Christmas with Grandma Elsie

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Christmas with Grandma Elsie Page 16

by Martha Finley


  Day had fully dawned before the Woodburn household was astir, and it waslong past his accustomed hour when the captain paid his usual morningvisit to his little daughters.

  He found them up and dressed and ready with a glad greeting.

  "Were you able to sleep, my darlings?" he asked, caressing them in turn.

  "Oh yes, indeed, papa, we slept nicely," they answered.

  "And feel refreshed and well this morning?"

  "Yes, papa; thank you very much for letting us sleep so long."

  "I allowed myself the same privilege," he said pleasantly. "We will haveno school to-day, I have already been notified that there will be apreliminary examination of the prisoners, before the magistrate thismorning, and that you, Lulu, and Max and I must attend as witnesses."

  "I'd rather not go, papa; please don't make me," pleaded Lulu.

  "My child, it is not I, but the law that insists," he said; "but youneed not feel disturbed over the matter; you have only to tell astraightforward story of what you heard and saw and did in connectionwith the attempted robbery.

  "I am very glad, very thankful," he went on, "that I have always foundmy little daughter perfectly truthful."

  "Max too, papa."

  "Yes, Max too; and when you give your testimony I want you to rememberthat God--the God of truth, who abhors deceit and the deceitful, and whoknows all things--hears every word you say."

  Taking up her Bible and opening it at the twenty-fourth psalm, he read,"He that hath clean hands and a pure heart; who hath not lifted up hissoul unto vanity, nor sworn deceitfully, he shall receive the blessingfrom the Lord, and righteousness from the God of his salvation."

  Then turning to the twenty-first chapter of Revelation, "All liars shallhave their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone."

  Closing the book and laying it aside, "My dear children," he saidearnestly and with grave tenderness, "you see how God hates lying anddeceit; how sorely he will punish them if not repented of and forsaken.Speak the truth always though at the risk of torture and death; nevertell a lie though it should be no more than to assert that two and twodo not make four.

  "Be courteous to all so far as you can without deceit, but never,_never_ allow your desire to be polite to betray you into words or actsthat are not strictly truthful."

  The children were evidently giving very earnest heed to their father'swords.

  "Papa," said Grace, sighing and hiding her blushing face on hisshoulder, "you know I did once say what was not true; but I'm very, verysorry. I've asked God many times to forgive me for Jesus' sake and Ibelieve he has."

  "No doubt of it, my darling," returned her father; "for, 'if we confessour sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanseus from all unrighteousness.'"

  "I don't believe Lu ever did," said Grace. "She's a great deal bettergirl than I am."

  "No, it is not that I am better than you," was Lulu's emphatic dissentfrom that. "It's only that I am not timid like you; if I had been, it'svery likely I'd have told many an untruth to hide my faults and keepfrom being punished."

  "The telephone bell is ringing, papa," announced Max, looking in at thedoor.

  The call was from Ion; a vague report of last night's doings at Woodburnhaving just reached the family there, they were anxious to learn theexact truth.

  The captain gave the facts briefly and suggested that some of the Ionfriends drive over and hear them in detail.

  It was replied that several of them would do so shortly; Grandma Elsieamong them, and that she would spend the day, keeping Violet companyduring her husband's absence at Union, if, as she supposed, Vi'spreference should be for remaining at home.

  "Of course it will," said Violet, who was standing near. "Please tellmamma I'll be delighted to have her company."

  The captain delivered the message, then all hurried down to breakfast.

  "Everything is in usual order, I see," Violet remarked, glancing aboutthe hall, and in at the library door as they passed it; "really theevents of last night seem more like an unpleasant dream than actualoccurrences."

  "Christine has been up for several hours and busied in having everythingset to rights," the captain said in reply.

  As usual family worship followed directly upon breakfast, and it wasscarcely over when the Ion carriage drove up with Grandma Elsie; Haroldand Herbert accompanying it on horseback.

