Love Under Protection (425 Madison Avenue Book 15)

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Love Under Protection (425 Madison Avenue Book 15) Page 5

by Aubree Valentine

  Let Olivia mother hen all over Raylynn for a while.

  I find Jameson in the waiting room with take-out bags in hand.

  “I saw some benches outside, even their emergency room is tranquil around here.” He tips his head towards the door.

  “You’re wifey is back there in Momma Bear mode. Forget to tell her about my text at lunchtime?” I ask with a laugh as we sit down at one of the benches.

  Jameson shrugs shamelessly. “I knew she would freak out like she is now. And I wanted more time alone with her. Zero regrets.”

  “Hey, thanks for the food.”

  My stomach grumbles again as I open the foam tray. “Aww, man, you do love me. A mixed plate. I was worried you ordered a Poke bowl, and I’d have to eat it and pretend to be grateful.”

  “How long have we known each other? I know your ass hates raw seafood. Weirdo.”

  We eat in silence for a bit until my buddy decides he wants to act like a girl and gossip.

  “Sooo. Yesterday, you said something about not doing scraps. Today, you’re here. Care to elaborate?”

  I shovel food in my mouth and take my time chewing, prolonging my response time. When I’ve finished, I wash it down with the soda Jameson provided. “Short version, there was a misunderstanding.”

  Jameson coughs out a laugh. “Bullshit! And let me guess, you cleared that up with a little late-night room service and dessert.”

  “No, fucker.”

  “Then how did you know she was sick?”

  “Okay, listen. I screwed up the night before. I went to her room this afternoon with a peace offering. When she answered the door, she looked like death warmed over. That’s when I messaged you. The end.”

  He snorts. “The end. Fuck that. Far from the end. You thought she was still engaged. Didn’t you?”

  “Jameson, since when did we sit around acting like a bunch of chicks? Shut up and let me eat in peace, will ya?”

  “You slept with her that first night. Liv told me. We bet on it.” He shoots a shit-eating grin my way.

  “Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Unlike you, I do not kiss and tell.”

  He leans back and crosses his arms over his chest. “I’ve made my point. How long are they planning on keeping her?”

  “We’re done here,” I grunt, standing up and taking my trash with me to the nearest trash can. “Since you and your girl are here now, I’m going back to the resort to rest for a while. Call me if you decide to leave, and don’t be a dick about it.”

  Ironically, the last thing I want to do is leave, but I need to, to keep Jameson off my ass for a while.

  “Might want to go tell your girl that, before you go.”

  “Phoenix, you’re a pain in my goddamn ass.”

  The smug asshole laughs behind me as I head for the parking lot.

  Chapter 10


  A few hours in the hospital, several bags of fluid, and God knows how many medications, I’d venture to say that I almost feel human again. Not completely, but at least I’m not puking every time something passes my lips, and my fever has broken.

  I finally managed to convince Liv and Jameson to go about an hour ago, claiming I needed rest and would be fine. According to Jameson, Harley had long since headed back. His absence causing a mix of feelings that my drug-fogged brain cannot quite decipher at the moment.

  With the help of one of the nurses, I’m able to slip into a clean pair of my own clothes that Harley must have gathered up before we left.

  Then, the medical team drops the bomb on me: they don’t want me to leave on my own. Because I’m heavily medicated.

  Well. Shit.

  For the first time all day, I grab my cell phone that is fully charged, no doubt thanks to Harley. The last thing I want to do is call Liv and Jameson back here, so I take a chance and dial the resort. When the front desk attendant answers, I ask to be connected to Harley’s room number and pray he answers.


  I breathe a sigh of relief when he answers. “Harley. I didn’t wake you, did I? I don’t even know what time it is, to be honest.”

  “No. You didn’t wake me, Raylynn. Whatcha need? Are they ready to send you home? You sound a lot better.”

  “That’s why I’m calling. I hate to even ask...”

  “I’m on my way. Don’t think anything of it,” he tells me. “I’ll be there in twenty minutes or so.”

