Crazy Sexy Love (A Dirty Dicks Novel)

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Crazy Sexy Love (A Dirty Dicks Novel) Page 19

by K. L. Grayson

  Monroe’s lips are parted, her eyes wide and smoldering, begging me to come to her, to claim her. I push off the fence. In three measured steps, I’m in front of her. I reach for her hand and when our fingers touch, she takes a shuddery breath. All I can think about is stripping her naked and sinking my dick inside her tight, warm pussy, making love to her for hours on end. I’m not sure what I’m waiting for.

  My fingers glide up her arms, curl around her neck. Her eyes drop to my mouth, her tongue darting out to wet her lips and—

  “Cut! Cut! That’s perfect!” Pilar applauds. “Absolutely explosive!”

  Monroe blinks several times. She steps into my open arms and hugs me so tight I’m afraid we’ll be joined at the hip.

  “I was ready to strip,” she whispers, laughing against my chest.

  “Oh, you’re going to strip, Ms. Gallagher, and then I’m going to have my way with you.”

  “This entire day is like foreplay.”

  Pilar and the rest of the crew set up for the next take as Monroe and I share heated whispers and promises of what’s to come. Then we spend the next several hours shooting the remaining scenes. We film a scene of Monroe and me riding the horses through the field. At one point, I slow down enough for her to catch up, and when I take off running, she tosses her head back and laughs, just as Pilar calls cut.

  During the next scene, Monroe climbs on the horse with me, only she isn’t behind me, she’s sitting in the front of the saddle, facing me. Her arms drape around my neck, and her legs coil around my back. One of my hands rests behind her on the horn, the reins dangling from my fingers, and the other hand presses low against her back, holding her to me.

  “I bet I could take you just like this,” I say softly, feeling her body tremble against mine.

  “I’m not sure Sadie would appreciate that.”

  “Guess we’ll find out.” I slant my mouth to hers. Our lips brush once, twice, and a third time.

  “Cut!” Pilar turns a pleased smile to Jessica. “One more part.”

  At the end of the day, after a dinner break, the last video is the two of us riding off into the sunset. Monroe hugs me from behind as we once again share the saddle. The heat from her pussy burns a hole against my ass, and when Pilar calls cut for the last time, I ride over to him and stop.

  “Are we done?”

  “We’re done. You two were absolutely perfect.” He holds out a hand to help Monroe down from Sadie, but I stop him.

  “Do you need anything else from us?” I ask.

  Jessica walks up beside Pilar and tilts her head. “No. We just have to clean up, and we’ll be out of your hair.”

  “Good. If you need anything else, Mom, Dad, or Trevor can help you on your way out.”

  “Oh, do you have somewhere to—”

  I give Sadie a tap, propelling us forward, and Jessica’s words fade into the wind.

  “Where are we going?” Monroe asks.

  The wind whips around us. She tightens her grip to keep from falling off.

  “Two words,” I shout. “Hay. Loft.”

  “Faster,” she laughs.


  “Thank you so much. I owe you one,” I tell Tess the next afternoon.

  “Don’t mention it,” she says. “We all deserve some time away.”

  “How’s Simon?”

  “I’m mad at him, let’s not talk about it.”

  I cringe and she waves me on. “It’s fine. I love the damn bird, but he drives me crazy. Tell me what I need to know before you go.”

  “Here’s the key to the spare work truck,” I say, dropping it into her hand. “And you’ve got a key to Animal Haven.” She pats her pocket confirming that it’s there. “Oh, and I’ve got tuna in the closet for Pickles. Don’t forget I let him stay out. He’s no longer confined to his cage.”

  “I won’t forget.”

  “You’ve got my number, right?”

  “I’ve got your number.”

  “And Rhett’s?”

  “You sent it to me three times.”

  “You’re comfortable taking care—”

  “I’m good, Mo. If I have a question I’ll be sure to call.”

  I scan the office one last time, making sure I didn’t miss anything.

  Tess rests her hand on my arm. “Leave, Mo. I’ve got it. The animals are in good hands. Enjoy your night with Rhett.”