  "Captain, I am greatly interested in this affair," said Harold, shakinghands with his brother-in-law; "indeed we all are for that matter, andHerbert and I propose going over to Union to be present at theexamination of the prisoners.

  "Is your strong room on exhibition? I own to a feeling of curiosity inregard to it."

  "You are privileged to examine it at any time," returned Capt. Raymond,with a good-humored laugh, "I will take you there at once if you wish,for we will have to be setting off on our ride presently.

  "Mother, would you like to see it also?"

  "Yes; and to hear the story of the capture while looking upon itsscene."

  The captain led the way, all the rest following, except Lulu, who stolequietly away to her room to get herself ready for the trip to town.

  She shrank a little from the thought of facing the two desperados andtestifying against them, but kept up her courage by thinking that bothher heavenly Father and her earthly one would be with her to protect andhelp her; also by the remembrance of her papa's assurance that she neednot feel disturbed; that all she had to do was to tell a plainstraightforward, story:--"the truth, the whole truth and nothing but thetruth."

  "I can do that," she said to herself; "it will be quite easy; for Iremember perfectly all about it. Those wicked men threatened papa thatif he had them sent to jail they'd kill him some day when they are letout again, and I suppose they'll want to kill me too, for telling aboutit in court; but I know they can't do us any harm while God takes careof us. That must be the meaning of that verse in Proverbs I learned theother day.

  "'There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against the Lord.'

  "And the next verse says, 'safety is of the Lord.' So I'm sure weneedn't be afraid of them."

  Capt. Raymond opened the door of the strong room and called attention tothe marks of the burglars' tools on the lock of the safe.

  "It was Lulu who first became aware of their presence in the house," hesaid; "and she--why where is the child?" as he turned to look for her,and perceived that she had disappeared.

  "I think she has gone upstairs to put on her hat and coat," Violet said.

  "Ah yes, I suppose so! leaving me to tell the story of her bravery andpresence of mind, myself."

  He proceeded to do so, and was well satisfied with the encomiums uponhis child which it called forth from Grandma Elsie and her sons.

  "I congratulate you, captain, upon being the father of a little girl whocan show such unselfish courage," Grandma Elsie said with enthusiasm,her eyes shining with pleasure, "I am proud of her myself; the dear,brave child!"

  "And so am I," said Violet; "but of course," with a mischievous laughingglance into her husband's face, "her father is not, but considers her avery ordinary specimen of childhood. Is not that so, my dear?"

  "Ah, my love, don't question me too closely," he returned with a smilein his eyes that said more plainly than words that he was a proud, fondfather to the child whose conduct was under discussion.

  But at that moment the carriage was announced. Lulu came running downready for her trip, her father handed her in, then seated himself andput his arm round her looking down into her face with a tenderlyaffectionate smile.

  "You will not find it a very severe ordeal, daughter," he said.

  "You're not afraid, Lu, are you?" asked Max.

  "No; not with papa close by to take care of me and tell me what to do,"she answered, nestling closer to her father.

  "No," said Max; "and the burglars wouldn't be allowed to hurt youanyhow. The magistrate and the sheriff, and
the rest would take care ofthat you know."

  "I suppose so," returned Lulu, "but for all that it would be dreadfulto have to go there without papa. You wouldn't want to yourself, Max."

  "I'd a great deal rather have papa along, of course; anybody would wanthis intimate friend with him on such an occasion, and papa is my mostintimate friend," replied the lad with a laughing, but most affectionatelook into his father's face.

  "That's right, my boy; I trust you will always let me be that to you,"the captain said, grasping his son's hand and holding it for a moment ina warm affectionate clasp.

  "You are mine, too, papa; my best and dearest earthly friend," Lulusaid, lifting to his, eyes shining with filial love. "Papa, aren't youafraid those bad men will try to harm you some day, if they ever get outof prison?"

  "We are always safe in the path of duty," he replied, "and it is a dutywe owe the community to bring such lawless men to justice, for theprotection of those they would prey upon. No, I do not fear them,because I am under the protection of Him 'in whose hand is the soul ofevery living thing, and the breath of all mankind.'

