Spring River Valley: The Winter Collection (Boxed Set)

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Spring River Valley: The Winter Collection (Boxed Set) Page 23

by Wynter, Clarice

  “I would go with Metro.”

  Emerson gaped. She hadn’t expected that. “Why? Aside from the obvious, they’re flashy and sleek, but we’re not selling a mobile phone. We’re selling service. DenMar’s ad tells customers we’re stepping into the national arena because we can get the job done and done right.”

  “I thought their ad was a bit down-homey. We don’t want the image of being from the sticks just because we’re not based in a metropolitan area.”

  “I don’t think it says that at all.”

  “Emmy, I’m concerned you may not be objective.”

  She threw her hands in the air. “That’s exactly why I asked for this meeting to compare the two. I am objective. I know I am, but I didn’t want there to be any question about it. I wasn’t planning on hiding my relationship with Jared. We met, we had a nice time together, and I like him. What happens between TCL and DenMar won’t change that, but I was afraid this would happen. I didn’t want to be seen as the emotional woman who would base a huge corporate decision on favoritism, and I was hoping that if you saw the same things I did in DenMar’s campaign, it wouldn’t be an issue.”

  “I have another hard question for you.”

  “What’s that?”

  “What about Dan Archer? I saw the way he was eyeing you up in the conference room. It was almost insulting. Did you spend time with him as well?”

  “Frank!” Emerson shot up from her chair. This was too much. She’d told him the truth, and he had the nerve to insinuate she might be fooling around with both ad men? “I think I should pretend you didn’t just say that.”

  “He whispered something to you in the hallway. He looked very friendly. A lot more so than Barton. How can I be sure you aren’t using some kind of reverse psychology to get me to go for Metro because Archer is your favorite?”

  Emerson thought she might choke on her own indignation. She’d worked for Frank for years and always thought him to be kind and intelligent. She couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. “Wow. You must think I’m some kind of Mata Hari, being able to manipulate you so successfully. Are you saying you like Metro’s ad better because of something I did or might have done outside of the office, rather than because it’s a better ad? I had no idea I was so powerful.”

  “You know what I mean, Emmy.”

  “No, I have no idea what you mean. Look, Frank, I gave this to you straight. I love DenMar’s ad. They’re spot on what we’re looking for. If you disagree, tell Mr. Todd. I respect your opinion—well, your professional opinion, which is why I wanted to hear it. Metro’s Ad is a reasonable option, but it’s not going to give us the image we really want. If you can’t respect my opinion and me enough to consider that, then I don’t belong here.”

  “All right, Emmy. I’m sorry. I was out of line. It was wrong of me to insinuate that you were trying to manipulate me.”

  “You’re damn right it was.” That comment came out before Emmy could stop it, but she didn’t care. She’d never been so angry in her life, and she’d never before considered quitting her job at TCL, but she was on the verge at this moment.

  Frank held up his hands in a gesture of surrender. “You’re right. I’m just…this is too big a decision, and if our department screws up, if Todd ends up unhappy, we’re all dead weight.”

  “I know that.”

  “Well, consider this. You’re not manipulating anyone. You’re being honest, but what about those two ad men? Metro has a bit of a reputation. They’re good, but they’ll do anything to get what they want. Dan Archer looked like he was playing you, and I don’t know about Barton, but how do you know he isn’t doing the same thing?”

  “Because I know.” How dare he try to plant a seed of doubt in her mind about Jared?

  “How do you know? You met him when? Friday night? It’s Wednesday. Are you willing to bet your career on his sincerity?”

  “Frank, I don’t like where this is going.”

  “I don’t either. I’m just saying, consider that you might be the victim of some double teaming. Dan Archer might not be above flirting with you to get you to pick his ad. Are you sure Barton is so pure?”

  Emmy whirled around and headed for the door. “I’m done for the day, Frank. I’ve got to think about just what I’m willing to bet my career on.” She flung the door open and walked out. She didn’t stop walking until she reached her car.

