The Sheikh’s Second Chance Seduction

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The Sheikh’s Second Chance Seduction Page 11

by Cara Albany

  "Lamb. Done Ahmed's way."

  "Lamb, eh?" she said picking up a piece. She took a bite. Her mouth filled with a riotous combination of spices. The meat was tender. She lifted a brow at Sayid. "Nice," she admitted.

  He looked immediately pleased, picked up a piece of his own and bit into it. He nodded. "I agree. This is well up to Ahmed's usual high standard." He pointed at the dish. "And that's just for starters."

  Amber's stomach rumbled noisily. She placed a hand over her middle and widened her eyes. She was glad no-one else had been around to hear the sound.

  Sayid smiled. "Ahmed will like that sound," he joked.

  "Don't you dare tell him anything," she ordered, giving him a stern look.

  He smiled and lifted a conciliatory hand. "I promise," he said.

  They ate for a while in silence. Finally, he spoke. "You know it will be dark soon."

  She nodded. "After this, I'll have to get back to the camp. I have an early start in the morning," she said.

  "I was thinking we could take a ride," he suggested.

  "Ride? You didn't come in your limo, did you?"

  He smiled. "I have a much more reliable form of transport," he said. He glanced toward the door. "And he is parked right outside, waiting for us."

  "Your horse?" she asked.

  He nodded. "I can promise that you'll love what I have to show you."

  She narrowed her eyes at him. "What are you up to?"

  "Nothing," he declared. He didn't sound in the slightest bit innocent.

  She shook her head. "I don't think that's a good idea," she replied.

  Sayid lifted the small glass containing the dark liquid. "Let's make a toast to a successful day," he suggested.

  Amber lifted her glass and sniffed the contents. "This seems like it might be quite strong."

  He nodded. "A special liqueur, made locally."

  She tilted her head. "You're just full of surprises, aren't you?"

  "I am," he agreed. "And, I promise you, I always will be."

  They clinked glasses together and Amber sipped the drink. It was strong and had a sweet taste that reminded her of figs. Her eyes widened involuntarily. She peered at Sayid and saw him savoring the drink. He looked immediately bright-eyed.

  Amber slapped the half-empty glass back down onto the table. "I think I'll leave that until later," she stated.

  "It's good that you've tried it. That way Ahmed won't be offended."

  She sighed. "I can see I'm going to have to get used to more customs while I'm here," she said.

  "Speaking of which, have you heard anything about how long your placement will last?" he asked.

  She looked away from him, not wanting to show him how that question had affected her. The truth was, Amber had had discussions this morning with Monica. The talk had been partly prompted by what had happened at Sayid's palace.

  Amber had asked Monica how long was all of this scheduled to last? But Monica hadn't given Amber any kind of answer. At least not one that would enable Amber to say anything to Sayid. Not right now.

  Amber shook her head. "Let's just enjoy this evening, Sayid," she suggested.

  He paused and, for a moment, she was sure he was going to pursue the subject. But then he seemed to have a change of heart. He lifted the glass and signalled for Amber to do the same. She lifted the glass and he clinked his against it. "To this evening," he toasted.

  She found herself lost for words. All she could do was smile weakly back at him, and then take a brief sip of the liqueur.


  When the meal was finished, they emerged from the cafe to find that night had fallen. The night air was cool. The street was dark and there weren't many people around. It had been a delightful meal, Amber reflected. Sayid had been excellent company. He'd been amusing and charming. Everything she remembered him to be from their previous time together. And they'd managed to avoid any talk of serious matters. It had almost been as if Sayid had been determined not to speak of anything which would disturb the new-found comfort they felt in each others company.

  Amber gazed up at the night sky. It was filled with stars. The sight made her gasp, it was so awe-inspiring. All at once, she felt a child-like wonder.

  Sayid followed her gaze and smiled. "Not like at home, is it?"

  "No," she murmured. "I've never seen so many stars. Not like this."