  “Th–thank you.” I do my best not to let my emotions get the best of me. No way in hell I’m going to cry over his kindness.

  My nurse brushes back in with a clipboard and gives me a warm smile. “Got someone to pick you up?”

  “Yes,” I reply as she hands me the clipboard and a pen.

  “First page is your discharge instructions. Keep an eye on your fever, Tylenol or Motrin as needed. Imodium if the diarrhea persists and keep drinking plenty of fluids. If you’re still not feeling well by the end of the week or your symptoms get worse, follow up with your primary care or return to the ER. If you’ll sign the bottom of that first page, I’ve got your copy here, and then as soon as your transportation is here, you’re free to go. If you need anything before then, I’m right outside the door.”

  I look at her badge to catch her name. “Thank you, Kai.”

  “Anytime, hun. I hope you’re feeling better enough to enjoy the rest of your stay here,” she says before stepping out.

  I’m dozing off again in the chair next to the hospital bed when I hear Harley shuffle in and chuckle.

  “Come on, Sleeping Beauty, let’s get you out of here.”

  Kai comes into the room with a wheelchair before I’ve even got a chance to stand up. “Your chariot awaits.”

  “I can walk,” I protest.

  “Or, I can carry her,” Harley offers.

  I can’t tell if he’s joking or not, but the way Kai is checking him out, you’d think he hung the moon.

  “You’re not carrying me. Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “Doctor’s orders, especially since you were still a little woozy from the medicine when we got you dressed,” Kai adds.


  Kai and Harley act like I’m crippled and help me stand and make the three steps to the wheelchair. Then she pats Harley’s arm. “I’ve got another patient coming in, I trust you to navigate her safely out of here.”

  “You hear that, I’m in charge,” Harley says softly in my ear.

  “As opposed to any other time?” I snark, and he grunts.

  I don’t even want to think about how he got a cab to wait outside for us to come out. Or how much that’s going to cost me. Thankfully, I’m still relaxed enough that the thought escapes as soon as it floats through my mind.

  Harley helps me into the back seat, settling in beside me for the drive back to the resort.

  As soon as we pull up, he pays the driver without even giving me a chance to, then he gently helps me out and escorts me inside the resort.

  “So, promise not to hate me?” he asks while we’re on the elevator to my floor.

  Quirking a brow, I question why I’d hate him.

  “I may have come back here and had housekeeping freshen up your room. I requested all new towels and linens. And I sanitized every surface with those sanitizing cleaning wipes. I know they said it was just food poisoning, but better to get rid of those germs, right?”

  “Who are you?” I tease as he lets me into my freshly cleaned room. It doesn’t even smell like a hotel room now.

  “I promise I didn’t go through your luggage or try on your panties,” he jokes.

  “But you did go through my luggage. When you packed me these fresh clothes.” I wave a hand up and down my body.

  He shrugs innocently. “I did, but I simply grabbed the first comfortable thing on top. I wasn’t sure how long you’d be there, but I thought for sure you’d want some clean clothes after being in the hospital.”

  Against my better judgment, I lean into him and kiss his cheek. “Thank you for
looking out for me.”

  Harley wraps an arm around my waist and gives me a comforting hug. “You’re welcome. Now, you should probably get some more rest.”

  “Actually, I’d really like to get a shower before I crawl into bed.” Even with a fresh change of clothes, I feel gross.

  “Raylynn, you can barely stand up on your own,” Harley warns.

  “No worse than being a little tipsy at this point, I can handle it.” To prove my point, I pull my shirt over my head and toss it, then reach for my shorts. They’re halfway down my legs when I stumble. Harley quickly grabs me and stops me from tumbling on my head.

  “Alright. My rules. You want a shower, I’m getting in with you.”

  “Hmmm, I like that idea,” I purr.

  “No funny business,” he says, guiding me into the bathroom.