  My night with Rhett.

  An entire night with him—in his bed without having to be quiet for fear my dad will hear or Coop will walk in.

  I grin, picturing Rhett’s face when I tell him we’ll get to spend the night together. When I mentioned to Sharon that we were going to drive to Houston and back in the same day, she insisted on staying with Dad so we could have the night to ourselves. No way I was turning that down.

  “I will.”

  I give Tess a quick hug and rush home to make sure Sharon has everything she needs. It’s four o’clock before I pull into Coop’s driveway. The truck is gone, but I know Rhett is home because he was expecting me to drop by after work.

  The front door opens before I make it to the porch. Duke and Diesel bound down the stairs, and I squat down and brace myself as they pummel into me. They tackle me to the ground, peppering me with kisses. When I’m able to break free, I look up to see Rhett standing in the doorway, his hands latched on the top of the door frame, and a swarm of butterflies takes flight in my stomach.

  He laughs as I struggle to push the boys off so I can stand up. I brush the grass from my shorts and walk toward him, stopping on the top step of the porch. He lifts a brow, but I refuse to go any farther because I know what’ll happen if he gets his hands on me.

  “Go pack a bag.”

  His brow creases. “What?”

  “Sharon is staying with my dad tonight. Tess is taking care of Animal Haven. We’ve got the night to ourselves.”

  Amusement drains from his face. “You’re serious?”

  “I wouldn’t joke about something like this. I was kind of hoping we could drive to Houston tonight, you could show me around your house, and maybe we could grab dinner at your favorite restaurant.”

  Stepping over the threshold, Rhett pulls me into his arms. “Or, I could have you for dinner,” he whispers in my ear.

  The promise of sex thickens the air. “That works too.”

  Rhett rushes inside to pack a bag, but not without giving me a heated kiss and slap on the ass for not telling him sooner.

  We decide to take my truck so the dogs can ride with us. Once we’re all piled in, I toss the keys to Rhett and sit my ass in the passenger seat. With the windows down, radio up, and Rhett’s hand resting on my thigh, we make the short trip to Houston.

  I must doze off somewhere along Interstate 45, and by the time Rhett nudges me in the arm to wake me up, we’re pulling down a long gravel drive.

  “Hey, sleepyhead.”

  Yawning, I stretch in my seat and crane my neck out the window for a better look. “Why did you let me fall asleep? I was looking forward to some alone time with you.”

  “Figured I’d let you rest up now because we’ll have plenty of alone time, and I’m going to utilize every second of it.”

  The wicked grin on his face causes a tingling between my legs, and I have to look away. If Rhett ever figures out the full extent of the effect he has on me, I’m screwed.

  A log house comes into view. “This is your place?”

  “Welcome to Casa de Rhett.” He puts the truck in park, gets out, and walks around to my side. He opens the door and helps me out before releasing the dogs. They must be excited to be home, because they both fly across the yard, Diesel grabbing a red ball he finds on his way to the front porch.

  “It’s even more spectacular in person.”

  “You’ve seen my house?” Rhett takes my hand, leading me up the front walk.

  “Coop used to show me pictures. I feel like I was here with you when you were remodeling it. Every step of the way he would tell me
what you were working on and how the project was progressing. I was so damn proud of you, Rhett. Still am.”

  We stop in front of a set of ornate wooden doors.

  “For what? Renovating a house?”

  “Not just for renovating the house—although I am proud that you were able to do the work. It’s more than that. You’ve done all the things you always wanted to. Look at you…you’re a three-time world champion bull rider. You’ve got more endorsements than most bull riders even dream about, a modeling career, and your own home.”

  I pause, reflecting on how different our lives are. “And what do I have?” I mumble. “A high school diploma, a beat-up Chevy, and a free room at my dad’s house.”

  “Don’t.” Rhett turns me to face him. “Don’t put yourself down. You’ve done so many amazing things. I ride bulls for a living, but you…you save animals from being killed. You find them homes and take care of them. And you’ve done so, so much for your dad. You’ve made his life the best it can possibly be. What you do is meaningful.”