  "That's nothing," he said. "You should see what it's like out in the desert at this time of night."

  She glanced at him, realizing that he was suggesting something. She wasn't sure whether it was the sense of completeness after the meal, or even the fig liqueur, but she was momentarily tempted to take him up on the offer. She resisted the impulse and glanced along the street, toward where the camp was located.

  "Maybe I should head back," she said.

  He nodded and didn't say anything. They walked toward the horse.

  "I can take you back," he said.

  She considered that a moment and then nodded. "Okay," she replied. She knew she was taking a risk. Going on the horse would mean she would be close to him. As close as she'd been back at the palace. The memory of that encounter still filled her awareness, still possessed her every thought.

  He stood by the side of the horse, and made it clear he was waiting to lift Amber up onto the saddle. She quirked a brow at him and he smiled. Then, she put her hands on the saddle and pushed her foot into the stirrup. He slid his hands around her waist and then she pushed, lifting herself up. She felt Sayid support her and ease her up onto the horse.

  Once settled there, she peered back down at him. He was looking up at her, a broad grin on his face. "Comfortable?" he asked.

  "Sure," she replied.

  Then he swung himself up onto the horse and wrapped his arms around her. He seized the reins and pulled them toward him. She felt herself stiffen involuntarily. Then Sayid's arms eased closer, drawing her toward him. She felt the hardness of his body against her back. She sensed the warmth of his torso. His mouth was right next to her ear. The sensation of his breathing made her whole body tingle.

  Then he moved the horse away. It moved slowly along the street. Too slowly, she thought. It was almost as if Sayid was trying to drag out this moment. Now that he had her where he wanted her, she was sure he wouldn't want to let her go. Not before he'd had a chance to enjoy her presence. To enjoy having her body pressed up against his.

  She could feel the firmness of his body pressing against her. She understood the way she made his body react. He had the same effect on her. She felt butterflies curling in her middle. Anticipation flared into her mind. Thoughts of what it might be like to spend just a little more time with him.

  She turned her head. He smiled at her, and she could see just how much he was enjoying this moment.

  "You said we could see something even more wonderful out there," she said looking in the direction of the desert.

  He nodded. "We could. If you like." His voice sounded hopeful.

  "Let's go, then," she said quickly.

  He lifted a brow. "Really?"

  She nodded. He looked suddenly pleased. He drew the horse around and faced it toward the southern end of the town. Then she felt him prompt the horse into a quick gallop and, before she knew what was happening, they were racing down the street. The sense of sudden speed took her by surprise. She leaned back against him and felt him tighten his arms around her.

  She wondered what any onlookers would think seeing the horse racing out of town with the two of them on its back. She felt as if she'd been transported into some kind of exotic fantasy, one in which a sheikh would abduct a helpless woman into his desert retreat.

  But this was no fantasy, she told herself. This was very real, indeed.

  Within minutes they were out in the desert. He took a turn away from the town. Up ahead she could see the darkness of the desert, illuminated only by the crescent moon. The horse pounded across the dunes. Amber was filled with a sudden sense of adventure, a
feeling that she was being taken out into a dangerous and exciting place. But she knew she could trust Sayid. They'd been through so much together. Even though they'd disagreed so profoundly back at the palace, the day they'd spent together had gone some way to healing the wounds.

  Sayid seemed to have an instinctive knowledge of where he was heading. Every once in a while he took a sharp turn, as if he could read the landscape. For her, it was just sand dunes, merely one indistinguishable feature after another. But for him, it was almost as if this was familiar territory. Which, of course, was right, she reflected. This was where he belonged. And she was the one who was the outsider. The stranger in his land.

  He didn't say anything to her as they rode. His concentration was intense. Or perhaps he was just happy to have her close to him, she reflected.

  On they went, until they could no longer see the town. They had left it well and truly behind. For the moment.