  "'The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord isthe strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?'

  "No, daughter, one who fears God need fear nothing else; neither mennor devils, for our God is stronger than Satan and all his hosts."

  "And wicked men are Satan's servants, aren't they, papa?"

  "Yes; for they do his will; obey his behests."

  "It seems to me Christians ought to be very happy, always," remarkedMax.

  "Yes, they ought," said his father; "the command is, 'Rejoice in theLord always,' and it is only lack of faith that prevents any of us fromdoing so."

  Arrived at their destination they found a little crowd of idlersgathered about the door of the magistrate's office whither the twoprisoners had been taken a few moments before. As the Woodburn carriagedrove up, and the captain and his children alighted from it, the crowdparted to let them pass in, several of the men lifting their hats with arespectful, "Good morning, sir," to the captain. "Good morning, MasterMax."

  Their salutations were politely returned, and the captain stepped intothe office, holding Lulu by the hand, and closely followed by Max.

  Harold and Herbert had arrived a little in advance, and were among thespectators who, with the officers and their prisoners, nearly filled thesmall room.

  The children behaved very well indeed, showing by their manner whentaking the oath to tell "the truth the whole truth and nothing but thetruth," that they were duly impressed with the solemnity of the act, andthe responsibility they were assuming.

  Lulu was of course the principal witness, and her modest, self possessedbearing, equally free from boldness and forwardness on the one hand, andbashfulness and timidity on the other, pleased her father extremely andwon the admiration of all present; as did also her simple,straightforward way of telling her story.

  The evidence was so full and clear that the magistrate had no hesitationin committing the accused for trial at the approaching spring term ofcourt. In default of bail they were sent back to prison.

  "Take me to the nursery, Vi," Grandma Elsie said, when the departure ofthe party destined for the magistrate's office, had left them alonetogether. "I feel that an hour with my little grandchildren will bequite refreshing. The darlings are scarcely less dear to me than weretheir mother and her brothers and sisters in their infancy."

  "And they are so fond of you, mamma," responded Violet, leading the way.

  Little Elsie set up a glad shout at sight of her grandmother. "I soglad, I so glad! P'ease take Elsie on your lap, g'amma, and tell pitty'tories."

  "Oh don't begin teazing for stories the very first minute," said Violet."You tire poor, dear grandma."

  "No, mamma, Elsie won't tease, 'cause papa says it's naughty. But dearg'amma likes to tell Elsie 'tories; don't you, g'amma?"--climbing intoher grandma's lap.

  "Yes, dear; grandma enjoys making her little girl happy," Mrs. Travillareplied, fondly caressing the little prattler. "What story shall it bethis time?"

  "'Bout Adam and Eve eatin' dat apple."

  Grandma kindly complied, telling the old story of the fall in simplelanguage suited to the infant comprehension of the baby girl, wholistened with as deep an interest as though it were a new tale to her,instead of an oft repeated one.

  On its conclusion she sat for a moment as if in profound thought, thenlooking up into her grandmother's face,

  "Where is dey now?" she asked.

  "In heaven, I trust."

  "Elsie's goin' to ask dem 'bout dat when Elsie gets to heaven."

  "About what, darling?"

  "'Bout eatin' dat apple; what dey do it for."

  "It was very wicked for them to take it, because God had forbidden themto do so."

  "Yes, g'amma; Elsie wouldn't take apple if papa say no."

  "No, I hope not; it is very naughty for children to disobey their papaor mamma. And we must all obey God our heavenly Father."

  "G'amma, p'ease tell Elsie 'bout heaven."

  "Yes, darling, I will. It is a beautiful place; with streets of gold, abeautiful river, and trees with delicious fruits; it is never dark, forthere is no night there; because Jesus our dear Saviour is there and isthe light thereof, so that they do not need the sun or moon.

