Claimed by Love (A Rizer Pack Shifter Series Book 3)

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Claimed by Love (A Rizer Pack Shifter Series Book 3) Page 8

by Wilson, Amelia

  Demitrus patted Errol’s stomach where he’d punched him. “There is a silver needle in your body that is already beginning to poison you. So, you see, Errol. You’re already dead.”

  “This won’t stop me from killing you, Errol answered without any sign of fear.”

  Demitrus laughed on his way out of the tent. He turned toward the left. Errol looked out the opening of the tent at Onyx. She needed to escape. If he wasn’t strong enough to defeat Demitrus, how would he spare her from them? She did not belong with these creatures.

  I will kill Demitrus. It’s the last thing I’ll do and I don’t care. It’s worth it if it’ll rid the world of him once and for all.

  Onyx was awake and looking right at him. She had tears running down her face. Errol knew she must have seen what Demitrus did.

  Errol didn’t want her to be scared. He wanted her to be brave and to escape. He smiled at Onyx and mouthed, “I love you,” to her. She mouthed the words back.

  “Run,” He mouthed. “Go and keep going.”

  She shook her head.

  Errol wanted to argue with her but she turned her face away from him, refusing to give him another chance to tell her to go. Victor was squatting low by the post where Onyx was tied. He was tying Ian but as Errol watched him he saw Victor reach up and pull loose Onyx’s tie at her hands.

  All she had to do was pull and struggle a little and it would come free.

  Who is this guy? I like him.

  Even from this distance, Errol could see he did a half ass job of tying Ian. He was trying to give them a chance to escape. This meant that Errol needed to make sure the attention was on the fight.


  Onyx felt the bindings at her wrists loosen. She was too afraid it was an accident to make any moves while the shifter Victor was so close. As he moved away she looked back to Errol where he was tied inside the tent of Demitrus.

  She heard everything they said. Everyone did. It was a camp full of werewolves. The looks, murmurs, and signals Onyx saw getting passed along told her that Demitrus was soon to be challenged for his position of alpha.

  Not soon enough.

  They’d wait and see how he faired against Errol. Only, Errol was just poisoned with silver by Demitrus. He wouldn’t survive the battle.

  I have to wait for the right moment. I’ll jump free and rip out Demitrus’ throat.

  Errol mouthed to her, “Take Ian and go.”

  Onyx shook her head. She clenched her teeth and shook her head again when he started mouthing the same message again.

  “Trust me,” he mouthed. “Please.”

  Shit. Is this what Angeline meant when she said that I need to trust him? I’m what? Supposed to leave him to be killed by Demitrus?

  Hot tears the size of marbles rolled down her cheeks.

  The shifter meant to be watching her, Deon, turned and looked at her when she sniffed. A chuckle shook his narrow shoulders. Deon was a pack pee-on if ever there was one. If she was ready to reveal she was free, then she would shut him up herself with ease.

  “Everyone is gonna get a turn with you,” he said laughing again. He rocked from his heels to the balls of his feet and back before Callaghan knocked him to the ground.

  “You think you get a turn?” Callaghan laughed taking away the spear. “Go take my post at the borderline.”

  It was obvious Deon didn’t want to go but he wasn’t going to stand up to Callaghan.

  Damn. Now I have to get past Callaghan before I can get to Demitrus.

  Errol was waiting for Onyx when she looked his way again. “Trust me, please. Take Ian. Go.”

  More than anything else she wanted to refuse. It was like deciding not to breathe. It felt just as impossible to Onyx. She couldn’t bring herself to agree.

  Errol’s heartbeat was already beginning an erratic rhythm. He wouldn’t stand a chance against a regular shifter much less an oversized, blood-thirsty, animal like Demitrus.

  Am I supposed to trust him to last? To win and not be poisoned? How?

  “Don’t worry, Onyx. I’ll take my time with you when it’s my turn. I’ll take so long the others will get tired and leave. Okay, baby?”

  “Demitrus is going to change his mind about passing me around, Callaghan. If I were you I’d keep my drooling to a minimum,” Onyx told him, cutting her eyes to meet his.