  “I know. I’m not trying to put myself down, but this…” I wave toward his house. “This puts it all in perspective. I had hopes and dreams and—”

  “Have. You have hopes and dreams, and they’re going to come true. I promise you, Mo.”

  I sigh, looking up to keep the tears away. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore. What I’d like to do is get a tour of this fabulous house.”

  Rhett smiles, but it doesn’t reach his eyes, and I internally berate myself for speaking my thoughts.

  He unlocks the front door and pushes it open. Stepping into the entryway is like stepping into Better Homes and Gardens magazine.

  There are more floor-to-ceiling windows than I can count. Exposed beams run the length of the ceiling, and distressed wood runs the length of the floor. Everything is covered in rich browns and reds, creating a warmth I didn’t know was possible.

  I move through the space, running my fingers along the mantel above the fireplace and stopping to look over a series of pictures. There’s one of Rhett and all his siblings, a few of him and Coop, and tucked in the back corner is a small photo of Rhett and me.

  Dust has collected on the aged frame. I pull it from the mantel, wipe the dust off, and stare at the two people in the picture. It was taken after Rhett’s first live bull ride. He only stayed on for three seconds, but he was so excited, and I couldn’t have been prouder of him. We’re standing by the chute, his arm wrapped around my shoulders, and we’re wearing the biggest smiles.

  “I miss those days,” I say softly.

  Rhett steps up behind me, wraps an arm across my chest, and rests his head on my shoulder. “Me too.”

  “Things were much simpler back then.”

  “Things are still simple; we’ve just found ways to complicate them.”

  “I’m surprised you had this up.”

  After everything that happened, he still kept a picture of us up in his house. Warmth seeps through my veins, wrapping itself around my heart like a warm blanket.

  “It’s my favorite picture,” he says after a moment. “Do you remember what else happened that day?”

  I smile. How could I forget? “You took me to the diner to eat and then out to our spot under the old oak tree at the ranch.”


  “You told me you loved me for the first time.”

  Rhett’s arm tightens around me. My eyes drift shut as he kisses the base of my neck, and I will him to say the words now, to tell me he loves me the same today as he did back then. But the moment passes, and when I open my eyes, I put the picture back and turn to him with an overly bright smile.

  “I want to see the rest of the house.”

  Rhett follows me through the living room, letting me explore at my own pace, and when I walk into the kitchen I nearly stumble.

  “Holy shit,” I laugh. “Your kitchen is huge. Do you even know how to cook?”

  Everything is stainless steel and oversized. His refrigerator looks bigger than my closet, and who uses a double oven these days anyway?

  “I can make a few things,” he says, sheepishly.

  I stop at the large island in the middle of the opulent room and run my hand along the slick, black granite counter top, admiring how different it feels than the Formica I’m used to.

  “Yeah? Can you make me a fancy breakfast tomorrow?”

  “Or, I can make you dinner now.”


  Rhett’s eyes darken as he steps in front of me. He dips down to claim my mouth. His tongue presses between my lips, devouring my words right along with my thoughts. I slide my hands up his chest and wind them around his neck, allowing him to pull me in close.

  I push my fingers through his messy hair, then let go long enough for him to peel my jeans and panties off. Gripping my hips, he hoists me up on the counter. He spreads my legs with his knee and steps between them.

  Rhett continues to explore my mouth with his tongue. He flexes his hips, pressing his erection against my core. His jeans scrape against my clit, and I reach between us, frantically pulling at the button of his jeans. My hands and feet claw at his pants, pushing them down his legs. His cock springs free, and a second later it’s cradled in my hand.

  “Condom,” I mumble against his lips.

  “Damnit,” he moans, tearing his mouth from mine so he can reach in his wallet and grab one.

  I snatch it from his hand, tear open the foil packet, and slide it over him.

  “I need you,” I breathe. “You can make love to me for the rest of our lives, but right now I need you to fuck me.”

  “Baby,” he pants, driving into me with one solid thrust.

