

  “I am supposed to get married?”

  “No, you’re not supposed to. You are getting married.” – Sophie smiled.

  “I’m so sorry to hear about Paul…”

  “Don’t be. I don’t need him in my life. Now, let me help you put on that dress.”

  Anne couldn’t believe what was happening. In just a little over three days, her life changed dramatically. And now, she was about to walk down the aisle to marry the father of her child, the only man she had ever loved.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “You look so beautiful!” – Sophie exclaimed with tears in her eyes – “No wonder people cry at weddings!”

  Anne hugged her friend, tightly: “You have always been my best friend Sophie.”

  Someone knocked at the door.

  “Yes?” – Sophie answered it. It was Mrs. Weber. She walked in, looking at Anne: “My child, you look breathtaking!”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Weber.”

  “Everything is ready downstairs. And, someone is here to see you.”

  Anne’s father walked in the room. The man she got into a huge fight with, the man that dishonored her in disgrace from her family.


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