  She wondered where he was taking her. She was about to ask him when she saw a rocky promontory silhouetted against the horizon. It stood out in stark relief against the softer contours of the desert.

  Finally they emerged out onto a flat plain across which they rode until they stopped in front of a high, rocky cliff. He drew the horse to a halt in front of the cliff. She saw a cave entrance there, and understood this must be a place he came to when he wanted to be on his own.

  "What's this?" she asked gazing at the cliff, and at the cave entrance.

  He twisted round and gazed at her. "This is a place I've come to since I was young. A private place." He glanced up at the night sky. "And it has the most perfect view of the southern horizon.

  Amber followed the direction of his gaze and saw what he meant. The sky was ablaze with a proliferation of bright, shimmering stars. She could see all the familiar constellations there. But it was unlike anything she'd ever seen before.

  Sayid slid down from the horse and gazed up at Amber. He lifted his hands up and smiled. She shifted into his secure grasp and let him guide her gently down onto the flat sand.

  She brushed some sand from her white shirt and jeans. By contrast, Sayid's traditional white robe was virtually free of any sand. Standing there, looking like that, he seemed so incredibly exotic. She wondered what he had in mind for them.

  Sayid went to the bag hanging across the horse and lifted out a multi-colored blanket. He led her toward a low mound of sand by the cave entrance and placed the blanket on the sandy ground. He fussed with it a while, making it perfectly flat. Then he looked at her and gestured with his hand. "Please. Make yourself comfortable."

  She smiled at him and dropped herself down onto the blanket. He lay down next to her. She immediately sensed the power of his presence in the casual way with which he settled on the blanket. She knew such a thing might be commonly used when travelling across the desert. Again it confirmed her sense of him as a sheikh. As a powerful figure in this place. His authority was visible in the casual way he adjusted his position.

  Amber felt a familiar desire flicker into awareness. He had that effect on her. Whenever he had been so close, he always had been able to trigger instant need. And now was no different.

  Amber savored the view of the starry sky as much as she could. But, her keen awareness of his proximity, and the real reason he'd brought her here, hovered at the back of her mind.

  Seeking to distract herself, she turned and glanced at the cave entrance. "Is this where you wasted your childhood playing?" she teased.

  He smiled. "In a way," he agreed. "This was a kind of retreat for me. A place I could come when I wanted to get away from life in the town and in the palace."

  "You were lucky," she said.

  "How so?"

  "Not every child has a private cave to use," she said teasingly.

  He sighed. "I passed some good times here. Me and my friends. Some real, and imaginary adventures. In that, I suppose I was just like any ordinary child."

  "I can't imagine you being ordinary in any way whatsoever," she said.

  He lifted a brow. "You think so?"

  She nodded.

  Sayid shifted closer to her. There was a sudden interest in his eyes, as if her compliment had merely encouraged him.

  Amber didn't move away from him. Instead, she gazed at the night sky again. She saw a sudden movement. A shooting star. She gasped and looked at Sayid. "Did you see that?"

  He nodded. Amber looked again in the direction of where she'd just seen the shooting star. Another one flashed across the sky, a thin, white line. "There's another one," she exclaimed.

  He looked nonchalantly in the direction where the shooting star had been. He seemed completely disinterested, she told herself. Of course he wasn't interested in the sky, she thought. And, truthfully, neither was she. All she could really feel was the anticipation of what he so obviously wanted to do next.

  As she gazed out across the night sky she felt the touch of his fingers against her face. She turned to him and saw a deep desire in his gaze. Then he leaned in and kissed her. His mouth was hungry for her, his tongue instantly tempting her with promise. She breathed in quickly and felt her heart quicken instantly. Sensation raced through her, and she felt heat at her core. It was as if he had flicked a switch and her reaction had been instantaneous. Automatic.

  Sayid wrapped his arms around her and gently pulled her to him, crushing her body against him. It felt as if he was taking possession of her. Claiming her again. Just as he'd done at the palace.