  My head tilts back, exposing my neck. My breasts bounce between us, still contained by my shirt and bra, and Holy Mother of God, that is not going to work for me.

  I yank my shirt off and tug at the top of my bra, allowing my breasts to pop out. They’re lifted high and squished together this way, but Rhett doesn’t seem to mind. He captures a nipple in his mouth, sucking it deep and hard—the same way his cock drives into me.

  “That feels so good.” I bury my fingers in his hair, holding his head against my chest. I swear to God this man could give me an orgasm just by sucking my tits.

  I draw him closer, locking my ankles behind his back. Rhett releases my nipple with a wet pop and moves to the next, torturing it the same way.

  “Oh, God,” I groan, watching where our bodies connect. I’ve always been on the receiving end of dirty talk—never one to offer it—but something about the sight of his cock sliding in and out has me on edge.

  “So fucking big, Rhett. God, you’re stretching me, and it feels so goddamn good. Don’t stop,” I beg. “Please don’t stop.” He groans against my breast, increasing the pace of his thrusts. I buck against him. “Harder. Oh, God, harder. Yes, right like that.”

  Releasing my nipple, Rhett wraps his hand around my hair, yanking my head back. My eyes meet his, wild and uninhibited.

  “Watch me while I take you. I want to see you lose control. I want to hear you scream my name, Mo. You’re gonna give me your entire body, do you hear me?”

  “Yes,” I moan, getting lost in his words, in the moment…in him.

  “You’re so close, I can feel it. Your pussy gripping my cock, sucking me back in every time I pull out.”

  Rhett pulls back, pressing my knees as far to the side as my body will allow, opening me up, stretching me.

  “You’re so perfect, Mo. Your body was made for mine.” The sounds of our skin slapping together, along with our heated pants, fill the room. I slam my mouth against his as my orgasm crashes through me.

  My legs tighten, jolts of electricity shooting throughout my body. Rhett dips a hand between us and rubs my clit.

  “Oh, God, Rhett,” I yell, wrenching my mouth from his. I thrash beneath him. “I can’t—I can’t take it.” My body is strung so tight, I feel like he’s going to rip me in half, and then I explode, my
clit throbbing beneath the pad of his finger.

  He slams into me with a deep groan, his eyes locked on mine, and his hips jerk as he spills himself into me. I only wish we could’ve done that without anything between us.

  Rhett buries his face in my neck, his breath on my skin. “You’re not leaving until we do that in every room.”

  “You do that again, and I might not leave at all.”

  He nips at my neck and pushes into me, setting off a ripple of waves. “Don’t say things you don’t mean.”

  I’m tempted to tell him I mean every word, but I don’t want to push him, and I don’t want to keep putting myself out there if he’s not ready, so I keep my thoughts to myself.

  Instead I say, “So, you have a really beautiful kitchen—very smooth counter.”

  He laughs, pulling his head from the crook of my neck. “Would you like to see the rest of the house?”

  “Very much.”

  Rhett helps me off of the counter, and I get dressed while he pulls the condom off and tosses it in the trash. He puts his pants on and reaches for my hand.

  We stop first in the master bedroom and bath on the main floor, which boasts a walk-in shower with three shower heads—all of which will be pointed directly at me at some point before we head back. There’s an open staircase that leads to two guest bedrooms and a full bath upstairs, which is a scaled down version of Rhett’s. Best of all, there are touches of him everywhere I look: pictures and trophies scattered throughout the house to remind me of all his accomplishments and the wonderful life he’s made for himself.

  “It’s perfect, Rhett. Truly perfect.”

  “Now for the best part.”

  “You mean the shower with three heads isn’t the best part?”

  He shakes his head. “Not by a long shot. Follow me.”

  With my hand clasped in his, we walk back through the house and out the back door. There is farmland as far as the eye can see.

  “Wow…are you farming this?”

  “No.” He leads me toward a large, red barn that sits off to the side. “I rent it out to a local farmer. Hop on,” he says, motioning toward a Gator. I climb onto the vehicle.


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