  * * * *

  “I just had a very interesting conversation with Frank Eckert.” The expression on Ed Reese’s face told Jared that “interesting” was not really the word he wanted to use.

  Jared leaned back in his chair. The office was nearly empty, and he’d been five minutes away from cleaning off his desk for the evening and heading home. Ed’s tone told him the day was far from over. “Let me guess, there’s bad news and there’s worse news.”

  “No news…they haven’t made their decision yet, but he wanted me to tell all my team members that he didn’t condone any kind of emotional manipulation of his employees. I had to ask him what he meant by that, because I know my people don’t do that sort of thing.”

  Jared had learned his poker face from Max. He didn’t twitch a muscle as he waited for Ed for to continue.

  “He insinuated that you might have something going on with Emerson Bartoli, his Corporate Image manager.”

  “And how does he know this?”

  “I guess she told him. So, it’s true? You’re fooling around with one of our biggest potential clients?”

  “We’ve been out to dinner.” He decided not to mention anything intimate. It was none of Ed’s business.

  “Did you think wining and dining her would help the account?”

  “No. I thought she was gorgeous and I wanted to ask her out. I know she’s above playing favorites.”

  “But it couldn’t hurt, right? Flatter her, make her laugh…”

  “Ed, I didn’t know who she was when I met her, but when we figured it out we talked about it, and she’s too much of a professional to have anything that goes on between us make a difference one way or the other.”

  Ed crossed his arms over his chest. “Look, I don’t care if you sleep with her to get the account, as long as you get the account. My problem is TCL taking us out of the running because of it.”

  Jared gaped. “They picked Metro?”

  “Not yet.” Ed leaned on Jared’s desk, an aggressive stance that got Jared’s hackles up. He didn’t like the direction the conversation was taking at all. “But if they do, it’ll be your ass on the line. Like I said, I don’t care if you have to sleep with the girl to get TCL’s business, as long as you get their business.”

  “Ed, I resent that you think I would do that. I resent you talking about Emerson that way. She’s doing her job, I’m doing mine. There’s no clause in my contract that says I can’t date anyone I please.”

  “Do whatever you have to do, Jared, but make damn sure whatever you do doesn’t cost us that account. I’d have gone to bat for you if we lost because TCL liked Metro’s ad better, but I won’t fight for your job if we lose because you were screwing around.”

  “I’m not screwing around.”

  “Well, Eckert made noises as though maybe Emerson is. He said he was also going to speak to Metro about Dan Archer. Apparently she’s got something going on with him too.”

  “That’s ridiculous.” Jared’s jaw clenched. He’d seen the intimate whisper between Emerson and Archer, but it hadn’t meant anything. She certainly wasn’t playing him and Archer against each other. He knew that.

  “It wouldn’t be the first time this sort of thing has happened—it’s a ruthless business. Look, Eckert is trying to protect his people. I’ve got to protect mine. Whatever you do, stay away from this woman until the project is awarded. Play it however you have to play it, but remember, your job is on the line here, and if we lose the campaign because she’s mad at you, or she’s screwing around with Archer, or TCL thinks someone’s playing some kind of game he
re, you’re not the only one who goes down.”

  Jared rose. Every muscle in his body was wound tighter than a spring. Part of him wanted to deck his boss, but he held back. If Ed said one more word about Emerson, though, Jared might not be able to control himself. “I did my job, Ed. I’m going to keep doing it. You should know me well enough to know I’m above all this.”

  “I want to believe that, Jared, but you said yourself, you’re seeing this girl. The two of you shouldn’t be fraternizing right now.”

  “Maybe you’re right.” Jared grabbed his coat and headed for the door.

  “I know I’m right. You know what you have to do.”

  “Yes, and I’m going to go do it.”