  Callaghan scoffed. “It doesn’t much matter what he decides. I’ve seen how your head works. I know you’ve noticed the way things have changed a bit since you been gone. The seats are about to change.”

  “And who gets the coveted seat?” Onyx asked wanting to know what was in store for the world once Demitrus was cut out of the Herod pack. He was horrible, no doubt, but he was also stupid. There were some who were even worse than Demitrus who could be coveting his position.

  “That’s a matter of great debate but I know who is going to win. Stick with me, sweet puppy, I’ll take good care of you.”

  The growl that rumbled out of Errol from the tent was so wet she could hear the sound of the moisture even at this distance.

  Callaghan looked over toward Errol where he knew the warning growl had come from. “Poor bastard. I wish you didn’t have to watch him die. You want me to knock you out?”

  “No,” Onyx answered. “You all know Errol has been poisoned. Give him some of our medicine. Slow down the poison.”

  “Slow it down for what? He won’t live through this. Too many want you Onyx. You are a symbol of strength for the Herod pack. Whoever takes the seat will want you.”

  And that means no one wants Errol to survive. Shit!

  Demitrus strode up to the crowd waiting for the fight. His shirt was bulky against his skin. Onyx was certain he was packing weapons under the shirt. Whatever he could find that would give him an ounce of bravery.

  “You’re such a fucking coward,” Onyx spat as he pushed out his barrel of a chest.

  Demitrus just laughed. “Say whatever you must. Onyx, you will watch him die and you’ll know that it is your fault.”

  She tried to hold back the tears that rushed to her eyes but couldn’t. Damn him to hell, but he was right.

  Not yet, Leventh will defend him. Onyx reasoned out in her mind, doing her best to push her emotions aside. They weren’t budging. All she could think of was leaping forward and ripping out his throat.

  “No,” Errol’s voice found her ears even above all the cheering and growling from the pack. She met his blue-eyed gaze over Demitrus shoulder.

  “You are going to be the known as the wolf claimed by the Herod pack after this. The Herod slut,” Demitrus threatened trying to cut her view away from Errol’s.

  “That won’t matter. I’ve never been claimed by anyone accept Errol. You tried for years. I never submitted to you, and I won’t to anyone else either. He claimed me with his love a long time ago. I am forever Errol’s and his alone.”

  Demitrus laughed loudly in her face as though that would erase the memory of what she’d just revealed to his pack. Making him look twice as weak as he did before now they knew he’d never been able to make his mate submit. “You underestimate the stamina of the Herod pack.”

  “But I don’t underestimate you. You’re nothing to worry about,” Onyx verbally lashed him.

  Demitrus smiled when Onyx braced for his strike. “I’m not going to hit you here,” he said running his hand over Onyx’s face. “I’ll hit you there,” he said pointing at Errol. “the only place you seem to have a soft spot. It’ll break you when he’s dead.”

  Errol mouthed it again. “Trust me.”

  Onyx felt her lip trembling even as she struggled to remain in control. Demitrus leaned in to get a better look at her trembling lip.

  He’s close. I could kill him right now. But, she said to trust Errol. Shit.

  She stopped trying to fight her trembling lip and the tears that were flowing. It was too good an opportunity, she couldn’t just pass it up.

  Just as Onyx prepared to launch forward
, a werewolf new to the pack from the last pack Demitrus ravaged launched at Demitrus’ throat but before he made contact a shot rang out and he dropped.

  Demitrus looked down at the werewolf who was convulsing, dying from silver poisoning. Everyone looked around trying to locate where the shot came from as Demitrus clapped his hands.

  “I have a protector, he says that you plan to overthrow me, your alpha,” Demitrus laughed. “I will not be replaced. Anyone who tries to kill me outside the ring of battle will be killed. So, if you want my seat, bitches, you’ll have to challenge me for it.”

  He strode to the center of the camp that he always referred to as, the ring.

  Yeah right. If it looked as though he were losing, whoever his gunman was would shoot the opponent. Dammit.