  Amber curled her arms around him, feeling the tautness of his muscles. She wanted him. It was that simple. There wasn't even the slightest doubt that she wanted him.

  He shifted and gently guided her down onto her back. Their lips parted and she gazed up at him. His head was silhouetted against the dark sky and the stars. He looked down at her tenderly. But there was also something else in that look. A familiar need that she'd seen before.

  He dipped his head and claimed her lips again. This time his body pressed down upon her. She felt the exquisite weight of him, the sheer masculine power contained in his body.

  She gasped and he lifted his head. There was a feverish urgency in his gaze now. He opened her shirt, loosened her bra and lavished his attention on her nipples. She felt the heat raging at her core. He had transformed her in an instant. But, she had been ready for him for a very long time. Even after she had left the palace, she hadn't been able to get him out of her mind. The memories of the sensations they had shared were burned into her mind.

  And now he was igniting her passion again. Effortlessly and with consummate ease. His every touch, his every movement triggering pleasure in the way that only he could.

  She shifted herself free of her jeans even as he loosened himself. There was an inevitability about this, she told herself. There was no awkwardness about what they did. They had grown accustomed to one another in that mysterious way that only lovers could understand. They both knew what they wanted. What was about to happen, again.

  As he shifted into position across her, she felt her heart hammering furiously. Uncontrollable desire and burning need had taken hold of her. Every nerve in her body was alight with anticipation.

  She felt the cool night air upon her skin as she lay beneath him. But she didn't care about that. All that mattered was that she was with him. Again. And in the most incredible place imaginable. With her sheikh in the desert, beneath the starry sky.

  Moments later, and with a gentle movement, he slid inside her. She gasped, astonished at how natural that had felt. They were so used to one another now that their union felt destined.

  Pleasure swept through her, taking hold of her. His every thrust sent ecstasy quivering through her. His movements were tender but also contained a barely controlled fierceness.

  Their bodies flowed together, united beneath the stars. She gazed up at him and saw the sheer tenderness in his eyes. Then that tenderness vanished, and it was replaced by a primal, masculine need. His movements became quicker, filled with desire
. Wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her body. She clung onto him, feeling the awesome force of his sexual power. He took possession of her entire being with every thrust. And she held onto him, her core clenching around him.

  Then she felt his movement quicken and his thrust become demanding. A wave of pleasure overwhelmed her at the same moment as Sayid roared his pleasure. Ecstasy took hold of her. His body shook and he crashed his lips down upon her, kissing her with a ferocity that bordered on madness.

  She felt herself tumble over the edge, her entire body shaking with release.

  Finally, after a long while holding each other, she felt a calmness and joy descend upon her. All she wanted to do was hold him.

  And for a long time they lay alongside each other beneath the stars.


  He had briefly fallen asleep, and when he opened his eyes, it was still dark. But Amber was not lying next to him. He sat up quickly and scanned the darkness, worry instantly seizing him. He saw his stallion still standing over by the entrance to the small cave on the outcrop of rock.

  Right next to the horse he saw Amber. She was gazing into the darkness of the cave, examining it as if she was tempted to go inside.

  Sayid stood and went to her. He wrapped his arms around her and she smiled at him. "What are you doing?" he asked.

  "Just looking," she replied. "What you said made me curious."

  "There's nothing much to see," he said. "Just a small cave. Hardly big enough for a young boy."

  "But large enough for his imagination to make it seem like his own desert hideout?"

  He smiled. "I can see you understand me more than I thought."

  "I know what boys can be like," she said.

  He snuggled up against her. "I'm sure you do," he said giving her a wry smile.

  She squinted at him and shook her head.

  What she had said was true. The cave was barely large enough to allow entrance to a small child. And inside there was barely room for more than a couple of people. But it had been enough for him when he was young. Enough to allow him to indulge in childish fantasies about adventure and power and excitement. It had been his castle in the desert.


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