  Chapter Ten

  Emmy was about to dial Jared’s cell phone for the fifth time when his car pulled up in her driveway. She tossed her phone on the sofa and waited for him at the open door.

  His grim expression made her heart sink. “Sorry I didn’t pick up the phone. I was on my way over here.”

  “Don’t tell me,” she said as she stepped aside to let him in. “They picked Metro.”

  “Not yet.” He came in and sat on the edge of her couch but didn’t move to take off his coat. “Everybody is talking…your boss called my boss and reamed him out about me supposedly trying to manipulate you. He also insinuated Dan Archer was doing the same thing.”

  Emmy cursed. “Archer is— He tried to get me to go out with him, but I refused. He made eyes at me during Metro’s whole presentation.”

  “And apparently he’s talking about you too. He wants everyone to think you’re going to play favorites.”

  “Well, if I was, it wouldn’t do him any good. You’re my favorite.” She offered a half smile, but Jared wouldn’t meet her gaze. She sat down next to him. “What else is wrong?”

  “Ed Reese just told me to stay away from you until the decision is made. I could lose my job if TCL picks Metro because everyone will assume it’s because I was screwing around to get the account. Not to mention, Ed also implied maybe you were the one playing both ends…flirting with Dan to get a better deal from Metro, flirting with me for the same reason.”

  “How come you look like you aren’t a hundred percent sure that’s ridiculous?”

  Jared kept his gaze on his clasped hands.

  “You are a hundred percent sure that’s nonsense, right? Do you think I was out having sex with Dan Archer in between breakfast and dinner with you when we were in New York?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Then why do you look like that?” She put her hand on his arm. “Look at me, Jared.”

  He finally did. His eyes had darkened to brown in the dim light, and there wasn’t even the hint of his natural smile on his lips. “This is my fault. I shouldn’t have invited you to stay in my room. I did that because…I thought you were hot and I wanted to be around you.”

  “I don’t hold that against you.” She tried to inject some levity into the conversation, but her attempt fell flat.

  Jared rose and paced the living room. “No, but my boss does. This is the biggest campaign of my career, the first one I took the lead on, and if I lose the account…it’s going to be the last one. No one will ever believe that DenMar didn’t get the job because Metro was better, they’ll just assume it was because I made advances to TCL’s ad manager.”

  Emmy sighed. Wasn’t the same true for her? No matter which campaign TCL ultimately went with, there would be questions as to why. If she and Jared had to work closely together on the campaign, it would become clear fairly quickly that they were attracted to each other. She had no doubt Dan Archer wouldn’t look twice at her no matter what happened, but the insinuation would still be there. “So what are you saying? We don’t see each other?”

  “If DenMar gets the account—”

  “Then you keep your job and everything is okay, but if they don’t, then what?”

  “I’m looking for another job.”

  “No time for a girlfriend then, I suppose.”

  “You’re not my girlfriend…you’re—”

  That arrow stung. Of course he was right. They weren’t dating. So far all they’d done was have a couple of meals together and a couple of energetic sessions in bed. That really didn’t make a relationship. Emmy stood and headed for the door. “You’re right. I’m not your girlfriend. The way it looks right now, I’m your problem. So maybe you should go. Stay away from me until this all settles. I don’t want you to lose your job, Jared. You’re good at what you do. Everything you do.”

  He stood and finally met her gaze. “What’s that supposed to mean? Do you think I did manipulate you?”

  “No. You wouldn’t be here if you had. But I think you’re afraid of what everyone will say about us, and maybe you’re right to be. I know I won’t get any professional respect if it gets around that I give corporate favors in exchange for sex. And we all know that’s what everyone will say about me when this trickles down to the water cooler.”

  “You think I’m going to talk about it?”

  “You won’t have to. Dan Archer will, and it’ll get back to DenMar. You may not lose your job, but I think no matter how the decision goes, I might lose mine. So it’s probably better if we stay the hell away from each other.”