  Errol was untied. His face was wet with sweat. Onyx could hear his heart beat fighting to right its pace. The pallor of his skin was already so pale.

  “I love you,” he said with a smile and sincerity in his eyes as he looked at Onyx across the crowd. “Forever. Trust me.”

  “I love you too,” Onyx said ignoring the jeers and chanting for the fight to begin.

  Errol was shoved into the ring, and their eye contact was broken. Onyx held her breath. She knew what he wanted her to do and still didn’t know how she was going to do as he asked. She watched him sizing up Demitrus who stood a foot taller and two feet wider than Errol.

  Demitrus rolled his shoulders and cracked his neck. “You’re too weak to shift so we’ll fight as humans.”

  “You probably can’t shift after having that silver shank shoved up your ass,” Errol said smiling, his lips as white as the rest of his face.

  Demitrus lunged toward Errol catching him in the stomach where he’d poisoned him with the silver. Errol took the hit, opting not to block so that he could rip off the shirt Demitrus was wearing.

  The armor below the shirt was revealed and the Herod pack began to laugh at its alpha. Demitrus roared his rage stripping away the armor as if that would undo what they’d already seen.

  If she was going to leave, it was the opportune time.

  Onyx pulled her hands-free and bent to untie her legs.

  “Hey, what the hell?” Callaghan took hold of her hair and pulled her back up.

  Onyx jabbed him in the throat to shut him up as she kicked her legs free. When he grabbed at his throat trying to get a breath Onyx grabbed the pole behind her head and jumped up wrapping her legs around Callaghan’s throat.

  Gripping him tightly with her legs she pinned his hands at his neck and cut off his air. He tried to struggle. Callaghan dropped to his knees and she took him all the way the ground. He wouldn’t die from being choked, he’d have to have his neck broken to die.

  The crowd reacted to something happening in the ring and from the sound of the growl, Onyx knew that Demitrus had broken his own rule and shifted.

  “What’s going on?” Ian’s voice was weak, barely audible. “Onyx? Where is he?”

  Bending down she found Ian’s bindings already loose.


  She spotted him moving through the camp. He was searching for the gunmen, he had to be.

  Onyx helped Ian get to his feet. “Be silent,” she whispered as quietly as she could. Onyx wanted to tell him to go, run and get to safety but he couldn’t even stand on his own. If she was going to save Ian, like Errol asked her to, then she was going to have to leave Errol.

  The smell of fresh blood filled the air as the crowd reacted again.

  Angeline, how can this be the right thing to do?

  She braced Ian and helped him walk with her away from the fight. The more he walked the more he seemed to gain back more of his own strength. When they reached the forest line Ian was carrying his own weight but he still needed Onyx to keep him from falling.

  They picked up their pace whenever they could. The sound of fighting was still filling her ears. When an outcry, Onyx recognized as Errol’s sounded, both she and Ian froze.

  Is he dead? No, please don’t take him from me.

  Onyx raced up the hill in front of them and climbed up onto the arch formed in the rock. She sucked in a breath and howled as loud as she could. It was dangerous to herself and Ian but if the Rizer pack was close enough to hear her, then she was bringing help.

  Ian joined her howl, confirming that he too felt the risk was worth the cry for help.

  “Some of the Herod pack is coming,” Ian warned. “I can’t shift.”

  If Errol is dead I don’t want to fight anymore.

  Onyx climbed down off the rock landing next to Ian. He looked so much like Errol and it made her heart ache. Errol would want Ian to live. So, she would protect him and she would trust Errol.

  I trust you. Be alive, Errol



  Demitrus began to shift.

  Errol raced toward him knowing if Demitrus fully shifted, Errol wouldn’t stand a chance. Wrapping both hands around his muzzle he squeezed with all his might.

  The alpha demon stopped mid shift letting out a growl that shook the ground. He clawed into Errol’s stomach to get him off and keep him from breaking the bones in his muzzle.

  Errol felt the rush of hot blood running down his stomach before he felt the pain. He refused to let go, knowing if he broke the muzzle he’d render Demitrus nearly harmless.

  “He’s going to have his guts spilled out if he keeps holding him like that,” one of the Herod pack yelled to another.