  "Nobody is ever sick, or sorry, hungry, or in pain. Nobody is evernaughty; they all love God and one another. There is very sweet musicthere. They wear white robes and have crowns of gold on their heads andgolden harps in their hands."

  "To make sweet music?"


  "Dey wear white dess?" "Yes."

  "Do dey button up behind like Elsie's dress?"

  Violet laughed at that question. "She is very desirous to have herdresses fasten in front like mamma's," she explained in reply to hermother's look of surprised inquiry.

  "Do dey, g'amma? do dey button up in de back?"

  "I don't know how they are made, dearie," her grandma answered. "Inever was there to see them."

  "Elsie's never dere."

  "No, people don't go there till they die."

  "Elsie's never dere 'cept when Elsie's gettin' made. Wasn't Elsie dereden? didn't Dod make Elsie up in heaven?"

  "No, darling, you were never there, but if you love Jesus he will takeyou there some day."

  "Mamma, how nicely you answer or parry her questions," said Violet. "Asher father says, she can ask some that a very wise man could notanswer."

  "Yes, she has an inquiring mind, and I would not discourage her desireto learn by asking questions," Grandma Elsie said, adding with a smile,"I can remember that her mother used to ask me some very puzzling onestwenty years ago."

  "And I never received a rebuff, but was always answered to the best ofyour ability, dear mamma. I think of that now when tempted to impatiencewith my little girl's sometimes wearisome questioning, and resolve totry to be as good a mother to her as you were to me; and still are," sheadded with a loving smile. "And now that she has gone back to her playand baby Ned is sleeping, I want a quiet chat with you."

  "Then let us go to your boudoir and have it," her mother answered,rising and moving toward the door.

  "Mamma, I have not heretofore been timid about burglars," Violet said,when they were seated in the boudoir, each busied with a bit ofneedlework, "but I fear that I shall be in future; for only think,mamma, how near they were to my husband and myself while we lay sleepingsoundly in our own room! How easily they might have murdered us bothbefore we were even aware of their presence in the house."

  "Could they? had you then no wakeful guardian at hand?"

  "O mamma, yes! 'Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of theworld,' and 'He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep';and yet--haven't even Christians sometimes been murdered by burglars?"

  "I can not assert that they have not," replied her mother. "'Accordingto your faith be it unto you,' and even true Christians are sometimeslacking in
faith--putting their trust in their own defences, or someearthly helper, instead of the Keeper of Israel; or they are fearful anddoubtful, refusing to take God at his word and rest in his protectingcare.

  "I do not see that we have anything to do with the question youpropounded just now; we have only to take God's promises, believe themfully and be without carefulness in regard to that, as well as otherthings. I am perfectly sure he will suffer no real evil to befall anywho thus trust in him.

  "Death by violence may sometimes be a shorter, easier passage home thandeath from disease; and come in whatever shape it may, death can be nocalamity to the Christian."

  "Solomon tells us that the day of death is better than the day of one'sbirth. 'Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.'

  "My dear Vi, I think one who can claim all the promises of God to hischildren, should be utterly free from the fear that hath torment; shouldbe afraid of nothing whatever but displeasing and dishonoring God."

  "Yes, mamma, I see that it is so; and that all I lack to make meperfectly courageous and easy in mind, is stronger faith.

  "I think my husband has a faith which lifts him above every fear, andthat he is perfectly content to leave all future events to the orderingof his heavenly Father."

  Grandma Elsie's eyes shone. "You are blest in having such a husband, mydear Vi," she said. "I trust you will help each other on in the heavenlyway, and be fellow-helpers to your children and his."

  Violet looked up brightly. "I trust we shall, mamma; we both earnestlydesire to be, and I think his three all give good evidence that theyhave already begun to walk in the straight and narrow way; and nowonder, considering what a faithful, loving, Christian father he is--soconstant in prayer and effort on their behalf."

  "Ah," as the sound of wheels was heard on the driveway, "they havereturned; and now we shall have a report of all that was done in themagistrate's office. It must have been quite an ordeal to Max and Lulu."


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