  She opened the door. “Bye, Jared. Good luck with campaign. Your presentation really was the best.”

  He headed for the door. “I’m sorry. I never thought you and me being together would cause so many problems.”

  “Well, we both made a mistake. Now all we can do is damage control.” She fixed her gaze on the streetlight down the way and made no move or sound until Jared’s car pulled out of the driveway. Then she slammed the door and collapsed on the couch in a heap.

  * * * *

  “Man, you look like hell. You don’t have that stomach flu again do you?” Max’s face appeared over the arm of the sofa where Jared lay, staring down the long neck of a beer bottle. He’d planned on getting drunk but found the task of getting up for a second drink too much to bear. He’d been on the couch, zoning out to reality TV for several hours when his roommate came home.

  “I wish I felt that good.”

  Max settled into the chair across from the sofa. “It’s got to be serious. You left your jacket on the floor. Your shoes aren’t lined up next to the door, and the bottle cap is lying on the rug. What happened to you?”

  “I broke up with Emerson.”

  “The girl from New York?”

  “She’s from…yeah. Her.”

  “Sorry. Didn’t work out, huh?”

  “I’ll never know.”

  “I can call my cousin Cassie. She could fix you up with someone.”

  “I don’t want someone. I want Emerson.” Jared sat up. His head spun a bit, not from the beer, probably from the reality TV. He felt like crap. “Tell me something. How long before you knew you were in love with Audrey?”

  Max laughed. “So you’re in love?” His blue eyes lit up at any mention of Audrey Desmond, the nurse he’d been dating for just about a month now.

  “I don’t know. Sure as hell hurts like love. How long before you knew?”

  “Five minutes. It sounds stupid, but you know the saying. She had me at hello.”

  “So you get it. I’m not just obsessed with her because we’re sleeping together. This girl…she’s something. I could lose my job over her, and I don’t care.”

  “Your job? What the hell did you do?”

  Jared explained what had been going on, leaving Max whistling and shaking his head. “I don’t see an easy way out of it. Until you know if you have the account, your hands are tied.”

  “The thing is, I don’t want her to lose her job. She didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “You know how people are. They like to believe the worst.”

  “So there’s nothing I can do? I have to let her go so a bunch of corporate idiots don’t think we somehow cheated, even though the camp
aign speaks for itself? Even if we get the account, I can’t go near her. Everyone will be wagging their heads saying I slept with her to get the account.”

  “I learned one thing from Audrey…well a lot of things, but one thing in particular. She doesn’t care what other people think. It gets her into trouble sometimes, but she’s got the moxie to handle it. My advice, don’t worry what everybody says. They’re going to find something to say no matter what. If you think you’re in love with her, don’t let her go.”

  “Too late. I just told her we shouldn’t see each other, and she agreed.”

  “Of course she agreed. She’s not going to beg you to stay with her if she thinks you don’t want to.” Max rose and collected Jared’s shoes from the corners of the living room where he’d thrown them when he came home. He pitched them at Jared’s stomach. “Pull yourself together and go back and get her. Tell her to hell with what everyone thinks of the two of you. To hell with your jobs.”

  Jared caught the shoes. He let out a pained chuckle. “And to hell with the rent! Right? We’ll live on love.” He rolled his eyes.

  “You work like a dog; someone will hire you.”

  “That’s not the point.”

  “The point is, you have to figure out if this girl is worth it. If you’re going to take the chance on her, then do it. Don’t wait around, because she won’t if she thinks you don’t really care about her.”

  Jared put his shoes on and stood up.

  “It’s the middle of the night. You’re going to go get her now?” Max asked.

  “Not yet.”

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to work.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Emmy didn’t care if everyone in the office heard her yelling. She figured they’d be talking about her anyway, so why not give them a really good show?

  Frank sat in his chair, stunned into silence, as she outlined the reasons why she was done working for TCL, the least of which was his lack of faith in her abilities.


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