  Harley sits me on the closed toilet then turns on the shower and strips down to his boxers. He checks the water temperature and makes his way to me. Reaching behind my back, he unhooks my bra and slowly drags it down my arms. The air around us hardens my nipples and I don’t miss Harley’s hard swallow.

  Kneeling in front of me, he taps my hips. “Hands on my shoulders, and we’ll get these off.”

  His hands on my skin again make my body flush. He taps my ankle for me to step out and repeats the motion on the other side.

  He stands and takes me by surprise when he picks me up. “In you go,” he says, carrying me into the warm shower.

  “You’re still in your boxers,” I giggle out when he puts me down.

  “No distractions. Let’s get you clean and tucked back in bed.”

  If I wasn’t convinced before, I am now. This man is both a sinner and a saint.

  Chapter 11


  Helping Raylynn shower is the ultimate test of my patience.

  For what I thought was a one-night stand, this has turned into so much more. More than a guy like me ever bargained for. There’s a huge difference in taking care of a friend and scrubbing down their naked body while ignoring the raging hard-on hidden only by the thin black fabric of my boxers.

  There’s no denying Raylynn is quite the exception.

  One that will disappear back to her own world at the end of the week.

  “You sure you don’t want me to help you with that?” Raylynn tries, again, rubbing my cock through the fabric while I work at tucking her in bed in an oversized t-shirt.

  I take her hand away and pull it to my lips, kissing her fingers. “You’re sick. You just got back from the hospital. Stop worrying about me.”

  Surprisingly she relents and lies back on the pillows. It’s not like I’ve got a spare pair of clothes here, so looks like I’ll be going commando. No way I’m hanging around in these wet boxers now. I slip into the bathroom and make quick work of stripping out of them and putting my shorts back on.

  At least I changed into something more comfortable not long before Raylynn called. I was about to hit the gym to burn off some nervous energy. I didn’t stop to put real clothes back on, so I picked her up in a pair of gym shorts and an NYPD t-shirt.

  I hang the wet clothes over the shower bar and walk back into the hotel room. Raylynn is already fast asleep. I probably should go, but I’m worried about her, and I don’t want to leave her side right now.

  When she’s feeling better, I promise myself.

  I’m just about to get comfortable on the couch again when Raylynn rolls over and calls out in her sleep.


  Quickly moving to her side, I let her know I’m here.

  “Lay with me,” she mumbles, her eyes half-open now. “Please.”

  I nod and pull back the blankets, climbing in beside her.

  She cuddles close and puts her head on my chest. It doesn’t take long until I hear her snoring softly. With one arm holding her close, I close my eyes and let myself drift off too.

  Sunlight hits my face, and I curse the fact that I didn’t think to close the curtains before falling asleep as I try to adjust to the natural light streaming in the room. Raylynn lets out a soft sigh and snuggles closer to me. When I glance down, she’s still sound asleep with her lips parted and tiny little breaths blowing out.

  From the looks of things, neither of us moved an inch all night.

  My arm is still wrapped firmly around her and sore from lack of movement, but damn if I’m about to move from this spot. Instead, I lie still, taking it all in until I feel her eye lashes fluttering against my bare chest.

  Raylynn lets out a yawn and looks up at me with a shy smile. “Morning.”

  “Good Morning. Feeling better?”

  She scoots up further on the bed, giving me my arm back and laying her head on the pillow next to me. “Much better. Thank you for staying and keeping me company.”

  “Anytime, darlin’.”

  Her stomach lets out a growl, and we both laugh. “I think I’d kill for a piece of toast. How sad is that?”

  “Well, now, we can’t have you committing murder for carbs. I’ll order room service.”

  I’m already reaching for the phone when she rolls over, pinning me down and grabbing my hand. “No. You have done enough. I think I’d like to get dressed and go down to the breakfast buffet.”

  Her body flush against mine has all my blood heading south as I try desperately to rein it in and think straight. When she wiggles against me, I almost lose it. “Alright, I’ll let you have your way this time. And while I hate to leave good company, I’d like to swing by my room and change my clothes.”