  Errol hooked the leg of Demitrus and pulled forward with his foot. Demitrus tipped backward onto the floor. Errol tried again for a break but his strength was waning.

  Demitrus kicked Errol in the chest, launching him a half dozen yards before he landed. The fast feet coming from behind him told him that Demitrus was in a hurry to end him.

  Rolling over several times to gain a bit more distance, Errol made it to his knees before Demitrus reached him. Demitrus’ head was all wolf. His shoulders were human but oversized as was his chest and legs. His feet and hands were covered in his dirty fur, his black claws extended.

  Picking up the breastplate Demitrus shed earlier he blocked Demitrus’ attack to the face and neck. Demitrus took him to the ground, his claws raking over the metal and denting it with each stroke.

  The Herod pack was yelling and he couldn’t hear if Onyx and Ian were still there or if Onyx listened to him and fled.

  Errol cried out as the breastplate shifted under Demitrus’ weight and his claws caught Errol in the same place on his stomach.

  Demitrus cried out, launching off of Errol as though he’d been burned.

  Pushing the breastplate off Errol sat up looking down at his stomach. The silver needle was sticking out of the wound.

  Demitrus charged at Errol as he reached for the silver that would burn him to touch like picking up a red-hot iron that was still being heated by a blow torch. He pinched his fingers together over the needle and the pain was so severe that his fingers released it before he could really get a grip on it.

  Demitrus kicked him in the face sending Errol flying and landing on his stomach. The pack roared a mixture of cheers and boos.

  Errol was temporarily blinded, seeing only white sky. Blood filled his mouth and drained out the side like running water. Demitrus had cut his lip open with his foot claw.

  Demitrus came for him again. This time, Errol caught his foot and jerked it forward punching Demitrus between the legs. He grunted and fell onto his knee as he foamed and spat at Errol while clutching his crotch.

  Errol stood up taking a knife off one of the Herod. No one tried to stop him, in fact, the cheering grew louder. They believed he was going to use the weapon on Demitrus.

  Running at Demitrus Errol kicked him in the face sending him backward.

  Demitrus rolled to get up as Errol stuck the blade of the knife into his stomach just past the silver needle. The crowd went silent watching Errol as the blade made contact with the silver and began to burn his ha

  Errol jerked the handle of the blade closer to his stomach forcing the silver needle to rip through the skin that held it. The agonized scream was impossible to contain as the needle ripped through the last few layers and fell onto the floor.

  Dizziness swam through his head as he pulled out the knife. The poison was still in his system but he’d just bought himself more time.

  I only needed a little more time.

  Errol listened to the sound of Demitrus rushing at him and he spun with the knife at a thirty-degree angle. It cut through Demitrus’ throat stopping him as the shock of what had just happened froze his muscles.

  He clutched at his bleeding neck.

  It wasn’t a fatal blow, not yet.

  “You’ve had this coming for a long time,” Errol said on another wave of dizziness. “You’ll never hurt Onyx again.” Knocking Demitrus to his knees Errol swung sharp knife opening up the back of his neck.

  Demitrus sputtered tipping to the side as he tried to get air.

  “You said your pack gets dinner early tonight, right? I wouldn’t want your last promise to them be a lie.” Errol stumbled backward a few steps and gestured to Demitrus.

  The pack surged forward as gunshots fired. Errol felt a silver bullet graze past his ear as he tipped onto his back. He was losing too much blood.

  Errol rolled under the tent nearest him as the darkness of sleep dropped like a curtain.


  Deon was the first out of the woods. He had two others with him, all three gray wolves. Onyx snarled at them in her black werewolf form.

  Her spirit wolf was ready to tear them to shreds. Her instincts were to go for the other female first.

  Onyx trusted her wolf to fight and let her lead them both into the fight. The female werewolf was fast, and she was bloodthirsty. She could smell Ian and she wanted him.

  Onyx went for her throat and missed, her jaws clamping down like an empty bear trap in the air. The two males came after her at the same time. Onyx caught Deon and ripped open his shoulder with her teeth.


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