  “Fiiiiine. I’m sure the other guests would appreciate it if I put on some clothes,” she says, rolling off of me and slowly standing up.

  I groan at the sight of her long legs and barely covered ass. “I’m sure the men around here wouldn’t mind. The women might get jealous.”

  Raylynn’s eyes roam my body, and she licks her lips. My dick twitches. “Sure looks like you don’t mind.”

  I stand and grab my shirt that I folded up and set on the dresser. “Never said I did.”

  I tug her in for a hug and kiss her forehead. “Meet you in the lobby in twenty?”

  “Hmm. Sounds like a plan.”

  Chapter 12


  Harley walks out, the room door clicking shut behind him, and I instantly miss his presence.

  I can’t help but shake my head. I came here looking to forget about Sawyer and find myself. I wasn’t expecting to stumble across Harley.

  In a few short days, he’s shown me more compassion than any other man in my life, when he never had any reason to.

  Just a fling. The words ring in my head.

  A knot forms in my chest, and I rub at the ache. Saying goodbye to him is not going to be easy.

  Just a fling.

  Right. Flings don't spend hours in the ER with you, bring you medicine and keep you hydrated. Flings don't hold you in their arms all night, keeping you safe.

  But Harley does.

  I do my best to push the thoughts out of my mind while I quickly freshen up and change my clothes. The nausea has subsided, but it's clear I'm still not 100%. In fact, I'm already exhausted from the simple task of getting dressed.

  My stomach grumbles again, reminding me of why I'm going through all this effort. Should have let Harley call for room service.

  I slip my feet into my flip flops and take the room key from the table. Taking one more deep breath, I walk out of the room and head to the lobby.

  Harley is already waiting when I step off the elevator.

  "You're early."

  "Anything less than ten minutes early is late," he replies.

  "We'll have to agree to disagree on that one." I smile.

  "Listen, if you're up for it, why don't we go somewhere else for breakfast. No resort food. Especially if that's what made you sick," Harley offers.

  I wonder if there is ever a time when he isn't thinking one step ahead.

  "I appreciate the offer. I'm pretty sure it
was the poke bowl I ate from a street cart after the wedding. I went out after you watched me go into my room." I shrug and add, "Otherwise, we'd all probably be sick."

  His bellowing laugh catches me off guard. "I sure as hell hope it's not the same place that Jameson got lunch from yesterday. I tried to tell him raw seafood is dangerous, but no one listens to me."

  "I doubt it. I'm sure his came from some fancy reputable place that I could never afford on a budget."

  "Then let's get you some toast before the breakfast buffet closes." He offers his elbow and I lace my arm through his.

  The hostess kindly escorts us to a small table. Before I can move, Harley pulls a chair out for me to sit down.

  "Can I make a plate for you? Some toast, a little butter. Maybe a yogurt or some fruit?" he asks, not even bothering to sit down across from me.

  Part of me is willing to let him handle it as I feel like my energy is fading fast. The stubborn part of me refuses.

  "That's sweet of you." I stand up. "But I'll do it. You need to eat too. Grab what you want."

  He eyes me for a split second, likely considering how hard he wants to push the issue. I'm surprised when he relents. "Okay."

  Lucky for me, the smell of food doesn't turn my stomach. I fill my plate with exactly what Harley offered, pick up a bottle of water, and a ginger ale for good measure. Hands now full, I head back to the table.

  Harley joins me few minutes later with a typical manly breakfast. Biscuit, bacon, a side of gravy and eggs. He's got a large cup of coffee and orange juice to finish it off.

  "You good?" he asks, handing me an extra napkin and a set of utensils.

  "I am now that I have something to eat with. Totally overlooked a fork and butter knife."

  "Always prepared," he says with a killer smile.

  "So it would seem."

  A few bites of toast, a bite of fruit, and I'm already feeling full. Harley, on the other hand, seems to be a bottomless pit.

  The twisted face he makes when he dips the biscuit in gravy and takes a bite is priceless.


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